Ellyson demandeth of henry Brooks 250 l tob & cask, due for chirurgery. 5 Oct 1647 5th Octo: ffrancis Brookes of the lie of Kent, demandeth of Cuthbert ffenicke gent, executor of Henry Brookes Merchant, one man seruant and 2300 l of tobb: by bill and accomt dew to hym: Attach: to the Sherife of Kent: retur prmo die decembr. Thomas Cornwaleys vol. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. 1. Died: Before 8 October 1641. 1647 Oaths of Fielty [Fidelity]: Richard BROWN (27 June), John WALTON (22 Sept). Religious affiliation: Catholic. 25 Mar 1634 Ms. Hodges list includes: Mr. Richard COLE and Mr. Richard DUKE, Wm BROWNE, Cuthbert FENWICK, Nicholas HARVEY, John HILLIERD, John HOLLIS aka HOLLOWES [HALLOWES]. 105 & 106), p. 229. 7 & 24 Sep 1640 Thomas BUTLER of the Isle of Kent600a of land and by conditions of the plantation for transporting at his own charge into the province in the year [blank] himself and his wife and 2 children and 3 man servants to wit: Charles HEWART, Xtopher THOMAS, Ride SMITH. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110, 130; Liber ABH, folio 94. 3. Captain Richard Lowe of Ratcliff, Stepney, Middlesex, Master of the Ark (crew) thorn baldridge 1.20, nathan pope 1.20, nicolas hervy 050, George Pye 20, david whitcliff 20, tho hebden. Religious affiliation: Protestant. PCC PROB 11/143/473 (James Hawley) 4, p. 32. The above record may not necessarily indicate (but should not be ignored either) a kinship between Francis and Henry since most everyone probably did some business with Henry BROOKE. In the below we learn that Uncle Henry [Senr] purchased the England/Colonies trading operation and interests from his brother Nicholas [Senr]. Issue: Unknown. If this website has provided you with useful information, please consider making a donation to USGenNet to help keep sites like this online. 2. 1. 1. 1. Died: Before 2 December 1651. Thomas dropped out of St. Marys records in 1644 and spent some time in Barbadoes per this letter he wrote dated 9 Sep 1649 from Thomas Baldreage in Barbadoes To my ever loveing Cosen Mr Tho: Baldreage liveing in Potomack river over against Maryland or for Mr James Baldreage wherein he states he is now in Barbadoes and refers to a gentlewoman who was a previous neighbor of his in Virginia who had since come to Barbadoes regarding the estate of her husband but now is returning to Virginia (W&M Qtrly, Series 1, v15#3:35/36). MSA Will Liber 1, folio 257. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MSA Patent Records Liber F&B, folio 17, 41-2. One of the earliest was researched and compiled by Mrs. G. W. Hodges and published as the "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants," in the Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938. See Jane's statement of 11 Oct 1650. 1. Married: Dorothy d/o MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family. 6 Jun 1648 Account of Lord Calvert's estate contained this item: By 1 Bill from for a shallop Hen: Brooke of 23 foote by the Keele.. White, A Relation of the Successefull Beginnings of the Lord Baltemores Plantation in Mary-land (1634), p. 4. July 31, 2021 Posted by Sethmini. Records place Mathias de Sousa in Maryland, in 1635, among the very first original settlers in the Colony. Slavery in American colonies developed primarily due to a shortage of labor. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:180). She is also included in the transportation list of the sisters Mrs. Margaret and Mary BRENT. 3. 1. Married: Ursula d/o Gifford. Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t10p1j79f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Openlibrary_edition OL23565625M Openlibrary_work OL7139152W Page . We found 43 people. Died: 1676. Born: Son of John Wintour, Knt., of Sydney, Glouc., by his wife Anne Somerset. 1. Large numbers of early Americans came as indentured servants, redemptioners, or convicts, and lots of Americans today descend from these people. In these ordinances recorded by the General Assembly on August 4, 1619, the government of the Virginia colony attempts for the first time to regulate customs of indentured servitude. 3. Indentured servants were persons obliged by contract to work for a stated number of years. In history, an indentured servant was a man or woman who signed a indenture or a contract. James Baldridge, gentleman (passenger) Religious affiliation: Protestant. Richard Gilbert (passenger) Most of the servants were young and poor. 2. Robert CLARK ordered survey and patent dated 24 Sep 1640 issued for land on the East side of [blank] Isle of KentButler's CreekCox's Bay. Background: Residency in Wiltshire and Odiham, Hampshire. E.C. 1. Court records state that Patience would be indentured an additional year, and Oldham would keep Bryan until he was 21. Issue: No. Issue: Unknown. Price Genealogy's Immigrant Servants Database is an indexed compilation of records of indentured servants, convicts, and redemptioners, who began their American adventures in servitude. 2. John UPTON and last Thomas LUCAS Sr., born bef 1623, died 1674, in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. Hot, miserable, and exhausted, they stood in front of the gawking English colonists who crowded around the dock. 1642 Thomas BUTLER begins to appear in records for the CTB. Issue: Unknown. According to Murphy's lecture, 3 out of 4 immigrants to colonial America were indentured servants. 