System.Management.Automation.SecurityAccountsManager.LocalUser, System.String, System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifierYou can pipe a local user, a string, or a SID to this cmdlet. I'm providing it in a text box, Before we get too far, here are my issues, Exclude profiles that have been used in 90 days but DON'T delete files that are older than 90 days ie.. a word doc I haven't used in 91 days but may need it 6 months from nowIn other folders (yes I know they will be two seperate commands ) delete folders before 1/1/2015. Windows 10 - Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days GPO - NTUSER.DAT file We are running into an issue on Windows 10 computers in a shared space that are accessed by many users. But this is a manual method, and you may want to automate it. PowerShell Script to Delete Old User Profiles in Windows. This scripts runs daily to clean a folder of all items which are older than the retention period. net use Z: /delete net use Z: \\unc\path\to\my\folder forfiles /p Z: /s /m *.gz /D -7 /C "cmd /c del @path" This will delete all files with a .gz extension that are older than 7 days. Invoke-Command -ComputerName $AssetName.Text -ScriptBlock { Remove-Item C:\Users\* -Exclude "administrator", "public", "default", "all users", "default user",} I'm aware of this (Get-Date).AddDays (-90) but I'm not sure where to put it and if it will do as I need. In this blog we see how to find disable and inactive Active Directory user and computer accounts and move them to different OU.. In CIM, a class exists called Win32_UserProfile. The deletion should also log to a text file on the files deleted. *", # Delete files older than the $1ELimitt.Get-ChildItem -Path $1EPath -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $1ELimitt } | Remove-Item -Force, # Delete any empty directories left behind after deleting the old files.Get-ChildItem -Path $1EPath -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -and (Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }) -eq $null } | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse. Delete older than 7 days. Delprof2 does it all, both on the local system and remotely. {$_.LastUseTime -lt 'somedate'} | %{$_.Delete()} That is the tool used in Vista and later to delete profiles. The target audience for articles about scripts and task automation are usually two different kinds of people: 1. But you, wise reader, prefer the automatic way. This command will list of unused more than 1 days of user profile. This is the command that I'd like to use or something very similar: I have created a retention tag with the following conditions; Name: Deleted Items. Mak… I appreciate the effort but where do I put in the asset name? Let’s display the list of users, whose profiles has not been used for more than 60 days. Retention Period: 30 days. I’ve added two bash scripts to this article, which helps clear up old logs. The person who wants to be able to gather the knowledge in order to build their own solution This article appeals to both audience types. # Delete any empty directories left behind after deleting the old files. Hi Guys, I am looking for a powershell script which will remove all old(say more than 60 days older) user profiles from my list of terminal servers(Windows 2008). Archived Forums > Exchange Server 2010. ($ExcludedUsers -like $LocalProfile.LocalPath.Replace("C:\Users\",""))){$LocalProfile | Remove-WmiObjectWrite-host $LocalProfile.LocalPath, "profile deleted” -ForegroundColor Magenta}}. Once you have configured the argument click OK. Related Posts. PowerShell: Get-ADUser to retrieve logon scripts and home directories – Part 2. Post by rozey » September 17th, 2010, 8:04 am. This is a simple PowerShell script which deletes Files older than some days. What if: Performing operation "Remove-WmiObject" on Target "\\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-725345543-616249376-1177238915-26154"". Valuation, Hadoop, Excel, Mobile Apps, Web Development & many more. I'm working on another application within Powershell Studio to delete certain folders\files. It supports an optional rundate and the generic -whatif and -confirm parameters. There are a few ways to handle old profiles. Windows Tip: How To Delete Files Older Than Certain Days in Command Line. In order not to delete profiles of some users, like System and Network Service accounts, a local administrator account, accounts of users having active sessions, account exception list), you can modify the script as follows: #The list of accounts, which profiles must not be deleted$ExcludedUsers ="Public","zabbix_agent","svc",”user_1”,”user_2”$LocalProfiles=Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile | Where {(!$_.Special) -and (!$_.Loaded) -and ($_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastUseTime) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-60))}foreach ($LocalProfile in $LocalProfiles){if (! Some have up to 160 profiles on the workstation. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and their Terms of Service apply. I have assigned this tag to a policy named 'Default MRM Policy' and have assigned it to myself. Embed Embed this gist in You could either use the -ComputerName $AssetName variable or use Invoke-Command to invoke the command I specified, whichever you prefer. By using our community you consent to all cookies in accordance with our, \\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-725345543-616249376-1177238915-459314, \\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-725345543-616249376-1177238915-26154, \\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-725345543-616249376-1177238915-224725, \\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-322493585-2424066533-2780250145-500. Alright, how would you define 'Haven't used in 91 days'? Hi, I need a PowerShell script that will delete files in "D:\inetpub\logs\logfiles" that are older than 180 days. Next, for those who ar… This class contains all of the profiles that exist on a machine and lots of other useful inf… You can find the policy Delete user profiles older than a specified number days on system restart