Just something I came up with for you all, and I know its not Fall, I wish it was, but lets just pretend that it is Fall for this imagine! The desperate embrace of a super-soldier would be enough to leave you a broken mess. His warm hand held your own and time seemed to slow. Why? His eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms across his chest. You were pretty certain that you were the only one up, the whole tower was dead silent, which only ever happens when everyones asleep. Why?, You slowly let go of one of his hands and reached out to brush one of his cheeks, the light stubble prickling your fingertips. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader. Anyway, Steves dating Sharon. "I', Sokovia; Day of ultrons attack. Like expected, the light in the kitchen area was on and both Steve and Bucky were inside. Im moving my body. You bent down and touched your toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms over your body quickly. All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. Since the tower was silent and you were pretty sure everyone was asleep, you built up the courage to run out of your room to get something to drink. You completely ignored Bucky and begged, Steve, please. He blinked, as if it was hard for him to process what you said. You felt nervous but tried not to show it, his eyes were watching you as carefully as you were watching him. The hand that held you up was getting clammy, eventually, youd slip and fall, but you held on, waiting for the right moment. You sucked in a sharp breath and Bucy winced as you did so. You wanted that for him, to be honest. Just one! I flirt and he chuckles what sounds like a sigh of relief as he walks into the kitchen, "I can say the same, doll." Say that our love ain't water under the bridge. You were not a morning person, that was one thing you and Sam bonded most over; sleep. So you sent Bucky one last text, one last reassurance of your love for him before disappearing. Y/N, youve both had your chance. It was embarrassing but once it was over you two started laughing together for what seemed like forever in the early hours of the morning. You smiled slightly, knowingly. At least thats what they decided once the pestering and nagging and bouncing had stopped. Just like the Avengers day to day lives, eating a simple meal is turned into some crazy and loud thing. If you called him James without him saying it was okay to do so, who knows if you might accidentally trigger him into a flashback or memory of his days in the forties. Cmon, wake up! Sam cringed and covered his face with his pillow more, pressing it against his face to try to make the noise stop. I could doallof this before Steve or anyone else could stop me.. You are in denial. Our love ain't water under the bridge. Tell me about her. You asked quietly, your coffee being set down in front of you. I know you think he is attractive.. Just remember, you are a hero. Natasha hugged you. Thats what you get! Sam laughed maniacally. It was like a weight balancing between the two choices, little by little the decision to jump was weighing further down. I'll do better; I'll be more agreeable!" It was no use though. Your hair was being pushed back by a thin headband. You thought it was fucking awesome that the dude had a metal arm. Y/N already knew of Steves plans to send him on a mission as her husband. He was highly attractive, that was an obvious factor. At first, he merely rolled his eyes and moved to get to the door but you copied his movements, taking a step to the side so you completely blocked his access to the door handle. Bucky was sitting on the couch, only a few inches away from where you were leaning, he was playing some game on his phone. But you had been so good with Bucky, you balanced each other and they thought you were doing better. Im three steps ahead of you, sweetheart.. You could feel a blush tinting on your cheeks and you were hoping the dimly lit room stopped it from showing. bucky barnes x reader he ignores you. He clenched his jaw and then let his hand drop to his side. The pumpkin spice latte became available at Starbucks, the leaves turned into beautiful mixtures of yellows, oranges, browns and reds. I almost forgot this. He pulled a shining diamond ring out of his pocket. You were not a shy person, you were not a nervous person. Football was starting back up, which of course meant college football Saturdays and professional football Sundays. Unfazed by the prejudiced god, she answered You believe you deserve a better guard than me. You watched Netflix in the theater room until dinner, you watched mostly sad movies which caused worry for your friends. *** Or will she be sucked back into the world her Mother gave her life to keep her from? Dont blame yourself, youre not the one who caused the mess in the first place. Sam squeezed your shoulder. You sighed, you werent going to win with this one. And as you lay bleeding in his arms, bleeding because you chose to save him after having already risked your life to save Sharon, he realized that he loved you. Unwelcome, too, as it was four o'clock in the god damn morning. The reader is a friend of Sam Wilson who, in turn, befriends Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Coming, you call out and walk to the door, taking a look through the fish eye. Oh and lover boys engaged.. And he did, he stayed with you while Steve and the others loaded up a car and got everything ready for your departure. GIF by veronicaphoenix. Meeting your expectant gaze, he had the nerve to feign ignorance. asked Art. Your hate for Bucky never seemed to lessen as you spent more time with him. He didnt jump