Perhaps most chillingly, at a time when Roe v. Wade and a host of other important rights are on the chopping block, the case shows how the Supreme Court can upend decades of precedent with relatively little outcry. Larry, youve mentioned this in several threads, and I have responded to this in several threads. It explains in great detail why they are opposed to the vaccine. The entire family is now vaccinated against the coronavirus, but they worry that Jonah wont be fully protected until everyone around him gets vaccinated as well. Republican senators in the state amended the bill to protect religious organizations and affiliated groups from lawsuits and penalties if they choose . I would not say that they are unable to process the data out there. Anthony Fauci, top medical adviser to President Joe Biden, said religious exemptions are "something we should look at." "If there is a legitimate religious exemption, fine. No other U.S. military branch has yet approved any religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine. There are no major religions in the United States that are officially opposed to the COVID vaccine, Evans said. Smith, it appears that there is no constitutional requirement for the government, including the public schools that it operates, to provide religious exemptions when mandating vaccines to receive . One manual circulated by Rita Palma, an anti-vax activist, advises people to include key words such as sacred, holy and blessed.. Those statements were made by people (Jesus, Paul) who spoke and/or wrote under infallible and inerrant direction and filling of the Spirit. Church officials did not respond, however. It was a challenge that we and many other pharma companieshave. If so, then other Christians can rightfully disagree and dismiss her reasoning as fallacious. Johnson & Johnson uses PER.C6 in production of thevaccine. What foolishness. I just dont get these arguments. The average American has a 7th-8th grade reading level. John Melcon is an attorney in the religious organizations group at Sherman & Howard LLC, based in Colorado. Paul has something similar in view in his second letter to the Corinthians: let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and of spirit, making holiness perfect in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1). [2] Back to the New York Times articlenote that this woman fronts her remarks with a discussion of freedom. Also, notice that she apparently didnt consult her faith community about the veracity of her religious objection. Its in thebible! The faith community does not hold authority over a persons beliefs. And while each person is free to live according to their sincerely held beliefs, Christians, in particular, should consider the call of Christ when weighing our decisions. Believe in the blood of Jesus. Nonetheless, the question I would like to consider is whether a vaccine could, in theory, go against Pauls exhortation in this passage. And that was challenged when they mandated that all health care . Im not claiming religious or conspiracy reasons, and Im not considering them as part of mycalculation. Jeremiah 29:11. Paul says that the Corinthian church as a whole is Gods temple, and those who cause division among them are threatening to destroy it. But, this woman isnt you. Some of us definitely are making a calculation as to risk/reward. God bless you all. Please make sure all fields are filled out. Once downloaded, review all of the information and requirements for the exemption type you have selected. I had to do a lot of reading to understand mRNA and I still think I barely understand it. And while each person is free to live according to their sincerely held beliefs, Christians, in particular, should consider the call of Christ when weighing our decisions. 1 Ruth Graham, Vaccine Resisters Seek Religious Exemptions. Do mandatory vaccinations violate human rights? Far from suggesting that the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in a body that is physically contaminated by illness, microchips, medicines, or other substances, Paul is urging them to keep themselves free from sin. Views reflected in this article may not reflect those of their current or previous employers. In some cases its deception but, in many cases, its a lack of education. of that Friend On whom for heaven my hopes depend! There is no Christian belief that the body must be kept free from physical contamination in order to be a fitting vessel of the Holy Spirit. Are your objections really grounded in the scripture, or are they a prop for some very non-religiousreasons? But if you care deeply about religious liberty, please think twice before demanding a religious exemption. I know that people are concerned about what they put into the body. I also think that many people would be surprised at the how rapid the placebo affect is getting better. Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Now it is most abominably scandalous and shameful that that body, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, which is sacred to him as a temple, should be defiled by the sin of fornication: it isadded. If our non-Christian neighbours come to see us as people who think the rules dont apply to us, or as people for whom the well-being of the wider community is irrelevant, their tolerance for our beliefs is likely to wane. It is a God-given responsibility and requirement for me to protect the physical integrity of my Body against unclean food andinjections.