(Calmet) --- None can perfectly know the nature of things either present or future. "[6] Every funeral is a prophecy of one's own death and burial. This emphasis on the importance of living wisely continues through the rest of the book (cf. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. To seek happiness in this earthly existence has been considered, ever since the day spoken of in Genesis 3, as identical with gathering grapes from thorns and figs from thistles. He who is newly born and is ordained to endure through a long life is like a warrior who puts on his harness for battle; and is not he in a better case who puts it off because he has won the victory? Those days have been good, I am not going to depreciate them, but to bless the Lord for every one of them. Genial. Solomon’s first beatitude is an honourable reputation. Though Solomon seems in some places to feel strongly (Ecclesiastes 2:16; Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 ff) that natural fear of death which is, in a great measure, mistrust founded on the ignorance which Christ dispelled; yet he states the advantage of death over life in respect of its freedom from toil, oppression, restlessness Ecclesiastes 2:17; Ecclesiastes 4:2; Ecclesiastes 6:5, and in respect of its implying an immediate and a nearer approach to God Ecclesiastes 3:21; Ecclesiastes 12:7. To draw near to God in communion--that is one of our most blessed employments. At first glance Ecclesiastes 7:1 seems strange and even contra-logical. laughter. The first clause has no internal connection whatever with the second: the means adopted to point out such a connection have been plainly artificial and farfetched. The change will be remarkable, but it will not be so great a change as thoughtless persons would imagine. III. You sorrow not as those that are without hope. (T. Boston, D. D.). His weak faith fails to realize the loveliness and perfections of Jehovah. And when once these arise in the mind, they impart a character of uncertainty to our personal salvation. In this view we reckon that —. In the world at large, what are the elements of conduct which leave upon society a kind of impression of you? The sufferings of Jesus and the influences of the Spirit indicate a cost which no arithmetic can compute. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Ecclesiastes. (G. S. 14:13; 2:10). On the day of the believer’s death dying is for ever done with. Then, perhaps, next to that is justice; the sense of what is right between man and man; fairness. And whereas sweet ointments may be corrupted by dead flies, a good name, proceeding from a good conscience, cannot be so. And that is not the end of it, where men are permitted to attain a great name. Howbeit, the improving of life to the raising a well-grounded good name, will balance the vanity and misery of life effectually; so that he who has reached that kind of living, has what is well worth the enduring all the miseries of life for. It is to be understood of them--, 2. Prudence and the fear of God necessary in this world, Ecclesiastes 7:15-18. A good name is worth a man’s earning to transmit to his posterity. for this reference of the pronoun, Ecclesiastes 4:12; Ecclesiastes 5:17. Demonstrate the truth of this paradox, this unlikely tale, That the saint’s dying-day is better than his birthday. 4. "[1], "A good name is better than precious oil" (Ecclesiastes 7:1a). The praise of wisdom, Ecclesiastes 7:19. In addition, a good name isn"t securely established until the day of death; through carelessness, the living can always ruin their reputation. For being king of the Bactrians, he was overcome and slain in battle by Ninus, king of the Assyrians. It is more enduring than ointment. It is what you are, and then what men think you to be--the substance and the shadow both; for character is what a man is, and what men think him to be; and when they are coincident, then you have the fulness of a good name. As to the parties, those who have so lived as to obtain the good name. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, The day of death than the day of one’s birth, "A good name is better than precious oil", "It is better to go to the house of mourning", "The heart of fools is in the house of mirth", and the day of death than the day of one's birth. "the day of one"s death is better than the day of one"s birth"-Of course, such a day is only better for the man with a good reputation, the person who is prepared to meet God in judgment (Luk3 ). Precious and dear unto my soul are those sweet rests of love--days that God has hedged about to make them His own, that they may be ours. This is true of the name of Christ, whose name Messiah which signifies anointed, is as ointment poured forth, and is preferable to it, Song of Solomon 1:3; so his other names, Jesus a Saviour; Jehovah, our righteousness; Immanuel, God with us; are exceeding precious to those who know the worth of him, and see their need of righteousness and salvation by him; his person, and the knowledge of him; his Gospel, and the fame and report it gives of him; infinitely exceed the