Animals and people must actually come into contact with the quills for the quills to detach and become embedded. This type of repellent is similar to lavender and spearmint, making it difficult for porcupines to locate food in the presence of these scents. We also provide professional service in over 600 locations. Apparently it effects animals because they have salivary glands, but not birds (which don't). To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Mix cayenne pepper and petroleum jelly. Unlike beavers (the regular aquatic kind), which leave very deep marks in trees they have gnawed on, porcupines just chew down to the cambium and leave behind very shallow marks or grooves where their incisors scrape against the wood. Otherwise, hanging them around the garden or yard is a great way to keep porcupines out before they cause Damage. To prevent Porcupine invasions, habitat modifications will need to be done, like building fences, or installing electrical fences. Porcupines can cause significant damage to personal and public property by feeding on trees. One of the most effective ways to keep porcupines out of your yard is to build a fence to keep them out. Their appearance can also attract predators like mountain lions and bears. The porcupine is not an aggressive animal and will only attack if it is threatened. While theyre known to chew on creosote fence posts, they wont go for the copper-chromated arsenic salts used in pressure-treated lumber (thats the green stuff employed most often for docks and decks). I grew up in an area of Upstate, NY where dealing with wildlife pests is a common occurrence. If youre in need of an exterminator or wildlife professional, you can learn more about our nationwide network of pest control professionals. if you need to deal with a porcupine problem. Place the trap where damage has occurred or if you have identified it, at their den entrances. Unlike putrescent eggs, spearmint smells good to us humans! When it comes to control of large, tree-chewing rodents with thousands of sharp quills, most people turn to the help of a professional wildlife remover. Experts in Wildlife Help suggest using fruits soaked in saltwater. provide tips for safe, effective, and responsible wildlife removal. To treat specific sites such as garbage bags, ornamental plants, trees or shrubs, spot treat ground around the area to be protected, or if possible apply granules to ground as a border around entire area to be protected. That being said, just be aware that if you dont currently have a porcupine problem, placing a salt block out willdefinitelyattract them! The Easiest Methods. Place sticks in the ground in front of the entrance or spread flour on the ground in front of the opening to assess whether the animal has left. Porcupines are also attracted to the glue used to bond plywood on wooden structures. Email us at - Animal Education - Wildlife Control in Over 600 Locations, Dead Animal Control Education and Services, Click here to hire us in your town and check prices. 3. During winter a porcupine might spend days on end foraging in a single tree, dropping bits of branches and buds on the ground, which can attract other animals such as snowshoe hare, as well as their predators. A porcupines quill will expand upon entering the skin, which is why it is so hard to remove the needles once they have caused an injury. These nocturnal animals tend to keep to themselves, but can become a nuisance in certain situations. If youre part of the category of house owners who do not want to spend time looking for repellents, then heres a homemade solution I have for you! It's difficult to determine exactly what porcupines eat on a species basis but it has been recorded that species in North America such as Erethizon dorsatum have a diet high in potassium and low in sodium from the foliage they choose. Porcupines may not be on the list of damaging pests, but they can cause aggravation when they target your yard trees or the siding of your home. Chicken wire about 18 inches high used in conjunction with a strand of electric wire just above the chicken wire is effective at keeping porcupines from the area. Spearmint and peppermint whats the difference? For this, you simply need to place bait inside the trap, and then ensure that the traps enclosure will be kept closed even if the porcupine moves and tries to escape. The number one reason why scent deterrents dont work is that they are not applied often enough. Alternatively, Bonide also has agranule repellentwith the same ingredients. Use sealable containers that keep rodents out. I will admit to having been almost as equally confused by the first porcupine I ever saw; the prickly beast was standing on the top of a talus slope reaching upward with one arm above its head towards some basswood branches. What do I do if FedEx delivered someone elses package. We also provide professional service in over 600 locations. Their diet high in potassium has led them to gnaw on the wood of outhouses in camping grounds because (as . The most effective form of prevention is achieved with electric fences. Spring Egg Mass Identification in the Great Northern Forests With winter concluding in Northern New England and already, Ever since my first introduction to the Northeast Kingdom (NEK) of Vermont back in high school I was, While kayaking in a town wetland a couple months ago I noticed a slow-moving trail of bubbles ahead, Egg Mass Identification in the Great Northern Forests. Need porcupine removal in your hometown? Lavande Sur Terres 24 Packs French Lavender Sachets, Mighty Mints 16oz Peppermint Oil Rodent Repellent Spray, Dimex EasyFlex Plastic Tree Trunk Protectors. Fig. Make sure you wash the trap with soap before you set it and wear latex gloves so you dont leave your scent on it. Now, porcupines are small critters, and they are skilled enough to force their bodies even though small, tight holes. The fisher cat is scarce or absent from much of the porcupines range, however, and the general lack of predators has led to porcupines having a nearly absent flight response, resulting many being hit by cars. High poultry wire that is at least 60 cm high is used to enclose the area. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deter them! Fencing is really expensive and it requires a lot of maintenance, but if you have a lot of problems with animals eating your vegetation, flowers and garden it may be worth spending the money. 3. However, few predators have figured out how to get around their quills to attack this weak spot. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and spray outside in problem areas around the garden, on tree trunks, on wooden tool handles, and anywhere else those pesky porcupines are invading. Bio Explorer explores the insight into the different porcupine species' diets, how porcupines hunt if they do, when they eat, how often they eat, what they eat porcupines and their role in the . This site is owned and operated by Pest Pointers LLC | is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Most porcupines' diet changes depending on the season. Call us today! Yes. Consider misting with water afterward to ensure the powder sticks. This causes porcupines to search elsewhere for food and leave your yard alone. When Im not out roaming around 50+ acres of pastures, woods, and a freshwater bass pond, Im at my computer writing on Pest Pointers. (Porcupines love salt!) Porcupines love salt and will be inclined to enter the trap as long as it is on a flat surface and doesn't wobble. This will ensure the scent stays strong and those pesky porcupines stay out of your yard for good! You cant place candles all over the yard, so what can be done? Remember to read all product labels and follow the application instructions on these labels. Several drops of liquid soap gives the spray extra sticking power. It turns its back, displays the black line running down the middle of its tail, edged with white quills visible in the dark. The first is to spray PEST RID over the area where you see the marks. One thing that many rodents have in common is the fact that their front teeth grow continually throughout their lives. Trees that have been girdled by chewing will die, often ruining thousands of dollars worth of landscaping. Since harming a Porcupine is discouraged, controlling an invading Porcupine will involve either live trapping with Solutions Humane Live Trap or deterring the rodent from your property with a repellent such as Critter Ridder. Porcupine Damage and Repellent Research In The Interior Pacific Northwest. Just spray the surface of anything the porcupine wants to eat and it will stop. Once the porcupine has been acquired, it will be relocated into an area away from humans. Interestingly, porcupines subsist almost entirely on bark and twigs throughout the winter, a diet offering about as much nutritional value as plywood, which I find fascinating because almost every northern woodland resident knows porcupines LOVE eating plywood! This is a particular favorite of pulp outdoor literature. This necessity of nature has led to the porcupine being disliked for the damage it can cause to trees near homes or businesses. Once the porcupine is gone, close the entrance with hardware cloth, bricks, or lumber. The idea of porcupines munching on wood always baffled me. Canadian Journal of Zoology,83(10), 1333-1342. Affiliate Disclosure. Porcupines have a high preference for the following species of trees aspen, cottonwood, willow, and ponderosa pines. How Often Should You Keep Air Purifier On? Fencing is a basic way to protect your property. Wait for some time and monitor the trap for the next few days. Tracks will look like small shoe tracks (like a sole, with a heel portion and front portion) they will also show a drag marking of their tail between the paws. Porcupines also have rather poor eyes sight, but their sense of smell and hearing ability more than make up for it. Depending on the frequency set, it can go as far as injuring them or worse, exterminating them completely. Contact your local city or county government to inquire further. Impact of feeding Damage by the porcupine on western hemlock Sitka spruce forests of north-coastal British Columbia: 15-year results. Wagner, K. K., & Nolte, D. L. (2000, Spring). Click here to Find solutions by species, Find a licensed wildlife control professional, How to live trap and remove a problem porcupine, How to keep porcupines from damaging my vehicles, How to get porcupines out from under my shed or deck, What to do with an animal that is behaving strangely or aggressively, Northeast Wildlife Damage Management Cooperative, Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, signing up for notification when your state is added. Using both these baits will bring better results. Before you can carry out a treatment plan, you need to make absolutely sure that you are dealing with Porcupines and not some other animal. If you are not sure, contact us and we will try to assist with identification. Porcupines are nocturnal animals, making it difficult to see them damaging your trees and homes. A professional wildlife remover will come in and trap the porcupine with a live-trap baited with something coated in salt. When Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine one year ago, it triggered national mobilization, international outrage, and a once-in-a-generation migration crisis. Porcupines crave salt due to how their bodies process sodium from tree bark and other plant materials. Chances are that these pests may knock over the trap to reach the food inside. They'll especially target your wood in winter or early spring, when natural food sources are in short supply. You can try predator scent like coyote or fox but you constantly have to reapply it to keep it fresh and the porcupine will probably figure it out that its not real. This page is a general Porcupine control guide. Instead of going to the extreme, one way to deter porcupines long term is to change up your yard to make it unattractive to porcupines: These simple steps