In my opinion, animal testing should not be banned because using animals for experiments is cheaper and there is no way to simulate human pregnancy. Animals are not people! Should animal testing be banned? The methods are also not hindered by challenges related to species differences present in animal testing. Birds and fish are also used for specific experiments. The transfer of treatment methods is relatively easy since methods practiced in human medicine were developed through animal testing. People who spend time with animals know that they experience the same range of emotions as people. They often fail to predict how substances interact with humans leading, sometimes, to tragic results when these products are cleared for clinical testing. The people who work in these laboratories are not automatons, they are living breathing human beings who go home to their families at the end of the day and who may even have pets of their own yet they are debased, made to behave in a manner that is less than desirable by the system in which they are forced to work to make their living. It is not just Christianity which requires us to have regard to the welfare of animals – it is an important tenet of Hinduism and Buddhism (and many other religions as well). The techniques are also relevant to human health. Other people feel, very strongly, that there is no possible justification for the suffering caused by animal testing and that it is, in any event, an outdated and inaccurate method of evaluating drugs for human use. In one well publicized case genetically modified mice were used to test potential cures for ALS (with some success) only for it to be discovered that the researchers had been concentrating on the wrong genetic mutation. Growing public opposition to the practice has, however, forced some governments to give statements on the practice. Animal testing should be banned because it may cause researchers to believe that dangerous substances are safe. Potential drugs may be abandoned due to tests that do not apply to humans. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021, Animal Testing Should Be Banned: Arguments For And Against, Is Keeping Wild Animals In Zoos Unethical? For many industries, animals are disposable assets that they need to use in order to pass certain regulations. Reduction refers to the use of a minimal number of animals to obtain maximum data or information. Animal testing should be banned because it is so expensive. In order for animal based research to be of any benefit it should comply with the rigorous standards expected of scientific studies. Not only that but while they are similar to us, sharing a large percentage of our DNA we are not, as a professor at Johns Hopkins University is fond of saying ‘70kg rats’. The only way of establishing this would be in vitro testing on human tissue. The chances are that we or the people we love will need medical treatment at least once in our lives and we will hope that the products are safe for human use. Support List Land! The principle of transferability also works in reverse. Posted By Patrick on 24th August 2017 . Animal testing is just a waste of money and time because sometimes the test is not useful. Should Dogs Be Banned In Cities? Animals used in research are mainly small mammals such as guinea pigs, mice, rats, and rabbits. Animal testing is more expensive and is a waste of money. “We have some of the best scientific minds in this country, and they are all working on these amazing alternatives. Both basic research and translational and applied research are interconnected. many diseases occur, The U.S. should be a trendsetter, not a trendfollower on this issue.” The practice is regulated to varying degrees in different countries. “We should be leading the movement,” says Vicki Katrinak, program manager for animal research issues at the HSUS. In this essay, I will highlight both sides of the argument giving equal weight to each, in an attempt to address some of the issues arising from this topical subject. This question has always been highly debated and has periodically been in the headlines of tabloid newspapers due to its controversial nature. Russel and Burch introduced the three Rs principle in 1959 as a guide for animal experimentation. The sad thing is that we can cure many of these diseases in animals. The disorder can be treated for hemophilia based on gene therapy developed for humans. The mouse genome was decoded a few years ago and is relatively simple to manipulate from a technical standpoint, which makes mice the essential test subjects as they offer researchers insight into the genetic foundations of life processes and diseases. Fundamentally, animal testing should not be banned because there are possibilities of future cures being unearthed, the procedure is safe for humans, and the results have been more precise. About 23.7% of animals are used for safety checks, toxicology tests, and quality tests to ensure safety for drugs that come into contact with humans. Without the required regulations from regulators, they won’t be … More recently in January 2016 a man died in a French drugs trial. Over 10,000 babies were born with heartbreaking defects, mostly a malformation and underdevelopment of their limbs and many others miscarried or were stillborn. Molecular genetics can prove that all organisms on earth have the same origin. According to PETA, animal testing isn’t just ethically wrong, but also very wasteful. Share on facebook. The results of animal testing simply do not translate from animal to human very well. Focusing on animal testing may result in missing out on important drug discoveries. One of the drugs used to treat organ transplant patients almost did not make it to clinical trial because it did not do well during animal testing. Both of them make up 43% of the total expenditure for medical research. As you can see from point 10 (above) many animal testing facilities give little care or thought to the way in which animals used for testing are treated. Animal testing should be banned. This is much cheaper than animal testing and much more accurate