Lame? I don't think I could say it any better than #36 Dr Samson. the teams brought togeter to stop the hulk but a much more menacing enemy arrives (something like the real galactus not the crappy one fantasic four 2) and they bring the hulk on board to stop it. I think that in the movie he could be misunderstood thus considered a "bad" guy but way before the end of the movie, his true heroism must be shown. Alex's Top 10 - 20191. As it turns out, the idea that the Hulk could turn antagonist has legs that extend all the way from its origins in the comics. But in the process a monster was born. great point! then. This whole topic and the various possibilities are incredibly exciting. Sorry, new comments are no longer allowed. Not that any of the pro-hero Hulk faction should worry, the big green guy is always a hero in the end. What Hulk Hogan did was show us what a real bad guy looks like, and not the kind that double crosses his friend in the wrestling ring to win the championship. the hulk would make a very bad villian for this movie. Now whenever he gets angry he grows bigger and stronger until he is no longer Bruce Banner. I VOTE HERO, NOT VILLAIN. how about a little of both. I apologize to the other commentators. Peace! I SAY MAKE HULK PART VILLAN AND IN THE THE END HE BECOMES LIKE A SAVIOR ,TO THE TEAM AND LEARNS TO CONTROL HES ANGER TO FIGHT AGAINST EVIL HES PART OF THE TEAM MAKE HIM IN TO A TEAM PLAYER BECAUSE HULK IS STRONGEST THERE IS . Jumping Hulk . It doesn't fit his character... Having the hulk as the villain would make a better action movie. I think that marvel is just looking for an easy way out. Compared to the Hulk, who is occasionally destructive and violent in his battles, but nevertheless remains the hero we know him to be today, Kluh literally serves as his polar opposite, fitting due to the AXIS storyline centering on the heroes and villains having their moralities switched. On the issue of The Hulk being good or bad, me and my brother have come to the conclusion that The Hulk shouldn't be made a bad guy in the avengers movie. It's clear by now that Marvel is launching individual franchises (e.g. i love it!!!!! thats why in the avengers he will be removed from the team after they defeat the villain because there will be no cause for him to fight against. Plain and simple Bruce banner does not have a ounce of evil in his heart to be a bad guy. This is most strongly seen when the Hulk joins the battle against the Chitauri with Dr. If Hulk is a failure, then he looks up and smirks and that's eventually the Hulk of The Avengers - the uncontrollable beast that they need to team up to stop.". (long shot but keeping my fingers crossed) in terms fanboy movies though, it's clear though marvel clearly wins (HANDS DOWN!!!) i don't know why DC fuckin sucks!!! At least; let me know what you think about my choices of Actors to play The Avengers. Most Hulk stories reflect him being influenced to eventually pulvarizing people because they first tampered with him, he didn't just change because he was waltzing down the street and decide to start destroying cities. except for Fox cooperating with Marvel Studios. Yeah Me!! Parasite2. Again ; you don't know me. 1.Leader I(Tim Blake Nelson) Is the incredible hulk a good or bad guy? In The Usual Suspects Kevin Spacy and Benicio Del Toro also didn't let their individual stardom or egos get in the way of playing in an ensemble cast. i would like the Hulk to be a baddie, but maybe not the main villain... maybe he gets attacked by the Avengers at the beginning and then time goes by and they reluctantly ask for his help with the main villain... If he is a bad guy in this movie, I dont beleive it will be worth my $8.50 to go see. However; everyone so far has ignored my comment. For instance, Leterrier recently revealed that Hulk actually contains a supposed brief cameo of Captain America - a scene not in the theatrical version, at least right now. ", "So that last shot of the movie, if you decide that he's smiling, in control, then he's a good guy, that's The Hulk 2. For shame! Then you infer that I am dumb. the hulk a villion no he can be in the midle but then take on someone like onslught. After everything that marvel has done to make The Hulk a hero, it would make no sense for them to put him against the avengers in the movie. Peanut Butter Falcon8. Little Women9. however loki isnt strong enough byhimself to warrent all the avenagers, he needs to team with somebody. Since Letterier already filmed (supposedly) a scene with Banner finding Cap frozen, they should use this to tie the Avengers together. Give me the wild, rage-filled, lashing out at any and everything Hulk. 4.War Machine(Terrence Howard). This also proves he is cruel, bloodthirsty, aggressive, heartless, violent, and egotistical, and is just one primary example of how dangerous and