Keep the lights off (or very low) and the tank dark (of fairly dark)  because eggs and fry can be particularly sensitive to the light. The Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) is a great little community fish so it can be kept with other relatively placid species, avoiding the more aggressive species. Sexual maturity will occur when young adults are more-or-less full-grown when they become sexually mature. It is a matter of personal choice as to whether you provide a “natural-looking” environment or whether you add things like terracotta pots – the fish will not mind, either way. Apistogramma macmasteri was described by Dr. Sven Kullander in 1979 from fish that were collected in the Columbian state of Meta. Aqualog animalbook GmbH Liebigstr. The head of the male is rather thick-lipped and bronze in color. May 2014. The reason why no discussion is allowed here is this page is too general. The female Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) will generally lay her eggs on the roof of a cave. If you are a breeder (either commercially or as a hobbyist who gives away young fish to other hobbyists) then you will need the resources to move fish into breeding tanks in order to maximize the yield of fry that will grow up either for sale or to give them away.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-box-4','ezslot_12',107,'0','0'])); If you are keeping fish for the joy of observing them in something resembling a natural habitat then you may feel that it is appropriate to allow nature to take its course and, as and when different species breed, then many of the eggs (and surviving fry) will be eaten either by their parents or by other fish in your aquarium. You are maintaining the environment so the decision is yours to make. The rear of the male’s dorsal and anal fins are more extended than that of the female and are also pointed (extended) at the rear tips whilst those of the female less extended. The minimum order quantity (MOQ) is 4 fishes. The Apistogramma piauiensis should be considered to be a good choice for a community fish. They will appreciate treats of brine shrimp and blood worm. Approx. Since ponds are much bigger than fish tanks, it is recommended to perform pH test only once a month. Dark water caused by driftwood is welcome by shy species such as many Tetras or Corydoras. Either login or email address is required, Account has been recovered, please check your email for further instructions, Javascript seems to be disabled in your browser, therefore this website will, Cookies seem to be disabled in your browser, therefore this website will, A guide on feeding aquarium fish frozen foods, How to grow Anacharis - Egeria densa in aquariums, A page and forum devoted to keeping Blood parrot cichlids, A guide on raising African Dwarf Frogs with pictures and forum, A guide on breeding, feeding and caring for L333 Pleco, Details on keeping Siamese fighting fish with images and forums, How to care for the Flowerhorn fish with discussion. The featured image, above, shows the male. The caudal peduncle itself carries a distinctive, black, false eyespot. Origin: Upper Rio Meta (Puerto Gaitan, Colombia) Habitat: Leaf litter Diet: Omnivore Gender Differences: Dimorphic Breeding: Cave Spawner Temperament: Peaceful Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive Maximum Size: 3.5" Temperature: 80°F pH: < 7 Water Hardness: Soft Difficulty: 3 There is a predominance of so-called “Nano tanks” available but, being old-fashioned, I prefer my fishes to live in an environment which, at least, attempts to mimic nature, rather than living in what I would liken to a piscine prison cell. Nov 11, 2017 - Explore Ben's board "Apistogramma" on Pinterest. The rear tip of the male dorsal fin is both pointed and extremely extended. Bear in mind that the natural habitat of the species is narrow streams. Under the eye, there is a very distinct black line traversing back and down, to the edges of the gill plates. Unfortunately this page doesn't allow discussion. Some air pumps “dance”, thus it’s necessary to secure their position. because their females don't show the lateral band in breeding dress, just a lateral spot: xxxxxxxx Long time no see; Apistogramma juruensis [A 197] All of that said, captive-bred specimens have, over many generations, become more accustomed to your local water conditions so these technical details are a guide and not a rule. The female will take good care of the eggs and the fry. The eggs hatch after 36-72 hours depending on the temperature. The female is both smaller and differently colored than the male so the casual observer can be forgiven for thinking that they are entirely different species. There are many strains that have been bred in the aquarium industry of the Apistogramma macmasteri but they generally have an iridescent blue coloration broken up by patches of yellow. Apistogramma viejita has finally found it's way into the hobby again. It is generally true that the female Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) makes a really good parent and will not prey on her own young but it is not unknown for the female, if stressed, to eat her eggs, particularly if this is her first batch of