Please advise. Which would be annoying. I have to add something along the lines of Please let me know xyz or Let me know if there is anything else, or I might even cordially thank them for their help in advance. Please advise? Its basically that I have a question or request but dont have enough information to know what to ask for. And of course I understand and noted in my OP that other English speaking nations use slang that is different from ours and sounds perfectly normal to them just as ours sounds annoying. Did you get the memo? Please Keep Me Up To Date Its like some people where I work really hate double-sided printing. EllieH Me too. PLEASE DONT REPLY ALL!!!. I totally agree. I also use it infrequently. We will send you an email to confirm your account. This answer is: Hide . is also grammatically sound but a bit less formal. Can I help whoevers next would be perfectly grammatical, thoughhow about that? ;). I am having a hard time with the fact that someone is having a hard time with the word please being used. If I am seeking a favor, I write, I would appreciate any advice you can offer on this issue. If I am writing informally to team members, I will use Please advise. I picked up the doubt thing from a really awesome math professor I had in college who would ask does anyone have any doubts? after going over something on the board. Its gold when paired with and kindly revert. Because that essentially says, please do this, then undo everything you just did. People who arent being that way would just ask what do you think? or how should i handle? . It is a benefit to do this as often as possible. . Our supplier says it is now y. Its just that, were putting covers on ALL TPS reports now. Do (b)not(/b) leave your belongings at the front desk. Simple, straightforward, and to the point. And Id hope that someone would cut me some slack should I unknowingly pick the wrong set of words. Same as something like, what can we do about this? It can be a genuine question or it can be a thinly veiled way of saying I would like you to tell me how to help you not do something like this again.. Every once in a while you might still get an erroneous email from one of the approved senders, but then idiots in the batch of 1000 people who got the original email cant hit reply all with a snarky or pointless reply. (And we have a couple of offices in India we communicate with, so it comes up a lot.). But from reading these comments and talking to people at my current workplace, apparently not everyone sees it that way. Like. If shes not at her office phone chances are shes in another building or on another floor or in a meeting. We have a process for removing yourself from a distribution list, and replying to all to an email sent to the distribution list isnt it. Makes sense to me; Im asking for advice from my boss. 3. I interpret it in one of the following ways: time. Answer (1 of 21): It's grammatically fine but meaningless. If you didnt give a specific direction for how you want them to respond (Please advise if I have authority to do X, and let me know if you have any questions.) the only response you would get was, Thanks! That is less than helpful when you need authority to do something ASAP. Thats how I use it too. Now, someone in IT has figured out how to make all emails related to a conversation *poof* from the entire email network when something like this happens, so nobody has the email anymore to reply to all. Its funny, because to me, Please advise means exactly the same thing as Id appreciate your input on this. It really is a Know Your Office thing, I guess. For example, Ill try to call one of my peers. If I have asked a series of questions, I put a final, actionable question at the end. What if it is outside their scope? I can definitely think of specific people who only use please advise in the negative context. Thats true, now that I think of it. As it is, Im asking my recipient how they want me to reconcile the A and B that theyre asking for, not because Im blaming them or am throwing their request back into their court, but because I genuinely want to work together with them to find a feasible solution. *taps foot*. Also, Im hungry and mostly thinking about lunch. But I think I mean more did I explain that in a way that makes sense than are you smart enough to understand this. I have a lady who has Thank YOU! (note the application of all-caps) as part of her email signature I read it differently but I dont interact with her on a day-to-day basis so I just suck it up. A nun in grammar school taught us math. So basically, get over yourself and please advise. Please Advise.. How may I help you? or even Next in line, please., I have fortunately never heard that phrase , but I suspect that somewhere along the way Whos next? got combined with I can take/help the next customer in line (or something similar), Ok, I can see that. Some newbie staff members were constantly parking in that spot, which meant one of two things the midnight person had to use one of their breaks to move their car after that staff member left, or if that staff member forgot to move their car, they had to walk 500 metres in the dark to the staff carpark with no cameras at all. I think thats kind of the same though I mostly get those when Im out of the office, and take it as a sign that theyre not expecting me to be available to take calls at any particular moment. When I use please advise its because Attorney X has completely ignored the five other e-mails Ive sent regarding the status of an issue or information needed to proceed. Even when theyre like, I have done that one. "Please let me know if I can be of any assistance" is our top choice of how to say "let me know if you need anything" professionally. [.] It openly pisses people off. versus I do this too most of the time! its definitely as bad or worse than gentle reminder in my book. Thanks, But I dont think Ive ever used it on top of an already asked question rather, it IS the question. I do appreciate it when people are willing to take context into account, so sometimes an opener that acknowledges, hey, I know youve been working really hard on X so this might have fallen off the radar is appreciated, but I really do want to get you what you need! Ie, if youre reading along and you encounter a word you dont understand, you drop everything and look it up, right then and there. On the other side, is the writer genuinely seeking information or help? In the same way: What do you like? 4. Thanks!. Our admin has been sending these long, complicated emails. The formality reflects my work environment. Im rapidly coming to that conclusion as well. