During the Clone Wars the city was referred to as Triple Zero in military slang due to Coruscant's hyperspace code Zero Zero Zero (0,0,0). He has been married to Linda Imperial since October 7, 1990. The Rakata were eventually decimated by a massive plague, leading to slave revolutions on Coruscant and other subjected worlds. Affiliation - Action-packed Star Wars™ locales - including Mos Eisley and the ice planet Hoth. The GAG would be responsible for interning and deporting Corellian citizens in Galactic City, and in some cases, murdered those taken during the raids. Star Wars Imperials. Coruscant began to appear as bustling and thriving as it once did during the Old Republic with the effects of the Yuuzhan Vong War still a reminder, from the growth on skyscrapers, to the altered night sky. More calamity would befall Imperial City during the reborn Emperor Palpatine's insurrection in 10 ABY. The young Jayna was kidnapped by Black Sun in a desperate attempt by Xizor to get information out of Emma. Galactic City was also called Imperial City (or, rarely, Coruscant City) under the Galactic Empire and New Republic City under the New Republic with the city remaining the same much in structure and style as millennia earlier. During most of the Clone Wars, Galactic City was subject to frequent Separatist terrorist acts, assassinations of leading Republic figures, and military strikes including the Coruscant Insurrection and the Battle of Coruscant which were both won by the Republic. To enter the sim there are a … ... Ord Mantell Junkyard Gall Spaceport Mos Eisley and Beggar's Canyon Imperial Freighter Suprosa Sewers of Imperial City Xizor's Palace Skyhook Battle. This would only deepen the rift between the Galactic Alliance and the Corellian-led secessionist movement. Da die Sonne des Planeten Coruscant relativ weit entfernt war, siedelten sich die politischen Zentren und auch die Handelszentren in den gemäßigten Zonen an. The Rainbow Bridge orbited Coruscant around at an angle of 17 degrees from the ecliptic. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Darth Vader no sería el mismo villano que todos conocemos sin esa voz magistral interpretada por James Earl Jones, cabe mencionar que hoy 17 de enero cumple nada más y nada menos que 90 años. It is the main antagonistic faction of the original trilogy. Imperial City (8:02) Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Planet The planet became the new Imperial throne-world. The Guard was lead by Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight, a Colonel of the Galactic Alliance military and also an aspiring Sith Lord. Imperial City was the official name of the planet-wide city of Coruscant during the Galactic Empire. Empire - Imperial Army - Black - Sith Imperial Darth Vader Dark KNight Stormtrooper Sith Lord Stormtroopers Star Wars Dark Side Imperial Stormtroopers Imperial Guard Imperial Guards Imperial Emblem Imperial Logo But where he was running was new, he was running on an Imperial Transport. In 7 ABY, Ysanne Isard tore a hole in the cityscape using her Super Star Destroyer Lusankya and then escaped into hyperspace. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Trey Duna was the mayor of Imperial City; presumably the position was similar to that of governors on other Imperial worlds. Around 30,000 BBY, Coruscant was conquered by the Rakatan Infinite Empire who enslaved its Human inhabitants. When the living planet Zonama Sekot suddenly arrived in the system, it collapsed the Rainbow Bridge, caused another of Coruscant's moons to be "slingshotted" out of orbit, and pulled Coruscant closer to its original orbit, causing volcanic eruptions and groundquakes for the first time in two thousand years. Affiliation Coruscant's three smaller moons were dragged from their original orbits by dovin basals while its largest moon was destroyed by tidal stress created by pulses from other yammosk-linked dovin basals. General information Thus, because of these harsh actions and their dark military uniforms, members of the Guard earned a fast reputation as a uncompromising band of hard-liners among the population. Soon, nearly the entire planetwide city was covered beneath vegetation while rivers filled canyons where airspeeders had once roamed before. Galactic MuseumGalaxies Opera HouseImperial PalaceJedi TempleMonument PlazaOld Galactic MarketRepublic Executive BuildingSenate BuildingThe Works The First Galactic Empire is a fictional autocracy featured in the Star Wars franchise. TAGS: Expanded Universe, imperial warlords, Star Wars Books, the empire [Source], Imperial City,[5] formerly called Galactic City, was the name of the dense ecumenopolis that covered the surface levels of the planet Coruscant. Galactic Republic[1]Galactic Empire[1]New Republic[4] A similar technique dragged the resulting expanse of dust, rock and hardening magma into a wide spreading asteroid belt known as the "Rainbow Bridge", that they were familiar with. Under Rakatan domination, the Humans of Coruscant's colonization attempts were limited to sleeper ships, which ended up on Alderaan, in the Tion Cluster, Seoul 5, Kuat, Alsakan, Axum, Anaxes, Atrisia, Metellos, Corulag, and many other worlds. The Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong then signed a peace treaty in 30 ABY, thus ending the Yuuzhan Vong War. A cosmopolitan, it was always crowded. Description [edit | edit source] Contains a large vendor area located at the sim arrival. David Freiberg was born on August 24, 1938 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Over the next two centuries, Coruscant was linked to the rest of the Core Worlds, including Corellia and Duro, by hyperspace cannons which were later developed into the hyperdrive proper. Most sentient life-forms have been evacuated from the deep underworld of the ancient metropolis. 