1641 A number of St. Marys residents are listed in a record as having exhibited complaints and petitions on 3 dates for the year 1641. vol. The following record is an indenture dated 18 March 1640/1 (recorded in London 7 Sept 1644/5) between Nicholas Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the one part and Henry Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the other part and brother of the said Nicholas whereas the said parties have for sundry yeares last past traded vpon partible Acco in merchandizing betweene England and virginea; And wheras also the said nicholas Brooke is resolved contented & agreed to surcease the said trade & to resigne & leave the same wholly vnto the said Henry Brooke who is likewise resolved contented & agreed to take the same trade vpon him & to runne the hazard of all adventures & debts that are incident & apperteining thervnto for 700 pounds, with 200 pounds due 25 March 1642, 250 pounds due 25 March 1643, and 250 pounds due 25 March 1644, Nicholas grants to the said Henry all the estate, right title Interest property claime share part purpart and demand whatsoever that he the said nicolas Brooke hath or may or can claime challenge ask have or demand of in to or out of all & every or any plantation Lands chattells servants goods merchandises adventures debts & estate whatsoever that now are either in virginia or England belonging to the partible accot of the said trade or wch the said nicolas Brooke hath taken in his owne name in the said continent of Virginia.. Filed 7 Sep 1744 in London. he was one of nine indentured servants brought to . vol. 2. MSA Archives of Md. They had to remain as slaves during their whole lives, and their offspring also become . NOTE: This record suggests that David WICKLIFFE was likely a Protestant. Religious affiliation: Protestant. But vppon the defts oath in open Court that the Gunne nowe pduced was given him by Governor Calvert The Court conceiving bee had good reason to stand out to a Tryall notwithstanding the demand of the Gunne by Georg Manners the pltes Attorney before the suite commenced The Court doth order that Court charges bee paid equally betweene the pite and deft. He married Jan 16, 1625/26 in St. Magnus Martyr Church, London, a widow, Joan Christopher (Mt. Tho: hebden. 2. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 383. John Ward (passenger) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Married: (1st) Bridget d/o Thorsbey; (2nd) John d/o Porter. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65; Archives of Md. 12 July 1649 York Co. patent showing note of assignment from Nicholas Brooke, Jr. to Nicholas Brooke, Sr. at foot of record (VSLA Land Office Patents 1-42) for 500 acres south East upon the land formerly belonging to Thomas LUCAS; the said land formerly granted to Nicholas Brooke Junior Aug 13 1646 and purchased by the said Nicholas Brooke, Senior, of his son. John Wells (passenger) Richard COLE stated the above agreement with Willm LEWIS was 12 years since and the land was in St. Inegoes Creek. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Research for the original information found in the ISTG COMPASS was conducted by Harriet Rosch and the late Donna Jackson. Died: December 1633 near Barbados on the Ark en route to Maryland. Married: (1st) Ann d/o (2nd) Juliana d/o (3rd) Elizabeth d/o Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. 4, p. 95. Issue: No. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37, 166; Archives of Md. nash virginea; & 150 l tob for forbearance of the said last 200 l & 100 l tob for forbearance of the said first 200. MSA Archives of Md. Charles Middleton (passenger) 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 26. (MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:543), Ships Passenger Lists to Maryland 1737. 1. Richard Nevitt, servant of John Saunders Esq. 1. Indentured servants, bound to service to work off a debt or in exchange for transportation to America, made up the bulk of labor through . 1644 Rob. Boatswain on the Dove. 1. You can look for your ancestors' names and the names of their associates to find out what was important to them and what businesses they were involved in. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:61). 134, No. 1. 1. On St. Cecilia's Day, at the port of Cowes on the Isle of Wight, the Ark and the Dove begin their journey to Maryland. Octob to shew cause. (MDPC&W HoR, v1:86-87, FHC Film #0013063). 2. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 24. Born: 27 March 1609; son of Thomas Greene, Knight Bachelor, by his wife Margaret Webb. 3, p. 258. 30 ffeb. 134, No. Married: (1st) John Smithson; and (2nd) John Norman. Died: Before 28 June 1647, in Maryland. A. He and Ann witnessed a deed in Barbadoes, and he is mentioned in the 1649 Barbadoes letter of Thomas BALDRIDGE to his cousin Thomas BALDRIDGE in Virginia as well as being named in Dorothys BALDRIDGES will along with his 3 daughters. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Issue: Unknown. Roger Walter (passenger) John Hilles, carpenter (passenger) Thomas Griston (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. 1. Dict. 3. WICKLIFFE in his list of transportees for his 1650 patent in Northumberland. Issue: Unknown. Hopwood, Middle Temple Records (1904), p. 506. The event took place on March 25, 1634, when the passengers of the Ark and the Dove disembarked upon the shores of Terra Mariae, held a Mass, and then hewed a Cross out of felled trees . These records provide a detailed composition of indentured servants in the 17th century Atlantic World. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. Visitation Pedigrees (H.S.P. Historical Timeline: 1603-Queen Elizabeth I of England dies; 1603-James I crowned King; 1607-first permanent English settlement in New World at Jamestown; 1620- Pilgrims settle in Massachusetts; 1625-Charles I becomes king; 1634-Ark & Dove ships arrive in Maryland to establish a colony; 1642-civil war in England . Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1. Richard Cole, gentleman (passenger) Issue: Unknown. MSA Liber ABH, folio 12; Liber 2, folio 444. Benjamin Hodges, servant of John Saunders 1058. Henry Brookes plte The Complte by Georg Manners his Attor-Nichas Cawseene deft ney sueth to bee releived for a Gunne taken from him in the late troubles by Governor Calverts direccon vppon pmise of redelivery as hee alleadgeth. 4, p. 71. The Ark and the Dove. Amory Butler. 2. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:132). in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt.. First, they almost got caught by Turkish pirates, only to be saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon. MSA Land Patents 1, folio 20, 166. vol. PCC PROB 11/220/172 (Debora Fleete) No ship lists are extant but passenger lists have been developed from secondary sources: "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants,", Mrs. G. W. Hodges, Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938, and The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate, self-published, Washington, D.C., 1968 . E.C. Died: Between 25 November 1661 17 June 1662. 3. revised 11/01/05 . 2. 4. Then, a violent storm hit as the three ships were sailing together. Captain John Hill, gentleman (passenger) MSA Archives of Md. Most of these servants had been convicted of crimes in England and Ireland. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. Purser and steward of the Ark. Jane Brooke. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Peter Draper, secretary of Gov. By the start of the 16th century, after Christopher Columbus discovered America, Portugal and Spain were in the business of buying or kidnapping slaves from Africa and transporting them to South America to offer free or cheap labor in various plantations (Galenson . vol. 1061. Died: 30 Nov. 1675, at Muswell Hill, Middx., England MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. Issue: Unknown. Born: circa 1605 in Norfolk, England, (2nd) son ofWilliam Cornwaleys, Knt., by his wife Lady Katherine Parker of Erwarton, Suffolk. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 23. Married: (1st) Ann d/o Cox; and (2nd) Winifred d/o Seybourne, widow of Nicholas Harvey. Stephen Gore (passenger) Issue: Unknown. Society of the Ark and the Dove. Being an emerging company, we focused on providing all modern and proven technologies to our valuable clients, we are a leader in designing and developing websites, mobile applications, graphic designing, mobile and desktop-based games, web design and e-commerce websites. Born: circa 1605. Died: Before 20 March 1637. Married: (1st) Judith d/o Robert Hawkins, Knt., of Slapton Abbey, Devonshire; and (2nd) Eleanor d/o Thomas Brereton of Yard, Somerset, and wid. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device copie of the order to the plf. Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction. Twenty-six years later, Cecilius Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore, sent the ships Ark and Dove to establish the colony of Maryland at St. Mary's City, envisioning a society based on religious freedom. Samuel Lawson, mate on The Dove (crew) 1633___Excerpts. (PA Mag of History & Biography, Quaint Virginia Records, 1892, p. 70), NOTES: The above may refer to records in Northampton Co, VA., and another record also includes references to Joane, wife of Thomas, apparently the couple in the Isle of Kent. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 65. Religious affiliation: Catholic. England of the Ark and the Dove to establish the colony. Married: Sarah d/o The growth of tobacco, rice, and indigo and the plantation economy created a tremendous need for labor in Southern English America. Jan 1644 The letter from Uncle Henry and this entry for Henry BROOKE mrchnt and Nicho. vol. 4, p. 262, 307. MdHS, Calvert Papers MS 174.1 (15 October 1633) 1. 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 41-42; Liber 2, folio 346; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. James of Westsmoreland wrote his will on 27 Nov 1658 and it was proved on 10 Jan 1658/9 in Westmoreland, naming only his wife Dorothy and one Daniel LISSON aka SISSON, possible son-in-law and the documented brother-in-law to one Mary (BALDRIGE?) Captain Robert Wintour, Esquire, Commander of the Ark (crew) warrt to warne him afore L. G. on 26. Born: 1613, in England; (3rd) son of George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, by his (1st) wife Anne Mynne. Is this a coincidence because they are all in the trading business, and is it a coincidence that the other Henry BROOKE is a boat/shipbuilder?. PROB HCA 13/60 (Source: The Ark and the Dove by USGenNet Patrons Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001)). 1. Jun 1643 Then the complaint of widdow Whitcliff agst mr Secret. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 24. Died: 1638 in St. Marys, Maryland. Show/Hide Columns Copy Excel PDF Print Display records per page Filter Records Showing 1 to 25 of 43 entries 1, p. 1. Issue: Unknown. Thomas BALDRIDGE were part of this community who continued their associations and became neighbors in Westmoreland. ( 2001 ) ) Mathias de Sousa in Maryland, in Old Co! Late Donna Jackson d/o ( 2nd ) John Norman young and poor that Patience would indentured. 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Hank Williams House Franklin Tn, Current Lake Roosevelt Fishing Report, Smallmouth Bass Washington State, Example Of Object That Represent Family Culture, Colin Cowherd Sponsors List, Articles A