most precious and fragrant ointment; see 2 Corinthians 2:14. Some scholars see this chapter as an attempt to answer the question implied in Ecclesiastes 6:12, "Who knoweth what is good for man"? The day of the saint’s death carries him into a better world than the day of his birth did. The connection of this verse with the preceding verses is this: the man, who wants to know what is profitable for man and good in this life, is here told to act in such a way as ordinarily secures a good reputation (i. e., to act like a wise man), and to teach himself this hard lesson - to regard the day of death as preferable to the day of birth. Ecclesiastes 7:1 in all English translations. Paul’s “good name” was all that was needed to secure large donations for the poor saints at Jerusalem. Retail: $39.99. Vs. First Element. The latter part of the verse has a logical connexion with the former. The point of comparison is simply this, that, in the first case, as well as the second, the one thing mentioned is better than the other. 7 A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. the day of one’s birth. Above him. That there is an internal nexus between the words "ointment" and "name," we should be led to think by the passage in the Song of Solomon 1:3, where שמן and שם are in like manner connected: "In smell are thine ointments good, ointment poured forth is thy name." And to be called by that honourable name in Jesus, which the mouth of the Lord hath promised to name, is fragrancy indeed, Isaiah 62:2. (12.) Maxim. within it, without apostasy from it; within the N.T. But some names there are in European history, and some names there are in American history, that have lifted the ideal of manhood throughout the whole world. 1. Sweet ointment, olfactum afficit, spiritum reficit, cerebrum iuvat, affects the smell, refresheth the spirit, comforts the brain: a good name doth all this and more. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 Ecclesiastes 7 – Trying to Find a Better Way A. Sorrow is better than laughter; for by the sadness of the countenance, the heart is made glad. A good name - Unsatisfactory as all sublunary things are, yet still there are some which are of great consequence, and among them a good name. Our Price: $15.99 Save: $34.00 (68%) Buy Now. Darkness, discouragement, uncertainty and despair were the results. 2. Trials must and will befall, and your little one who is born to-day is born to an inheritance of grief, like his father, like his mother, who prophesied it as it were by her own pangs. So, too, in things which are certain the saint’s deathday is preferable to the beginning of life, for we know that when the child is born he is born to sorrow. Next. John Trapp Complete Commentary. There is many and many a father that has ruined a son by transmitting money to him. You have seen pictures of “Coming of age in the olden time,” when the joy of the young squire seemed to spread itself over all the tenants and all the farm labourers: everybody rejoiced. (H. W. That is, to him who achieves a good name, the day of his death is a day of victory. It has been very sweet to sit at the Lord’s table, and have fellowship with Jesus in the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine; but sweeter far will it be to commune with Him in the paradise above, and that we shall do on the day of our death. The Preacher’s experience thereof, Ecclesiastes 7:23-25. From the fundamental passage it is evident that good oil is considered here as something very costly and precious. Same word as "good" at the beginning of the sentence. As to the preference, it stands in two points. So in the case of the woman who received an "everlasting name" from Jesus Christ, in reward for her precious ointment (Isaiah 56:5; Mark 14:3-9). And certainly it is better to step through sorrow into joy than through joy into sorrow. In this connection, it is good to remember that: "We should not take Solomon's words either literally or absolutely. A good name. And how can the day of his death in the body be otherwise than blessed, when, from being in union with Christ, he dies here, his soul becomes alive forever in Christ. There is a negation of character common to them all; and the positive qualities of each are not to be distinguished from the other. Not a little did the alabaster box of ointment, poured by one on the Saviour, cost; but who shall estimate the expense at which a rebel against God has been so changed in state and character as to have a name, absolutely fragrant, not only in a sinful earth, but throughout a sinless universe? Why should this be called 'better' than going to the house of feasting? We shall spend eternity in adoring the Most High. But Ecclesiastes presents life as being difficult, oppressive, and often seemingly meaningless or futile (Ecc. Ver. 1. 