1 trillion Imperial City, formerly called Galactic City, was the name of the dense ecumenopolis that covered the surface levels of the planet Coruscant. This category is for all starships and warships that served the First Galactic Empire, the Imperial Remnant, or any factions or successor organizations thereof. The exterior of this massive structure would survive the planet's transformation into the new Yuuzhan'tar. Little did he know that during their trip to Imperial City, they would discover that Emma is Force sensitive and that a biological weapon was at the heart of the secret imperial project her dad was working on. Over thousands of years[1] Imperial City was the name for the planet-spanning city on Imperial Center - or Coruscant - during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was previously married to Julia Dreyer. Coruscant Under Jacen's leadership the soldiers saw a likeness within Jacen with Darth Vader's own command style noting that he "never asked of them what he would not do himself." [Source]. Constructed Remove this notice when finished. Although technically applying to all of Coruscant, in common usage its name seems to have referred to the Senate, Temple and Ambassadorial Districts—the areas of the planet which housed the Senate Building, the Jedi Temple, the Republic Executive Building, the Imperial Palace, and other main organs of the Republic government. Galactic City was the name of the planet-wide city of Coruscant. Location information After his ship (The Star Destroyer) is shot down in Imperial City (alongside co-pilots Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles), Luke refuses to be rescued by Han, Leia Chewbacca. Societal information Main Theme from Star Wars and Leia’s Nightmare (3:41) 2. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Star Wars series. After the battle of Endor, Imperial City was declared the capitol of the New Republic, although its name has not been changed again. Worcester Art Museum hosting Star Wars day to kick off April vacation Updated Jan 07, 2019; Posted Apr 06, 2016 'Star Wars' fans dress up for 'The Force Awakens' premiere at Cinemark in Hadley Galactic City was also called Imperial City (or, rarely, Coruscant City) under the Galactic Empire and New Republic City under the … Created by ikki5 on: 26 Dec, 2017 19:17 The Imperial Palace, the massive fortress that served as the headquarters of the Emperor himself, was in the heart of the city. Its development would have begun after the Human victory over the Taungs. Another one of the original concepts that was dropped was the revelation of Vader’s home on the Imperial city planet. Population Imperial City is a Star Wars roleplay sim of Second Life. The Battle of Gall (7:59) 3. During the Galactic Republic, it was also known as Republic City or the City of Spires. At some point, the Senate Rotunda was founded, replacing the previous assembly place. As the government transferred back to the world from Denon, additional new buildings were constructed, such as the new Senate building, Executive building, and Defense Force headquarters. Many still struggled to survive in the lower forty or fifty levels which was the domain of dangerous mutated lifeforms like the Cthon and Corridor ghouls. This article needs appropriate citations. Lucasfilm Ltd. via AP"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" concerns a rebel effort to thwart a world-destroying weapon wielded by the Imperial forces. It's also … [1], Underneath Galactic City were the thousands of lower levels of Coruscant collectively called the underworld.[1]. In response to the Regional-Stay-At Home Order, the City of Imperial Public Library has closed our doors to the public once more. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. 501st Mx - Imperial City Squad January 17 at 9:49 AM Darth Vader no sería el mismo villano que todos conocemos sin esa vo ... z magistral interpretada por James Earl Jones, cabe mencionar que hoy 17 de enero cumple nada más y nada menos que 90 años. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. During the Galactic Republic, it was also known as Republic City or the City of Spires. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Star Wars Adventure Journal #3, #6, #8, #15 Star Wars Tales, Vol. Partially in 27 ABYPartially in 44 ABY Just head to the elevator in the south west and get out of this area. Later, the Krytos virus took the lives of millions of aliens before being controlled by the occupying New Republic authorities. The latter attack which took place towards the end of the conflict in 19 BBY saw a large scale space battle between the Republic and Confederate navies while a nearly-successful kidnapping attempt was made on the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself. Galactic City was the name of the planet -wide city of Coruscant. It was painstakingly reconstructed by the New Republic, aided by many soldiers and giant construction droids. Alles andere wie zum Beispiel die Industrie, wurde in den weniger angenehmen Zonen oder sogar unterirdisch ausgelagert. COMPOR pressured Tannon Praji into deporting from the capital all members of species whose homeworld had joined the Confederacy. Also, many of the landmarks that made Coruscant unique either met their end or were altered to suit the invaders' needs. The lower levels were the domain of wildlife brought in from the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy and was where most of the outcast Shamed Ones lived. It was first introduced in the 1977 film Star Wars and appears in its two sequels: The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Images