unpredictable Kluh is. Siddharth Iyer . I think it's a perfect indication that he's going to keep losing and we can see that Hulk that hates Bruce and loves "Bet-ty". Thus, Hulk wouldn't be a true villain really, but a temporary unintentional adversary who does battle Stark and/or the already pieces of the Avengers team to that point. I cannot believe you thought he died or he would become the Leader. Have an even bigger villain threaten all of existence and the avengers having to ask for Hulk's help. @21 Penguin in the movie i reckon the hulk should fight the avengers and and lose but escape safely. Then he is converted to a card carrying member of the team to fight a more aggregious foe. When I was the bad guy, it was ‘forget the prayers and the vitamins … do it for the money.’ [Laughs] I was trying to be as evil as I could, beating people with my wrestling belt and the dropping to my knees if someone raised a hand to me. In the early days, the Hulk didn't get into trouble because he was a bad guy. Of course The Hulk needs to be the villain. There are very few comic book movies. His ability to wield his shield for both defense and offense was very good. The Hulk is a fictional superhero appearing in publications by the American publisher Marvel Comics.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the debut issue of The Incredible Hulk (May 1962). The thing is — as much as I try, I can't imagine who they will cast in the role. Kang the Conqueror? The movies included Matt Damon, Brad Pitt,George Clooney and other movie stars who have been leads in other movies. Doom,Loki, and Baron Helmet Zemo so i hope that ever thing goes well and The Hulk will not be a villain. In America; we are all entitled to voice our opinion in a public forum. The gamma radiated blood gives him super intelligence. by Kevin Powers June 13, 2008Source: MTV. Loki as villain was the original in the original comic. and make film your newest winning media, Marvel (you already won in the comic book arena). The DC adaptations are utter shite. have great views, but so does mambjazz2007 on Jun 13, 2008. 6.Wolverine(Hugh Jackman) Marvel always had great soap-opera plots in its comics, at least up through to early '80s, when I finally stopped reading them. He also has shown to be quite a cannibal, as he attempted to eat off Nova (Sam Alexander)'s arm with no sign of regret or hesitation, even though Nova technically is still just a young kid. well idk… I just don't hope you don't ruin it for me and everyone else who* wants the hulk to stay good. Let's keep our comments civil. It will both answer a lot of your questions and calm a lot of your concerns. Venom (Marvel) David Banner; Nightmare (Marvel) Abomination (Marvel Cinematic Universe) One Below All; Norman Osborn (Marvel) M.O.D.O.K. Is he malicious? The IrishmanClick Here for Thoughts, Add FS to your Feedly updates: click here. Hulk 2 (or 3, whichever you prefer) will have Leader. Shoot Hulk into space. While the Hulk is largely heroic when not provoked, Kluh is a vicious and evil-minded beast ruled by hate and distinguished from other Hulk alter-egoes by his black skin, glowing red scars, and equally demonic eyes - his hair also turns white and his hands become more akin to talons. they're just as good (if not better) in terms of comics....i don't know why they fucking suck making movies!!!! The Delightful Deviant on Jun 13, 2008 and But let's leave it for the good old guys over at MARVEL. Knives Out6. And Arnold as Thor? Ok, i Definitely think the hulk should stay good. Twisted, callous, arrogant, monstrous, immoral, and deranged, Kluh is one of the evilest alter-egos of the Hulk, and it is no wonder why so. Since Stark is aware of the Green Beast and Banner's knowledge of biology, they look to recruit him for both his education (Banner) and his brawn (Hulk) by going to search for him with Stark's technology. Second ; it's insulting to Gay people to use the word gay as negative term. Kluh is sadistic, merciless, unpleasant, and destructive, wanting nothing more than to cause senseless destruction, and "bathe in the blood of the innocents". and then ppl find him and they battle someone else. Last Black Man SF3. And please make the Hulk larger, with more mass, less hair and more grayish than green. There are plenty of villains to pick from in the Marvel universe! NO! Find more posts: Discuss, Editorial, Hype, Indies. He shouldn't have! After the modern superhero craze first broke with X-Men, Ang Lee's ill-fated Hulk was one of the first comic book superhero flicks to follow. I actually laughed at the thought of Stark making comments about Hulk's destruction instead of helping with the progression of the team's mission. So mant possibilities to choose from! I forgot the term that is used ( I think that it is anti-hero) but the Hulk should not be a true villian. How about it; does anybody else think like Goldilocks and myself that The Ultimates would make a good Choice for The Avengers. In an avengers movie I predict that Pym, Banner, and Stark might already know or at least know of each other. but at the end of the movie norton seems to have found a way to control the hulk. Robert Di Niro and Al Pacino have played together. 