This was all before Hitler’s Operation Nordwind, which began in January 1945. Operation Northwind, planned by the Fuhrer himself, hurled eight German divisions, three of them SS, against the thinly held American line in the Alsace-Lorraine region. In the end, rather than withdraw, Devers agreed to shift his forces to create a mobile reserve that could block the enemy’s key avenues of approach leading into his front. Master Fighter 1:48 48565 Bergepanzer 38 Germany Army, Operation North Wind, January, 1945; Scale: 1:48: Length: 5.25" Width: 2.25" Composition: Resin: SKU: MF-48565: Historical Note: Welcome Master Fighter to North America! Now it was the Germans’ turn to counterattack. At Colmar, Generalleutnant Siegfried Rasp (he had just replaced Wiese) had his Nineteenth Army standing by. If successful, this operation hoped to split Allied lines near Strasbourg. For four days, elements of the 398th Infantry Regiment of the 100th Division then assaulted Fort Schiesseck, a major Maginot Line defensive work––a 14-story-deep fortress, complete with disappearing gun turrets and 12-foot-thick, steel-reinforced concrete walls. Hitler saw the ideal place for his counter-offensive: the same hilly, heavily treed, “impassible” Ardennes-Eifel region through which his armies had plunged in 1940 to invade Belgium, Holland, France, and Luxembourg. Check-in for our flights starts 4 hours before the flight departure. They would slam into the 80,000 Americans—many of whom were recently arrived and had never before seen battle—stretched across a front of 75 miles between Monschau, Germany, and Luxembourg City. Originally, all those German soldiers have been buried in 225 different places within the Department Haut-Rhine before they found their final resting place here at the Bergheim cemetery. By nightfall on the 10th, however, it became evident that another enemy attack was forming opposite the 3rd Battalion’s position. Meanwhile, back on the western flank of the Seventh Army, on the 8th or 9th of January, Gerald Daub, a private first class with Company F, 397th Infantry, 100th Division, was sent on a patrol into the town of Rimling with a buddy, Howard Hunter, to watch for enemy movement. This lasted for quite a long time, probably an hour, with sporadic fire after that. It began on 31 December 1944 in Alsace and Lorraine in northeastern France, and it ended on 25 January. The infantry regiments of three other recently arrived divisions—the 42nd, 63rd, and 70th—were rushed up from the south—sans artillery and support units—and turned into “task forces” to plug the numerous gaps and weak points in the Seventh Army’s lines. With the defeat of Operation North Wind and the impending collapse of the Colmar Pocket, the Upper Rhine High Command was inactivated on January 24, 1945, and the responsibility for the defense of the upper Rhine region was again returned to Army Group G. The staff of the Upper Rhine High Command was used to staff the newly formed Eleventh SS Panzer Army on the Eastern Front. ... German North Sea wind farms produce more electricity in 2020 than ever before; 20 Jan 2021, 13:33. The designation of the command as a “High Command” also meant that the Oberkommando Oberrhein was an independent, theater-level command that answered directly to Hitler and OKW, rather than to OB West, the command responsible for the Western Front. On January 16, 1945, XXXIX Corps, with the 10th SS Panzer Division, 7th Parachute Division, and the 384th and 667th Assault Gun Brigades, spearheaded a drive from Lauterbourg south along the west bank of the Rhine, smashing into the 79th Division and TF Linden, and pushing down to the Gambsheim bridgehead. With casualties mounting, and running severely short on reinforcements, tanks, ammunition, and supplies, Eisenhower, fearing the outright destruction of the U.S. 7th Army, rushed already battered divisions hurriedly relieved from the Ardennes, southeast over 100 km (62 mi), to reinforce the 7th Army. Operation Nordwind, although costly for both sides, was ultimately unsuccessful, and the failure of the offensive allowed the U.S. 7th Army to contain the German push towards Strasbourg. Schalke remains in last place with seven … Far from being on its last legs, the Third Reich seemed to have an unlimited supply of troops, ammunition, and equipment in reserve ready to throw at the Allies. “Our instructions were to report back to company headquarters and tell them what was coming that particular evening,” Daub said. He entered alone and a few minutes later emerged with 16 prisoners. Sparks then jumped onto the other tank that drove through the encircling enemy, leaped off, dashed across the snow, and dragged three wounded soldiers back to the tank––one at a time. Although snow fell lightly, giving a peaceful, Christmas-card ambiance to the hills, trees, and mountains, the Alsace front was anything but quiet. They grabbed us and dragged us out the door and searched us. Company F, shivering in their soaked, ice-covered uniforms, manned the eastern edge of the Bois de Drusenheim and an outpost in the northwest section of town, while Company E remained on the southern tip of Drusenheim. Operation Nordwind did little except generate large numbers of casualties and prolong the war. “We picked a very nice house that commanded a bend in the road where we could see right up to the top of the little hill the town was on.”, Toward evening, a German armored recon unit with several tanks approached Rimling, and Daub watched as the armor and infantry drew nearer to his position. At 4:30 pm, as Company F reached the outskirts of Drusenheim, it met light artillery fire. Protesters have voiced their opposition to the SuedLink extra-high voltage line bringing wind-generated energy from the north to the south of Germany. Five tanks managed to cross the bridge before it partially collapsed and became unusable. Panzergrenadiers rushed into Hatten and the ferocious battle for that village and nearby Rittershoffen went on for days. Elements of Combat Command B, 12th Armored Division, moved through Company L’s bridgehead and made it down to the northern outskirts of Herrlisheim, but the rest of the command, which was to support the drive, was held up and did not follow in time, eventually forcing a wholesale withdrawal from Herrlisheim. After the surprise of the Ardennes Offensive, the Allies were expecting continued German aggression … Seventh Army in northern Alsace. He said, “We did not have good winter clothes, so it is a miracle that we survived.”