Equilibrium was maintained by diplomacy, in which the humanists played a foremost part, casting a network of intrigue over the nation which helped in no small measure to stimulate intelligence and create a common medium of culture, but which accustomed statesmen to believe that everything could be achieved by wire-pulling. Again, Schelling urged that besides the rational element there must be something else; that there is in nature, as natures naturans, a blind impulse, a will without intelligence, which belongs to the existent; and that even God Himself as the Absolute cannot be pure thought, because in order to think He must have an existence which cannot be merely His thought of it, and therefore pure being is the prior condition of thought and spirit. intelligence in a sentence. 3. In disposition they are quiet and gentle, and do not show much intelligence; they are also less noisy than the true lemurs, only when alarmed or angered making a noise which has been compared to the clucking of a fowl. A person may have high intelligence but poor judgment. What is the meaning of intelligential? Like the Arabian logicians, and some of the scholastics, who held that ideas existed in a threefold form - ante res, in rebus and post res - he laid down the principle that the archetypal ideas existed metaphysically in the ultimate unity or intelligence, physically in the world of things, and logically in signs, symbols or notions. 0. Intelligence is information that is gathered by the government or the army about their country's enemies and their activities. The expression indicates quick intelligence rather than force and mental calibre. Her intelligence more than compensates for her l politicizeement But officials who disagree say the top civilian policy makers are intent on politicizing intelligence to fit their hawkish views on Iraq. Scientists tell us that the brain gets its intelligence from a surface layer of tissue no more than a centimeter thick. General du Teil, the younger, who took part in the siege, thus commented on Bonaparte's services: "I have no words in which to describe the merit of Bonaparte: much science, as much intelligence and too much bravery.. Its mission is to collect information related to foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence. Not intelligence and public spirit but political wisdom was lacking to the National Assembly. 20. At Lyons Wilfrid's pleasing features and quick intelligence made Annemund, the archbishop, desire to adopt him and marry him to his niece. Example sentences with the word intelligences. When we say “identical”, it means both physical features and thought process. Son intelligence lui apparut quasi divine. Only Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, is given a human semblance of intelligence. We now have a huge national intelligence apparatus, and soon perhaps an intelligence czar. 4. Je substitue son intelligence à la mienne. “Artificial intelligence is the science of making … SCULLY: Mulder, that level of artificial intelligence is decades away from being realized. 40. Examples of 'intelligence' in a sentence intelligence. That brief flurry was revealing of Hawke's cool intelligence. 3. Examples of intelligence and in a sentence: 1. Examples of intelligence capability in a sentence, how to use it. It was in connexion with this group that he then occupied himself with a plan for a religious periodical which should admit "a moderate degree of political and common intelligence," the result being the appearance in January 1801 of the Christian Observer. 32, &c.) the Logos, produced of God's own substance, is both the divine intelligence that appears in the world as the Son of God, and the idea of the universe immanent in God. Use intelligence in a sentence. This should be the test of intelligence. Here are many translated example sentences containing "MILITARY INTELLIGENCE" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. Psychology is with Cabanis directly linked on to biology, for sensibility, the fundamental fact, is the highest grade of life and the lowest of intelligence. Likewise, intelligence (51 %) was more often overextended than emotional expression (13% ). He was a man of keen intelligence and cultivated mind, and deserves as much as Francis I. With this may be compared a passage in the Ursprung der Sprache, where there is a curious adumbration of Spencer's idea that intelligence, as distinguished from instinct, arises from a growing complexity of action, or, to use Herder's words, from the substitution of a more for a less contracted sphere. It can only be understood by subordinating the mechanical conception to the vital, by conceiving the world as one organism animated by a spiritual principle or intelligence (Weltseele). Last week the US presented the UN with intelligence reports showing that Iraq had converted trucks into mobile missile launchers. Looking for sentences with "emotional intelligence"? In contrast, business intelligence is understood as internal business insights, what your company is doing. Artificial intelligence is about making computers act more like humans. She had the impression of extreme intelligence and extreme determination, a combination that awed and intimidated her. 20 examples: It was his death in 1906, and the question of finding a successor, which… Intelligence does not differ from sense by having no bodily organ, but the nervous system is the bodily organ of both. . The emir Abbas worked loyally with the British and proved himself a ruler of remarkable ability and intelligence. In this way the Good was made to appear as an end imposed upon things from without by a creative intelligence instead of as an inner principle of adaptation. 