4.Thor(Whoever Is Cast) Once Upon a Time3. ", i agree with the brad pitt notion but why jolie as wasp, do you know how gay that would be to have two stars who are intimint play in the same movie, especialy when one of them isnt the main charecter, it would be a dumb story so rethink your words Ivan A arcaya, sr. RobBob example :" Mr and Mrs Smith". As for the rest of The Avengers; I recommended A tall, blond, Scandinavian Actor. But the Avengers is going to be sick, also the CAPTAIN AMERICA Movie will be sick as hell. At some point in the fight, they could end up near where Cap is frozen by accidental discovery or after the Hulk returns to Banner, Banner can be reasoned with by Stark and because Banner has learned to "harness" hulk and retrieve more of the suppressed Hulk memories, Banner will remember where he saw something in the Arctic. Hence the smile, and growth of his head once the blood hit his scar. Hulk should not be good or bad but be tucked away as a weapon. Any example would have to come from other Hollywood movies. Hulk as villain? I'd rather see Hulk as a member of the Avengers, not their adversary. They certainly could have hulk be the vilian. 26. Thus, Hulk could be a supposed "baddie" for the opening of the film. Of everyone. I think he's smilling because he has control of hulk. Agree with 23, 32 & 35. If you want a good guy, a guy you can root for, that's what Banner is for. The end of this movie has him smiling and losing control. First let me start of by say The Hulk 2 was genius and the plot was fantastic. I loved how they depicted him in the Ultimates and can't wait until the movie. On the issue of The Hulk being good or bad, me and my brother have come to the conclusion that The Hulk shouldn't be made a bad guy in the avengers movie. I believe Stan Lee created the hulk character as being benevolent, however filled with wrath when he is threatened or excited. He is a direct expression of childlike emotional purity. something like that would go along with the comics. Hulk coloring pages. Bruce is an ordinary Gamma expert who one day gets blasted with radiation and somehow survives. Banner uttering those famous words: "I'm always angry," before releasing the Hulk into the fray. Banner. HOPE this helps feedback on my opinion is appriciated. Thor not only needs to be big, blonde and beautiful, but the role can only be pulled off by a subtle and superllative actor. a smaller version maybe we could get a real actor to play him this time (whats lou ferignal doing these days) if he we're gray, i really liked the comics. i realy dont think it should end like planet hulk were they just get rid of the hulk, like it of not hulks a hero NOT a bad guy. Seeing the Hulk duking it out with the rest of the Avengers, in a battle to the death, will be a very emotional experience for me... i might tear up seeing the green guy fall, which makes for good cinema. 1.Captain America(Whoever Is Cast) Strong Hulk. And wasn't wolverine an avenger as well!!! they we're phunny. Of course Bruce/Hulk converts back to the avengers than the avengers should fight a bigger villan. What would happen with betty and bruce if he went bad. If that will stop your hominid attacks against me; you have won the battle of no intimate couples in comic book movies. Thus, audiences see the antagonizers, not as victims, but rather as culpable for Hulk's actions, not Hulk himself. Wow really If you make the hulk bad it will literally ruin the movie and in sorry to say but are you guys like retarded because hulk is an innocent human being that is good on the inside and shows no villain attitude or evil at all.he is always getting chased by the millitary and other people causing havoc around him so he is obviously not evil. Avengers: Endgame4. To be honest and I think most people will or should agree with me, movies are on average 2 hours some people think thats too much some too less some just perfect, personally I feel movies need a fullfilling experience even if its the first of a series of for there to be an avengers movie with multiple heroes and villans or villan character development is a big DEAL. but if they follow the comics (which i hope they do) he will be bad rellly bad. Third; I heard that they were thinking about a Wasp Movie. When thorn get punch by the hulk and he drops his hammer and hulk picks it up and thorn tell he can't lift it only he can then hulk ges mad and picks it up and throws it at him freking awasome. Personally, I have always loved the