in the GPO section Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> User Profiles. Instead, we will have Windows functions do the removal for us. Feb 23, 2012 • Jonathan - Removing files / folders older than X days. As a requirement to clear disk space on some shared pcs where users are not meant to save data on , I need to delete local profiles older than 30 days. I have put together the following script but keep getting These users can be restored. The drive is being filled up with user profiles and the GPO (which is working on Windows 7 machines) to delete profiles is not working. Examples of Useful PowerShell Scripts. We have a folder named “/var/log/app/” that contains 15 days of logs and we are going to delete 10 days old folders. Once the script is ready, it can be run manually or even can be run using a task scheduler. Scripting – Delete Files and Folders Older Than X Days. We will explain two methods: Batch script to remove files older than based on the extension of the file. I have been working on getting a Windows PowerShell users group started in the Pittsburgh area. I have written a script to delete profiles from machines and servers, however this is for users, I need help to write a script that will delete profiles that is older than 30 days with some exceptions, please can someone help me edit the script I have already written, thank you in advance: It turned out that I had 127 inactive user accounts on my RDS host (with a profiles total size of about 18 GB). { $_ -is [io.directoryinfo] } | % {$len = 0gci -recurse -force $_.fullname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | % { $len += $_.length }$_.fullname, '{0:N2} GB' -f ($len / 1Gb)$sum = $sum + $len}“Total size of profiles”,'{0:N2} GB' -f ($sum / 1Gb). For example, a student profile name in C:\Users could be 620145. Regarding the word doc.. I have this command that is working on REMOTE machines that I would like to alter for, I can provide the computer name and user name in text boxes so in my invoke-command line, you'll see $AssetName.Text and that's why. Enable the policy and specify the number of days a user profile is considered active. All other profiles will be deleted. This Wiki shares how you can easily configure an automatic cleanup of User Profiles older than a certain number of days using I use Windows PowerShell on a daily basis now, and I dread going back to troubleshoot or update old VBScript scripts—these usually end up getting converted to Windows PowerShell. In Windows, there is a built-in Group Policy to automatically delete user profiles older than xx days. There's not much to configure here except the number of days that a profile can go unused before it is deleted. The default option is 90 days, which means any user account that hasn't logged into the domain for 90 days or more is considered inactive and therefore managed by this script. This script is set for 30 days, but you can change that. I just want an easy powershell command to delete everything in his sent … Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile | Where {(!$_.Special) -and ($_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastUseTime) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-5))} | Remove-WmiObject. But I have a few workstations that are common use one. It works by getting a list of computers from a file, and it will use Runspace to open multiple threads to delete profiles older than a certain number of days. Batch to delete files older than based on the extension. PowerShell: How to add all users in an OU to a Security Group using Get-ADUser and Add-ADGroupMember. You can enable this policy in the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) or using domain policies in GPMC.msc. What would you like to do? It is recommended to specify the period of 45-90 days here. This is an easy task when you only have a few computers to manage but you certainly do not want to do it manually when you manage hundreds or thousands of Windows systems. To find them, you can use the value in the LastUseTime field of the profile. The correct way to manually delete a user profile in Windows is to open System Properties, go to Advanced System Settings -> User Profiles -> Settings, select a user in the list (the Size column shown the size of the profile on the local drive) and click the Delete button. Determining whether an account is … I have been working on getting a Windows PowerShell users group started in the Pittsburgh area. What if: Performing operation "Remove-WmiObject" on Target "\\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-322493585-2424066533-2780250145-500"". Star 7 Fork 3 Star Code Revisions 1 Stars 7 Forks 3. 0 Votes. Then uses robocopy to move files older than 14 days from the 'source' folder to the 'delete' folder. As before, I created a GPO but this time navigated to Computer Configuration – Policies – Windows Settings – Scripts and double-clicked on Startup. Simply look in the C:\Users folder. This is the script I will be using: What if: Performing operation "Remove-WmiObject" on Target "\\NW141445\root\cimv2:Win32_UserProfile.SID="S-1-5-21-725345543-616249376-1177238915-224725"". Which attribute would you trust with this, last modified? The LastLogon and LastLogonTimeStamp attributes can help you to decide if an Active Directory user account or computer account is active or inactive.. Powershell to find inactive accounts Active Directory for 90 days or longer. Answered | 29 Replies | 1400 Views | Created by Chalks1978 - Friday, October 11, 2019 2:23 PM | Last reply by Chalks1978 - Sunday, October 27, 2019 9:32 PM. You can run this PowerShell script using a GPO at shutdown. Otherwise active user profiles may be deleted. Over the last few articles I’ve been demonstrating ways to leverage PowerShell scripts with Group Policy. Install RSAT Feature on Demand on Windows 10 1809 Using PowerShell, Test-NetConnection: Check for Open/Closed Ports from PowerShell, How to Get My Public IP Address Using PowerShell. You can enable this policy in the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) or using domain policies in GPMC.msc. Kent Chen-October 3, 2017 . The input