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { We use the yellow highlighter feature around here for emphasis, and it works very well. Dana. If you have an actual question, please ask the actual question directly. I use it as more of a heads up- I need some input from you. This! Huh. Im surprised too. My peeve is no subject line Our HR generalist pretty much NEVER uses one in her all-employee emails, and often her emails are just a pdf with no explanation of their content (usually a flyer of some event) so I have to download it to see if its anything at all relevant to me. They are conserving letters so the letters do not wear out or get all used up. + Read the full interview, I started to use TextRanch when I began to learn English. let me know your favorites. Please advise, is much more concise than the alternative of listing all the options out. Body of email First line often says gives detail about the action the recipient should do. I know you wrote this years ago but a google search for ITP and Mthfr gene brought this up. I used to think it was extremely formal and cold, but now it has no affect on me because it is used so freakin often. I should also add that I appreciate reminders since Im disorganized and support too many projects. Thank you !! People with professional degrees should be required to take email etiquette classes, too. So I just associate it with management instructions. To me, it means You have more knowledge about this thing than I do. But I cant figure out what to do! He sends documents to me to get rid of a blank page (when all it takes is a single backspace to get rid of it) and when he got a macbook I was constantly with him at 30 minutes at a time trying to teach him how to right click or minimize a window, how to locate a file he has saved, etc. Can you check these teapots for errors? Often times, I presented with a lot of data that I dont know what to do with it. I got needfulled a couple of times before I went to investigate the thing. Example from today: Good morning SARA!! There is no cost to keep your TextRanch account, and we store all of your past revisions in a secure and private manner. I never heard the how many sleeps thing back in the UK I heard it for the first time when I moved to Canada. Emails were coming in all day long. If the e-mail is sent out to a distribution list (scenario Im envisioning) its hard to think of any circumstance where it would be appropriate to reply all. I recieve emails like shipping updates a lot of the time and Ive defaulted to saying Thanks! because I dont know what else to say, even though theres not really anything Im thanking them for. My boss does that same thing, but she puts the most random words in all caps, and puts everything on an individual line. So its not on top of a question. I usually can get improvement by coaching them on this. If I have to remind you again, it wont be so friendly. I said yes, we do have a parking procedure. I worked at a hospital with thousands of employees and some erroneous email went out to the entire hospital listserv (I dont even remember the original email), and for DAYS we kept getting emails from people saying Please take me off this email chain! and Please stop hitting reply all! DAYS OF THIS. People arent usually willfully distorting what they read or hear in these situations. Some additional . It seems more like the person assumes that an IM is less invasive/interrupting than a phone call, so they want to check in before calling. I find this thread fascinating. Not many of them are productive or helpful ones. A recent fad in my workplace is kindly requesting things. Heeeeelllllloooooooo? Your feedback helps us improve our service. I get those a lot. In which case the Please advise is their action item. Its sort of a crowd control thing. I met some Icelandic people who complained about how uncomfortably close Americans stood. In Taiwan, the one that was odd to me was addressing people as dears whether in the email salutation or in person. Ive been tempted). I really think it depends on company culture. This is a kind phrase, as you are politely ensuring their comfort, while also offering any further assistance if deemed necessary. managers. Im going to ask Alison!. The sender was supposed to gather enamel samples to base a decision on, but flaked on doing it. Thats the way I use it too. Get your English checked! Most of the email is explaining the situation, then please advise.. So dont do drugs. But I think the first message, without bold or caps, is perfectly clear and effective. Its common radio etiquette when you dont want to reveal to everyone on that channel sensitive information regarding your business. One other thing that occurred to me is that it comes across as robotic or cold in some situations. Need to go to the loo: Im just off to do the needful. My brain says this when reading it: You just asked me a question. Whats the verdict? But seriously? I have no problem in theory with please advise, but what bothers me is that it often indicates that someone is coming to me expecting me to solve their problem for them. For some reason, were constantly begging our lawyer to (pretty) please (and only should the stars align to create no personal inconvenience to him) advise (on this legal matter with respect to which were paying him a hefty fee). The How do I save a word file is not a literal question thats happened, but very close. So I explained the situation and stated quite plainly what I wanted her to do. If you are the disadvantaged party, this is what can we do to make you happy? If youre not, this is what are you going to do for me?. They are synonymous phrases, so sure, but I like please advise better. People tend to use it when wrapping up to indicate, Can you give me your thoughts on this? or How should I handle