will make your yard less attractive to porcupines and, combined with other tactics, can keep them away long term. You can apply it on fences, as well as any plants the squirrels might be ruining. If that wasnt enough, the quills have an oily substance on them that can cause burning and itching as well as disease. You can combine scent deterrents with other, more long-term solutions to keep these quilled rodents deterred for good! Make sure that your trash is picked up regularly. The addition of salt to the bait will ensure no innocent species are lured into the trap instead. Simply spray in areas around the yard where youve noticed porcupine damage or that you want to protect. Porcupine hunting is something I do every year. One confusing aspect of porcupine behavior is their wide array of vocalizations. In my case, learning how to keep porcupines from eating wood is essential. HOW TO STOP PORCUPINES FROM EATING WOOD ^ The sides of buildings, sheds, large wooden furniture and other large objects not easy to move can be treated with PEST RID SPRAY. Is there a substitute for septic systems? 3. So, in setting up a fence, make sure that the clearance is no more than 50 cm per wire from the ground. Porcupines remain common throughout most of their range, but conservationists know by now that everything can change in the blink of an eye. However, theyre not foolproof. Since I learned these, I never had problems with porcupines again. You can also use an ultrasonic emitter to keep them away, but again this is not 100% certain to work. Canadian Journal of Forest Research,33(10), 1983-1989. These mammals typically live in other parts of the world in Asia, Europe and in Africa. Rats are one of the least-welcomed guests in domestic homes. The quills are very sharp and needle-like and have barbs on them which make it difficult to pull out once pricked by them. In case you didnt know, cayenne pepper has been the solution by many homeowners for a few decades in repelling varmints on their gardens, patios, porches, and even their backyards. Identifying and Preventing Porcupine Damage to Trees. Using hot sauce or capsaicin on plants and trees can prevent porcupine damage and help deter them from your yard entirely. And there's always the more direct approach of eliminating the offending animal. Small Game, Predator and Trapping - How can i rid porcupines eating my wood stand? Like the previous example, this one relies on a sweaty outdoors enthusiast leaving a tool outside. To make your fence as effective as possible, bend it at a 65 angle at the top. Its unreasonable to cut down all your trees, remove gardens, and put a fence around your entire house just for the sake of these trundling rodents. A porcupines general demeanor is docile, but they have quills for a reason! Not to mention that it makes your yard look nice. The first reason is that capsaicin activates pain receptors in the mouth. Youre looking for Porcupine activity. While we attempt to provide guidance about state and federal regulations pertaining to specific species and control techniques, we do not provide information about local jurisdictions (city, town, county, etc.) We recommend the Solutions Live Trap as the best form of control, since Critter Ridder results may vary so it is not a guarantee this will keep Porcupines away. Be careful when mixing up a spray like this and when you are applying it. The top of the fence may be bent outwards at an angle of about 65 degrees so that the porcupines cannot clamber over. It comes in a ready-to-use spray bottle that can be sprayed in areas you want to protect. If you didnt know these creatures were rodents, you probably didnt know they have over thirty thousand needles that cover their bodies, that their quills can be used for fishing, or that they are considered an edible animal. Follow this guide and use the recommended products and we guarantee 100% control of Porcupines. Good luck." Scott Cravin If you are unable to do so, which is likely with many Cayenne pepper is considered the best kitchen staple for this because apart from the fact that its available in almost all pantries, the scent doesnt spread out like other ingredients even if it has a strong, musty scent. - Top Remedies! They dont wander very far from their dens or foraging areas to defecate, so places they frequent are easily identified by massive accumulations of peanut-shaped scat. They found that feeding damage by porcupines along the north coast of British Columbia was so significant that it changed the dominant species of a forest. Copyright 2020 by Wildlife Animal Control. The only exceptions are the great plains and southeastern regions of the US. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and spray outside in problem areas around the garden, on tree trunks, on wooden tool handles, and anywhere else those pesky porcupines are invading. Porcupines that trespass into residential or commercial areas are known to create a lot of trouble and inflict significant property damage. Bait the trap with a yummy snack like peanut butter and sunflower seeds and wait it out. The best way to prevent Porcupine intruders is to modify your property to make it unappealing to Porcupines. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006),28(1), 76-83. And stay safe, by wearing personal protective equipment. If your plan of keeping them off your lawn isnt successful, what do you do? Porcupine eats. Porcupines are rodents that need to sharpen their teeth, so they may chew on wood in your backyard. Cayenne peppers and other hot peppers developed a capsaicin defense against herbivores. Properly dispose of and store your garbage. There are also water repellent systems like motion activated sprinkler systems that will spray the porcupine if it comes close to the place where you set it up. Spearmint is an herb in the mint family. Almost finished We need to confirm your email address. Completely enclose small trees with wire baskets or wrap the trunks of valuable larger trees with 30-inch bands of aluminum flashing at the base. The porcupine is a peaceful animal that rarely attacks its enemies. Even a small mesh bag of moth flakes/balls (napthalene) placed near damage may help. They eat just about any plant matter they can find, including bark, and are particularly fond of eating hemlock buds and branches. Yes, they are capable of inflicting serious harm to any animal that attacks them, but they cannot shoot their quills and want little more than to eat, sleep, mate occasionally, and be left alone. Preventing Porcupine Reinvasion To prevent Porcupine invasions, habitat modifications will need to be done, like building fences, or installing electrical fences. Completely enclose small trees with wire baskets or wrap the trunks of valuable larger trees with 30-inch bands of aluminum flashing at the base. Youd need to reapply this every time it rained, though. Instead, itll be concentrated on the part or area where youll place it, and when porcupines come near it, theyll instantaneously be disgusted by the scent emitted. This guy right next to me? Mountain lions and fishers have different stratgies for attacking porcupines. The time of year may dictate how heavily porcupines feed on certain food types. Along with wooden buildings, porkies also enjoy the salt in fence posts coated in creosote, on car tires and radiator hoses, and from objects covered in human sweat (tool handles, clothes, and leather). If you have encountered a porcupine on your property, this DIY guide can help. 2. Learn more about Porcupines and how you can eliminate an invader from your yard using our expert advice and professional-grade products. Unlike other rodents that also remain active all winter, porcupines do not collect and store food in caches, instead gorging themselves on nuts, fruits, and greens in the summer and fall to such an extent that by winter about 60% of their body mass is fat. Other options may workdistracting the porcupines with a salt lick, or startling them with random, irritating noisesbut there are drawbacks: The salt lick could attract other wildlife; the random, irritating noises could drive away your cottage guests. 4. Specifically, it is the ingredientcapsaicin. I've been told that adding cayenne pepper to bird seed is a good way to to keep squirrels and other rodents from eating it. No guarantee is made that information (or lack of information) associated with a species or control technique is completely accurate or current. Morin, P., Berteaux, D., & Klvana, I. It is my goal to educate the public about porcupines and other wildlife, and Luckily for me, Vito isnt the biggest pest in my life. - Here Is All You Need To Know, How to Clean a Disgusting Bathtub in Easy Steps, Is a Piano Considered Furniture? are highly recommended. Porcupines won't shoot them at you but if you do come into contact with them, they can be quite painful.". Together with my family, we settled in a region far from the city, and therefore, both our indoor and outdoor furniture are primarily wooden furniture. The repellent you'll use can range from over-the-counter repellents, as well as homemade ones. We service over 500 USA locations! 2. Fix Guide. A proper face mask, eye protection, gloves, etc. Not only is a muzzle full of quills painful, it is often expensive to treat at the veterinary office. Consultyourlocal and state guidelines to see if Porcupines are a protected species in your location before applying controland proceed with caution when applying control as Porcupines can be dangerous. you wish to attempt to solve the problem yourself. Weasels may be, Read More 5 Most Common Places Where Weasels LiveContinue, Although theyre definitely cute little critters, finding mice in your home or around your property can be one daunting experience. This liquid repellent has very little odor to people but to animals, its repulsive. You may withdraw your consent at any time. If porcupines are actively chewing on trees or structures, hang these in those areas. The first method is to drench your wooden furniture and structures with porcupine repellent. Even at a concentration of just 0.06% hot sauce, porcupines were deterred. This is the typical trap used for different animals. Place 30-inch or wider. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Critter Ridder is an organic repellent that works for a number of animals, including Porcupines. Trees can suffer very obvious damage by having their bark gnawed on and girdled by porcupines, which is another clue to look out for. When you're using dried, or ground, cayenne pepper, you'll need about 2 tablespoons for every gallon of water. Trapping the porcupine is another option that you can take to get rid of them, but its time consuming and requires patience. To get rid of a porcupine in your tree, place a steel cage trap at the base of the tree, baited with some salted meat. This prevents vital nutrients from reaching the other parts of the trees. Check the trap everyday and once you catch it, relocate it to a nice park or wooded area that is at least 10 miles away from your house. Search in your yard, near your beneficial trees, gardens, crops, fields, and in your lawn. Despite being solitary and docile, there are a few reasons why you need to repel porcupines. Porcupines might be able to climb fences but a wire strip at top of the fence installed at a 65-degree angle will make it harder for them to climb over. Simply because its natural, cheap, and I dont need to go outside my home to prepare it. Porcupines love to chew wood! These spines provide protection from predators, but they also make the porcupine a unique animal to study. Firearms. Trees can be protected by wrapping around trunks 30-inch high wire fences that will reduce their feeding damage. One-by-one-inch galvanized wire should be used if you want to keep out smaller animals. Call us today! Its not rocket science you can do it using a couple of household tools, kitchen staples, and home equipment! Each 1.25 lbs will protect approximately 50 sq. 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