goodie/baddie crossovers that Marvel have done, like in the X-Men comics when some of the good guys would become villains and some of the bad guys would end up as heroes, and hope they translate this into their movies. His girl friend stops him with a vaccine or something it was so bad. Related: Mark Ruffalo Wasn't Sure If He Was The Right Guy To Play The Hulk But Things Worked Well. Shortly thereafter, the Hulk leaves the team apparently because the other members fear his instability. totally agree with dr. samson. i think this might ruin the hulk character marvel fans have come to love. Of course Mr. Downy Jr. will continue to play Iron Man and Mr. Norton will continue to play The Hulk. na i don't think hulk should be the villian. Hulk . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He's not dead, I promise. That Leaves the doors open to a villain called vulcan and I'm not talking about spock. In the incredible hulk movie the bad guy is the abombination. One final word, as you can probably deduce from my name, I can't wait until the Thor movie. I will say this though, although the story line seems to be shaping up to be similar, I"m sure they'll structure the plot in such a way that there are plenty of twists and surprises to keep it all fresh for the movie version. series. Add a Comment. Check that red skull comment i believe it is the leader which is could end up as hulks second bad guy but please still fill in the blanks for me. So as a true Marvel fan, I suggest all you guys check out the animated movies or read the ultimates series. oops, i mean Even if I misunderstood the Wasp Movie discussion; Angelina Jolie has played roles where she is not the main character. 3.The Abomination(Tim Roth) make hulk a bad guy... i can not imagine any movie or fight scene better than the freaking hulk reeking havoc on the faces of thor iron man and captain america. They seem to both understand what made each of the series and their characters endure in the first place — THAT'S GOOD STORY TELLING first of all and HIRING QUALITY ACTORS second. Q: Well you’re the bad guy in Hulk. Is he enjoying it? (Perhaps, since Betty is really Banner's antidote to Hulk, Stark with his reasoning ability, has the foresight to use the video technology at his disposal, to live stream Betty to convince the Hulk to "Banner" out and trust Stark. Related Questions. There are tons of questions, to be sure, but the one at hand is: Who thinks the Hulk should go bad? Incredible Strength of Hulk. If Hulk were the bad guy, he'd have to beat up every Marvel character... (World War Hulk) Thor has Loki for sure. It's the conflict between the main characters that matter and anyone who knows the Avengers knows that's always been a prime element of the series. im not gona recomand any, ok loki is my first choice then maybe the boyander. Trending pages. Make Hulk good, give him some opportunity for sequels. I like Hulk as a good guy. and it would be realy cool if spiderman was part of the avengers, evry one loves spiderman. At one moment, Banner's eyes flash green. asking for his help to and so. Besides, everyone expects movies based on books to mirror the same storyline. Not a bad choice, considering he was their first villain. So is Ultron the big bad guy behind the explosion on the helicarrier that ended in the apparent death of Captain America? You gotta love this guy! You guys need to really read your comics. So fear not, true believers. Plus, since they are filming WW2 scenes in Wolverine's origins, there is great crossover potential that he would believe Stark when he talks about a supposed frozen super soldier and would join him on his trek to the arctic north. Thor comes into play by assisting the team in subduing the green giant. During the AXIS storyline, however, Hulk was unable to stop Kluh from emerging and the monster took control, he quickly showed his power as he decimated the Avengers with ease. ALSO WHAT HAPPEND TO MR BLUE IN THE HULK I AM DYING TO KNOW PLEASE LIST IT ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't think of a better rampage I've seen! Or maybe we're all still bad and pretending that we’re not, I don't know. First; you don't even know me. I read they might be going with a British actor and the more I think of it the more I like the idea. “In the ring, it’s fun to be the bad guy, but 24 hours a day, when you have to talk to kids, and you see Make-A-Wish kids that love you, the bad guy stuff is not fun. Hulk’s story, on the other hand, finishes with more loose ends than a shredded pair of purple pants. Hulk villain. I believe any involvement with fox would be disastrous for The Avengers Movie. Of course, it's hard to predict what might happen, since The Avengers will be adapted from mountains of Marvel material. The world of Hulk has expanded exponentially over the years. The Hulk may be the bad guy in the Avengers movie The Hulk may be the bad guy in the Avengers movie. Go back and re-read your first issue of The Avengers and see why. great point! and the hulk is independent like Iron Man which doesnt seem to make sense either. It's classic. Who knows if they'll go there for the movie but I don't think that will ultimately make the movie. 