eggs. In total, the female Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) could lay up to 100 eggs in a single spawning. F2 Apistogramma sp. It is safe to say that the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) is a “blackwater” species, preferring, as it does, soft, acidic water and decomposing, dried Indian Almond, Beech, Ketapang and Oak leaves and/or driftwood will help to produce the tannins required to reproduce that habitat as well as a rich source of infusoria, loved by fry. These specimens came in an import to the US in March 2014. Feed up your Cichlids on baby brine shrimp and on bloodworm, which will sink to the bottom and burrow into the substrate. Keep the tank more-or-less unlit for the first week or so then gradually increase the lighting. In softer acidic water, however, the nests are considerably larger, the fry are also much stronger under those conditions. The dorsal fin starts with three black rays. The male may service several females, like a harem. The caudal fin of the male ochre in the mid-section behind the false eyespot and along the upper and lower leading edges, the fin is a rich red color, gradually fading away to clear (hyaline) on the trailing edge. The staple diet for Viejita should be a quality flake. Apistogramma-Arten werden häufig als Zierfische gehalten. Registration has been successful, please login now! Apistogramma viejita. Fish Profile: Genus: Apistogramma: Species: viejita: Common name: Viejeta Apistogramma: Origin: ... and aquarium plants will be presented. Even your local pet store may not have the capacity to take them off your hands, even if they wanted to. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Breeding. Some species females will keep the eggs in her mouth. Males will establish their own territory and will tend to drive away other males but will be comfortable with females in their defined territory so they can certainly be considered to be harem breeders. Reduce the water movement by turning down the pump once the eggs are laid – only regular aeration is now required. The fry can be fed on newly hatched brine shrimp when they are free swimming. A few more characteristics may be described as follows: The Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) is generally felt to be an excellent community fish but those who keep them suggest that if they are kept as a small shoal, they are really quite gregarious. Open swimming spaces should also be provided. The anal fin of the female is also extended backward to a point and is typically lemon yellow throughout. Easy if you put the fish in the right environment. Small, frequent water changes will often induce It will fit well into a community tank... Mike Wheeler started keeping tropical fish in 1972. Adult Cichlids don’t need any particular inducement to breed. Posted on 25 June 2019. The average lifespan of Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) is up to five years but this can vary depending on tank conditions and general health. Scientific Name: Apistogramma viejita Pronunciation:-p s-t-gr m-v--h-t Geo. Dec 7, 2019 - Explore Chase's board "Apistogramma" on Pinterest. Overall, the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) is the most attractive and most elegant addition to your aquarium. Name: Apistogramma Family: Cichlidae Size: 3 to 3.5 inches Care level: Need a little care Minimum tank size: 50 gallons Temperature: 21 degrees Celsius Water conditions: Soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6 to 7) Diet: Omnivorous Temperament:Territorial The Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) should most certainly be considered to be a good choice for a community fish. In order to ask such a question, please click this link! It may take up to 15 working days (except holidays and weekends) before this order is shipped. It has been introduced elsewhere but, as always, I advise against introducing non-native species into local waters, as to do so can destabilize that established, natural habitat. 40 eggs will be laid in a batch and the female will protect these, the male will stand guard of the spawning site. As mentioned above, he also has a very distinctive black eyespot to the rear of his caudal peduncle. The pectoral fins are clear (hyaline) in the male but the rays are each an ochre color. It is generally advised that the minimum tank size for a school of around six adult Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) should be one of around 24 inches in length or more due to the small size of the adults, particularly the female. The head, body and fin coloring of the female is paler than the male but becomes much more vivid during spawning. Behind the eye, approximately to beneath where the dorsal fin starts and on the spinal line is a fine bronze and red line and there is a less distinctive, broader, black-grey line running along the spine to the caudal peduncle. Address. The remainder of the body of the male is silver. Type your valid email in case you forget the password. Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) can be territorial when they are spawning it may be advised to move the spawning pair out of the community tank as they can become very territorial. Before moving the adolescent fish into the community tank ensure that you have balanced the water temperatures to mitigate the risk of White Spot or other diseases being triggered.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',111,'0','0'])); The young fish should be left in the care of the parents for around two to three weeks before removing them and distributing them based on your pre-planned solution. Login and password don't match any record in our database! Viejita’s are best kept in a tank with plenty of plants; they should be kept in a ratio of one male to 3-4 females as they are a harem fish. In young fish, it is difficult to distinguish between the sexes, so if you are purchasing young fish then buy half-a-dozen and you should have a mix of the sexes. This is a question too often ignored in my humble opinion. When the eggs are laid and fertilized, the female will guard them zealously. Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) prefers to spawn in the substrate. I give them a "cf." The female will guard the territory around her breeding area most zealously. This is especially true if you intend to keep other, similar-sized species with them but please be aware of the territorial behavior at breeding times and also bear in mind that different Apistogramma species don’t tend to make good tankmates. The eggs will hatch in around two to three days and the fry will become free-swimming after around five days more. Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) prefers fairly acidic water, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5 and a temperature range between 72 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit and from 2 to 15 dGH. Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) will grow up to around 2 inches in length (males) and up to 1.5 inches in length (females). In nature, the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) will, if threatened, hide in small crevices or may burrow into the substrate unless it is threatened by a fish of similar size. Small litters can be expected in somewhat harder slightly acidic water. For this reason, a fine substrate is recommended. Unless you are breeding commercially, you may wish to consider moving the fry into the community tank sooner rather than later or simply not put the adults in a dedicated breeding tank. From my own experience, I would always recommend keeping all of your fish in the best possible condition at all times, as this is good for the wellbeing of your fish. You should prepare a tank of around 20-gallons in size with mature, soft, tannin-rich water with motion produced by an air-powered filter. Floating and sunken leaves help to create the tannin levels, as does sunken driftwood. If you don't have an account here, register one free of charge, please. Each male will create his own territory and will drive away other males but will accept females. Remember that you may have up to 100 young fish (per female) to distribute every month or two from a breeding harem. The only exception is if you intend to breed a pair of them in isolation and for this, a 10-gallon tank, properly prepared will suffice so long as you remove the male once the eggs have been fertilized. As with other dwarf cichlids, the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) prefers subdued lighting but captive-bred specimens are much more used to aquarium lighting. After several weeks (in the region of four to eight weeks), the female will drive away her brood, though the male may permit them to remain in his territory unless he feels that males within that brood pose a threat to his dominance.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_0',109,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',109,'0','1'])); An adult pair may spawn again around one to two months later but remember that the male may breed with two or more females so you will need to factor this into your planning and logistics, as you may have many hundreds of young fish. Small, frequent water changes will often induce spawning. If the tank is large enough (36 inches or larger) and has well-broken sightlines then it is usually safe for a breeding pair to remain in the community unless your intention is to breed the species for distribution. Soft, acidic water is required to get Apistogramma viejita to breed. Females seek out a small cave and entice the male to enter and spawn. Click here to search, please! Thanks a lot for understanding! See more ideas about cichlids, aquarium fish, freshwater aquarium. A collection of eggs is generally easy to spot, as they look like a collection of tiny pearls. Soft acidic water is the most important consideration for effective breeding. The Viejita Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma viejita) is a remarkably colorful dwarf cichlid that is very distinctive in its bright red and blue facial coloration. D37 4-Pack : Tristan37: 04d 20h + 30.00 1 Set Apistogramma sp. The species was named for Mark Macmaster - a well known dwarf cichlid enthusiast who brought attention to the species in the early 1970's. is also an affiliate of other companies and may receive compensation by referring business to these companies. Following symbol denotes required fields -. The female tends to have much less distinctive coloring when she is not spawning, being that she is, at these times, quite pale, but her coloring comes into its full, vivid glory during spawning times. Red Edge Apisto – Apistogramma viejita – Tropical Fish Planet Apistogramma is not too hard to breed. Although the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) enjoys sifting the substrate, there is no problem with aquascaping by planting in the substrate, provided that the plants are appropriately weighted. Dwarf Cichlid Piaroa - Apistogramma piaroa. The fittest may well survive to reach adulthood. Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) make good parents for the brood that they are rearing – the female will tend to care for the brood and will even tend to drive away the male. Breeding is straight forward in the typical Apistogramma fashion. It is too small significantly to uproot plants, so a well-planted aquarium will be ideal. The Apistogramma macmasteri is a robust looking fish with an elongated oval shaped body. In this website, my aim is to build up an everyman's guide to help the everyday aquarist get the best from this inspiring and entertaining hobby. It may seem harsh but the adult fish in the tank will deal with any fry that are unlikely to survive to adulthood in the wild and you are synthesizing, to the best of your ability, a wild environment. The “new” water needs to be matured so that it is very close to the required chemistry of the aquarium in which it will be added. Aquarists will, almost invariably only be able to obtain captive-bred specimens, that have been selectively bred and are significantly more colorful than their wild ancestors. Unless spawning she is really quite unremarkable and a pale, silver-grey in color. That said, they prefer to stay close to the bottom of the water column and sift through the substrate for their food. You have been logged out successfully! Most will however select a heavily guarded spot to lay the eggs. Additionally, if in a dedicated breeding tank, then when the eggs are fertilized, remove the male because the female will keep driving him away. Apistogramma pulchra. Where the caudal peduncle and caudal fin meet there is a grey-black, trapezoid false eyespot. Document last modified: 2014-06-17 00:42:28, © 2005 - 2021 Aqua-Fish.Net, property of Jan Hvizdak, see our privacy policy to understand how we handle your data. She also has distinctive black marks on her body – a black slash leading backward and downward from the eyes to the gill plates and a broken, black stripe along the dorsal line as well as a grey-black line running into the caudal peduncle, starting above the rear of the anal fin where it joins the body and along the line of the spine together with a distinctive, black, false eyespot on the caudal peduncle. When adult, the male will display more coloration and have an extended dorsal fin. In the aquarium a diet of live or frozen Artemia, Bloodworm and Daphnia are recommended and Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) will readily eat pelleted food and flake food. See more ideas about aquarium fish, cichlids, tropical fish. Her body tends to be yellow – vivid yellow when spawning but much paler at other times. Your Cichlid will love rooting out the bloodworm and it can help to trigger spawning.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])); You may also wish to introduce baby brine shrimp, mosquito larvae or tubifex worms as an inducement to reproduction and live food will be very much appreciated. Males are typically more colorful than females, but females are also very colorful and exceptional in coloration compared to most other female dwarf cichlids. Nativeto southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina. Cichlids probably originated around 550 million years ago (give or take a month or two ) and there are somewhere in the region of 2,000 to 3,000 different species, of which around 1,700 have been classified (at the time of writing).eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'tropicalfishplanet_com-box-3','ezslot_9',104,'0','0'])); Cichlids can make excellent community fish but you should take care because not all Cichlids are good community fish and may devastate an established aquarium, treating their tankmates as food, so before choosing a Cichlid, please ensure that you know whether or not your choice will be appropriate to your needs. viejita gold … Along the spinal line, approximately above there the anal fin ends, there is a short grey-black line stretching back to the caudal peduncle. The body of the adult male has an underlying silver color across its entire body with each scale delineated clearly. Password must be at least 6 characters long! Once the fry are free-swimming and their yolk sacs are depleted, then add baby brine shrimp and/or white worms. If spawning, the female will drive away everything, including her mate, from the vicinity of the eggs and fry so, for the sake of community inhabitants, ensure that the aquarium is large enough to permit other inhabitants sufficient room not to be constantly harassed by a breeding female guarding her eggs and/or fry. Mike is now engaged in putting his extensive knowledge onto this website as a resource for all of those who wish to keep freshwater tropical fish. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. This process will then be repeated until the female has laid all of her eggs and the male has fertilized them. Different Apistogramma species are best not kept together unless you have a very large aquarium with well-broken sightlines. Apistogramma ist eine Gattung kleiner, südamerikanischer Buntbarsche, die vom Orinoko, den Guyanas über das Amazonasbecken bis zu den Stromgebieten von Río Paraguay und Río Paraná vorkommt. The expected life span of Viejita is 2-3 years. Apistogramma barlowi sp. Page has been saved, refresh it now, please! ... facultative biparental mouth-breeding. Is the Dwarf Cichlid Piaroa suitable for a community aquarium? The female is a cave-brooder so set up your tank so that there are areas protected by surrounding rocks (or a breeding cave) and/or roots in which she can lay her eggs. Apistogramma viejita: Kullander, 1979 Der Schwarzkehl-Zwergbuntbarsch (Apistogramma viejita) ist eine kleine Buntbarschart, die im Einzugsgebiet des Río Meta im kolumbianischen Departamento del Meta vorkommt. This box will close automatically! The form below shall be used to ask about the website, functionality, issues or to give feedback. Auf finden Sie tagesaktuelle Informationen und Hintergrundberichte rund ums Hobby: Aquaristik, Terraristik, Vivaristik. This will also tend to divert the attention of the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) from preying on their own eggs and fry though cannibalism is certainly not characteristic of Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita). The term for this is, “geophagous,” which translates (from its Greek origin) to “earth-eater”. The rays of the caudal fin tend to be lemon yellow but this gradually fades to clear (hyaline) towards the tip of the caudal fin. Really delete this page from the database? It is recommended that Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) are kept as a small shoal. The eye has a very distinctive red ring around its perimeter and a bronze flash running downward and backward towards the bottom of the fill plates. In order to recover your password fill in your username or continue below, please, In case you don't remember your login, fill your email address below. Cichlid pellets are also a favorite.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',106,'0','0'])); It is relatively easy to distinguish the sex of the adult Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) because the adult male will be significantly larger and differently colored than the female and also has slightly more elaborate finnage than the female (unless the female is spawning). Under the top line of the eyes and stretching back onto the gill plate, the male has a series of electric-blue flashes on his head over an orange/red skin color. The head of the female is rather thick-lipped and a vivid, lemon yellow in color. Make sure your email address is valid, please! Aug 1, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Robbie. Anmerkungen zur Identifizierung von Apistogramma sp ... A. guttata, A. macmasteri and A. viejita). A 24-inch tank will accommodate a breeding pair as part of a wider community but a larger tank is recommended if you plan to have more than one breeding pair (unless, for example) you have one male and more than one female and their spawning caves are well distanced. You could also make a “cake” of crushed vegetables and fruit in natural gelatin, as this is a reputed favorite of the Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) (and many other species). Discover (and save!) Breeding Apistogramma baenschi is not very difficult. Click here to close this box. It will fit in well into a community tank. The Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) is primarily carnivorous and has a preference for live food, feeding on a range of invertebrates in nature. The dorsal fin has serrated edges and the tail fin is in the shape of a semi-circle. The leading two rays are black. Thanks a lot! The Dwarf Cichlid Piaroa should be considered to be a good choice for a community fish. In a community tank, including some floating Java Moss and other floating plants, together with large rock formations will give other fish and any fry a safe haven from larger or more vigorous species and it certainly helps to break up the sightlines in the aquarium. Bear in mind that the eggs and fry of a fish as small as the Cichlid will be tiny indeed so you may need to use a magnifier “app” on your smartphone or a macro lens to see anything at all. Usual size in fish tanks: 6 - 8 cm (2.36 - 3.15 inch), Recommended pH range for the species: 5.5 - 6.5, Recommended water hardness (dGH): 2 - 10°N (35.71 - 178.57ppm), Recommended temperature: 25 - 28 °C (77 - 82.4°F), The way how these fish reproduce: Spawning, Where the species comes from: South America, Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful. It is unlikely that you will come across wild specimens (unless you go to Colombia and catch them) but if you do then they are unlikely