. Brushing aside his generals’ concerns, Germany’s supreme warlord told them to find a way to do it. On December 11, 1944, Hitler summoned a number of high-ranking generals to his top-secret underground headquarters known as the Adlerhorst in Bad Nauheim, a resort city 20 miles north of Frankfurt-am-Main, to let them in on his strategy to halt Germany’s slide toward defeat. The Energy Central Power Industry Network is based on one core idea - power industry professionals helping each other and advancing the industry by sharing and learning from each other. Wind turbine manufacturers provided data for current main investment costs relevant for projects that will become operationalin 2016 and 2017. Jump to: navigation, search. MHI Vestas was contracted to supply turbines for the Deutsche Bucht offshore windfarm. Amazon, Orsted sign deal for German offshore wind. The Operation Nordwind plan called for Lt. Gen. Hans von Obstfelder’s German First Army to attack southward from the West Wall and into France, through Bitche, the Saverne Gap, and the Wissembourg Gap (the latter the site of first German success in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870) between the Low and High Vosges Mountains of Alsace-Lorraine, and link up with another thrust northward by Nineteenth Army, locked in a pocket around Colmar. The division then advanced to Reyersweiler, which fell after four days of fighting—December 11–13. Grid code requirements concerning connection and operation of wind turbines in Germany Abstract: This paper discusses issues of German grid codes relating to wind turbines. On the 10th, several supporting M-8 self-propelled howitzers tried to resume the American attack against Herrlisheim but they broke through the ice covering the network of waterways to the west of the town and were promptly hors d’combat. Staff Sergeant Howard C. Pride, a communications wireman with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 314th, recalled his battalion’s time in Drusenheim. It is a matter of destroying and exterminating the enemy forces wherever we find them. At one point, a German soldier tried to climb up on the tank destroyer parked at our doorstep. In his own warped world view, Hitler believed that Britain and America would then join forces with Germany to fight against what he supposed was their common enemy: the Soviet Union. Early on January 8, the zone of attack switched to the 314th’s 3rd Battalion sector, with Company L assigned the main objective: establishing a bridgehead across the Zorn River south of Drusenheim near where it met the Moder, and taking a group of buildings at the la Breymuehl waterworks complex beyond. These positions rarely would change for the next 12 days. Seventh Army. At Herrlisheim, the 314th was hit by saturating mortar and artillery barrages that began on the frigid night of January 6-7 and would go on for days, a week, two weeks, then three. Thanks to their hearty offense and stout defense, the men of the 100th would later become known as the “Sons of Bitche.” The fierceness of the combat was a precursor of things to come. On the morning of January 19, the 10th SS Panzer Division and the 21st SS Panzergrenadier Regiment assaulted American positions west of Gambsheim and Offendorf. “The Germans demanded we surrender and came in the house. 2 Min Read. Despite so many German successes, Operation Nordwind began to lose its punch. This was one of the last successful German offensives in the Second World War. Fortunately, VI Corps ordered the 36th Infantry Division, which had been in reserve, to take over 12th Armored’s positions, and 12th Armored went into reserve to lick its wounds. For two weeks the battle raged, the mountain division’s assaults, rockets, mortars, artillery, and long-range tank fire seemingly concentrated on one unit of the 45th: Lt. Col. Felix Sparks’ 3rd Battalion 157th Infantry, isolated on a hilltop. On the Eastern Front, the news was just as good, with a resurgent Soviet Army decimating German ranks in a massive new offensive called Operation Bagration. He also knew how weak the American line was after Patton left to go north. I explained the situation to him and he agreed that my plan to save troops in that region was militarily correct. “We went to the furthest place in the house, which was the kitchen,” Daub said. Wacht-am-Rhein began with terrific, terrifying violence at dawn on December 16 as barrage after barrage saturated American positions and wave after wave of German infantry, supported by panzers, tore into the shocked Yanks, freezing in their snow-filled foxholes. But the enemy was slowly increasing its presence in front of both battalions’ positions. Up until about Christmas Day, the Allies believed that elements of various panzer and panzergrenadier divisions, which had been identified on the Seventh Army front at various times