Instead of his purple suit, the Joker was shown wearing the clothes that he wore as the Red Hood, which consisted of a white shirt, dark purple trench coat that had a light red inside, green waistcoat with bloodstains, grey trousers and dress shoes, his face also showed very mild patches of human pigmentation on his white face, which indicated that his transformation from Red Hood into the Joker had recently happened, and, as seen in the previous games, the rest of his skin did eventually turn completely white. When Batman first started seeing visions of Joker shooting Barbara, he was shown wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, a hat, shoes, and sunglasses. Audio Tapes from Arkham Asylum reveal the Joker to be Machiavelli as, despite his untrustworthy appearance and numerous crimes, he was charming and seductive enough to fool others into feeling sympathy and even affection for him, including Doctor Young and Quinzel. Strange offered to make Joker's last days more 'comfortable' in return for his co-operation by supplying doctors to examine his condition, either in the employ of Arkham City or illegally abducting them from Gotham's streets. This is also because he is not simply satisfied with Batman's death, but to destroy the foundations of everything he cherishes and values, and psychologically break Batman by making him compromise his morals to prove that he is no better than the Joker himself. Yet, there was a Joker smile on the, Unlike the other inmates, Joker didn't appear to have an identifiable or decorated cell in Arkham Asylum. He now felt a connection to the hero and believed that it was fate for them to meet. The Joker's next order of business was to search the Arkham Mansion for Dr. Young's notes; just in case the good doctor destroyed her notes, the Joker planned on finding her to torture the formula out of Young. Leaving Ivy to her own devices, the Joker headed back to his hideout in the patient Visitor Center. One early attempt was carried out by Deathstroke, using some of Black mask's men to lure Batman to the docks. However, Joker was still in desperate need of the cure and feared that perhaps Batman had actually failed or turned on him as he had not been heard from in hours. With the city evacuated, only the police officers were left as the villains and their respective gangs, who were all working together, began to take over the streets and created chaos and destruction all over Gotham. Joker then used his weapon to blow away the wall and was slightly relieved when he believed that he had found an exit in the center of Batman's psyche. Some time later, Joker attempted to attack Gordon again, by going after Barbara (without knowing of her crimefighting life). Pitying his long time nemesis, Batman grimly picked up and carried Joker's corpse out of the Monarch Theatre. Joker's X-ray specs, his personal handgun, a set of explosive. The unlockable Patient Interview Tapes for Harley Quinn borrowed heavily from Bruce Timm and Paul Dinni's. Joker raised the stakes by stalking (one of) Roman's girlfriend(s), Tiffany Ambrose. In the first Catwoman Mission, a portrait could be found with the inscription: "Cain & Abel - The Duality of Man". Throughout the game there were three times where the major plot twist with Clayface acting as Joker was subtly revealed. "Black Mask" surveyed the damage and informed Deathstroke he'd had his chance but the night was still young. Both were completely unaware of the explosives beneath their headquarters. The Joker's lack of interest in companionship or friendship results in him constantly abusing Harley Quinn, his loyal minion and girlfriend, attacking her out of irritation or simply for a hobby. Sometimes, while on a building, the Joker would mention that he had figured out who the Arkham Knight was and mentioned several unlikely candidates, with an odd explanation behind how they could be the Knight. Pushed to his limit, he ended up attacking his audience in both rage and terror and ruthlessly beat them unconscious. Accepting that he would ultimately die, Joker asked Batman if he was happy and calmly sat on the ground. Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find they had disfigured his entire body, giving him chalk white skin, green hair and his face a clown like appearance. Freeze, and put Penguin out of commission, Joker immediately took advantage of this new tide in the battle and had his men slaughter hundreds of Penguin's men and press any survivors into joining him. Months of planning down the crapper. This was best demonstrated when he was forced to experience the concentrated effects of the Fear Toxin late into Scarecrow's reign of terror, where he saw a portrait depicting Batman carrying a deceased Joker as well as his own corpse being placed in the crematorium, and not only did not feel even slightly afraid of what he was seeing, he even managed to reflect nostalgically on the event and even went as far to crack a joke about the scene as being "crispy", respectively. He didn't seem to like the idea of Batman sharing the stage either and would often target his allies, believing he was doing Batman a twisted kind of favor. Joker then pointed his gun at his head, but before he could kill him,Black Spider's head exploded. He displays personality traits consistent with criminal insanity, though his mental instability did not hinder his ability to infiltrate and take over Black Mask's criminal organization. Keep shooting until you will be able to activate the special attack (The Killing Joke) which is Joker's version of suppressive fire. It was confirmed that Joker's body was not found at the site, which hinted that he was still alive. With Talia at gunpoint, Joker demanded the cure from Batman, and confused the hero as he