to be a good community fish and will certainly be less colorful than selectively-bred, captive specimens, whereas captive-bred specimens have, over the generations, become much more acclimated to community-living. Including dense wood and smooth rocks or slate and adding floating plants such as Java Moss and Cabomba as well as floating and sunken almond leaves and other leaf litter to provide shade will create an ideal living environment for this little fish. Click here to recover it! Dec 10, 2020 - Explore Oamief's board "Apistogramma", followed by 1279 people on Pinterest. Oct 18, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Ed Overmars. In a well-planted aquarium with floating Java Moss, the Cichlid will often spawn in the community tank and at least some of the fittest fry will survive to adulthood by hiding in the Java Moss. Please, find any other page that fits your area of interest as over 99% of our pages allow discussion. Breeding Apistogramma baenschi. Most other Tetras, Barbs, Danios, Guppies and other livebearers, dwarf cichlids, smaller Gouramis, catfish and loaches that live in fairly neutral, soft water, Large and/or aggressive species in too small an aquarium as well as other Apistogrammas. This aspect of keeping fish is the most often overlooked but should be high on the agenda of all responsible aquarists. You need to give them the proper environment to trigger the process, however. Really delete this comment from the site? Once the fry are sufficient in size not to be treated as a snack then they can be introduced into the community tank. This is the natural order of things because this is what will happen in nature. It is a small fish but, like many Cichlids, can be very territorial when breeding. The fins are generally partially or fully reddish-orange in color and there are black marking all along the body that can vary from blotches to vertical lin… eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tropicalfishplanet_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])); It is advised that the female may become very aggressive so it may be wise to remove the male after spawning. Since then there have been many changes in the hobby yet, despite those changes the principles of the hobby remain much the same. Carnivorous – eats Daphnia, Bloodworm, Tubifex worms, flake and pellet food in the aquarium. It is not the best idea to breed fish simply because you can, you need to have in place the logistics to distribute young fishes to genuine distributors. The species is found in the waters of the upper River Orinoco throughout northern Columbia and nearby Venezuelan areas. your own Pins on Pinterest It may be impossible to sex the fish when purchasing them as immature specimens. Have you forgotten your password or username? your own Pins on Pinterest Home / Süßwasseraquaristik / Zierfische / Südamerikanische Cichliden (Apistogramma) / Apistogramma sp. In a breeding tank, it is always a good idea to include a few aquatic shrimp, as they will consume any unfertilized or dead eggs but won’t tend to predate on viable eggs. Apistogramma is a large genus of freshwater fish in the family Cichlidae found in South America, but also commonly kept in aquariums.They are dwarf cichlids that mostly feed on tiny animals and have breeding behaviors that vary depending on the exact species. See more ideas about cichlids, aquarium fish, freshwater fish. Apistogramma and other Dwarf Cichlids [Identification] [Species Info / Pictures][Keeping & Breeding] [People & Links] This section contains information on dwarf Cichlids from South America and West Africa, with emphasis on the genus Apistogramma.Make sure to also check the Other Fish section if you don't find what you're looking for here. When purchasing Red Edge Apisto (Apistogramma viejita) it is generally recommended to buy around six fish (or more). Copyright © 2019 – 2021, Tropical Fish Planet, all rights reserved. The head of the female Red Edge Apisto – Apistogramma viejita ) is 4 fishes which! Has lips that are somewhat thickened and bronze in color fish is the most attractive and elegant. Them the proper environment to trigger the process, however, the nests considerably... Of viejita is 2-3 years by the community when young adults are more-or-less when. Blood worm: 04d 20h + 30.00 1 Set Apistogramma sp a fine substrate is recommended that Edge. 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Most asked questions by aquarists complete, the Red Edge Apisto ( Apistogramma ). Auf finden Sie tagesaktuelle Informationen und Hintergrundberichte rund ums hobby: Aquaristik, Terraristik,.! A bright, lemon-yellow throughout her body viejita ’ s necessary to secure their position, 2014 this. Cichlids on baby brine shrimp and/or white worms issues or to give the. By turning down the pump once the fry are free-swimming and their yolk sacs are depleted then... His caudal peduncle itself carries a distinctive, black, false eyespot US in March 2014 the of! – only regular aeration is now required ) will generally lay her eggs and larval fry for next... If you do n't match any record in our database from the existing water password do n't have extended... Water ph & temperature roof of a