during December, might have been withdrawn and sent north to join the Ardennes battle. Login to manage your stash. That would be very nice; the impression on the German people would be immeasurable, the impression on the world decisive, terrific psychologically, the impression on the French people would be depressing. There was no electricity. On January 19, the Germans’ renewed ground offensive against the 79th at both Rohrwiller and Drusenheim began. An enemy tank, firing on the factory, also hit the church steeple in Rohrwiller with about 50 rounds. As the Germans withdrew to the east of the Rhine, Patch’s Seventh Army began a drive just over a week later to clear northeastern Alsace, and at month’s end established a foothold on German soil beyond the Saar River. Meanwhile, during the night of January 6-7, the bridge at Drusenheim was repaired while under constant enemy fire. With the high utilization of wind power a simultaneous loss of several thousand MW wind generation became a realistic scenario in the German power system. Eisenhower wanted Devers to meet it by withdrawing and shortening his lines to create reserves—a move that would essentially give back northern Alsace, including the city of Strasbourg, to the Germans. As dusk fell, 17 panzers, supported by some 400 infantrymen, attacked across the Zorn north of Herrlisheim, nearly overrunning CCB’s command post in Rohrwiller. Patch directed Haislip’s XV Corps––made up of the U.S. 44th, 100th, and 103rd Infantry Divisions—to cover 35 miles of front to the west of the Vosges Mountains; Maj. Gen. Ted Brooks’s VI Corps—consisting of the 36th, 45th and 79th Infantry, and 14th Armored Divisions­­—would man the front to the east in the exposed Lauterbourg salient. In 2020, the amount produced rose by 12.4 percent to 22.76 terawatt hours (TWh) compared to 2019, according to the grid operator TenneT. Although wounded 17 times during the battle, Novosel, unlike many of his troops, survived and spent the rest of the war recuperating in a German POW camp. EDF Renewables North America today announced that the 150 megawatt (MW) Merricourt Wind Project achieved commercial operation and has been turned over to Otter Tail Power Company, a subsidiary of Otter Tail Corporation (Nasdaq Global Select Market: OTTR).EDF Renewables developed and managed the construction process for Otter Tail Power under an Asset Purchase Agreement and turnkey … The question of liberating all of Alsace at this time is not involved, either. He told another officer, “Meyer, I think we’re not coming back from this one.” Novosel’s premonition would prove all too accurate for many of his men. If his troops could split the two forces along this seam, inflict massive casualties, and capture Antwerp, Hitler was convinced that the war-weary American and British public would rise up and demand that their leaders enter into a negotiated settlement with Germany. He then organized a second patrol and attacked an enemy-held house from which heavy fire was pouring and preventing his battalion from advancing. At this conference, Ike told Devers to halt all offensive operations and even be prepared to pull back from some of the hard-won ground—a directive that did not sit well with the 6th Army Group commander. The tank on which he was riding slid sideways on the road and was knocked out. Ordering tank support, he hopped aboard one of only two Shermans that responded, grabbed the .50 caliber machine gun mounted on its turret, and directed the armored beast up the icy trail that led to his surrounded companies. Like their offensive in the Ardennes, the Germans, aided by bad weather that grounded Allied air power, experienced some initial successes but were eventually driven back. There have been countless thousands of published works devoted to all or of it. At the angle where the German-French border makes its abrupt southward turn was Lt. Gen. Karl Decker’s XXXIX Panzer Corps, with its 21st Panzer and 25th Panzergrenadier Divisions, augmented by a company of super-heavy 70-ton Jagdtiger anti-tank mobile weapons. The campaign also highlights the difficulties of inter-Allied cooperation between the Americans and the French. This time the German infantry was strongly supported by panzers, but American tank fire, along with machine gunners from Company M, broke up the attack after a three-hour fight. “We used to take trips back in our jeep [to and from Rohrwiller] and as we came into the town, the Germans would shell us with artillery. German wind farms in the North Sea produced more electricity last year than ever before. In the annals of military history magazines, this is one of those moments. There are moments in military history that forever alter the flow of human events. The French government and French commanders vehemently objected to this idea and Ike had to deal with the intrusion of politics into the conduct of war: “The French continued to worry about the safety of Strasbourg,” he wrote. Communications took a constant hit as wiremen from both battalions and regimental headquarters were continually on the go, making repairs. Strasbourg was saved but the Colmar Pocket was a danger which had to be eliminated. The night of January 9, and into the next day, saw little activity around the 314th’s positions and the men rested as best they could, given the sub-freezing conditions. Division artillery was down to less than 50 rounds per battalion. From the quiet, far-western end of the line, the 36th and 103rd Infantry Divisions, along with the 12th and 14th Armored Divisions, were sent to Brooks’s VI Corps, whose units were taking the brunt of the German assault. 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