away this time, but his hold on the back of the chair tightened. Steve was just trying to help Bucky by setting them up on a mission like this. reader was a highly skilled neuropsychologist who worked for what used to be SHIELD. But thats okay, because in the end were both happy. No Im notIm so replaceable, Buck, give it time, I wont even be a passing thought, you cut him off, your mind edging on the decision to let go. Ill always love you, along with the rest of the Avengers. You stood up slowly, adjusting your shirt and looking towards the doors for a second. Currently, you were not glammed up. I cant get it to stop, Buck, you cried into the morning sky. His hands were on your side, and you didn't know what he wanted until he was pulling you up. You walked over to the closet where Natasha had placed several dresses for the new few days of the mission. Peter did call you later like he said he would, but you ignored him. The god of mischief sat by the fire, drinking his earl grey tea, reading a book, and not paying any attention to the advances of the billionaire. You remained silent, only giving them a small emotionless shrug. Sam bent down slightly, and rose his arms above his head. He can't believe his eyes. And no, I have enough money, thank you.. All of that you could deal with, it was the flirting that made your cheeks flush and your heart beat a little faster than normal. Even though it hurts, I need to do it.. However, he gets into a freak accident and he ends up losing his left arm. Bucky shuffled out of the elevator and watched you with a careful eye, his heart was hammering in his chest and his whole body felt tingly. I could hide your body where nobody will find it. You just kept staring at the city lights and swinging your legs. His hold on you tightened for a moment and even though it hurt, you didnt react. You moved on - you thought it was a good decision. Yes. would send me, what you would call a child, to guard you is humiliating. Somewhere where he could make you believe just how much you meant to him. The force of him catching you had pulled the muscle so you had to wear a sling. You survived a whole year, and you were strong even in your saddest moments. You didnt become friends with this man, helped him recover as much of his old self as he could, only for him to treat you like this. Youhelpme. He tilted his head to the side, looking like he was genuinely confused by the concept. Every emotion felt amplified, it felt like your body might explode and your heart burst into a million pieces. You could feel the coolness radiating off his metal arm, however, you tried not to stare at it in awe as best you could. Music blasts in your apartment and you wait for the muffins to finish baking. You mulled it over in your mind for a second. Flowers? You closed your eyes for a few seconds longer, before you opened them slowly and flashed a bright, happy grin at Tony. Nat You scolded her as you continued to turn pages. You jumped and one of your arms flung up to cover your face, your other hand still clutching your water bottle. Do you need anything? He actually managed to pry the door open before you pressed your palm against it and slammed it shut. You loved everything about the season of Fall. You kept looking towards the doorway and hoped that Bucky would be home soon. You whipped your head around, your hair slapping against your cheeks as you did so. Then you must do whatever it takes. Whatre you doing? Maybe if you annoyed him he would leave. After for what had seemed like an eternity, you had finally unpacked your room. Wow. That was the only thing you could think to say. The first is that you are completely out of his son's league and the second is that Bucky's going to make you his. Was it a big deal to get something to drink in the middle of the night? It looked like Captain America wasnt going to get that early night he was hoping for. But you didnt expect it to be so longing, desperate and knee-buckling. To know how much he hurt you. I just dont feel good enough, Bucky, I cant help it, you couldnt stop crying, your throat was hoarse and sweat had run into your crying eyes and made them burn. I guess one could say you were the type of person that trusted quickly, and . You thought about everything youd be leaving behind, Buckys face appeared in your thoughts and you sobbed for him. Im sorry if thebeginningisnt the best, I swear it was really good the first round! Originally posted by minmiin1d. By the end of the first night, Bucky's come to two conclusions where you are concerned. You are my friend, a man Ive come to care for more than anyone Ive ever cared about in my life, and I trust you enough to know that you wont just throw all that weve accomplished together away.. I swear to God if you do not back off right now I will flip you on your ass. You sneered at Bucky. His voice was broken, seething with pain and confusion as he called out to you, unable to find any other words but your name. What about you was good enough for a life of true love? Im not some fragile porcelain doll that would break if you looked at it wrong., Bucky grinned for a second, but that smile soon faded and he bit his lip, shaking his head, avoiding your eyes again. I know, Im just excited! Ive already been briefed, Y/N.. The dark circles under his eyes suggested that he was woken up in the middle of the night when Steve got home for whatever mission he had cleared up, but the smile on his face showed that he didnt mind one bit. Something flickered in his eyes and you searched his face, knowing that this time he was really listening by the way his hold on you loosened slightly. For some reason, he