believed that Joker already had it and cured himself. Harley told Joker that they were through, and she had moved on to a "new guy". He serves as one of the main antagonists of the Batman: Arkham Series. Due to Joker's unique characteristic, hehad the potential to turn the battle in his favor making him an ideal character to have in combat, and very effective in killing Bane's Elites & Heroes. Meeting ajourned. Finally, as Joker approached one of the statues, Batman ambushed him as he broke out of the statue and punched him hard, which sent him flying into a hard wall. Aside from the time he callously abandoned her after her failure to kill Batman during his siege of Arkham Asylum, he keeps her by his side because of her usefulness to him and being mildly entertaining. When you find yourself in an empty alley, walk along the path. It was later revealed that Jason Todd was in fact the Arkham Knight, who survived Joker's attack as the villain's true goal was to turn Batman's sidekick against him. Batman Arkham Knight - Batman Becomes Joker calloftreyarch 541K subscribers Subscribe 14K Share 2.1M views 7 years ago The Joker takes over Batman. At some point Joker even acquired such a site by poisoning a real estate agent with a palm pin when they shook hands on the deal. Disguised in one of their uniforms the Joker easily bypassed the authorities and escaped into Gotham to plan his next performance. He had his own attacks and challenge maps in which he must fend off Arkham's security guards trying to apprehend him. With the League of Assassins under his complete control, the powers of immortality at his disposal, the most technologically advanced military grade weaponry known to man in his possession, and the sheer amount of numbers in his forces to command, Joker relished all of the death and destruction that he could bring to Gotham and the world for centuries with nothing in existence to stop or kill him. Batman: Arkham Knight is one such title that unfortunately suffers as a result of this. Keep destroying the monuments until the Batman himself arrives. Reflecting that years had passed since the Penguin banned Joker from the club, they sought out the blue neon lights of the Iceberg Lounge. One such henchman got an injection, which painfully failed to turn him into a Titan Henchman. As Black mask he staged an all out attack on Blackgate Prison with dozens of his men and Killer Croc, who was one of his assassins. Joker, unshaken by Clayface's defeat, prepared to jump into the Lazarus Pit to claim immortality once and for all and become the new leader of the League of Assassins. At the time, Joker was experimenting with the Titan's chemicals, hoping to perfect it to his specifications. The Joker will kill for any reason: He's murdered countless policemen to avoid. The night is young Bats, and I still have a trick or two up my sleeve.Joker to Batman at Arkham Asylum. The psych intern, now a full fledged psychologist, transferred from Blackgate to Arkham intending to study Gotham's growing number of super criminals and become a pioneer in her field. Officially, Bane was listed as an escapee from Blackgate Prison. A riot allowed him and fellow bosses Black Mask and Penguin to each take over a section of Blackgate. In reality the Dark Knight frantically searched the city for his renegade partner each night, but the Joker began to take advantage of Jason's despair, constantly implying his mentor had simply abandoned him. Other versions of the story, told to Dr. Penelope Young, included being born in a small fishing village with thwarted aspirations of joining the circus and being the son of a police officer who was slain by the mob. When Batman had accomplished everything that he was blackmailed to do, Joker was delighted to begin his cat and mouse game with his old enemy and friend anew. That could be a subtle jab directed at individuals who attempted to figure out the Arkham Knight's identity with ridiculous ideas and concepts prior to the game's release, like Quincy Sharp being the Arkham Knight for example. However, this was all a part of Joker's plans as he faked his own death in order to divert Batman's attention, which allowed the hero to become vulnerable to a surprise attack. 17 12. The vigilante dealt with Deadshot before he made his way back inside and to the conference room, where he found Warden Joseph tied to explosives Joker had rigged to security junction boxes. The only victim that did not seem to show any symptoms of becoming another Joker was Henry Adams, a school principal, but he was kept under surveillance by Batman and Robin as he may have been the key to curing the others. The last thing he needed was to appear weak before his rivals. He pops up every so often to give the Bat his opinion of different things, and sometimes even gives Batman a few clues. Declaring himself the man with the money he asked if 'Mr. Coincidentally, Mark Hamill's last three letters of his first name and the first three letters of his last name spell out Arkham (mARK HAMill). A genius computer software designer, who loses everything, and decides to exact his revenge on the world by . How do you like my puppet? Joker's primary weapon was his Ace of Spades: itdealt a large amount of damage which couldkill two Elites at the same time and could ricochet through corners allowing to kill an Elite taking cover. However, the physical change seemed more grotesque for him, as his spine jutted out far more than the others, as well as his shoulder blades and ribs broke through his skin, which was covered in boils and veins, and his hair also changed into a mohawk while on Titan. Strange would still remain in contact with Joker, who was initially unaware of this betrayal, and continued to supply him with weapons as part of his plans to initiateProtocol 10, a military operation that Strange believed would make him famous and serve as a monument to Batman's failure and defeat. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! How is Batman infected with Joker blood? The Joker immediately dispensed with any civility, and demanded to know Titan's status, which gave away his knowledge of the project. The Joker's emotions were impossible to read, one of his own henchman even commented on how his mindset could change so easily from being maniacal and humorous to being a serious, calculative mastermind. Ding! Scarecrow, with the help of the mysterious Arkham Knight, plots to unite all of Gotham's criminals in an attempt to finally destroy Batman. At the very beginning of the game, Batman is awoken in an already exploding ACE Chemicals by the Joker illusion. However, Joker was angered when Batman resisted and fought off his attempts to make him give in. The Joker, waiting at a table, casually shot the double through the heart on sight. The only cell that could. Though Jason initially stayed glib, confident that Batman would rescue him, the Joker's torture began to physically and mentally wear him down to the point that the clown was even able to learn his name from his constant pleas for rescue. During his time there, after a sarcastic suggestion by Batman, Joker began to write a book that contained the names of all the people that he had ever killed. Robin stated they would track him down later as Harley was arrested by the G.C.P.D. Go around hitting X to beat up all the Jokers. Amused, Joker laughed that they didn't give her the name "Ivy" for nothing; he was hoping for a "40 ft killer plant", but accepted that he couldn't get everything that he wanted. "Never better, might say I got a new lease on life. Eventually Bane resurfaced, setting up and presiding over an underground fighting contest where inmates fought in vain for the privilege of trying to take him down. He was determined to hunt down the Joker and kill him. That was just a stocking-stuffer. 27 febrero, 2023 . During the riot, Deadshot escaped Arkham via an SCU Helicopter, which unbeknownst to him, Joker and Harley were also on board. So what will it be? The intern thought he was talking about her, telling him her name was Harleen. After feeling the effects of the TITAN poisoning from Arkham Asylum, he frantically searched for a cure so he would not die, even having Harley Quinn kidnap doctors across Gotham then brutally tortured and killed anyone who could not cure his disease. Should Batman interfere in his plans, he instantly became the top priority. The new Suicide Squad game however, it's set in the same universe. While looking for the officers, Batman came across a message left by Joker before his death, but decided to put it off until later. He left no visible scarring and never told anyone, most likely because the joke of a lunatic running the Asylum was too rich to spoil. Two weeks later, Harley escaped from her prison, reformed her old gang at the Steel Mill, kidnapped various GCPD Officers, and evencreated a shrine to Joker. The first was when Harley talks about how Joker looked 'perfect' before going on to say it wasn't really him. The militia also remarked that it was unclear how he even got onto the ballot. By the time he died, Joker's face was now completely covered in a huge rash and thick veins, and his trademark white face was completely gone. The two continued fighting, and Joker managed to severely injure Deadshot with his knives, albeit with enough difficulty that he even admitted that Deadshot was "a real pain in [Joker's] ass" for someone who wasn't Batman. She was eager to gain insight into the mind of the self style Clown Prince of Crime in order to publish a book. With Joker controlling his mind, the villain imagined all of the violence that he could perform and laughed insanely at the imagined carnage, as he began a massacre in his own twisted Batmobile, before he continued to murder Killer Croc, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, and Commissioner Gordon, saw Gotham City in flame and ruin, cited it to be his 'finest work yet', and told a pleading Alfred that his 'new master' would be returning soon. Spare Batman and will give you the secret of immortality. A little shake and oops!Joker, mixing the Titan. After he stated that nothing could be further from the truth, Batman told Jason that he never forgave himself for what happened and plead to not let Joker win as that was what he wanted to happen with his torture. in much the same manner as the announcer yelling: "Here's Johnny" in the beginning of the Johnny Carson show. But nothing happened, crime actually went down.Gordon, explaining that Joker was the catalyst for the crime in Gotham. The Joker laid out his ultimatum: Batman was forced to fight Bane to the death as Joker strapped himself, with a hostage Captain Gordon, to an electric chair that would automatically kill him unless a heartbeat monitor attached to the chair registered Bane's death. The hero and believed that it was confirmed that Joker 's X-ray,... Arkham Knight - Batman Becomes Joker calloftreyarch 541K subscribers Subscribe 14K Share 2.1M views 7 years the! An SCU Helicopter, which painfully failed to turn him into a Titan.. Telling him her name was Harleen to turn him into a Titan henchman destroying does batman become the joker in arkham knight monuments until the Batman Arkham! Clayface acting as Joker was the catalyst for the crime in Gotham gave away his knowledge of the Monarch.. A trick or two up my sleeve.Joker to Batman at Arkham Asylum young Bats, decides! Plan his next performance Batman: Arkham Series Ivy to her own devices, the Joker will for... 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