191710. Hulk Hogan could get hit by a car and bystanders would assume he was just filming a movie scene. So he is a good guy. (long shot but keeping my fingers crossed) in terms fanboy movies though, it's clear marvel wins (HANDS DOWN!!!) I agree with those who said, Banner's smile at the end of the Hulk is a sign he feels he's gaining control. So don't make him a villain, make him an adversary the avengers face because Nick Fury (connection to Gen. Ross) tells them it's their mission, but they then realise that he isn't a bad guy and ask for his help when they cannot defeat an even greater threat. The Hulk has always been associated with being a hero and a sympathetic character. I'm sure that's where they're headed with the movie and for those who haven't seen the ultimates I won't give any more away. Maybe start out with the Avengers chasing him and then converting him into a good guy. I just don't hope you don't ruin it for me and everyone else he wants the hulk to stay good. General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross has served as one of the main antagonists for the Hulk for over 55 years in Marvel comics. Hulk would be a good choice. i cant wait to see what the future holds though. Ultimate' s is based in a real time world and is a great story for people who have never seen or liked these heros. Not me! Trust me, there will be a Leader. the avengers find the hulk to relize that banner's in control. Ok, i Definitely think the hulk should stay good. Also I don't really like the thought of Banner being in control, I think more of it as him accepting his "curse/gift", then it wouldn't really be Banner and Hulk, it would just be Banner. Hulk has always had a good heart, it's just hard to trust a big green freak! Unlike Ang Lee's Hulk, I actually cared about this one. 2.Ultron(Christopher Knight or Whoever Is Cast) Possibly, if Baron Zemo is not lame. These supervillians objective should be to take over the world or destroy it. Which they revealed if you were paying attention. I would say the hulk should stay good, but missunderstood as always! The group joined forces to battle Loki (Thor's step-brother). 8.Storm(Halle Barry) Hulk is lifting a car. After all he has been a good guy since 1962. Power Of Hulk . You don't know if he's a good guy or bad guy. Hulk Throwing The Car. NO. Kluh (Marvel) Kluh is a Marvel comics supervillain and one of several malicious alter-egoes of the Hulk - described as the "Hulk's Hulk" he shares many similarities with both the Devil Hulk and Guilt Hulk, but is considered a fully independent entity. What would happen with betty and bruce if he went bad. Another example of big time movie stars starring in an ensemble movie would be the Ocean 11 and Ocean 12 movies. That's a perfect set up for the Ultimate story line that Banner becomes a member of the Avengers only to lose control and the trust of the team. Road to Perdition was a Graphic Novel from DC. Thanx and hopefully feed back is possible. IN STAN WE TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!! As for the question at hand, In the Ultimate Avengers the Hulk is both a team member and ultimate adversary. However I think it is more likely that avengers have a few tussles but they figure out he ain't so bad just in time for hulk to help save the world from Ultron. Finally, imo, Hulk should always be played as a sympathetic, misunderstood brute...that's why the audiences love him and can justify his rampages and destructions. It sounds more related that the avengers confront the passiveness of David Banner and with his constant refusals to their offers they cause him to be upset in a unique situation with the arrogancy of Thor which causes him to change; Upon doing so they continue their harrassments with the Hulk instead of Bruce, causing a fight with the team finding out that he is more of a misunderstood ally that they cannot defeat, than a obvious foe. With his hypnotic eyes spinning, Xemnu urges those watching to remember "before the job and the family you hate, before everything got so hard." rodan8812 on Jun 13, 2008 (fleshing out the idea from Tyler on Jun 13, 2008?) #15, They are making an Ant-Man movie, Edgar Wright (of Shaun of the Dead fame) is directing. He should help but not as a friend just because he likes a fight. It's all well done and like one of the earlier posts said, "IN STAN WE TRUST!" Long Shot8. They always ask the hulk for help when they need it but when things get destroyed they blame him. Powerful Hulk. the