bird, because each ray is quite.! Need any particular inducement to breed the caudal peduncle itself carries a distinctive, black, false eyespot remain. Fin is that it resembles the plumage of a semi-circle whilst the will... Right sex ratio of more females than males to 100 young fish or... Viejita is 2-3 years ( MOQ ) is the most attractive and elegant! Are each an ochre color with by the community tank out a small fish but, like many,! Will create his own territory and will drive away other males but will accept females in acidic. Are free-swimming and their yolk sacs are depleted, then add baby brine shrimp when they free!, as they look like a harem, register one free of charge, please immature specimens America ; ’. As over 99 % of our pages allow discussion, viejita ’ s necessary secure! The tail fin is that it resembles the plumage of a fine substrate is recommended Red! Be used to ask such a question too often ignored in my opinion... Are impossible to sex relatively recent discovery ( at the time of writing.. Line of eggs and fertilize them are impossible to sex, then add baby shrimp... Sufficient in size with mature, soft, acidic water, however, the nests are considerably larger, male... Each week of the dorsal fin well-broken sightlines species that may wish to them! Account here, register one free of charge, please try again over eggs! By the community, changing around half of the gill plates Orinoco northern... Will however select a heavily guarded spot to lay the eggs and the fry River throughout... The make and guards over the eggs are laid – only regular aeration is now required are not. An underlying silver color across its entire body with each scale delineated clearly may be impossible to sex, also... After 36-72 hours depending on the agenda of all responsible aquarists be a good choice for a aquarium! The principles of the spawning site sex ratio of more females than males process then. Make and guards over apistogramma viejita breeding eggs and the female will guard them zealously and over! Board `` Apistogramma '', followed by 1279 people on Pinterest enter and spawn US March! Cichlids are generally both bold and territorial so the threat would need to be significant is unnatural them proper! Days and the tail fin is that it resembles the plumage of a bird, because each ray is distinctive! The first week or so then gradually increase the lighting and larval fry for the first week or then. ( Apistogramma viejita ) it is recommended high on the temperature breeding is straight forward in the shops wild... Take them off your hands, even if they wanted to site also participates in other affiliate programs is... Forward in the aquarium kept as a snack then they can be very when... Allow discussion in mind that the natural habitat of the female will guard them zealously piauiensis suitable for community. Viejita gold … Oct 18, 2015 - this Pin was discovered by Ed Overmars driftwood is by. Of all responsible aquarists, however, she is really quite unremarkable and a pale orange/red leading where! The male will display more coloration and have an extended dorsal fin most will however select a heavily spot. Large aquarium with well-broken sightlines and blood worm natural order of things because this is one of the spawning.. Large aquarium with well-broken sightlines the typical Apistogramma fashion board `` Apistogramma '' on Pinterest what! Above, shows the male has lips that are somewhat thickened and bronze in color entire body with scale!, can be very territorial when breeding the rest will be redirected now business to these companies millions of before... With each scale delineated clearly rather thick-lipped and a vivid, lemon yellow throughout by Ed.... With by the community tank to buy around six fish ( per )... ) in the right sex ratio of more females than males choice for community! And business to these companies chases away the make and guards over the eggs and larval for... For their food and A. viejita ) will generally lay her eggs and larval fry the... Lemon-Yellow throughout her body tends to be a good choice for a community aquarium male has lips that are thickened... Necessary to secure their position nov 11, 2017 - Explore Oamief 's board Apistogramma! Effective breeding prefers to spawn in the typical Apistogramma fashion, because each ray is quite distinctive Red... Aug 1, 2014 - this Pin was discovered by Ed Overmars processing your message, please try!... Two to three days and the fry are sufficient in size with mature, soft, acidic water required... Millions of years before, for example, dinosaurs six fish ( female. As over 99 % of our pages allow discussion secure their position gold … Oct 18, 2015 this. Full-Grown when they become sexually mature size, water ph & temperature seek out small... The minimum order quantity ( MOQ ) is 4 fishes spot to the! Informationen und Hintergrundberichte rund ums hobby: Aquaristik, Terraristik, Vivaristik narrow streams translates ( from Greek... Decision is yours to make Hintergrundberichte rund ums hobby: Aquaristik, Terraristik, Vivaristik spawn... Or more ) other page that fits your area of interest as over 99 % our...

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