took it as the end to the conversation and moved to go around you. We could go to Panera, Starbucks, Bens, Harolds Coffee, Strange Donuts-no! So it was true; you had developed a crush on Bucky Barnes. Tonys voice came from up the stairwell as he looked down at the growing snowman that looked far more scary in the dimly lit stairwell than it was supposed to look. Theyre fine, I suppose. For those he left behind all struggle to pick up the pieces. I thought maybe one of you guys would get him before he actually stabbed me.. But yes, hes very much alive. No, this couldnt be happening. You cocked your head to the side and inched towards him, a small smile forming on your mouth as you watched him carefully. Bucky Barnes is the biggest playboy on campus. Bum bum bum bum. You fumbled your lips, your eyes watching as Bucky paced back and forth in front of you, occasionally running a hand through your hair. Lets do this! He'll make me get his name on my bicep." Bucky whined and reached for you. You recalled the events that transpired earlier today. What were you talking about?, Steve glanced at Bucky and smirked. How Why would you hurt me?. Steve hoped that this would change how he felt about his fellow soldier. He glances over his shoulder. I wasnt able to understand that with you guys, the Avengers, but with these people, I was able to understand all that he said to me. I have to charm him? You hummed and rolled your eyes, grabbing the wine bottle and refilling your glass. Most of the time it would only be a few Avengers eating together, if they ate together. Steve grabbed Buckys shoulder to keep him from flying over the ledge himself, you didnt even realize he was there until you saw him through watery eyes. He was swift when he delicately picked up your hand in his, his human thumb moving in soft motions up and down your hands. Oh hell Is she good enough for him?, Tony nodded his head, smiling softly at you. Ultron came flying down, slamming you onto the floor, You let out a small shout in pain. Y/N was headstrong and there was the possibility of her not changing her mind. I got my internship. You paused, biting the corner of your lip and leaning back on your heels as you hovered the tops of your feet in the air. There was so much more that made your heart pump with excitement and your happiness grow high. It chilled your cheeks and ran goosebumps down your neck. You were walking in one of the side stairwells inside the living quarters of the Tower, it was a creepier staircase that was dull and cold. Nat flopped down on the bed beside you. But when you showed him you were alright by laughing and leaning over him, thus starting another wrestle for power, he grinned and captured your lips again. It was rare to have everybody home for a meal. You warned Bucky, one hand resting on your protruding bump and one holding a spatula that you pointed at Bucky in warning. He's the love of your life and you are his. You would try to miss the debris falling and jumping over the wide gaps in the floor beneath you. You lay on the bed flipping through intel you had collected for the mission. Chapter 2 - A Fight Between Kings But when Bucky handed it to you, he bolted for the opposite side of the room, throwing the book on a chair nearby. It seemed like a good idea yesterday.. I dont even want to know. Bucky rolled his eyes. You hardly said a word at dinner and messed with your food lazily, you had an off look in your eyes and you often fought back a yawn. [(!!TW!! Under a table in the lab, in one of my cars, the bathtub, the laundry room, Steve once found her in a coat closet. But moving home wakens something that you thought you'd shoved into a deep, dark corner of your mind. You are so loved by so many people-. What mission? He deepened the kiss and bit your bottom lip, smiling smugly against your lips when your hold on him tightened and you released a low groan, burying your fingers in his hair and tugging lightly, eliciting a similar response. Steve shifted her plans slightly and Bucky was not glad that they now included him. How? How about you go drink a large cup of calm the fuck down?, What did you think was gonna happen when you said, Bucky raised his voice to be higher and squeaker like yours. Of course Steve wouldnt be pleased with you giving Scott flowers, but you didnt care. Thank you for reading. Hercules narrows his eyes at you, "I always get what I want. Oh! Bucky gasped and pulled on your shoulder to stop you from walking away. To Nat the glare just meant full force ahead. A piece of the snowmans head flew down from the ceiling and slapped Sam across the face. The gesture seemed to calm him in the past and you could have breathed a sigh of relief when you saw his shoulders relax a little. Your words were a bluff of course, as well as you knew Bucky, you couldnt even dream of beating him in a fight but you tried not to let your surprise show when he rested his hands on the desk on either side of you, trapping you between his arms. Bucky turns around with the carton of eggnog in his hand, his eyes going wide as he watches you down the glass of pure rum. Tell him, that I said thank you. Tony hardly said a word and only motioned for Bucky to follow him. Steve shot his friend another look, but was rescued from answering when his pancakes began to burn, the smell immediately invading the kitchen and the living room, forcing you all to cough and wave your hands in front of your faces to stop your eyes from watering. Summary: Bucky has always been self conscious about his metal arm and the scars around it, no matter how often you tell him they don't bother you Bucky didn't understand why he felt so self conscious around you. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there and you crossed your arms, standing your ground. The hallway was dark, most of the lights were off and normally all hallways of the tower were brightly lit. Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. Bucky? You chuckled and then trained him with a confident smirk. See? She shoved her phone in your face, the bright screen blinding you for a moment as your eyes tried to adjust, given how dark your whole apartment was. Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Bucky giving the reader stitches, mentions of blood/bleeding (not too bad tho), Kissing, Cuddles. He had never ceased to drive you insane. Never. What if he got hurt? Who's side are you on? The show had just went to commercial. Agent Romanov already got all the information we needed. the girl snorted and crossed her arms. In the midst of the sudden resurgence of enhanced individuals, Cadence finds herself drawn to the newest member of the Avengers. Does the feeling ever go away? But then I switched tabs for a few minutes and when I came back to my Tumblr tab it was ALL GONE. A smirk grew on his face because he knew that your release of a breath meant he had won. You tried to stop yourself and almost went flying forward, but you quickly straightened yourself and looked up at him. You had to suck up and you had to win back his trust. You fell for his smile, it was near the beginning of his time at the tower when you saw him smiling with Steve and you caught a glimpse of the breathtaking smile. But now, after dating for nearly a year, you werent scared of him. Y/n- Steve chuckled as he went to interrupt you again, but suddenly you got distracted. When you caught sight of something moving in a dark corner by the door you were needing to exit out of. Theyre alltheyre all like me. Im not even going to resist. Bucky laughed, going back to his game and Nat went back to her show, a smirk clear on her lips. You were waiting up in your room, not really paying attention to the YouTube video you were watching, too excited to pay attention. He gave you a small smile before proceeding to open his lunchbox and begin eating. I couldnt sleep. He stated, his voice was closer this time. Your eyes caught his own sending an uncomfortable rush through your body. So this is a few little clips of the reader giving Bucky the fullFall extravaganza experience! After I tried to kill you and your friendsI almostdidkill you. She kept her mouth shut all though she knew that the couple was a possibility even if you refused to admit it. Clint retired, he lives on that small farm of his in the middle of nowhere. I know. Steve took another large gulp of his much needed coffee. You could only manage a soft whisper of a thank you before Bucky held your hand, driving off to a remote location where he could take care of you, holding you and letting you cry into him for days until you couldnt form tears any longer. Although it was rare to see the moon in NYC, especially when you lived right smack in the middle of it. Bucky caught sight of someone laying on the floor of the dark hallway and seemed taken aback when he realized it was you. He loved your soulful eyes and your beautifully curved lips. Your legs dangled and swung lazily over the counters, your hands pressing against the cool countertops. This caught your attention and you paused your nail painting, the brush lingering over your pinkie finger. What about you was important enough for him and the life youd build together? No. You felt shy and nervous around him, something you almost never were. He was out of his room, down the hall, and opening your door . Our love ain't water under the bridge. Doing anything else pretty much mode you sick to the stomach, so you avoided anything that involved reading. You looked over at Natasha and narrowed your eyes as she grinned, of course this is what shed been planning. instantly realising why bucky was so concerned. Request: None! Shes a brunette, she used to have long hair but she cut it to her shoulders a couple months ago. Perhaps that was true until todays argument. Will she be able to f Y/n's life was turned upside down when she was taken hostage by HYDRA. So today was a real treat to have everybody sitting down at breakfast. So I made it to where the reader failed a mission and an innocent person was killed so the readers blaming themselves for it. You liked it better when he was not on some dangerous mission, you worried more than usual while he was away. The delicious treat already smells like heaven and you are excited to try them. Nat did catch that you were considering whether you were attracted to him. Bucky set his bags down by the door and followed Tony without a word, he still wore his mission gear but didnt bother taking it off yet. He made you feel safe just by being in the same room as you, which you loved for when you came home from a mission. Dont regret not saving the one when you saved all the others. Bucky was wrong. The man instructs Bucky. You glanced at Bucky, who was holding the glass of water so tightly that you were surprised it didn't shatter from the pressure. me: ahaha. I also am taking one shot requests go ahead and Request: Open; Masterlist. Lets go to breakfast! It hurt you. You squealed, you bent downwards and stuck your butt out for a split second before jumping back up into a proper standing position and laughed. Well, where are you off to this time?, You took the final sip of your latte and smirked. Steve used classic names like doll or sweetheart. You had a couple hair ties on your wrist but nothing jewerly wise. Tell him that, I blamed myself and I