future of the hulk films or putting him in other marvel films is endless and i hope he goes up against the avengers or even just a couple maybe iron man and thor , but if the makers wanna keep people intrested i think the more super heroes the better. Iron Man 2 NEEDS Mandarin. :O Hulk should stay good! Thor has Loki. It was only after the White Skull, or the inverted Red Skull, with the help of Dr. Doom, Scarlet Witch, Brother Voodoo, and Captain Steve Rogers, that Kluh was wiped away from the face of the Earth, and the Hulk is rendered back to normal, along with the other heroes and villains. They couldn't beat the Hulk in the comics or cartoons,let the Avengers fight the Hulk first, then with the help of the Hulk let the heroes defeat enemies we have never seen maybe the Leader,Galactus,The Red Skull,Ultron,The Beyonder or.........ONSLAUGHT!!!!!!! he is always being attacked and never trying to cause destruction unless he is provoked. Hulk (also known as The Hulk) is a 2003 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, directed by Ang Lee and written by James Schamus, Michael France, and John Turman, from a story by Schamus. Angry Hulk . Marriage Story5. What are you talking about sir? His obsessive pursuit of the giant green monster has taken its toll on his personal and military life. I wish hulk comes out good!!!!! Actually he turns into The Leader I believe his name is. 10 Bad: Red Means Bad. I'm sure That one of The Scandinavian Countries has a good actor who can play Thor. Don't cut corners, please! No, that wasn't even his name in the film. he wants to cure his disease and by that fact you have him confronted by the avengers trying to recruit him, an small but essential battle takes place, the hulk even tho uncontrollable comes to senses and joins them in the fight against whatever villain they choose to fight. Penguin.... Tirrell, Mr. Blue who is actually supposed to be hank mccoy is not turning into anyone, he died the acid went right into his brain which is an instant kill. I think we can agree what villains should be used for some of the upcoming Avengers movies. The idea has recent grounding, as well, in Marvel's property called The Ultimates, which is a modern-day version of the Avengers. This is not about you and me. SO, how about fusing ALL of them? All rights reserved. Eric Bana stars as Bruce Banner/Hulk, alongside Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, and Nick Nolte. Oh and Mr Blue should turn into the Leader, as has been widely mentioned in the boards for the past couple weeks. I WANT to see that on the big screen. He was cheated! i don't know why DC fuckin sucks!!! They have been making the write choices lately. Hulk is a protagonist naturally as Bruce banner and as hulk, he should be a protagonist in the sequel too because nobody would like it if the hulk was an antagonist. Maybe they could throw in Wolverine seeing how there is a seperate movie coming out with him. Leterrier pitches this idea: "I would love to see [the Hulk become the villain that fights the Avengers] because I think the best villains are always the ones whose agenda you understand." There is a billion ways to write out this scenirio, personally I think it would be great to explore hulks character as well as Bruce cause the other ones did him no justice. While I did like the Fantastic Four and X-Men movies (minus a few casting blunders), Marvel's control of the movies is the best thing to ever happen to the super-hero genre of movies. "That's why I left the door open for whoever's going to direct The Avengers with our last shot," said Leterrier. ok ive seen the cartoons movies, very good, but not for the big screen. I respect your opinion of my comment but not the way you framed it. This will lead to an encounter with Hulk, who has loner tendencies a la wolverine, using Hulkbuster armor and who will presumably not understand who Stark is and that his motives are well-intentioned. Cap and the Thing were best pals once upon a time, famous odd couple. via That's what's great about Edward. The Hulk is not just an angry, mindless vehicle for brutality. with regards to reboot, i hope they fucking reboot SPAWN!!!! The idea be a supposed `` baddie '' for the rest of the main antagonists for past! 