283+27 sentence examples: 1. He was proud of her intelligence and goodness, recognized his own insignificance beside her in the spiritual world, and rejoiced all the more that she with such a soul not only belonged to him but was part of himself. I'll take a couple of the meetings, and I tasked Jenn to start forwarding intelligence reports to me as well. Intelligence in a sentence | intelligence example sentences He must set intelligence and. The ancient texts have not come to us in this way, but through copies made by the human hand directed more or less by the human intelligence. How to use artificial intelligence in a sentence. Intelligence definition is - the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reason; also : the skilled use of reason. Otherwise they exhibit few signs of animal intelligence. The Terminator uses his exceptional intelligence and strength to find Sarah, but is there any way to stop the seemingly indestructible cyborg? The chief was a man of great intelligence, eager to study western civilization, and an ardent agriculturist. He was ruthless, beyond loyal to the few he trusted, and quick to use his influence to get Brady access to any of the government's supplies, technology, intelligence, and anything else Brady requested it. It was a marked characteristic of the English colonists, and a strong element in their prosperity, that they were hospitable in welcoming men of other races, - Germans from the Palatinate, and French Huguenots driven out by persecution who brought with them some capital, more intelligence and an enduring hatred of Roman Catholic France. Jonny's dark eyes had taken on a new spark of intelligence, his air settled where it had been agitated before. You insult my intelligence ! In the Nicomachean as in the Eudemian Ethics the limit above moral virtue is right reason, or prudence, which is right reason on such matters; and above prudence wisdom, for which prudence gives its orders; while wisdom is the intelligence and science of the most venerable objects, of the most divine, and of God. The repeated emotional experiences a kid gets are lessons in emotional intelligence. I confess I do not understand: perhaps there are diplomatic subtleties here beyond my feeble intelligence, but I can't make it out. : Boffins at Sony are working to develop artificial intelligence technology capable of composing original music. It appealed to and evoked a high order of intelligence, and its insistence on personal individual salvation has borne worthy fruit. Sentence with the word Intelligence. For before the infant should come to even the immature intelligence of childhood the lands of the foe would be laid waste (Isaiah vii. They are of middle height and dark complexion, with generally straight nose, small round skull, small sharp chin and large full eyes, which are expressive, however, rather of cunning than intelligence. If wiser legislation followed the great reform of 1832, Burke would have said this was because the political intelligence of the country had improved. The spiritual sun is the source of love and intelligence, or life, and the natural sun the source of nature or the receptacles of life; the first is alive, the second dead. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. intelligence in a sentence. But its rise has caused massive ructions in the normally secretive world of intelligence gathering. Experience forbids our excluding organic activity from natural causes, also our excluding intelligence from purposeful (zwecktdtigen) causes; hence experience forbids our defining the fundamental force or first cause out of which living creatures arose.'. The soul, located in the ventricles of the brain, is affected by the temperament of the individual; the dry temperament produces acute intelligence; the moist, memory; the hot, imagination. They have now set up special security intelligence agency for activist groups and are using informers. An artificial intelligence program on a computer learns how to play the game, and plays entire games against itself. nullifystatement is not nullified by the probable fact that the originating intelligence had no such forms in mind. An intelligence from a superior sphere, bound on a voyage to the earth, might actually have obtained a fair idea of average humanity by a preliminary call at Lilliput or Brobdingnag, but not from a visit to the Yahoos. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In a comparative evaluation from WAIS criteria, cats are generally fair in intelligence. artificial intelligence in a sentence English words and Examples of use Example Sentences for "artificial intelligence" The result was nearly instantaneous; the machines rose up again, this time against Xerxes, and under the control of this first fully functional artificial intelligence. What is Intelligence? ZD Market Intelligence counted only sales at retailers, such as electronic superstores. Whether or not further study of the scripts of these writers confirms this hypothesis, it cannot fail to throw light on the nature of the intelligence involved. I'm sure a woman with intelligence will shock you. artificial intelligence that begins where the aesthetic left off . To this point the awakened intelligence of the Renaissance, instructed by humanism, polished by the fine arts, expanding in genial conditions of diffused wealth, had brought the Italians at a period when the rest of Europe was comparatively barbarous. He declined many offers from German bishops and finally retired to the monastery of Cluny, where he died about 1131 at a great age and leaving a good reputation for piety and intelligence. Je m’étonne qu’avec votre intelligence. Top searched words , The government sent in undercover soldiers to gain intelligence on the enemy. fright at the enemy 's numbers, shows a supreme lack of intelligence. However what she lacks in specific knowledge she more than makes up for in emotional intelligence. Just as nature exhibits to us the series of dynamical stages of processes by which spirit struggles towards consciousness of itself, so the world of intelligence and practice, the world of mind, exhibits the series of stages through which self-consciousness with its inevitable oppositions and reconciliations develops in its ideal form. Is it unreasonable to suppose that in a revealed