1. Then, a good name is a legacy. A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. In the good day be of good cheer, and in the day of misfortune observe: … So the Midrash interprets it of one that goes out of the world with a good name, considering this clause in connection with the preceding, as many do. 1585. Here, however, the sentence appears to be more pointed. Ecclesiastes 8 – The Life Worth Living – Mysteries, Riddles, Enigmas and Our God. As noted above, the Qumran manuscript in this place makes the house of mirth here the same as the house of feasting in Ecclesiastes 7:2. There are days with men in business that are happy days, because they are days of gain. Home / Commentary / Ecclesiastes / Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 / Ecclesiastes 7:1-6. A good name preserveth the soul as a pomander; and refresheth it more than musk or civit doth the body. ``the day in which a man dies and departs to the house of the grave, with a good name and with righteousness, is better than the day in which a wicked man is born into the world.'' Previous. You must have a good name,--you must be written among the living in Zion, written in the Lamb’s book of life, or else the text is not true of you; and, alas, though the day of your birth was a bad day, the day of your death will be a thousand times worse. With a UCG.org account you will be able to save items to read and study later! We pass over the years of childhood and youth, during which the human being is acquiring varied knowledge, to the period when character is more fully developed. Enjoy this Ecclesiastes 7 Commentary! Blatt, 1864, No. [Psalms 51:5] If he lives to see the light, he comes crying into the world, a fletu vitam auspicatur, saith Seneca. The "name" given by God to His child (Revelation 3:12) is forever, and in all lands. I. It is absolutely certain that he has done with sorrow, done with pain. While Solomon preferred the day of death, he might still (with Luther here) have regarded birth as a good thing, and as having its place in the creation of God. The Hebrew for “name” and for “ointment,” have a happy paronomasia, {(Sheem} and {(Shemen}. Posted on Aug 24, 2018 by Beyond Today Editor Estimated reading time: 37 minutes. The word good, better, occurs in this chapter oftener than in any chapter of the Old Testament. And when we come to die, with our souls awake to our real condition, conscious that we have been upheld to the last moment, a vigorous faith may enable the Christian go say, with the apostle, in the near prospect of death, “I have fought the good fight,” etc. The day of the saint’s death brings him to, and settles him in better exercise and employment than the day of his birth did. A good name is better than precious ointment. l. 2. c. 25. of some Heathenish and barbarous people in Thrace, and who inhabited Mount Caucasus, that they mourned at the birth of their children, reckoning up the calamities they are entering into, and rejoiced at the death of their friends, being delivered from their troubles: but this is to be understood of the persons themselves that are born and die; not of all mankind, unless as abstracted from the consideration of a future state, and so it is more happy to be freed from trouble than to enter into it; nor of wicked men, it would have been better indeed if they had never been born, or had died as soon as born, that their damnation might not have been aggravated by the multitude of their sins; but after all, to die cannot be best for them, since at death they are cast into hell, into everlasting fire, and endless punishment: this is only true of good men, that have a good name living and dying; have a good work of grace upon them, and so are meet for heaven; the righteousness of Christ on them, and so have a title to it; they are such who have hope in their death, and die in faith and in the Lord: their death is better than their birth; at their birth they come into the world under the imputation and guilt of sin, with a corrupt nature; are defiled with sin, and under the power of it, liable in themselves to condemnation and death for it: at the time of their death they go out justified from sin through the righteousness of Christ, all being expiated by his sacrifice, and pardoned for his sake; they are washed from the faith of sin by the blood of Christ, and are delivered from the power and being of it by the Spirit and grace of God; and are secured from condemnation and the second death: at their coming into the world they are liable to sin yet more and more; at their going out they are wholly freed from it; at the time of their birth they are born to trouble, and are all their days exercised with it, incident to various diseases of the body, have many troubles in the world, and from the men of it; many conflicts with a body of sin and death, and harassed with the temptations of Satan; but at death they are delivered from all these, enter into perfect peace and unspeakable joy; rest from all their labours and toils, and enjoy uninterrupted communion with God, Father, Son, and Spirit, angels, and glorified saints. 6. 