Originally, Fr. Furthermore, in this prophetic vision, we glimpse the powerful protection of our loving Mother of whom Pope John Paul II is all hers. In this prophetic revelation of the third secret of Fatima, the importance of Mary as the Mother of the Church, who is the Queen of Saints and Martyrs, is underscored. In my heart, I still feel the emotion I felt yesterday in Fatima when beatifying the . To be sure, none of us would presume to anticipate God or judge what He will choose to accept (or not accept). I also think it is a good idea if you havent access to the sacraments to do a spiritual First Saturday. See, in the short video below about the hard labour camps in Russia after the Communist takeover, Stalin's Answer to the Failure of Successive Popes to Consecrate Russia, and prepare for more of the same unless God's warnings - delivered in person by His Mother - are heeded. Therefore, in our present tribulation, we have no choice but to turn in hope to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her holy Rosary, for as She explained at Fatima, only Our Lady of the Rosary can help you.. Established in 1999, Catholic Truth is a lay-led apostolate, launched for the purpose of alerting Catholics to the deepening crisis in the Church, primarily as it affects Scotland. The Prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima came true when Pope John Paul II was shot and went through the ordeals and challenges that eventually lead to the circumstances of his canonization as a saint. Ya. Our Lord said to Sister Lucia:- My daughter, the reason is simple. The Fatima Prophecy . Editors Note:Following the Consecration on Friday, we invite you to join us for a livestream event with commentary from Brian McCall and Christopher Ferrara. He was asked about the prophecy of Sister Lucia dos Santos that speaks about the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan.. To boot, Im such a sinner that Ill take anyones prayers! ROME ( ChurchMilitant.com) - The Vatican suppressed the full contents of the Third Secret of Our Lady given to the three children at Fatima, the Catholic Church's most prominent whistleblower has . When Our Lady appeared to three children in Fatima, she entrusted to them a secret in three parts. our lady of fatima prophecy Jimmy Akin Jimmy was born in Texas and grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Reply. When you subscribe to the CNA UPDATE, we'll send you a daily email with links to the news you need and, occasionally, breaking news. Spend time getting back to the roots, to nature. God can do all things, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is all-powerful with God. I do not understand the line in the Fatima Prophecy : And the Holy father will have much to suffer. You are still controlled and manipulated and addicted. Novena to Our Lady of Fatima - Day 1. Im not sure they will bother censoring UK blogs and since we pay a pretty penny for the privilege, I would be surprised if they conducted this witch-hunt across the world. WOW! The amazing thing is that when you say that to people they dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. This clearly indicates that Our Lord wants the intention to be formed before the acts, but it doesnt appear to strictly stipulate exactly how. The Lenin quote fits with the quote attributed to Nikita Khrushchev that the Communists would take America without firing a single shot. The third secret of Fatima was revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on July 13, 1917, and reads as follows: After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the angel cried out in a loud voice: Penance, Penance, Penance!, And we saw in an immense light that is God: something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it a Bishop dressed in White we had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another, the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. The Vatican announced the content of the third secret of Fatima on May 13, 2000. The uncanny accuracy of many of the prophecies sends chills up the spine. Yes if you have access to the sacraments, then do the First Saturday devotion. He is fluent in English, Spanish and German. The day of consecration should also be a day of reparation for sin, especially for sins against Our Lady. Thank you for your Theology for the Thoughtful. One of the children wrote down the third part, the contents of which were not released to the public until 2000. That WordPress shutdown of the source link you refer to just emphasises the Communist totalitarian society that we now live in. Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Humanity is contaminated with evil and my poor children pursue the paths of self-destruction. I had already revealed it to the children Melania and Maximino, in La Salette, and today I repeat it to you because humanity sinned and trampled on the gifts God has given. As the most loving Mother, she guards us deep within her Immaculate and Loving Heart. Also, the claim that we cannot make a general intention but need to specify each action individually, strikes me as odd. It is probably a right side of Scotland thing. These elements seem to be sorely lacking in the words and deeds which have been leading up to Francis consecration of March 25, 2022. That is how I see that though. As a child, he lived in Bavaria for four years giving him a lifelong appreciation for traveling and the glorious heritage of our Catholic Faith. This is how official science operates. Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix! For 25 years, he has been a member of the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, also known as the Blue Army, a New Jersey-based lay group of Catholics devoted to Our Lady of Fatima, an appellation given the mother of Jesus after the children reported seeing six visions of her between May 13 and Oct. 13, 1917. Notice that 1991 to 2017 is two times and half a time X 7 yrs. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains the doctrine of the read more. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. You arent just going to kick that unless you fully detox away from all tech and even electricity for at least 2 weeks and that probably wont cut it. Thank for posting it. The Sister Lucia was right video is fantastic. Advertisement We had a discussion here before a while back, whether we have to make the intention before each thing, e.g. Successive popes have failed to carry out this instruction; they were told that they must pray this consecration with all the bishops of the world on the same day, and that thereafter, Russia the first ever nation to publicly deny the very existence of God in its governance would be converted and a period of world peace would follow. Thank you for that excellent suggestion. . The Fatima Message is still timely. Jun 05, 2013 / Written by: America Needs Fatima. In the Book of Truth, Our Lady tells us more information. High winds will blow. Much the same as education in general. There will be diseases without a cure and people will make fun of the saints and the church. It can even be made later on, provided that the souls are in the state of grace when they receive Me on the First Saturday and that they had the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We will have a period of peace. Pedro Barbosa, a 44-year-old from the Portuguese city of Santarem, was in Fatima when former pope John Paul II visited the shrine, describing it as one of the most important moments of his life . Another wake-up call. PUBLISHED: May 13, 2022 at 1:12 p.m. | UPDATED: May 14, 2022 at 3:45 p.m. May 13th is the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady to three young shepherd children in the town of Fatima in . We won't rent or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time. She did this all her life. Thank you Athanasius Ive just posted a thread to report this news Immunity Card. God can do all things, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is all-powerful with God. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world, half of the human race can be destroyed. 40 Days for Life Vigil: Christians Pray to End Abortion Isnt it the Doctor Harassing THEM. What an irony that the World Apostolate of Fatima appear to be denying the continued existence of Communism in the world. As far as I can see, these last few popes have been to blame for the continuaton of the spread of communism. This, obviously, makes mankinds situation much more precarious than in previous ages. As I said, as long as the intention is made on the day PRIOR to ALL the acts, then I fail to see how that wouldnt fulfil the devotion. There will be uncontrolled killings, people will kill each other, many people will suffer., The Virgin told Lucia: Go my child and tell the world what will come to pass during the years 1950 2001. How much longer before we are blessed with a pope who will consecrate Russia? Archbishop Vigano informs us of how this is manifesting in Rome under Francis. Previous popes had chosen not to give the third and final prophecy to the public because they thought the condemnation of the church, described in great detail in the prophecies, cast a dark shadow over the papacy. Darkness will then fall on us for 72 hours (3 days) and a third of humanity will survive this 72 hours of darkness and sacrifice and will begin to live in a new era. Majority of them pronounce it EMBoro or Mborough. As she spoke these words, Mary opened her hands and rays of light . There are even many other websites . It was held back for forty years before it was shared. Blasphemies against Her Virginity; Because it wasn't expressed in a clear and uninterpretable way like the other two, and because it is periodically possible to read it again as a reference to the major world events that are recently taking shape: the experts' analysis have revealed the possibility that the third secret of Fatima referred . Agreed. World War I raged across the continent, and while Portuguese revolutionaries worked to separate church and state, little Lucia and her cousins were born in the parish of Fatima, where the village priest was their authority. We will also be accepting questions from our viewers. REGINA COELI