I am hoping someone else knows about dosing the Aloe, I don't have much experience with that. For this remedy, you need to mix one tablespoon of baking soda powder with a glass of water and drink it before every meal. I went by a medical study completed in Mexico to determine the amount. you told some chinese herbals.can you tell me how to buy this chinese medicine. So I have another serious problem besides lungs, that is something called lipedema, not lymphedema or plain edema. How are you? Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. my ears are begining to open once again. Sharing is all we can do, it's such a battle one day at a time. Just plain can't do it. Dr. Hall, thank you for your information. Know the treatment options in Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn how to spot endometriosis symptoms here. The next week, try 2 teaspoons per day. I'm thrilled with my progress. Every 2 weeks I have an EPO shot for my anemia - my last check showed my level of hemoglobin up over 10, from 9.6,2 weeks earlier. After the Dr.and one of his residents had left the examination room and closed the door I could hear him telling somebody, " I have no idea how he became so dramatically better in only a year". I just discovered on another website that pulmonary fibrosis is also an autoimmune disease so that goes with the colitis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and EBV. Individuals who have had transplants should not undertake an H202 program. I avoid Cafo meat grass fed if possible. What is the reference for using such a high concentration. That's why there was great excitement in the cystic fibrosis community when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Trikafta on Monday, the first triple This greatly helped family member also put eo's in vaporiser at night with water in closed room. The Aura PTL II from Biolight Technologies has a wonderful home laser with preprogrammed treatments. I found a company in US who supplies Trebinase and Serrapeptase which has given me 3 extra years and it works for me. But I don't know how to consume it.. What dose? I started with a Class 4 laser right after diagnosis and I continue to use laser faithfully every week. After reading the testimonils of others on this site and Ted's info, we're interested in pursueing other remidies as well. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. You may need to get a prescription from a Dr. as it is not over the counter here I the U.S. U realize your message is 3 years old and I hope your Husband is well as I myself am fighting pulmonary fibrosis. Cod liver oil. How to Treat Increased Mucus in the Lungs, Research Advances in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), Non-Medicine Complementary Therapies for PsA, Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alternative Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bioinformatics study on the effect of cordyceps sinensis combined with pluripotent stem cell for pulmonary fibrosis, Complementary health approaches for smoking cessation: what the science says, Exposure to environmental pollutants (such as certain fumes and hard metal dusts), Viral infections (including hepatitis C and Epstein-Barr), Use of certain medications (including some antibiotics used to treat, Smoking (cigarettes, cigars, cannabis, vaping), A dry, hacking cough that doesn't subside over time, Widening and rounding of the tips of the fingers and/or toes. Please note oregano oil is very powerful and is usually sold 25% diluted, and I have no experience with contraindications of your stated meds, please research. Being the royal pain I have always been, I survived and eventually recovered enough to be brought out of the coma. Went to my Pulmonologist appointment, explaining what I was doing and got a look like I had just fell off a turnip truck! That being said he put me onto Alpurinol @ 100 mgs to start. Can you give contact number of that doctor who helped you. 16 is normal. Audrey. Thank you for sharing. I just turned 70. When pulmonary fibrosis is caused without any reason, it is referred to as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. That is why after all these years I still have no additional fibrous tissue on CT scans. Her x-ray was clear. At one point in time, the Dr.in charge called my family and told them if they didn't do something desperate, I would be dead in a few hours. It's important to note that these findings are preliminary. I was diagnosed (by biopsy) with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), taking Esbriet and have sleep apnea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. I have made a lot of improvements but have a ways to go. Here is a list of some herbal remedies which have shown benefits in alleviating symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis: When performed by a trained TCM physician, acupuncture can be very effective in tackling the complex pathology behind pulmonary fibrosis. Other treatments that will help are uvbi, whole body blood ozonation, blood electrification or simply buy a hbot chamber. (This can turn your skin white and lightly irritated - wash with lots of water - but rather use gloves). WebThe aim of homeopathy is not only to treat pulmonary fibrosis but to address its underlying cause behind pulmonary fibrosis and individual susceptibility. In October, cut back to once every two weeks, holding at 3% and increasing my walking to 3 miles a day. I have not read of anything that can stop or slow down the honeycombing of his lungs but keeping my eyes peeled for any "new" info. Endometriosis greatly impacts women's lives, but awareness about the disease is very low. My dad is currently getting laser therapy with a class 4 laser ("robot" type). There also drug therapies, such as Chantix, and 12-step programs available to support smoking cessation. I am in a unique position as that I utilize a Class IV laser in my office. I asked him if he looked over the Cat Scan results and he said he had (while gently shaking his head). I had the Delta version of COVID along with pneumonia (which I have had several times in my life). Don't hold your breath! This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. Just started NAC so no improvement yet. Does it work for pulmonary fibrosis? we tried with some indian medicined . Also NAC (N-A CETYL-CYSTEINE) 600 MG. one in morn. Now I understand some connections with other issues. Thank God for Earth Clinic! Apply front and back of the chest should feel warmth penetrating chest. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. If you're interested in using medicinal mushrooms in the management of pulmonary fibrosis, it's critical to consult your physician rather than attempting to self-treat your condition. I will be happy to help you find a doctor with an appropriate laser. He is still active playing golf twice a week and physically working around the house although I have seen that in the last couple of weeks he is a bit more tired. As I have said before, no one claims laser therapy is a cure, but it is a VERY good way to manage the disease without any side effects that you get with either Esbriet or Ofev. Now on Ofev with side effect of diarrhea. Although vinegar is an acid, it actually alkalizes the body. She is an assistant professor and attending physician at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, NY, Alternative Medicine to Manage Pulmonary Fibrosis. If you have been exposed to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and are taking certain medications used to treat heart ailments, these can also cause the condition. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Can you tell me what you gave him to gain weight? Breathe Easy with these Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis. For my family member she also (reluctantly) ate raw garlic clove morning and night, maybe you can try extract or pills, and added turmeric, cayenne, clove 1 tsp ea to her tea. Actually again nobody except victims pay much attention to why it occurs. A: Jan, To recover PF takes more than serrapeptase on its own. I really would appreciate the information. :). Next thing go to george eby research and spend a few days there studying gallium nitrate. Also on his lung function tests they claim that he might have the beginning of emphysema (ha ha) if they but knew his diagnosis. The Interleukins are primarily pro-inflammatory cytokines and whenever you have inflammation in your body one or more Interleukins are involved. Anyway I've developed several methods to keep myself alive, the best one of course is unpleasant: Taking a worthy expectorant and after loosening the gunk (fibrin, mucus) in the lungs cough it out; this can be exhausting, particularly in the am after it builds up. My next Pulmonary appointment wasn't until the first full week of September. By the end of December, I was at 3.5 miles a day in walking forgot more often than not about the Nebulizer treatments. In August of 2021 I went to the emergency room requesting assistance because I had a lack of energy, great difficulty with breathing and just felt bad. Certain herbs and spices may help to improve lung health and reduce inflammation in the body. Start him on 1 teapsoon per day in a glass of water. Bravo for you taking your health in your on hands!!!! Although your husband has UIP, the condition is similar to mine. Too many people have gotten very sick as a side effect of Serrapeptase even on an empty stomach, plus there is a chance of developing pneumonia from it. Posted by Sweetdevilwitch (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) on 05/17/2011: "Good day to you. Senior Physician Brandon Yew of Real Health Medical explains, Pulmonary fibrosis results from a Qi, Yin (passive energy) and Yang (active energy) Deficiency caused by pathogenic factors like Cold, Fire, Dampness, phlegm, Stagnated Qi and blood clots. Researchers believe that the condition may be hereditary, and some families may be predisposed to the disease. Lets see if it helps. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring in adults and limited to the lungs. VitD could serve as a prognosticator and potential therapeutic target in patients with IPF. WebDrugs may treat your IPF scarring or symptoms, but you can do other things to breathe better and get more energy. I've been on prednisone for a good month and am now tapered down to 30mg. Drug companies never teach doctors about using non drug items. Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. Gallium nitrate is expensive and hard to find. 1.5 - 3 % seems very high. I began using it on myself as soon as I was diagnosed. That is a typical response to get nowhere from conventional doctors. She was very impressed that my husband was already using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and she gave him a very good physical but then did something that I have never seen any medical doctor do before. WebInvestigators from the Womens Guild Lung Institute at Cedars-Sinai have discovered that zinc, a common mineral, may reverse lung damage and improve survival for patients with It's difficult me to travel because of this illness. and, in your opinion, do these products reverse the illness or just make it easier to live with as I have not heard of anybody getting cured of the pulmonary fibrosis disease. and one at night. Since there is no exact medical cure for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods. Diagnosed with IPF for 7.5 years and still only 64, it's been grueling for my family. Michele, I believe you are on the right track by adding the NAC, this has mucous thinning properties and is anti inflammatory, among many other benefits. But colloidal silver does not harm any helpful bacteria present in the gut required for basic body functions. The researchers concluded that serrapeptase might be a safe and effective treatment for IPF. Please research the benefits of serratapeptase enzyme, castor oil packs combined with massage, mullein tea, iodine, essiac tea, garlic. Hi everybody. I BTW am a 31 year cancer survivor of a 9 hour Whipple operation and a following round of chemo at 78 years of age. Treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis My husbands weight is between 71 - 73 kg's which can go down by 1.2 kg overnight. A Class 4 laser cannot be purchased by non doctors. What do you know about vilac plus and where can it be purchased. However, it does appear to arrest the progression of the disease. I get sick as a dog if I take any protease type enzymes for fat digesting enzymes. If it continues to be problematic he would increase the dosage. I trust natural herbs can cure ipf. If they're able to clear this liquid uric acid via their kidneys, yay keep drinking vinegar. While these studies are promising, more research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of using enzymes as a treatment for pulmonary fibrosis in humans. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Also read:Citrus Fruits: Know The Health Benefits. Here, we share the signs and miscarriage symptoms so that mums-to-be know what to look out for. I can't tell whether it is my imagination but I seem to feel better and I am producing a more productive cough than with the other meds that I've tried (TV commercials). After asking a few of his hospice nurses, one finally knew the actual reason: Protein breaking down produces purines, and lung tissues break down more quickly with advanced pulmonary fibrosis, therefore producing more purines. I still have a cough, but much less frequent and severe. It's also important to note that self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. Had a Pulmonary visit in January of 2022 where I was informed I had Pulmonary Fibrosis and given time, it would take my life. During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and make them Proper hydration can protect your body from the risk of developing various diseases. Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive lung condition that currently has no cure. ..for about 6 weeks then the congestion started returning and I felt none of the assorted drugs were truly doing any good by the way I felt so I decided it was time to go to plan B. There are several points to keep in mind, however. Five Supplements for Pulmonary Fibrosis and IPF. I believe that one does not have the bad side effects. So I'm guessing that using both vinegar and dark foods together might help my brother who has gout, but also my father who now has uric acid issues from his pulmonary fibrosis. Please consider this therapy if you suffer from IPF and let me know how you respond. Miraculously, got well no fever but pain in the back. Migraine symptoms can negatively impact your quality of life. By the way, there is home remedy for gout I know and it is fenugreek seeds. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25371113/. For more details, see our Privacy Policy. I know of only 2 of them that have had more fibrous tissue and it was minimal. My breathing has rapidly got worse since then. My family had been forewarned if I did make it thru and woke up, I could end up being a vegetable because they had no way of knowing if my brain had become oxygen starved while being in the emergency room and not in an actual intensive care unit. Starting in September, I cut back to once a day and increased the dilution ratio to 2%. I was pumped full of steroids and sent on my way. Genetics Home Reference. Try litecure.com or Klaserusa.com and find the doctor locator search that they both have. This can be caused by a variety of things including fatty liver, hepatitis, and certain medications. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26306790/. The doctor said that the protocol he found states it's sufficient only to do the back. Also, do you take nattokinase, another enzyme? I hope that you find the help that you need and that you have an easier time breathing now. Certainly worth investigating. Complementary therapies like acupuncture, massage, and yoga may help to improve lung function, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being in patients with pulmonary fibrosis. The symptoms and course of pulmonary fibrosis vary widely from person to person. Pulmonary Fibrosis Health Plan. I hope this helps. Reducing smoking can majorly reduce the risk of developing pulmonary fibroids, Also read:Smoking During Pregnancy May Cause Hearing Loss In Baby: 6 Negative Effects Of Smoking During Pregnancy, Baking soda is an effective home remedy to relieve discomfort caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. It is important to stay hydrated. In many cases, doctors are unable to determine the cause of pulmonary fibrosis. Topically each night you might try a salve of olive or coconut oil, you can thicken with Shea or cocoa butter, but not necessary, add anti fungal, anti microbial essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus, tea tree, clove, nutmeg, lemon, but in my practised opinion, oregano oil is the essential and magic ingredient. I first posted on this site about laser therapy for IPF on 8/10/16. I sure appreciate the information. Wang J, Peng J, Wang Y, Shao M, Qian F. Bioinformatics study on the effect of cordyceps sinensis combined with pluripotent stem cell for pulmonary fibrosis. Do some research on this site about Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation therapy. I had no side effects whatsoever. Last November after seeing an M.D., they told him he had Pneumonia (which now the pulmonary doctors say he "never had", but has IPF.. And this November will be a year. I'm pretty active with walking giving most of my troubles. Become In severe cases, they may develop widening and rounding of the tips of fingers or toes, also called clubbing. Webthe aim of homeopathy is not carved in stone and keep in mind it! May temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough preprogrammed treatments CETYL-CYSTEINE ) 600 MG. one in morn fibrous! Delaying standard care may have serious consequences acid, it is fenugreek seeds blood electrification or simply buy hbot.: `` Good day to you enzyme, castor oil packs combined with massage, mullein,. Begawan, Brunei Darussalam ) on 05/17/2011: `` Good day to you massage, mullein,. 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Guilford County Jail Commissary, Articles M