Digital pathology in diagnostic cytopathology 2 nd International Conference on Cytopathology & Histopathology … Eighty patients (71.4%) were treated on the basis of one or more positive sputum studies, while the remainder had at least one positive bronchial cytologic preparation. Considering only cases definitively diagnosed as benign or malignant, the sensitivity was 96%, specificity 99%, positive predictive value 99%, negative predictive value 94%, and overall efficiency 97%. The CytoJournal is an open-access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Diagnostic Cytopathology including Molecular aspects. Of these specimens considered suspicious, only 11 cases (22%) were proved not to be malignant after excisional biopsy. A total of 1,598 FNABs were identified to have met the study criteria; of these, 1,258 (78.7%) cases were cytologically benign, 88 (5.5%) suspicious, 3 (0.18%) false-positive, and in 249 (15.6%) cases an inadequate sample was obtained. Tuberculosis (TB) is an important differential diagnosis; FNAC showed a sensitivity of 76.9% in the detection of TB lymphadenopathy. Use one of the links below to download the latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Chrome. Of these cases, all but one had an FDG-PET scan positive for malignancy, yielding a sensitivity of 96% (24/25) for the FDG-PET scan. All the cases that were diagnosed as malignant by cytology were proved malignant after surgical excision, and there were no false-positive results. Although fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is accepted as the method of choice for the initial evaluation of lymph nodes for metastatic carcinomas, its utility as the initial diagnostic procedure for hematopoietic processes is less established. On the basis of findings, considering also endocyte's low cost, effectiveness, and ease of use, we think the method could be usefully employed in screening of endometrial cancer for an asymptomatic population. The manuscript … Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) of the pancreas is an efficient and minimally invasive procedure for the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. In our series, these SGTTs were more commonly metastatic in the lung or mediastinum (87.5% of the patients), and the most common histological subtype was ACC, followed by SDC. Positive cytological results, especially of the cerebrospinal fluid. Sixty-two cases of EUS-FNA of the pancreas that had follow-up histological and/or clinical diagnosis and sufficient material in cell blocks were included. A retrospective study of 1,855 fine-needle aspirations of the lymph node (LN) from 1,484 Chinese patients in Queen Mary Hospital over a period of 11.5 yr (January 1, 1976, to June 30, 1987) was reviewed and analyzed. 59 days to first decision for reviewed manuscripts only 49 days to first decision for all manuscripts 121 days from submission to acceptance 16 days from acceptance to … Diagnostic Cytopathology is intended to provide a forum for the exchange of information in the field of cytopathology, with special emphasis on the practical, clinical aspects of the discipline. The major advantage of this method is that no aspirate is unsatisfactory due to unskilled direct smear technique. Go to Submit a manuscript and follow the instructions. One of the various histomorphologic patterns of infections is the granuloma, which sometimes may be difficult to diagnose cytologically. If your tables and figures are not suitable for this style, please use the more traditional submission style of submitting tables and figures … In this study, we present a double-blind study of histologically confirmed follicular-patterned neoplasms and evaluate the cytological classification of the same lesions according to both systems. The specimen of enucleation confirmed the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to document the value of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in diagnosis of filaria at all possible sites presenting as mass or swelling. During the Montebello Conference on malignant serosal tumours at Lillehammer, Norway, in June 2004, a group of 30 international experts addressed the biologic and genetic aspects of malignant tumours affecting serosal cavities in the human body. Formatting your manuscript can be frustrating and time-consuming. Overt malignancy was identified histologically in 14 cases of SFN, for a positive predictive value of 21.5%. This finding underscores the great importance of proper specimen preparation, quality control procedures, and diligent clinical follow-up in an era of heightened cost-containment awareness when many patients with pulmonary SCAC will be treated on the basis of positive cytology not immediately confirmed by histologic methods. Manuscript length: no more than 15.000 characters including spaces, 5 references, and a total of 5 original and … Overlapping morphologic patterns that may be observed in goiter, follicular adenoma, and papillary carcinoma can limit the cytologic evaluation of the thyroid gland. The cell block was found to be the most useful in diagnosis. A hematopoietic process was identified in 85 cases, a reactive process in 27 cases, and a nonhematopoietic process in 15 cases. Rarely, neoplasms may be misdiagnosed as granulomas and vice versa. We conclude that HBME-1 is a sensitive marker of papillary thyroid carcinoma. There were 28 false-negative and 2 false-positive results. Print Book & E-Book. Furthermore, the diagnosis of MBC was also confirmed subsequently on tissue examination. Seventy-nine (7.5%) of BFN, 23 (16.8%) of FLUS, and 65 (38.9%) of SFN cases had histologic follow-up. Negative predictive values (PV) for benign cases were 72.2% and 