from the first six "Star Wars… Population Coruscant, which had been completely covered in city sprawl for millennia, was devastated during the assault. Fate of the Jedi–class. He is an actor, known for The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), Top of the Pops (1964) and Jefferson Starship: Find Your Way Back (1981). Destroyed Level 5127[1]Caraveg[2]Trade Federation office tower[3] As a result, there was virtually no exposed land. Don’t bother trying to shoot them all. Around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, the Galactic Alliance Guard, a secret police organization was formed by the Galactic Alliance to spy and monitor on Corellian terrorist activity on Coruscant. Points of interest Air traffic in skylanes was still the primary mode of transportation. Basically unscarred during the Galactic Civil War, the city was severely damaged when attacked by Imperial Forces led by surviving members of the Emperor's Ruling Circle and former Imperial Commanders. Though necessary in some respects, the GAG's actions were mainly a vehicle for Jacen's rise as a Sith. Over 1 trillion[1] It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, but was first depicted and mentioned by name in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. You're my only hope. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 4: Pawns of a Sith Lord, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Fall of the Sith Empire, Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising 1, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 2: The Battle of Coruscant, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement, Knights of the Old Republic 9: Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell 1, Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi, Episode I Adventures 3: The Fury of Darth Maul, Star Wars: Republic: Emissaries to Malastare, Star Wars: Republic: The Hunt for Aurra Sing, Star Wars: Republic: The Devaronian Version, Star Wars Adventures 3: The Hostage Princess, The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Crisis on Coruscant, Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:01:13, The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception, Star Wars Missions 9: Revolt of the Battle Droids, Star Wars Missions 17: Darth Vader's Return, Star Wars Missions 18: Rogue Squadron to the Rescue, Star Wars: Mara Jade – By the Emperor's Hand, The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse, The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth, The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream, The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand, Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, Star Wars Technical Journal of the Rebel Forces, Still Designing A Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Profile of 'Artiste Extraordinaire' Ralph McQuarrie, Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 3, Scoring the Trilogy: Shadows of the Empire, The Secrets of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Luke Skywalker (In Imperial Guard Disguise), Star Wars: The Art of the Brothers Hildebrandt, Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary, Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, Underworld: A Galaxy of Scum and Villainy, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 35, Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 2, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_City?oldid=9666083, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. According to the film, one of the quickest ways to the Imperial City is to travel through a small mountain range named the Tung Shao Pass. At least 100,000 BBY The Emperor late in his reign, closed to it to nearly all nonhumans. Yu'Shaa—actually Nom Anor—overlooking the terraforming of Coruscant. Fittingly, Williams ended the second set of the night with "The Throne Room & Finale," which had concluded the original "Star Wars" movie back in 1977. The Yuuzhan Vong designated it Yuuzhan'tar, after their homeworld, the name of their species, and their chief deity Yun-Yuuzhan, and terraformed it to overwhelm the city covering its surface and restore a natural ecology. The massive Imperial Palace loomed over the hall, its tapered spires and fragile looking towers assaulted the eye from every surface. In Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays, Joe Johnston recalls: “When we were doing [Jedi], I remember I had done a series of sketches of Vader’s home, and there was a sea of lava that his house looked out on. By 25,053 BBY, Coruscant had become the capital of a democratic union—the Galactic Republic. Many of their prey referred to them as "Stormies," thus drawing inevitable comparisons of Jacen Solo to the late Darth Vader and the troops themselves to stormtroopers. The most fascinating of these excerpts that’ll be in the book is the fact that there was an Imperial city and planet that was planned to be a location in Episode VI — Return of the Jedi. You can reserve books, access audiobooks, and DVD's online through our Polaris Systems. Vice-Admiral Terrinald Screed was placed in charge of Coruscant Planetary Defense. Areas of the city included the Senate District, The Works, and CoCo Town. The Jedi Temple and the Imperial Senate building were also located in the city, even during the reign of the Emperor. In Star Wars: Dark Empire #1, Luke Skywalker is a dominant wielder of the force. The cities architecture gives the impression of one endless structure that spreads from the base of the Manarai Mountains and covers a huge part of Coruscant's main continent. Points of interest Doch manchmal, bei kaltem Kli… Galactic City during the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, with the Jedi temple in the background. In 23 BBY, near the end of the Separatist Crisis, the Confederacy of Independent Systems began to become a significant threat against the Republic, causing several systems to secede, including Ando and Sy Myrth, resulting in a mass exodus of Aqualish and Sy Myrthians from Galactic City. The city serves as the capital of China and is the location of the Emperor's Palace, also known as the Forbidden City. Galactic City Planet Under the Empire, the alien residents of the planet-wide city were forced into ghettos, also known as "ethnic neighborhoods" such as Invisec. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Nintendo 64) Sewers of Imperial City (5) (15) Travel through the Imperial City Sewers and get to Xizor's Palace. The Imperial City is absolutely teeming with Stormtroopers and Imperial Guards. As of 100,000 BBY, Coruscant's indigenous Human population had grown to such an extent that the entire planet was enveloped in a worldwide ecumenopolis consisting of vast cities and industrial districts. All Games » Nintendo 64 » Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire » Sewers of Imperial City. It's a difficult idea to wrap your head around, but that was the case in an early draft of Star Wars: A New Hope.In that version, Luke Skywalker rescued the princess from the Imperial City of Alderaan, the capital of the Empire, a location that ended up inspiring Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back. The fanatical pro-Human COMPOR was founded, the local SAGroup led by Nenevanth Tion marching in a patriotism parade. Built over thousands of years, Galactic City was home to over a trillion individuals. The only major physical change to the city was when the Yuuzhan Vong conquered the planet in 27 ABY and had its surface terraformed with vegetation from their home galaxy and then renamed it as Yuuzhan'tar. The ancient Senate Hall fills part of the city, its carved stone pillars surrounding seemingly endless tiers of benches. As a result, large areas of the planet-wide city was destroyed and millions were killed. In order to get Coruscant to match their homeworld, large dovin basals pulled the planet closer to Coruscant Prime and biological processes were set forth to create the jungle including increasing the temperature and releasing more moisture into the atmosphere. Ah Coruscant... must be on one of the higher buildings, if I can't see the other massive buildings New locales, like the sewers of Imperial City, Xizor's palace, Gall Spaceport and the dreaded junkyards of Ord Mantel. It can be presumed that it was founded thousands of years before that—possibly as the first Human city in the galaxy—although no records stretch back that far. However, much of Coruscant's population had fled as result of the fighting and the planet's population during the New Republic era may have been lower. Within the narrative of the films, Coruscant-based locations such as … Description. The vast majority of the planet's non-Yuuzhan Vong population was shipped offworld in massive refugee ships, though some people did stay behind in the substructure of the city; they called the "new" Coruscant Necropolis. David Freiberg, Actor: The Star Wars Holiday Special. Huge stretches of the cityscape were transformed into military staging areas, and clone troopers were seen everywhere. From SW1ki , a Wikia wiki. The Galactic Alliance eventually retook Coruscant from the Yuuzhan Vong during the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar in 29 ABY. Societal information Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire tracklist (vinyl): Side A: 1. The World Brain would still remain in the Senate Building, as there was as yet no way to remove it without causing further damage to the planet. It comprised the entirety of Level 5127. Thus, many of New Republic City's midlevel apartments were unoccupied but still serviceable. It features Coruscant approximately one century after the end of the revived Fel Empire in 220 ABY. The government collapses a year following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War in Return of the Jedi, and the First Order is formed by … The other elevators will just take you down a level. During the Fall of Coruscant, the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong overwhelmed the Republic defenses in three attack waves and conquered the planet. After Palpatine's final death in 11 ABY at the Battle of Onderon, the New Republic retook the planet and used EVS Construction Droids to clear the rubble and create new gleaming, skyscrapers. Content approaching. ...more to come. Imperial City This site designed and maintained by Dan Swensen.Names replicating those found in the Star Wars movies, books, or related merchandise do so by sheer random chance, but are still ©Lucasfilm Ltd. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny—Ahsoka & Padmé, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Luke vs. Emperor Palpatine - Rise to Evil, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Highlights of the Saga: Palpatine Unmasked, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 1, Droid Directory: R2-series Astromech Droids, Part 2, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny: Meet the Heroes, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Highlights of the Saga: Crash Landing on Coruscant, Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter Expansion Pack, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial_City?oldid=9697396, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. People don't do that." Coruscant's darkest hour was at the peak of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Built over thousands of years, Galactic City was home to over a trillion individuals. In past times, it was also referred to as Republic City, although that seems to have dropped out of usage sometime after the Great Hyperspace War of 5000 BBY. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Battalions of ZhellInfinite EmpireGalactic RepublicJedi OrderBlack Sun (unofficially)Galactic EmpireOrder of the Sith LordsNew RepublicNew Jedi OrderYuuzhan Vong empireGalactic Federation of Free AlliancesFel Empire (briefly)Darth Krayt's Galactic EmpireOne SithGalactic Federation Triumvirate Coruscant is a prominent location in both canon and Legends media that has been produced. A new Jedi Temple was also constructed, with Fellowship Plaza leading to both the Temple and the Galactic Justice Center as a symbol of the Jedi and the Alliance's commitment to each other. Imagine if instead of the Death Star, Darth Vader imprisoned Princess Leia in Cloud City. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. However, Republic City's key strategic location made it the primary objective in several wars including the Tionese War with the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion in 24,000 BBY in which Coruscant was bombarded with Tionese pressure bombs, the Alsakan Conflicts, the Duinuogwuin Contention, the Great Hyperspace War, the Third Great Schism, the Great Droid Revolution, and the Great Sith War. Some creatures found living in the darkest corridors were descendants of those who long ago fled political persecution and could no longer be classified as fully human. During the Clone Wars the city was referred to as Triple Zero in military slang due to Coruscant's hyperspace code Zero Zero Zero (0,0,0). Coruscant[1] Trending pages Legacy-class Super Star … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. General information As of 130 ABY, control of Coruscant had been wrested from the grip of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, and was now in the hands of the resurgent Empire, under the command of Emperor Roan Fel. At the time of the Great Sith War, Galactic City's densest population points were around Coruscant's equator. Coruscant is an ecumenopolis planet in the fictional Star Wars universe. He didn't want to be here, but the polite of the ship he was basically kidnapped on forced him to once she realized the op her crew was on was a … Our resources are available online, or by touchless curbside service. Constructed Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games. 1996. In the forgotten underlevels of the city, there was darkness, pollution and crime. Emperor Palpatine ruled with a rod of iron over his citizens. A large park called Unity Green was also constructed to symbolize the treaty between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance. Location information Coruscant during the era of the Fel Empire. Such incidents prompted the Republic to implement numerous changes on Galactic City in the name of increased security. 5 The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook Wanted by Cracken Who’s Who: Imperial Grand Admirals X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge X-Wing: Mercy Kill X-Wing: Rogue Squadron comics X-Wing: Solo Command. The Imperial Palace was destroyed when Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya detonated a suicide bomb in his office; the Manarai Mountains, the last part of the planet untouched by cityscape, were blasted into giant craters; the Western Sea, the planet's sole body of water, was turned into a giant Succession pool; the Senate Building became the location of the World Brain, which was in charge of the terraforming of the planet. It comprised the entirety of Level 5127. New buildings were built on the old. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. In 12,000 BBY, the famous Galactic Museum was constructed and became a key tourist attraction for visitors to the capital while the Jedi Order established their Temple following the Hyperspace War which became their headquarters for the following millennia. Higher up, there were government offices and penthouses owned by the elite. However, the shadowy lower levels remained unaffected by the reconstruction program and would still remain the haunt of various crime syndicates including the Lost Ones. The city's security was handled by a succession of several Moffs, one of them being Kadir. When Emperor Palpatine took control, he renamed the capitol Imperial City (and the planet Imperial Center) and it became the ruling seat of the new order. As an attempt to leave their mark on the galactic capital, the New Republic government renamed the city as New Republic City. Summary: "They're not going to come for me. It was decided that Coruscant would be rebuilt as the capital of the Galactic Alliance, returning to the ecumenopolis-style whenever possible while leaving the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming wherever it was as yet unfeasible to change. Areas of the city included the Senate District, The Works, and CoCo Town. It was during this time that the Coruscant government peacefully absorbed the nearby Azure Imperium. An Imperial City editor map for the mod Star Wars - Galaxy At War. Help us. Billions of lives were also lost during the battle. The Rakatan Infinite Empire who enslaved its Human inhabitants Side a: 1 information out of.! Offices and penthouses owned by the Rakatan Infinite Empire who enslaved its Human inhabitants and remove template... The name of the Empire Star Wars: Shadows of the Emperor 's Palace, the Senate was!, thus ending the Yuuzhan Vong War married to Linda Imperial since October 7, 1990 would have after... 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