2. It suffuses around about one an atmosphere, not very powerful, but yet very advantageous, in the form of kind feelings and wishes. Yea, than great riches. Augustine, who relates this story, saith of man’s first entrance into the world, Nondum loquitur, et tamen prophetat, ere ever a child speaks, be prophesies, by his tears, of his ensuing sorrows. The Hebrew for name and for ointment have a happy paronomasia, sheem (Hebrew #8034), shemen (Hebrew #8081). We shall follow the same employments above as we have followed here. Amongst them is Melancthon, who remarks: "ilia ethnica, optimum non nasci aut quam celerrime aboleri aliena a doctrina ecclesiae:" and the Berleburger Bible, where we read—"for although the day of death extinguishes the light of this life, it kindles the light of eternal life and blessedness.". What is the improvement of life whereby that good name may be raised. (1) There is a play on words in the original (found also in Song of Solomon 1:3), which Plumptre represents by “a good name is better than good nard.” It was probably an older proverb, which the Preacher completes by the startling addition, “and so is the day of death better than that of birth.” For the use of perfumes, see Ruth 3:3; 2 Samuel 12:20; Proverbs 7:17; Daniel 10:3. Wisdom and money a defence, Ecclesiastes 7:11,12. One gentle touch of His hand, and we shall be cured for ever. It will do … (C. H. 1. Our deathday will be the loss of all losses. 1. Men used, before the era of steam, to wearily tow their boats up through the lower Ohio, or through the Mississippi, with a long line; and at night it was not always safe for them to fasten their boats on the bank while they slept, because there was danger, from the wash of the underflowing current, that they would find themselves drifting and pulling a tree after them. (1-4) Better in life and death. (Calmet) --- Protestants, (11.) the end of all men. Second Element. III. Chapter 10. And so it is to the party, too, as an entrance on the stage of life whereby God is glorified, and one may be prepared for a better life (Isaiah 38:19). Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name [is] better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth. There is an excellency and good in it that downweigh all the evils attending life. But what health can equal the perfect wholeness of a spirit in whom the Good Physician has displayed His utmost skill? Sweet perfumes are always mentioned in Scripture in accordance with the value set on them in the East. The latter part of the verse has a logical connexion with the former. II. Book Overview - Ecclesiastes by Arend Remmers. Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. "seeing there are many thing which increase vanity, what is man the better? Sayings of similar import we find also in heathen writers, with this difference, however, that they possessed no key to such sufferings, that they were unable to reconcile them with the divine righteousness and love, and that they were shut out from a knowledge of, and approach to, those sources of consolation which are revealed in the Holy Scriptures. This life is failure, disappointment, regret. Ingram. These words add incredible “balance” to the life of a child of God. That is, to him who achieves a good name, the day of his death is a day of victory. ", Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. To treat them this way is to err in their application. Such a good name is better than precious ointment for the value of it, being better than all riches, for which this may be put; see Isaiah 39:2; and for the fragrancy of it, emitting a greater; and for the continuance of it, being more lasting, Psalm 112:6. 3. The word "good" is not in the text, but is rightly supplied, as it is by Jarchi; for of no other name can this be said; that which is not good cannot be better. Yes, but no day of social enjoyment will match the day of death. In spite of these scriptures, we find it very hard to believe that Solomon had anything like that in mind. 2. the house of mourning . Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible … The “name” given by God to His child (Revelation 3:1)2) is for ever and in all l)ands. name . But, … III. Sweet perfumes are always mentioned in Scripture in accordance with the value set on them in the East. precious = good. for who knoweth?" Learning & Values Texts & Writings Classic Texts Tanakh - The Hebrew Bible Ketuvim - Scriptures Ecclesiastes Kohelet - Ecclesiastes - Chapter 7 « Previous Chapter 6. Ecclesiastes 7:1 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Ecclesiastes 7:1, NIV: "A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth." See Deuteronomy 33:24 Psalms 92:10 133:2 Isaiah 39:2. For. שמן has a sound something like שם. &c. (Haydock) --- Some strive to obtain riches or honours, which will prove fatal to them. It is more costly. But imagine him spared by the goodness of God until he is brought to repentance. 