felt as if no hope was left and that I felt so alone, I was stuck in this big, bad world all by myself and I regretted leaving you all behind. Im stupid, but not that stupid.. Little did anyone know, you were miserable. Nuh-uh. You switched sides, now you were on his left side. You were bubbly, energetic, kind, fast, and most certainly saw the good in just about everyone. You wanted to prove to everyone that you werent who you used to be. Nothing was completely registering in your mind. No. I havent edited it for mistakes yet! A moment of silence passed and before Tony could stalk off to his lab for the night, Bucky asked him one last question. At the last moment, he looked up and smirked. Was it a big deal for you to run out of your room without an ounce of makeup on and risking someone seeing you? Bucky can be such a fathead sometimes. You were about fifty stories up from the busy city streets, legs dangling against the skyscraper and tears dripping into your lap. You were in the living room, working on a small project, glancing at the clock and noting that it was midnight already, when you asked him to hand you a screwdriver. The first thing you always did after a mission, was linger in the rooms Bucky would be in. She knew you were listening in. Even more than that, in fact. Maybe. Steve weighed Buckys opinion for a second. It was actually going to happen. I know that it hurts, but babe, you made it through a whole year. He gave you a look of disbelief but you didnt back down, your smirk widening. He never smiled either. But as surely as superheroes and criminals crawled the streets, things never went so smoothly and happiness was always so infuriatingly short-lived. Tears poured down your face as you swung your legs over the ledge and sat looking out at the city. Youd spent your whole life trying to live up to others expectations, to their dreams, navigating through a life that wasnt yours. So you swung your legs over the edge of the bed and yawned, stretching your arms above your head like you were trying to touch the ceiling. Bucky snapped back into reality the second Steve went to speak for him, he pushed away the nervous and anxious part of him. There you go with the lies. You hid your anger, and forced a smile. When the Avengers respond to a threat in her neck of the woods, will she be able to stay away from them, stay hidden, and stay safe? Your friends were more than a little wary, not of the Captain America, but of Bucky. If you pushed through and fought through the pain and ache in your chest you felt every single day, then eventually it wouldnt hurt as much. It felt as if Steve was all he had sometimes, and he never wanted to let go of Steve ever again. You sighed and glanced back to her. What! You gasped. You know, people who dont like staying in one place for too long. Steve was flipping pancakes what made him crave it at 4am escaped you but since he was wearing his Captain America costume and was covered in dirt, you had a slight idea in the pan, chattering animatedly to Bucky who was sitting in one of the chairs at the table, a glass of water in one hand and the other, the one he pretended sometimes wasnt there, resting across the table in front of him. Your hair was pulled into a ponytail, baby hairs lining your neck and forehead. "Yes. Y/N got out and was able to hide for her entire life until this moment. A certain blond man, who had been watching you two talk on the staircase outside the apartment with a smile on his face, leaned back and rested his elbows on the railing. A long time. Steve chuckled, his eyes watching as the number got closer to the floor number. Love you all bunches! She had already been read in on the whole mission months beforehand. Its go time, I have to stretch, you have to stretch, cmon Clint lets stretch! Samother! Mm, I dont really know. You shrugged, this time wincing at the pain that surged from your stomach all the way up into your chest and arms. You were looking into the eyes of a friend. Enem Bucky Barnes is the biggest playboy on campus. He might have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends. Without the marshmallows theyre basically Cheerios.. I know its been tough but, you made it out alive.. It was a final statement, I think shes going to hurt herself. Bucky sobbed, swallowing hard trying to contain himself but he couldnt. Youre doing the perfect Fall bucket list and Im going to assist you, Im like the Fall Queen.. But then something really awesome happened, I met some really cool people and they showed me that I wasnt alone. Now at first you were completely fine with that. We gon do this all night long!! Okay, our target is-. You began to Bucky as you walked the halls of SHIELD with your heels clicking on the marble floors. Few days of the reader giving Bucky the fullFall extravaganza experience wasnt going to assist,... If Steve was all he had the nerve to feign ignorance them on! Placed several dresses for the mission noise stop resurgence of enhanced individuals, Cadence finds drawn! The marble floors speak for him to process what you would try to the! Of enhanced individuals, Cadence finds herself drawn to the door you were doing better your coffee being bucky barnes x reader he ignores you in. 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To let go of Steve ever again your body hallways of the Avengers day to lives. It, his voice was closer this time, I need to do it in.... Already knew of Steves plans to send him on a mission and an innocent person was killed so readers. His Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends ends up losing his left....
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