[3]. I think it is 44% of white evangelicals have stated that they will not get thevaccine. Advice on asking for exemptions is easy to find online. The answer, it would seem, is that there is a long-standing precedent for exempting religious communities from government mandates, so people have reached for religious exemption as a ready-made solution for their fears. Therefore it is not an equal protection clauseissue. Three chapters later, Paul returns to the image of the temple, this time with individual Christians in view. A relevant ethical question, drawn from scriptural teaching of the value of our bodies and treating them rightly, is whether vaccines harm the body. My Body Is a Temple I've seen 1 Corinthians 6:19 quoted in countless vaccine exemption requests. But producing high-quality, independent work is not cost-free , If you found the piece above useful, informative, or inspiring, please consider supporting, To donate by check, phone, bitcoin, or other method, see our, Bernie Sanders Reintroduces PRO Act as Labor Activity Is on the Rise, Nebraska Democrat Vows to Filibuster All Bills Until Anti-Trans Bill Is Defeated, Immigrants Win Unprecedented Settlement Over Violent ICE Workplace Raid, The Nuclear War in Ukraine May Not Be the One We Expect, Truthout Center for Grassroots Journalism. Proponents cite the Apostle Pauls well-known remarks at 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19. Until we understand better the origins of this virus, every way it may have been modified, and what it can do, Im not convinced that even those studying it full-time have a complete handle on it. Photo courtesy of Erin Kirschner, Dr. William Tseng from Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. Accepting the COVID vaccination into my body violates my closely held religious beliefs. I believe in and follow God and the principles laid out in His Word and I have a deeply held belief that vaccines violate them. This vaccine has only been in existence a short time, and even if you think theres almost no chance it could have long term effects, you have no proof of that, and neither does anyone else. We might be right or wrong, but we hold it forourselves. That being said, if a Christian thinks it is wrong to take a vaccine that involved a cell line that came from a miscarriage, then, logically, that Christian would also have to be against organ donor/recipient situations. Perhaps you have a more sophisticated form of this objection. Very clearly the Torah says choose life." City Moving Slowly If you dont want to get the vaccine, thats your choice. While sin has allowed creation to kick back, man still has the ultimately ability and responsibility to subdue it. (it seems like) there is a risk/reward calculation that causes them to skipit. Ive reviewed many of these vaccine exemption requests. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. Nashville, Tennessee 37203 "You can have a church of one," said Lauren Kulpa, an attorney with Perkins Coie LLP. Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel said true prophets dont allow for indifference and scream in the night against oppression. People misuse God's name for all sorts of sins. Here is a sample of a Religious Exemption letter. A group called One Washington is holding seminars around the state to instruct people on how to ask for a religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine. Lets start with the basics. If you are part of the Christian Science Church (which, despite its name, is most certainly not a part of historic Christian orthodoxy), you do not. I stand corrected. Saying that people and their positions are cowardly, moronic, etc is nothing but repeated use of ad hominem statements. Whenever he gets a cold, even just a minor cold, it just lingers in his chest, and he has a really hard time.. But, he must also treat it with respect and care forit. What matters for such a request is whether a worker's belief is religious, not whether it deviates from their church's doctrine or makes logical sense to their employer, attorneys said. Thus, a strong religious exemption would be based on recognized scriptural precept or a particular church or traditions confession or teaching. It isnt enough to hold to some form of, I dont like it, so it violates my conscience, so I dont have to do it. Thats never been how responsible Christians have interacted with society. You can see theproblem. Its biblicalanthropology. Here are a few things toconsider: About 14% of American adults say they wont get vaccinated under any circumstances as of June, while the number is a much higher 22% among white evangelical Christians, according to a rigorous ongoing survey by KFF, the policy arm of the Kaiser Family Foundation. The concern for physical well-beingwhile certainly validis a concern shared by everyone, religious or not. Maybe that isnt you. Ashamed of Jesus! People misuse Gods name for all sorts of sins. Washington, DC 20002 In other words, the justices had elevated religion above just about every other right, including free speech and racial equality, according to a report out today by Columbia Law Schools Law, Rights and Religion Project. Here is a representative example from a professing Christian, quoted in the New York Times: My freedom and my childrens freedom and childrens childrens freedom are at stake, said Ms. Holmes, who lives in Indiana. *** *** Religious Exemption Letter (Template) *** We are not our own because we belong to the crucified and resurrected Lord. The New York Times related thefollowing: Threatened with a formal reprimand if she skipped work in protest, Ms. Holmes woke up in the middle of the night with a Bible verse from the book of 2 Timothy in her mind: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.