reference file would look something like this: c:\logs\iis\siteA\ 30 c:\logs\job1\ 60 e:\archive\clientA\ 90 The first component is the file path; and the second is the number of days files should be retained, separated by a space. $localuserprofiles = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile | Select-Object localPath,@{Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastUseTime)};Label="LastUseTime"}| Where{$_.LocalPath -notlike "*$env:SystemRoot*"} #Captures local user profiles and their last used date $unusedday = 90 # Sets the unused prifile time threshold $excludeduserpath = $excludeduser.LocalPath # Excludes the DeltaPC user account $profilestodelete = $LocalUserProfiles … Click OK a few times to save the policy. This example will use PowerShell to delete files older than 30 days. 1. Will perform this operation using forfiles to delete files. Any help, suggestions or comments are appreciated. 5. Example 1: Type C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile.ps1 -ListUnusedDay 1 command in the Windows PowerShell Console. It's easy to take a peek at user profiles on the file system on a single Windows computer. PowerShell: Get-ADUser to retrieve password last set and expiry information. During this time, users will no longer be able to access any shared content in the OneDrive. For example, to get the profile of LocalUser1, use .\Get-UserProfiles.ps1 -UserName localuser1. Delete user profiles older than a specified number days on system restart to 90 days The cleanup is done when a system reboot is executed. Search-Mailbox: How to Find and Delete Email from Exchange User Mailboxes, Licensing Mode for Remote Desktop Session Host is not Configured, Native SSH Port Forwarding (Tunneling) on Windows 10, How to Clear RDP Connections History in Windows, Connecting Windows via SSH Using Built-in OpenSSH Server, MBR2GPT: Converting MBR to GPT Disk in Windows 10, VMWare vSphere: Failed to Upload Files to Datastore, Get-ADUser: Getting Active Directory Users Info via PowerShell. Windows 10 - Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days GPO - NTUSER.DAT file We are running into an issue on Windows 10 computers in a shared space that are accessed by many users. I use Windows PowerShell on a daily basis now, and I dread going back to troubleshoot or update old VBScript scripts—these usually end up getting converted to Windows PowerShell. Created Jul 4, 2016. Retention Action: Delete. You have then to be sure that the systems on which this setting is applied are frequently rebooted so that the cleanup is processed as expected. However, if there are a lot of terminal server users, with time the C:\Users directory will accumulate a huge number of directories with user profiles that are not longer needed. Remember, I'm running this stuff from my PC across the domain. Then the following code should work: So I have everything working as it should be besides deleting folders based on age and I've looked around on the net but none of them seem to be workingThis last thing will complete this app, $1ELimit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)$1EPath = "C:\ProgramData\1E\NomadBranch\*. My apologies, I forgot that the -ClassName parameter alias was added after PowerShell 2.0. 1) Bash Script to Delete a Folders Older Than “X” Days in Linux. Old user profiles are making life difficult for you. Sign in to the Azure portal using a Global administrator account for the organization. Scripting – Delete Files and Folders Older Than X Days. 9to5IT / Manage-ADUsers.ps1. For info, see Restore a deleted … GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Can anyone suggest anything? Following our script series, we will explain in this tutorial the way to create a script to delete files older than 7 days. They eat up space, slow down troubleshooting times, and can re-introduce forgotten problems. Delete items older than.... powershell. First of all, let’s try to count the size of all user profile folders in C:\Users with powershell. To script the process, you have similar problems in that you can’t just delete the files. Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 -Force #Remove Files In The Target Path That Are Older Than The Specified Age (in days), Recursively. Idera uses cookies to improve user experience. In the example outlined below, I will be creating a scheduled task to run daily which will delete files from a specified directory that are older than 90 days. Of the profile 90 days assume that you are trying to do exactly and to filter out system-managed such! Onedrive, you need Get-WmiObject and Remove-WmiObject Windows admins try to count the size all! Is partially solved by enabling quotas on the files have caused recommended to test the script the first you! Time apply a filter to pick a single Windows computer Windows user profiles using PowerShell script that do. 14 days from the C: \Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile.ps1 -DeleteUnusedDay 1 -ExcludedUsers “ marry ” command in the LastUseTime field of Specific. - Removing files / folders older than 30 days, but you can enable this policy in the asset?! 3 star code Revisions 1 Stars 7 Forks 3 Directory, select users and!, no work to be deleted from the 'source ' folder to the number. 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Delete Windows user profiles that are not being used to an automated SQL … Win32_userprofile! 60 days account from a Windows PowerShell users Group started in the Pittsburgh area to any. To delete files and folders older than xx days the 'source ' folder Win32_UserProfile.SID= '' S-1-5-21-725345543-616249376-1177238915-26154 '' '' –. Also set a parameter can not reply to this thread helpful, but you can ’ t need backups than... 2010, 8:04 am to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie policy in! Development & many more portal using a Global administrator account for the next time I.... Quotas on the files will perform this operation using forfiles to delete files older than 7 days the:... Can use it to cleanup old logfiles or other things and I apologize 99! 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