MESSAGE May 14, 2000. all the devotions as well as Mass and Confession) is being offered for the intention of reparation for the blasphemies committed against Our Lady? NOW, WHAT DO WE HAVE TO SAY IN ORDER TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN? In that letter we find written: The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family. Don't be afraid, she added, because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. You want me to give you a sign for everyone to accept my words through you as a middleman as I tell humanity what will come. If the foundational pillar is damaged, the entire building collapses and we're seeing this now, because we are right at this point and we know it., And I am moved when I read the best biographies of Padre Pio, the cardinal concluded, about how this man was so attentive to the sanctity of marriage and the holiness of the spouses, even with justifiable rigor at times.. Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three children who witnessed the Marian apparitions at Fatima, died in 2005. He, Teresa Farris-Dacar is a Traditional Catholic from birth and a, While all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, O, Editors Note: The Fourth Part discussed the Message of La Salette and Marie-Julie Jahennys prophecy concerning Three Days, Given the recent measures taken by our local and national governments in response to the coronavirus crisis, The, Remember man, that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return. So much for Our Ladys good judgement. To appreciate. Our Lady appeared 175 years ago at La Salette, France, September 19, 1846. The Virgin said to Lucia, Dont be afraid, dear little one. Our Lady gave both of these conditions: the Consecration of Russia and the Communion of Reparation. Recent versions of the Litany distributed by WAF have had this line expunged. (May 29,1930). Many people will perish. Roll on Part 2. And that, despite the danger of irreversible brain damage awaiting wearers down the line As of yet, we do not know how many bishops will join the consecration from their respective dioceses. The Litany of Our Lady of Fatima, given an Imprimatur in the 1930's I think, had one petition in it saying: "Our Lady of Fatima, preserve us from the dangers of Communism". (Saint Lucia): When the world is asking for peace and security and repentant of all the evil it has done, the sudden destruction the new armagedon has come and they will suffer ". During this approx 24.5 yrs, the Temple of the Lord in Heaven was sealed off, no angels dared to enter, due to terrible wrath of Most High. Heres more evidence (if it were needed) that the virus is being used to introduce Communism across the once free-world. God rest his soul. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/01/12/exposed-fauci-and-cdc-clash-cant-keep-their-story-straight/. When the world is asking for peace, security, and repentant of all the evil it has done, the sudden destruction of a new Armageddon will come and they will suffer.. Blessed be the Lord. Those who are shut up in their homes will now be responsible for this large number of souls lost to ignorance. I definitely remember a piece by Fr Gruner stating that we should make a specific intention on the day that we are doing all of these things in reparation for the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Cardinal Ratzinger, who has read the Third Secret, said, ";The Third Secret refers to the dangers to our Faith, and therefore to the life of the Christian and therefore to the life of the world.". I read a book called False Friends of Fatima by Christopher Ferrara, and that World Apostolate of Fatima group are right up there at the top. Nowhere in the world is there good order, and Satan reigns over the highest places determining the way of things.. Enter your email to be notified whenever a new article is published online. She said "Russia will come to glorify God the most, the West will make . Of course it would. If you believe that, I have condos for sale on the far side of the moon. Five relevant facts may help to clarify doubts.1. 2021 at 8:15 am . Catholic Prophecy. . These elements seem to be sorely lacking in the words and deeds which have been leading up to Francis' consecration of March 25, 2022. (We estimate this to be at around 1:45 P.M. EST on Friday.). The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried by believers during a candle procession at the holy shrine of Fatima in Portugal in 2011. On the other hand, if the situation in the Church (regarding morals, faith, worship, etc.) Everything will be dark and a great mystical cross will appear in heaven to remind us of the price his Son paid for our redemption.. There will be some kind of divine intervention to end this diabolic assault on God and humanity and it will come straight out of the blue when least expected, though perhpas not until we have all been tested to the limits of human endurability. Famine, the second chastisement spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima, is evident in the many millions of people who continue to starve the world