[7], The Liberty Counsel also rallied to the cause by declaring Christians have a religious exemption because they have a reliance upon Gods protection consistent with Psalm 91.[8]. The thinking is that something is better thannothing. Roman Catholic and other Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders have advised followers to get the shots. That makes absolutely nosense. People with religious exemptions are not just looking for excuses, people get these exemptions because . she does need to demonstrate how / why Scripture demands that conclusion (if she wants to be taken seriously by other Christians). If you have to resort to hermeneutical gymnastics to prove God doesnt want you to get vaccinated, youve already lost, and other believers should be the first to confront you aboutit. It was just an illustration of a bigger problem: People say things that arent true to cast an issue in a differentlight. In most jurisdictions, employers are legally permitted to require vaccination as a condition of employment (and many employers may soon be required to do so under the anticipated OSHA emergency standard). The pastor owes it to his congregation to provide a more robust argument than this. The mandated vaccine, with its numerous additives and its mechanism for altering my body, is the equivalent of a prohibited unclean food that causes harm to my conscience. We witness this most acutely on the cross. Articles on religious exemptions. Larry, as much as I love this interaction, can we consolidate this discussion to onethread? Get your FREE eBook about deconstruction: 'Before You Lose Your Faith'. I came up in the Church of Christ in the '60s, so I know about religious exemptions. So chemically we know that it impacts these levels in a lab. The Awaken Church lists this as the most notably significant reason why the acceptance of these vaccines would be considered sinful.. Pentagon Prepares for Island Combat in the Pacific as US-China Tensions Rise, Bidens Chip War With China Is an Imperial Struggle for High-Tech Supremacy, Republicans Are Working on Making 70 the New Social Security Retirement Age, Rupert Murdoch Admits Fox Hosts Were Endorsing False Election Fraud Claims, I Am Fired Up: Sanders, Warren Join Rally for Student Debt Cancellation, Voter Suppression Laws Are Targeting Youth But They Are Fighting Back, Pences Handling of COVID Is Straight Out of the Christian Right Playbook, A Christian Nationalist Group Is Quietly Shaping Bills for State Legislatures, DeSantis Plans to Skip CPAC, While Trump Remains Featured Speaker. Contact Us Email us Church Info Center: 888-843-5267 Staff Switchboard: 800-248-1930 Donor Care Line: 888-930-4438 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7226 Second if the immigrant has entered the US, has lawful entry, but does not have a right to work yet as they are waiting for their immigration status to be updated, than they along with every other US citizen who is not employed are not required to be vaccinated. The author wishes to make sin Play-Dough; its anything the Holy Spirit impresses upon him to be wrong. One Christian named Curtis Chang, who is a former pastor, wrote what Yosemite Sam would consider to be fightinwords: Christians who request religious exemptions rarely even try to offer substantive biblical and theological reasoning. In the meantime, Kirschner is pleading with those who havent gotten vaccinated yet to reconsider, for her son's sake and others like him. The Third Commandment tells us we must not misuse Gods name (Ex 20:7; Deut 5:11). Various religious doctrines direct people to take care of their bodies. In most cases, meds are not new to the user as the vaccines are. He is warning them about the effect of their own divisive actions on the community. No such direct prohibition exists within wider Christian theology, but these religious groups are able to appeal to a unique teaching wholly adopted by their specific faith tradition. Fairenough. You are right that in 1 Cor. If you have elderly friends or family. "Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. They are concerned with what they put in their bodies, but they are taking 5 different medications, with very little understanding of what they do, just what the doctor has told them. Your personal religious convictions do not sit under the judgment of others. Kirschners son Jonah, who is 13 years old, was diagnosed with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation before he was born. Religious Exemption. Im not arguing Christians should be vaccinated, or that Christians should necessarily acquiesce to employer vaccine mandates. As Michael Bird would say, sweet mother ofMelchisedec!. In particular, he commands them not to engage the services of prostitutes, and in general to shun fornication (6:18). This seems another fundamental misunderstanding of the religious exemption (in all cases, not just this one). Your information is being handled in accordance with the, How conspiracy theories undermine the common good. At the end of the 20 century you had this Lancet article published by Andrew . I appreciate your comments here of late about theissue. Most commentators agree that the purpose of the letter is to urge unity among the Christians in Corinth. Accordingly I believe, pursuant to my Christian faith, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. NBC 7 Investigates obtained a copy of the religious-exemption letter that Awaken is offering to its members. Tseng told NBC 7 that he and other San Diego County physicians are being asked to sign off on religious exemptions as well. Pointing to verses from the Bible's Book of Revelation, Maldonado suggested that the coronavirus vaccine would help lay the groundwork for the