9:4). “Is this to die?” said one. Therefore they sought out well-planted, solid, enduring trees and tied to them, and the phrase became popular, “That man will do to tie to”--that is to say, he has those qualities which make it perfectly safe for you to attach yourself to him. Thus a wife is put for a good wife, Proverbs 18:22, and a day for a good day, Luke 19:42,44. "It is better to go to the house of mourning" (Ecclesiastes 7:2). "better than a good ointment"-a good name is a good reputation (Prov. Socrates, on being asked how one might obtain a good name, replied, “Study really to be what you wish to be accounted.” “A good name” is enshrined in “whatsoever things are honest, lovely, and of good report”--a “name” not only remembered on earth, but “written in heaven.” It includes--, II. The wise man partakes of both. The first clause of the verse is based on Proverbs 22:1, "name is more to be preferred than great riches." And there was some truth in that saying of the heathen, Optimum est non nasci, proximum quam celerrime mori: For wicked men it had been best not to have been born, or being born, to die quickly; since by living long they heap up first sin, and then wrath against the day of wrath. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.". As we make a turn into chapter 7 Solomon describes the “better things” that come to the life of the person who follows God’s Wisdom. Solon, the Athenian lawgiver, said that he counted no man happy until his death. This simply means, "Honor is better than vanity. The light of life, says the Preacher, is sweet (Ecclesiastes 11:7), and we have good reason to "eat and drink with a merry heart" (Ecclesiastes 9:4; Ecclesiastes 9:7-8). The author gives the dark reverse to this bright side of the distich: the day of death better than the day in which one (a man), or he (the man), is born; cf. On earth we have had good days, because we have had a good nature given us by the Holy Spirit, and we shall possess the same nature above, only more fully grown and purged from all that hinders it. μοῦντας ἐκπέμπειν δόμων, some practical rules for the conduct of life which wisdom gives. Compare especially Jeremiah 20:18—"Wherefore came I forth out of the womb to see suffering and sorrow, that my days should be consumed with shame? Yet if this passage be delivered with respect only to this life, and abstracting from the future life, as many other passages in this book are to be understood, then this may be true in general of all men, and is the consequent of all the former discourse. I. Or, if this clause be considered as spoken of this life only, abstracted from the future life, as many passages in this book are to be understood, then it may be true of all men, and is a consequence of all the former discourse. And so true believers in Christ most assuredly know. The day of his birth clogged him with a body of sin; the day of his death sets him quite free from it, and brings him into a state morally perfect (Hebrews 12:23). ev. 6. Already old Jewish … Of death — Seeing this life is so full of vanity, and vexation, and misery, it is more desirable for a man to go out of it, than to come into it. The Targum is, "better is a good name the righteous get in this world, thin the anointing oil which was poured upon the heads of kings and priests. "The solemn and necessary thoughts that come to one at a funeral are far more uplifting and beneficial than those that result from attending any kind of a feast. We may lawfully go to both, as there is occasion; our Saviour both feasted at the wedding of his friend in Cana, and wept at the grave of his friend in Bethany. The good, that which is right and comely for men, supposedly, found had also turned unto vapor, empty and hollow like the rest. The better country which the Christian seeks is a heavenly country--it is an incorruptible, undefiled, unfading inheritance, not to be realized in mortal flesh not to be reached until the spirit, freed from the bonds of earth, ascends to God who gave it. Login or Create an Account. For whatever joy or sorrow they have been born to in this world, they will never taste of joy more, but be overwhelmed with floods of sorrow when once their dying-day is come and over. “A good man shall be satisfied,” not with, but “from himself.” He secures a signal luxury. ; that is, the day of a man's death than the day of his birth. Browse Sermons on Ecclesiastes 7:1. That is a day of great festivity. "Man that is born of a woman, is born to trouble," saith Job. His viewpoint here seems to be like that of a tribe in Thrace mentioned by Herodotus, "Who bewailed the birth of a child because of its entry into the trials of life, and celebrated death as a joyful release from life's trials. name--character; a godly mind and life; not mere reputation with man, but what a man is in the eyes of God, with whom the name and reality are one thing ( Isa 9:6).This alone is "good," while all else is "vanity" when made the chief end. The day of death — Rather, And then the day, etc. — not a general censure upon God for creating man; but, connected with the previous clause, death is to him, who hath a godly name, “better” than the day of his birth; “far better,” as Philemon 1:23 has it. "House of feasting" (Ecclesiastes 7:2). Life is a period of probation, the successful termination of which is better than its commencement. We shall do it there, and take our fill of it. The name of Jesus is as ointment poured forth, Solomon hath said elsewhere, Song of Solomon 1:3. "[9], "The heart of fools is in the house of mirth" (Ecclesiastes 7:4). 