over, despite all modern attempts to solve the hunger problem. Because of the way the second secret ends, trailing off into a vision that is the third secret (which is actually a visual representation of the last sentence of the second secret), the third secret was withheld from the public. In the prophetic visions of Fatima, we glimpse the powerful protection of our loving Mother of whom Pope John Paul II was truly dedicated. We are close to the last minute, the last day, and the catastrophe is coming. Since 2012, he has collaborated with the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation of Texas, a non-profit corporation founded and run by lay traditional Catholics, which exists to help recover and restore our true Catholic Faith. Remember that the word of God is not a threat, it is good news. Independent of any creed or religion it is better to be prepared and be on good terms with God since we never know when we will be leaving this world.. https://catholictruthblog.com/2020/10/20/brain-damage-from-masks-cannot-be-reversed-stop-wearing-yours/. Youd wonder that God didnt tell her about those bishops/cardinals and put a word in her ear about holding off for a bit until we get some good bishops in place. I didnt know where to post this link to a new (I think) website so Im guessing this is a catch-all thread because everything is now pointing towards Communist dictatorship. The prophecies given by Our Lady of Good Success at Quito from 1594 to 1634 to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres; those at La Salette in 1846 to Melanie and Maximin; the vision of Pope Leo XIII in 1884 that inspired him to write the prayer for protection to St Michael Archangel; the messages and secrets from Our Lady at Fatima to Lucia, Francisco . She died in the convent of Coimbra where she had been living since 1948. On Oct. 13, 1917, the occasion of Mary's sixth appearance in Ftima, the children and tens of thousands of people gathered with them witnessed a miraculous transformation of the sun, an event . Now on a more somber note, I found this on the internet: First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. It seems that Mary was correct that unbelievers will be unable to receive, understand, or believe these injunctions and warnings from the Virgin Mother the Lady of Fatima. At Catholic News Agency, our team is committed to reporting the truth with courage, integrity, and fidelity to our faith. I think truly people forget how minor this experience is compared to after here and to be sticking with the material world and excuses doesnt sound like it could go over too well. They dont cause or maintain an epidemic. Very, very slow at times. The Fatima Center prays you. Many souls can be lost and many nations and states will disappear from Earth; the world can be lost forever., Lucia then reported the following conversation with the Virgin Mother. As the Fatima Centre World Peace prayer states:- https://gloria.tv/post/943CD2BNMQEf1wgNGUHYuznLM Help us to understand that this grace of world peace is truly unwarranted by ourselves, and that You will grant it only through the merits of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Fatima prohphecy has come true and it is most obvious right now in the U.S., the last bastion of freedom presently falling under the Communist yoke. does anyone else? So, while the good have to go on a narrow path; the bad go on a broad path that leads them directly to destruction and believe me, Father, that punishment will come very soon as we depart from 2006 and will come without stopping. 3. (February 15, 1926). It is our hope that The Fatima Center's 2023 calendar will find its way into the hands of many Catholics, to serve as a devotional tool, by which those who love God may advance in holiness through fervent prayer and penance, and by faithfully living Our Blessed Mothers Fatima Message. In May 1917, three shepherd children . Pope Francis cuts free and discounted rent for cardinals, Vatican managers, Bishop Paprocki pens essay imagining heretical cardinals, quoting San Diegos McElroy, Survivor of Turkey earthquake: God protected me and the Virgin Mary did not leave me, Order of cloistered nuns leaves Nicaragua after 22 years, Pro-life OB-GYNs are banned from hosting exhibit booth at medical conference. Mother Lucia first released the message to Pope John Paul II, who upon completion of reading it was shaking and decided not to go public out of fear of reaction. No mention of underlying health conditions of course, which I seem to remember the Archbishop suffered from. Commentators abroad tend to think Edinburgh is another form of hamburger , Id love to know the identity of the commentator who expressed him/herself to be no fan of Nicola Sturgeon. According to a statement from the Fatima Center, we have to say, expressly, words to the effect that we are offering this confession, this Communion, this Mass, this Rosary, this meditation for the intention of making reparation for the blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A vision of the Pope, along with other bishops, priests, religious and lay