as it shows how a drug interacts with human as opposed to animal cells. Poisoning, shocking, burning, and killing animals is all in a day’s work for vivisectors. At the end of the Second World War it was discovered that the Nazis had used Jews and other people that they regarded as ‘subhuman’ for medical testing. Viable alternative exists and animal testing is not needed and should be banned. Organ-on-chip technology has also been developed. Animals should be treated with … While we would in no way want to conflate the suffering of animals in test laboratories with the horrors of the holocaust – a planned genocide – it cannot be denied that animals used in labs do suffer. At first glance the Animal Welfare Act looks as though it would provide good protection in that it sets out minimum standards of accommodation and access to water as well as access to pain relief. Why Animal Testing Should be Banned Today. As we have seen (above) animal tests are not a reliable indicator that drugs will be effective on humans. The problems work both ways; just as some drugs work in animals but fail to live up to expectations in clinical trials so some drugs that work in humans have little discernible effect on animals or even appear dangerous leading to nasty side effects in the animal hosts that might not transfer to their human equivalents. In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering to the experimental animals, and other means of testing product toxicity are available. The end result is that an animal trial can cost up to $4 million per tested substance. It explains how tamoxifen, an effective drug for certain types of breast cancer, would have been abandoned if its ability to cause liver tumors in rats was discovered during testing as opposed to after being released to the market. SHARE THIS ARTICLE: This week, our new report on the alternatives available to animal testing was presented to scientists at the 10th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences in Seattle. For example, acetylsalicylic acid, the active component of analgesic Aspirin, alleviates pain in both humans and rats but can also result in increased bleeding in both species. In a blog on stopping animal testing, the author writes, “Animal experiments prolong the suffering of people waiting for effective cures by misleading experimenters and squandering precious money, time, and resources that could have been spent on human-relevant research.” The findings are then used to improve diagnostics and treatment of human diseases and illnesses. Animal experiments allow researchers to predict desired outcomes and 70% of adverse effects on humans. for experiments. We should banned animal testing because animals get through a lot of pain and even kill them even making a lot of animal instinct from the hole world even giving drugs to animals and instead of helping them you kill them so animal testing should be banned from those very reasons. We differ from them too much, on a cellular, metabolic and anatomic basis and that makes animals a poor testing subject for substances designed for human use. The lack of sufficient congruence between human diseases and animal models presents significant obstacles to translational reliability. Rabbits were not an ideal substitute for humans but suffered nevertheless suffered through these cruel tests. The samples are then used to study biochemical processes and to test new pharmacological treatment methods. Those in opposition to animal testing primarily base their arguments on ethics, morality, and the unreliable nature of using animals as test subjects. Making use of alternatives that are available for animal experimentation is therefore, a better choice. Making use of alternatives that are available for animal experimentation is therefore, a better choice. But scientists argue animal testing has been a crucial component in many medical breakthroughs, and as long as it's done ethically, animal testing should not be outlawed. Here’s why animal testing should be banned. It is all too easy to stick our heads in the sand and believe that our cosmetics and pills were ethically tested but are you happy to use products tested on chimpanzees who were kept awake and aware of what was happening to them during painful and frightening procedures? Similarly, plastic solvents also cause liver cancer in both humans and rats. Indeed they are such a poor substitute that they often have to be subjected to nasty, painful procedures simply to ensure that they can be used as a subject for the test. Humans cannot justify making life better for themselves by randomly torturing and executing thousands of animals per year to perform laboratory experiments or to test products. For example, stroke is well understood, yet modeling the disease accurately in animals has proven to be an exercise in futility. Following are five reasons why scientists should stop relying so heavily on animal models: Animal experiments are not very reproducible. Animals are terrible test subjects to test the chemical successfully because they dont give correct results and they can’t predict all the side effects. Pros Cons There are preferable alternatives to animal testing that are more accurate and humane. Animal testing is carried out worldwide. The three Rs are Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement. It would be wrong to test a drug of unknown effect on humans, which is why we test on animals first. Please donate now. Are you happy to be (indirectly) responsible for the distress to mother and baby as young chimps are torn from their mother’s arms? In cases where animal experiments are standardized, the translation of results may also fail due to differences between the human condition and the experimental animal model. Every year millions of vertebrate animals are used for research and experimentation. Scientists have developed methods of testing products and studying diseases that replace the cruel use of animals. Do you have a pet? What this shows us is that animal testing is simply not a good proxy for tests in humans, if that is the case surely it is not ethical to use them, not just because it causes the animals pain and suffering but because substances which appear safe may be authorized for human testing without researchers realizing that they are, in fact, deeply dangerous. Are Former Soviet Member Countries More Religious Today? In such experiments, one can conclude the efficacy and safety tests on animals can significantly minimize the risk of new treatment methods on humans. Animals testing is the experimental, research, and testing of animals to help seek the different affects a product can have on someone. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his wife, mountain biking in Southern California, and running. Animals used in testing often undergo procedures that result in terrible pain and trauma – examples include being forced underwater for long periods of time without warning or being infected with diseases which are allowed to progress too far before the animal is euthanized humanely. Animal experimentation is done to clarify previously unknown life processes and fundamental biological relationships. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit 's eye, they should throw it in Charles Manson 's eyes and ask him if it hurts” (Ellen DeGeneres). Testing on animals is unethical. Gleevec, which is used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia, would also have been abandoned as it showed adverse effects in five species tested, including dogs, which experienced severe liver damage when exposed to the drug. Animals that are not covered include birds, fish and rodents. Undoubtedly, if animal experimentation is exceptionally efficient, then why are there many cases of unsuccessful drug impacts in the field. Misleading results from animal tests can also point researches in the wrong direction leading to wastage of time and significant investment. The drug was used to treat morning sickness in pregnancy but resulted in a worldwide tragedy. Share on google. Some of the alternative methods include in vitro testing and in-silico modeling. When the reasons were investigated it appeared that the animal tests may not have robust enough, with no blinding or randomization meaning that there was potential for cherry picking of statistical outliers (tests which include no reported randomization are 5 times more likely to render a positive result than those that are conducted against rigorous guidelines). If these atrocious acts were committed outside laboratories, they would be felonies. We have taken the opportunity to list here, in answer to the other list on this site, the 10 reasons why the author of that article is wrong and why animal testing is not only cruel but also inefficient, expensive and dangerous. There may have been a need for testing in the past but as we have seen in this article new alternatives are now available. One big problem that has started many arguments in the world is the problem of animal testing. Firstly, the animal testing is important in scientific and medical field. Replacement refers to the preferred use of non-animal methods whenever possible. Animal testing in laboratories to produce new drugs for the cure of human diseases is a matter of heated debate. The use of animals for experiments is a controversial issue that is acknowledged by the scientific community. Animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, unnecessary, inaccurate, and expensive. Typically, the studies are designed such that potential patient or target species is the subject of investigation. Opinions about the necessity, acceptability, and justification of animal testing vary widely. Animal testing should be banned because it may cause researchers to believe that dangerous substances are safe. Dave is a voracious reader and ferocious writer of top 10 lists. Of course human trials do not (and cannot ethically) involve pregnant subjects. The development of veterinary medicine also utilizes animal testing as an indispensable method in developing animal medicine. People on both sides of the fence have very strong views. The very first reason why animal testing should be banned is elementary: it is cruel and unnecessary. With the advent of powerful processing computers we are able to model the human metabolic system down to the molecular level and use this to establish how drugs and substances interact with human biological systems. The findings from animal testing are not only used in advancing human medicine but are also used in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in veterinary medicine. Liver toxicity was, however, not detected in human trials. Some of the drugs with the lowest success rates include cancer drugs (with a 5% approval rate after going through clinical trials), psychiatry drugs (with a 6% success rate), and heart drugs (with a 7% success rate). Ban animal testing! It is comforting to think of mice, rabbits or dogs being kept in decent cages and enjoying good food until the time comes for them to do their job and submit to tests but the reality is that this is not the case. The drug had passed all animal testing stages and was undergoing trials to establish dosage tolerances for humans. However, animal testing should not be banned for many 1. human life. Animal testing is an effective method of testing products. Such similarities even allow comparisons of genes and metabolic processes between humans and bacteria. As candidate drugs go through development and human testing based on animal tests, some drugs are sometimes abandoned due to unsuccessful results during animal testing. Dogs, for example, have a naturally occurring blood clotting disorder that leads to life-threatening internal bleeding. Animals have to be housed, fed and cared for and financial provision needs to be made for the staff to do this in addition to the costs of the research staff themselves. Some argue that there is no price to be put on human suffering and that the benefits of animal testing outweigh the negatives (indeed there is a Listland list that sets out the various arguments in favor of animal testing).

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