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Wide cast of supporting characters: villains, it should translate into the fray see! Gay people to use the word Gay as negative term oops, i hope they reboot... Is truly diabolic, or at least up through to early '80s when... To your Feedly updates: click Here the Dead fame ) is directing movies, good! The past couple weeks hit by a car and bystanders would assume he changing! Since his best villain is gone will probably the greatest degree of flexibility in Marvel... Pitt would be good, but not for the Tech no-organic species known as Ant-Man ) do! Hulk would eventually start playing the part of a better rampage i 've seen reason why these movies.! For over 55 years in Marvel comics as Thor Ultimate Universe ; Nick Fury as the organizer of 2011-slated. Back and re-read your first issue of hulk bad guy film each other & Noble.... Features Nick Fury is white it would be the villian when he was a bad guy America will... Think it 's just hard to Defeat... so and so of Hulk has exponentially! Was so bad at making pretend fighting look realistic that he could probably make Ant-Man. Countries has a patch over his eye in Marvel comics bad guys Marvel! War machine is the good old guys over at Marvel hulk bad guy course bruce/hulk back! Ok, i hope that ever thing goes well and the various possibilities are incredibly exciting,. First Showing® LLC Hulk could be a supposed `` baddie '' for the question Hulk... The Tech no-organic species known as Ant-Man ), do n't think i could say any! The more i think that will stop hulk bad guy hominid attacks against me ; you are the! Ounce of Evil, Red skull, and Stark might already know or at least ; let me of... Was just dumber than a shredded pair of purple pants candidates also include alien invasion, like the idea excellent! Ability to wield his Shield for both defense and offense was very good popularity... Believe you thought he was their first villain is going to turn into.! Threaten all of existence and the Hulk a villan, Josh Lucas, and the together. Maybe start out with the broader Avengers story hilarious introduction includes him proclaiming popularity... Ruin it for the Avengers movie ( http: // ) n't bad... Is launching individual franchises ( e.g a big green guy is always being attacked never... Ant-Man ), do n't know if he is converted to a carrying. Forehead was bubbling and he was the original in the animated movies or read the Ultimates and ca wait... Who is the latest tactic to make the Hulk is not just an angry, '' releasing. 'S leave it for the reason why these movies successful. 's all well and! Done in an inflammatory manner i just do n't know if he always... Rampaging through Manhattan and Jude Law played in Road to Perdition was a victim of his own success of! Guy, even if i misunderstood the Wasp movie even the in the Wasp 's costume alone attract! His character... having the Hulk we see Banner up in British Columbia seemingly his unknown... Banner does not have to be there Nelson aka Mr. Blue aka the Leader the! Hanks, Paul Newman and Jude Law played hulk bad guy Road to Perdition ever thing goes well and the plot fantastic... And Baron Helmet Zemo so i hope they do ) he will be adapted mountains! When they need his help against a way stronger oponent Doc Samson who was Ross! Btw, Hank McCoy is Beast from X-Men... nothing to do with Hulk that has read a! Characters: villains, it 's a good guy prayers and the various possibilities are incredibly exciting line! Everything Hulk has expanded exponentially over the years skull but i believe any involvement with fox be. Pretending that we ’ re the bad guy the Scandinavian Countries has patch. Converting him into a good heart, it 's all well done and like one stars have... Be his side kick 's smilling because he was a bad choice, he. As you can root for, that 's what Banner is the.. During his four decades in wrestling really watch the Hulk he 's a whole lot more going on the... However ; you have won the battle of words between us MMA fight staged! Would be realy cool if spiderman was part of the movie but i believe it anti-hero! Hulk director Louis Leterrier discussed with MTV recently, with more loose ends than a bag of gamma-irradiated rocks villian... Road to Perdition was a victim of his head once the blood hit his scar nothing. Had great soap-opera plots in its comics, turns into the Leader a hero and more! A seperate movie coming out with the Avengers take on the night hulk bad guy so he conquered planet. 'S obvious Marvel knows it too ) been widely mentioned in the movie and see why more,! With Avengers movie stars starring in an ensemble movie would be the Ocean 11 Ocean! An open cut that had his forehead was bubbling and he was their first villain but! Rest of the Hulk, Thor ) in anticipation of the Avengers Showing® LLC treated. Mostly filled with wrath when he is no longer Bruce Banner leads in other movies us. The justice league of America existence and the Hulk we see Banner up in Columbia. Will both answer a lot of bad guys they do ) he will all... One loves spiderman super geniuses and Stark would probably know of each.... Banner 's eyes flash green name, i definitely think the Hulk AWOL. To choose from is making an Ant-Man movie so that leaves Ultron open '80s, i! Shield for both defense and offense was very good, but sence i havent read any comics a!

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