1. First, there will be no change of nature. etc." 3. 1. Chapter 12. Show content in: English Both Hebrew. This statement must be understood not absolutely, but conditionally. Improve your life by a personal and saving entering into the covenant of grace, and uniting with Christ, by believing on His name. But there is no man that ever hurt his son by giving him a good name--a name that is a perpetual honour; a name such that when it is pronounced it makes every one turn round and say, “Ah, that is his son,” and smile upon him. He enumerates the prescriptions which he tried, and mentions their results. translat. II. טּוב occurs oftener in this chapter than in any other chapter of the Old Testament. Other men’s opinions of thee not too much to be minded: the motive thereto, Ecclesiastes 7:21,22. Some of us expect to meet troops of blessed ones that have gone home long ago, whom we never shall forget. ), The believer’s deathday better than his birthday. 2. 4. By the day of death we are to understand the day when one dies: this explains the suff. Sorrow. Life is usually considered preferable to death in Ecclesiastes, and a living dog is better than a dead lion (Ecc. The dying-day is not always so frightful as it looks; it may be a good day too. It is a spontaneous emanation from genuine excellence. Without a good name you can possess little ascendancy over others; and when it has not pioneered your way and won a prepossession for yourself, your patriotic or benevolent intentions are almost sure to be defeated. (c) For he first found out the black art which yet profited him not so far as to the vain felicity of this present life. It is indeed reportedF7Herodot. 2. "Call no man great till thou hast seen him dead. A good name; a good and well-grounded report from wise and worthy persons. Now, let us consider that a little. And should the Spirit of God so replenish a man with His gifts and graces, as to render his name thus wholesome, better than the day of his birth will be the day of his death; for at death the box is broken and the sweet savour spreads abroad. In the first place, what is included in a name? Solomon uses the word “better” seven times in this chapter. So a good name becomes a heritage not only to one’s children, to one’s country, and to one’s age, but, in the cases of a few men, to the race. The elements of a good name. The mother rubbed the "good ointment" on her baby and supposedly got it off to a good start in life by doing so. revelation of religion; yet it is significant that it was possible, (Note: “The reflections of the Preacher,” says Hitzig ( Süd. There is an end of the envy and sectarianism and jealousy, the detraction and the calumny, which often environ goodness when living; and now that the stopper of prejudice is removed, the world fills with the odour of the ointment, and thousands grow stronger and more lifesome for the good name of one. Than ointment, such a “good name” is “better” for the individual himself. What woes have not fled before its odoriferous power! There are some diseases which, in all probability, some of us never will get quite rid of till the last Physician comes, and He will settle the matter. Improve your life to a living a life of faith in this world. Luther translates: “ Ein gut Gerücht ist besser denn gute Salbe ” “a good odour (= reputation) is better than good ointment. As in scouring a vessel, sand and ashes first defiling it makes it to glister; so grim death brings in a perfect comeliness. He is said to have been very inaccurate in his … 7:18 ) of these scriptures, we find it very hard to believe that is! In two points graceful, the successful termination of which is better than.... Is one of them especially if it has been a stormy one misery of in... ) Buy Now prophecy of one ’ s birth. -- said that counted... Will find no rest, if not venerable name ; cf 7:1 a good comforts! On them in the same employments above as we have known many blessed days and. Today Editor Estimated reading time: 24 minutes the preference, it is also one of.. To depreciate them, but not in others items to read and study later and enter! 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Might paraphrase it by saying, `` shem mishshemen '' Price: $ 34.00 ( 68 % ) Now., funeral celebrations lasted several days ; our Sabbaths, for the poor at! On earth ( Proverbs 10:7 ; Psalms 112:6 ) has some goodness about it ointment ( Proverbs 10:7 Psalms... Among better company than the best and most savoury earthly things ( 11. no can... For every one of them --, 2? ” said one that are happy days because! ” such “ a good reputation than to begin it auspiciously but then ruin it folly... Believer ’ s opinions of thee not too much to be vanity and misery that born! —, comes down, and shall be satisfied, ” while all else is vanity, '' made. Slides on Ecclesiastes 7:1 seems strange and even contra-logical Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible Complete... Wisdom on the Old Testament cheer, and then the day of my conversion conduct leave. 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