people, being killed by soldiers. Thus the four prophecies predicted by Our Lady of Fatima are being fulfilled. Today, a brief discussion on the symbols we see in the Vision of La Salette and their possible meaning to us now. Can Our Ladys Message of Fatima be properly understood if the heresy of modernism continues to dominate the ecclesiastical landscape? Yesterday the Vatican released the prayer (read it here) which Pope Francis will use at the consecration ceremony on the Feast of the Annunciation. One day he presented himself before the throne of God and asked permission to . Pray the Rosary and make the 15 minute separate meditation as per usual. Heres one example, for starters: https://www.newsweek.com/isis-pope-terror-beheading-propaganda-poster-wafa-christmas-717553. No mention has been made of this devotion in the events leading up to the consecration. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Lucia was only ten years old when the appearances occurred, which began on May 13, 1917. This reported statement by Sister Lucia, expressed during the pontificate of Saint John Paul II, was revisited in 2016 by the Desde la Fe (From the Faith) weekly of the Archdiocese of Mexico, in the midst of the debate generated by President Enrique Pena Nieto, who announced his intention to promote same-sex marriage in this country. We can already see clear signs of the fulfillment of the four prophecies conveyed by Our Lady of Fatima: war, famine, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father. Having said that, I agree that it would be ideal to make that intention (which is actually a prayer, if you think about it) before each devotion e.g. It seems this element is important, as Our Lord had a conversation with Sister Lucia regarding the First Saturday confession: Sister Lucia asked: My Jesus! All of this by 2025! Trust me when you begin to reconnect with earth and use your own eyes to see you will understand if and when some kind of event is coming. This calendar has many unique features which make it a true spiritual resource, guiding our devotions on a daily basis. Could it be that Pope John Paul II is compelling us, through the release of the third secret to reexamine the state of the world and of our personal lives and to entrust them to our Mothers Immaculate Heart? I would have thought the worse they are, the more in need they are of Our Ladys intercessory action. Pope Francis Tightens the Screw on the Latin Mass: Canon Law on Good of Souls No Longer Applies. Im not sure I know the answer to your question, but if it was your general intention to do the First Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (why else would you be doing them?) To observe. Can it be said that Fatima is fulfilled if the Communion of Reparation is not a popular devotion? And honestly most people wouldnt even be able to comprehend the actual truth because they just wont believe it. You couldnt make it up. To her maternal intercession let us entrust the Church of the Third Millennium. With humble prayers, they must ask forgiveness for sins committed and the sins they may commit. I thought Mbro was a bit more like a cheeseburger. God still awaits the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fatima is a small village about 70 miles north of Lisbon. For example, the last I heard, only about 50 of the U.S.A.s 260 bishops were joining. Anything else? They by my accounts are just another gatekeeper disinfo. There She dictated to them a public message which She asked to make known to all Her people. The destruction being wrought in the Church is a chastisement upon the entire world because the Church, so oppressed internally and externally, finds it difficult to bring about this consecration of Russia. You appear to have one foot in the door of sedevacantism. REMINDER - It is FIRST FRIDAY & FIRST SATURDAY this weekend! I havent studied that website closely but it looks very interesting. She is the Mother of grace, the Mother of mercy. Mexico City, Mexico, Oct 13, 2021 / 08:33 am. Most times , Good thing you arent based in Edinburgh, otherwise youd have to call this a blogh!. (1846) On September 19, 1846, 174 years ago today, the Mother of God appeared to two young shepherds, Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud, on the heights of the mountain of La Salette in France. and in the world (regarding war, economics, tyrannical control, etc.) Prediction of the end of WWI and a prediction of the beginning of WWII as well as a request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The first chastisement predicted, war, began to be fulfilled with the Second World War, and is continuing to be fulfilled through the many wars that are being fought across the world every day. HENCE A CLARION AND URGENT CALL TO ALL FAITHFUL CATHOLICS.PLS ASK OUR LORD EARNESTLY WTH PRAYERS AND FASTING, TO SAVE 100 MILLION SOULS ON EARTH AND RELEASE A LIKE NUMBER OF HOLY SOULS FROM PURGATORY!!!.5. Prophecies Already Fulfilled: The Four Chastisements. Its worked. I still feel the emotion I felt yesterday in Fatima, died 2005. 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