this? I dont think its in any way intended to be demanding its just a wrap-up to the message. Its totally redundant and not necessary. The latter has a different meaning. Putting please advise instead of the second sentence would incline me to respond with something like. That way, I hope, people know why theyre on the email and if they need to respond back. I use please review and advise quite frequently, but for two types of situations: 1 I need direction from my boss Hello Dears. Often, one person or department will need to make a decision that effects my clients. Can I help anyone? versus Who was next? ", Using it first time but seriously I have ever imagined that this type of sites is available. The. The call me is a little short. Me too. If my calls and emails have been ignored, I will politely include this phrase. My HTML brain cells went out for a moment. My boss uses this and tells me to use it. Apparently its a standard phrase in Indian English (and not at all meant to be insulting), and Ive seen it in emails between Indian coworkers a few times now. The editors' comments are helpful and the customer service is amazing. I used to manage a group of volunteers for a Nigerian 419 scam warning website. s.src = ""; Please let me know vs Please tell me. Another is when I get an email that contains only call me. She said the word alright way too much. It was perfect for the scenario because if someone shows you a proof and you dont follow it, you often dont have a question so much as you have a wuhhh? I always wondered if it was an expression I wasnt familiar with or what. One of the frequently used phrases was Please advice me further. And you could argue that business email is its own special little dialect. Theres something about the tone of it that feels too deferential or uncertain to me. So we just print single-sided for them. (And Id add on a personal note that if you dont like getting them, maybe just respond the first time, even if its no or I dont know or you need to ask Jane, not me.). To me the phrase comes off a bit condescending. Here are some formal options: 'Would you prefer for us to send the file today or tomorrow?' 'Please tell me whether you would like the file sent today or tomorrow.' 'Is it preferable for the file to be sent today or tomorrow?' 'Please contact us in regards to the preferred delivery date of the file. Cause Im in Scotland, I can occasionally get away with wee reminder instead.I usually go with this is your 2nd reminder or maybe this is a reminder that the deadline for x is _, Coming from some people gentle reminder is scowl-inducing but wee reminder is great :). I like it because they might actually need something before they complete and return the thing I need; if not, its a memory jog that doesnt automatically assume theyre not on the ball. I always read it like shes yodeling at me. It seems ok to me, and I havent seen it on anyones Grrr list ever. This additional time is also helpful when you have more interviews scheduled with companies that interest you. if (w.addEventListener) { The only thing worse is the Please advice that I would get from a former coworker (a native English speaker, though you wouldnt know from her messages). Ummmmmmm. I am sure we have plenty of equally annoying locutions). I never, ever, take a no answer personally. Want to hear the craziest email pet peeve? Yes, I have lots of thoughts about this. 5. Please advise.. Is that incorrect, Sparrow? ! Its just a . Although I usually prefer let me know what you think since I know please advice grates on some people. I feel like as long as she can make it clear that its a totally normal email phrase that they should feel free to continue using in general and nobodys in trouble, but to please refrain from using this phrase because its her personal preference, that would fall in the line of quirky manager preferences and not annoying stupid pointless manager questions.. Id never say to another person, Please advise., I tend to write like I talk, and I really, really try to avoid any written phrases that dont scan like normal speech. Traduccin Context Corrector Sinnimos Conjugacin. But that is definitely a personal preference issue. I often use it with my boss or MOR to get their advice i.e. ", Thank you so much! + Read the full interview, Zubair Alam Chowdhury, Technical Support Specialist, TextRanch has helped me to improve my written skills as well as to communicate more naturally, like a local English speaker. Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. = Sentence Notice that I switched the Verb and the Subject in the original question. Yes, I suppose thats more out of concern for your schedule. Please let us know your name. I lay out the problem and then ask for advice. I generally think thats a fair assessment by the writer, so maybe thats why it rarely annoys me. This person I know says it all the time (All. It is Something That Is Not Done in our culture (which tends to be very email/IM-focused). Me too. Traducciones en contexto de "Please let me know if you prefer" en ingls-espaol de Reverso Context: Please let me know if you prefer to not have a border. Yes, sounds good to me. Let me introduce myself. I use that a fair amount but I use it collaboration, when Ive formed a plan and want to run it by one or two others because I literally want to know if my plan makes sense. Do they tend to throw you under the bus? This weekend I decided to reorder the teapot lid process from Z to A, rather than A to Z because (insert reasons). The only times it does, its not because of the phrase, its because of the person using the phrase. Feel free to let me know in the comments! Especially the stilettos. I suspect part of the reason for our culture being this way is that we have a fairly open floorplan, so if we were to routinely talk at our desks, it would be disruptive. *other English-speaking nations have their own usage or slang, [dont know where the rest of that sentence went]. Just adding a when you get a chance, thanks takes two seconds and is much more polite. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. Just kidding. This is exactly what I do. I have also heard children use sleeps, as in only 3 sleeps till my birthday.. I never mind it. Almost nothing makes me grind my teeth more. It drives me batty. Thanks, Persephone! Is it possible that your reaction is based off your feelings in your role and the office dynamics? I can literally count on one hand the number of times I have received a phone call without advanced notice from a colleague. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. You do not become a priority to him by making him your priority. I cant see anything remotely annoying in the phrase though I dont use it myself. Ill confess to using please advise in place of certain expletives. Today more than 1001 people got their English checked. Half the kids in the class were keeping track of how many times she said it. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that she was always out of the door exactly at 5pm, at that time it is always daylight here, and even though she kept promising she would come in for a night shift once to get an understanding of what it was like, she never followed through on that promise. Early in my job I would give people way, WAY more information than necessary in emails before I realized that this can be offensive and its almost always better to use the minimum information necessary for clarity (not that that is necessarily easy to determine, but as a goal). Just ask a direct question or make a decision or leave me alone, but quit spouting off please advise and then wait for me to fill the silence. Please advise (your dept.) There are just so many styles and approacheswithout tone, its really not worth getting upset over. Please advise. Prefacing the word reminder with gentle or friendly is a feeble attempt to soften the blow. Give yourself time to think When you receive an offer, it's common to ask for at least one day and up to a week to consider the terms. One of their common email closings was, Please advise of the needful. Make sure you specify your time zone (people will assume they are in your timezone) The busier the . should I tell the truth in my exit interview? update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? It sets my teeth on edge. I hear it said sincerely much more often, but the passive-aggressive use is out there. I alwaya say friendly reminder. If necessary it becomes friendly but urgent! To me, its off puttingly brusque to say, reminder, I need this by friday, or your veeblefitz report is late, I need it asap. But then, Im from the Say-outh, where we use lots of words to hide displeasure. I require has a very different feel to me from I need I require implies that dang it, I need this and you better give it to me. Hey, just a quick reminder to please send me blah blad by x date. How do you feel about emails that say, Just wanted to let you know that blah blah blah.? Please let me know. ", I love how the editors make my work so much better. if you want. Can I help whos next? is completely ungrammatical to me. Too much time in food service, probably. Its actually pretty nice, IMO I hate when someone calls me unexpectedly and wants me to look into some issue while Im in the middle of something (and hence most of the time I dont answer the phone if Im not expecting a call). Just thought maybe you should be aware that this is happening. but Please Advise means all of those things. Get extra help with longer text and special files. or Please let me know if you agree? I think this blog needs a new topic category called over thinking it. If the question has been asked, I will answer it. Would you have done something different? Only because the former co-worker that sent it was constantly nagging me and it felt like she was using it in lieu of I need your input on this now. Please let me know if you agree likewise. I tend to agree, yet, I can have a hard time applying this idea sometimes. Friday, 1/28: 10am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 4pm EST. If you have met with the hiring manager and feel good about the role and your candidacy, and you prefer one company over the other, the reach out to the hiring manager immediately. if you will. I think the reason the qualifiers miff people is that they have the exact opposite of the intended effect. I have had people say thanks for all you do, which is really nice once in a while. Author: Douglas These are some of my other pet peeves: PLease advise wouldnt set me off if it were in the context of we have looked at XY and Z what is your take? Clearly Im gong to advise you dont tell me how to do my job. It was almost like a rhetorical statement, since we all already knew the mistake had been made or the deadline had been missed. I dont think Ive heard anyone actually say Please advise outside of radio dispatch conversations. She did not last very long in that job anyway. Thats what I envisioned, too, because its what I see. Ok, now that I think more about it, I dont usually just write, Please advise. I actually write Please advise on such and such or Please advise asap as my deadline is May 1. He wasnt wrong. If you'd prefer to cancel your membership placed through Shipt by contacting our customer support team, you can call our dedicated line at (205) 259-7798 between 8 am - 8 pm CT. . Please advise. So because of that, it does signal impatient and demanding to me. Ive searched your blog for some advice on the use of the words please advise and what I found was that a large number of people who pose questions to you use these exact words at the end of their question. Like the President will be here presently? That doesnt go away when its something that needs to be considered at a higher level. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. Is May 1 such and such or please advise outside of radio dispatch conversations of! Priority to him by making him your priority the situation and stated quite plainly what I,... Before I went to investigate the thing want to reveal to everyone on channel... Are politely ensuring their comfort, while also offering any further assistance if deemed necessary wrote years! Ask the actual question directly to Canada get a chance, thanks asked a series of,. Want to reveal to everyone on that channel sensitive information regarding your business putting advise... 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