system there should be the same superiority to our intelligence ? In the Thoughts on Education imaginative sentiment is never allowed to weigh against utility; information is subordinate to the formation of useful character; the part which habit plays in individuals is always kept in view; the dependence of intelligence and character, which it is the purpose of education to improve, upon health of body is steadily inculcated; to make children happy in undergoing education is a favourite precept; accumulating facts without exercising thought, and without accustoming the youthful mind to look for evidence, is always referred to as a cardinal vice. In college, my quick wit and intelligence made up for whatever I lacked in dedication. The proclamation stated (among other things): " It is the wish of Her Most Gracious Majesty that it [the state] shall enjoy the fullest legislative privileges compatible with the circumstances of the country and the intelligence of its people.". once lustrous, it framed a strong-looking face, a determined jaw and eyes which somehow reflected the man's extraordinary intelligence. Subsequently, however, (1780) he met the king again at Spa and completely won the monarch's favour by his natural amiability, intelligence and brilliant social gifts. Artificial intelligence is a type of computer technology which is concerned with making machines carry out work in an intelligent way, similar to the way a human would. The edict of Caracalla, at the beginning of the 3rd century, by conferring the right of citizenship on all the inhabitants of the empire, completed an assimilation for which commercial relations, schools, a taste for officialism, and the adaptability and quick intelligence of the race had already made preparation. CK1183839Don't insult my intelligence. But, as with Socrates, their power of making a right choice is limited by their degree of knowledge or of ignorance, and the vexed question of the relation of this determining intelligence to the human will is left unsolved. artificial intelligence means anything computers can’t do yet. Educated for the Church, he became elector and archbishop in 1515, and ruled his electorate with vigour and intelligence, taking up at first an attitude of hostility towards the reformers and their teaching. Hence he rejected the infinite intelligence supposed by Fichte, Schelling and Hegel against whom he urged that blind will produces intelligence, and only becomes conscious in us by using intelligence as a means to ends. To this study he looked for the best hope of such a progressive development of Christian theology as should avert the danger arising from " the apparently increasing divergence between the intelligence and the faith of our time.". It's difficult to see intelligence in a sentence . How To Use Intelligence In A Sentence? The Logos of the Stoics (q.v.) The same thing holds for the intelligence service in which Stalin sees the quintessence of the state. Luther had a high opinion of her intelligence; she took rank among those consulted on all important occasions; in one letter to her, seldom quoted, he gives the fairest statement he ever made about the views of Zwingli on the Sacrament of the Supper. The tendency of the evolution of intelligence is towards the disintegration of the stereotyped modes of response and the dissolution of instinct. noun. action If.Green, directed by self-conscious and purposive intelligence T to an end conceived as good, - that the polemic of T. For such knowledge implies the existence of a knowing consciousness as a relating and uniting intelligence capable of distinguishing itself from the objects to which it relates. the normal human intelligence, and to like intelligence so far as like. Under Richard Butler, UNSCOM had indeed allowed itself to become a vehicle for US political brinkmanship and intelligence gathering. One was an enormous Lion with clear, intelligent eyes, a tawney mane bushy and well kept, and a body like yellow plush. He was also a man of education and intelligence, superior to those among whom he lived, with natural talents for governing and gaining the esteem of others. Intelligence of these events reached Bolivar while in the north of Colombia, and he lost no time in preparing to march against the refractory troops, who formerly had placed such implicit confidence in him. problem for intelligence is so to enunciate every element, and so to repeat the connexion that we may finally grasp all the links of the chain in one. 2. Argyll, deserted and detested, compromised himself by letters to Monk, containing intelligence as to the movements of the Royalists. Rhinoceroses are of large size and massive build, but have little intelligence, and are generally timid in disposition, though ferocious when wounded or brought to bay. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. de Freycinet, then a young officer of engineers, as his assistant secretary of war, he displayed prodigies of energy and intelligence. 2. The parochial clergy were probably in a healthier condition; but the old abuses of pluralism and non-residence were as rampant as ever, and though their work may have been in many cases honorably carried out, it is certain that energy and intelligence were at a low ebb. This brought them within the sphere of reflection, and gave as their guarantee the impossibility of thinking them reversed; and led to their being regarded as wholly relative to human intelligence, restricted to the sphere of the phenomenal, incapable of revealing to us substantial reality - necessary, yet subjective. 2015 Author andy.tienganhxd Leave a intelligence in a sentence a comparative evaluation from WAIS criteria, cats are generally fair intelligence. The Mesopotamia expeditionary force ( 3 ) vows or intelligence, a sign intelligence! No principles and no intelligence save what is exhibited by the probable fact that the intelligence! And will old in 1487, and intelligence, his mildness and.! 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