coming of the Antichrist. It would have been far easier to obtain the cells from a miscarriage. At the same time, if our theological beliefs are sacred, then we should be unwilling to let people twist them for political or legal purposes. And in Washington state, some 3,800 state workers are have requested religious exemptions to Gov. I mean, a cold for him is a big deal," Kirschner said. During the pandemic, religious entities, often supported by influential right-wing firms like the Alliance Defending Freedom, Thomas More Society and Liberty Counsel, filed a barrage of religious objections to rules aimed at protecting people from COVID, culminating in more than 100 decisions, according to a preliminary tally by the Law, Rights, and Religion Project at Columbia Law School. I would never sign off on someones religiousconvictions. Couple that with the massive disinformation peddled at their reading level and I can understand why manyrefuse. Employers must grant the religious accommodation request so long as doing so does not pose an undue burden to the employer, either economic or non-economic. This is a novel interpretation. Acts 1:8 reminds us that we are to be witnesses for other people. These deficient exemption requests tend to fall into three categories of objections: personal autonomy, my body is a temple, or abortion complicity. It is worth stating unambiguously that there is no evidence that any of these things are true of the available COVID vaccines, beyond some extremely rare and typically mild side-effects. Those cited here are largely specious; arguments in search of proof-texts. Therefore, we can claim and live in all the promises of the Bible which he, by the power of the Holy Spirit, inspired men to write (II Timothy 3:16,17). The difference is that you dont have people screaming that blood pressure medication has computer chips, aborted fetal cells, changes your DNA, safety was skipped.. Christianity is not a subjective religion with scripture that shape-shifts according to taste, like an Etch-a-Sketch. U.S.A. grants Religious Exemptions to not to take Vaccines. He will END this Vaccine Madness. He posts form letters for U.S. workers seeking religious exemptions that have been downloaded from his website around 40,000 times, according to a screen shot of web traffic he shared with Reuters. Seemingly disparate anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice bills can all be traced to a handbook produced by theocrats. While not For example, some believe the vaccine has dangerous side-effects; others think it contains microchips; and some have suggested that it can alter your DNA or cause infertility. Few, if any, plausibly assert that receiving the vaccine would violate the employees sincerely held religious beliefs. DAN HIMBRECHTS/AAP October 5, 2021 . by John Brummett | September 15, 2021 at 3:17 a.m. In 6:19-20, however, it is clear that the individual bodies of believers is in view. Its like mowing over the dandelions in your grass instead of digging them up at the roots. The biggest thing we can do to those in our church is to help them understand how to discern truth. know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost,. Some 24% of white evangelicals said in June they wouldnt be vaccinated, down from 26% in March, according to a study from the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan group that studies the intersection of religion and public life, and Interfaith Youth Core, a nonprofit focused on interfaith cooperation. Jesuss body was made impure by his crucifixion in fact, thats a considerable part of the point. Religious exemptions risk blowing a hole in that shield, jeopardizing everyone. Also, whataboutism continues with arguments like, more people would get the vaccine if Biden didnt let thousands of unvaccinated migrants enter the country. This is why, when appealing to religious liberty as the basis for an exemption, Christians should proceed carefully. In its most robust form, such an exemption might rely on a provision within a churchs confessional statement explicitly forbidding vaccines or other medical interventions. It would take many people (say those in the lowest 25% quartile) an incredible amount of work to understand if the vaccines are harmful or not. Youth voting blocs are so powerful that most schools have enough students to easily tip an election in key states. We take pharmaceuticals (over the counter or prescription) all the time without pulling the temple of God card, and we have no idea what is in them that makes them work. After all, natural illness is one of the main causes of impurity in Leviticus. The conscience and religious belief belongs to the individual, not another person and not a body (church or otherwise). Paul warns the Corinthians not to deceive themselves, but to have true wisdom (1 Corinthians3:18). The Christian argument for religious exemptions follows two tracks typically: first, that the vaccine shots at some point in their production used aborted fetal cell lines. If we take Pauls words seriously, our main concern shouldnt be the physical purity of our own bodies, but the purity of our witness to the world around us. If faced with such a mandate, some Christians will likely consider objecting to vaccination requirements on religious grounds. The reasons? The challenge facing those making the abortion-complicity argument is that the relationship between tainted fetal cell lines and at least two of the available COVID vaccines is highly attenuated. Like mowing over the dandelions in your grass instead of digging them up at the how rapid the affect! 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