68.8% in the 5-tiered and 6-tiered systems, respectively (P = 0.7009). Four FN surgical biopsies (8.3%) were sampling errors. The patient's unremarkable medical and sexual history prompted us to review the diagnostic criteria and pathogenesis of the disease. This retrospective study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of cytopathologic diagnosis and of correct classification of benign breast diseases. The salient cytologic features included cellular smears; multinucleated giant cells in 100% of cases, some ingesting colloid or neutrophils; fibrous fragments with enmeshed inflammatory cells were a constant feature; follicular cells were scant to absent in most cases. The relationship between adolescence and HPV infections appears to be stronger for HPV 18 and mixed HPV 16/18 infections (OR = 5.6; 95% CI = 0.7-42.4) than for HPV 16 infections (OR = 1.93; 95% CI = 0.4-8.8). Combined positivity of the two testing modalities yielded a sensitivity of 100% (24/24). Classics in cytology. The method was tested for its usefulness in screening of precancerous lesions and preclinical cancer in 1,248 asymptomatic women and in the diagnosis of endometrial pathology in 550 symptomatic ones. Pathologica - Journal of the Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Diagnostic Cytopathology, Italian Division of the International Academy of Pathology EUS-FNA cytomorphology is superior to any of the immunohistochemical markers used in this study. After submission of this manuscript, a recent paper was published by Fleming MV, Oertel Y C , Rodriguez ER, Fidler WJ: Fine-needle aspiration of six carotid body paragangliomas, in Diagnostic Cytopathology … Colloid, when present was thick, with central cracks and frayed edges. The cytological features seen on cytospins were similar to those seen on conventional direct smears. Four cytology cases (3.4%) were false-negatives (FN); all were interpretive errors. One hundred and forty consecutive surgically resected thyroid follicular-patterned lesions with a diagnostic preoperative FNA were retrieved from our archive. Original articles can be considered only with the understanding that they have never been published before and that they have not been submitted for simultaneous review to another publication. The majority of patients were women with a mean age of 46 yr. All had pain/tenderness in the thyroid area accompanied by fever or an elevated ESR. Malignant glandular cells were detected on both conventional and Thin Prep gynecologic tests with histologic confirmation. This study demonstrates that the nature of ovarian cysts in IVF patients can be determined in many cases by their cytological features, information that may help in defining an unsuspected cause for infertility (such as endometriosis), and in choosing the most appropriate therapy. The diagnoses of the paired smears agreed in 988 of the 1,000 cases (98.8%), including 949 negatives, 28 atypicals, 9 low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LGSIL), and 2 high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HGSIL). Different requirements for first submission and revised manuscript. Fifty cases had subsequent histologic examination. A total of 1,255 histologic thyroid specimens and 2,776 thyroid FNA biopsies were retrieved for review. Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2019), we collect latest information of SCI journals, include ISSN, h-index, CiteScore, online submission URL, research area, subject area, submission … Click the Privacy tab and click the Sites button. 2014. We report a case of a 16-year-old girl with a left renal tumor discovered by her family practitioner. Although not statistically significant, this difference indicates that the ThinPrep method gives a better diagnosis of abnormalities than the conventional method. Histological verification was made chiefly on cell block in asymptomatic cytologically negative cases and either on curettage or hysterectomies in the others. Using histological diagnosis and/or clinical outcome as the reference standard, EUS-FNA shows the highest sensitivity (95%) and specificity (91%) and is superior to any marker in this study. The cell block of the aspirated material showed osteoid associated with the malignant cells. The final surgical margin was at the lower uterine segment in 37 cases (39.4%) and significantly correlated with the presence of lower uterine segment endometrial cells (LUSEC) in smears (P = 0.035). To check the status of your submission in our system, log into your ScholarOne Manuscripts … We reviewed 14 cases of ultrasonically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the portal vein. None of the patients developed local recurrences or inguinal lymph-node metastasis due to FNAB. The number of Diagnostic Cytopathology DOI 10.1002/dc CYTOPATHOLOGY: ON MESSAGE, ON TARGET, ONLINE articles submitted to Di-Cy increases steadily and the refereeing process has been streamlined. Ultrasound and abdominal pelvic CAT scan revealed a large heterogeneous mass with calcifications in the inferior portion of the left kidney. All follicular carcinomas identified histologically occurred in the SFN category and all were minimally invasive. This study also illustrates the cytomorphologic features and diagnostic pitfalls of these unusual SGTTs. The overall concordance rate for paired TWs and PWs was 72% (108/150). It is therefore important to emphasize the role of ancillary studies in patients that are at the first assessment of the disease or when a second intercurrent malignancy is suspected. An average of 1.7 passes per case was made. There were 6 false-positive malignant diagnoses while 23 smears were considered insufficient and 7 inconclusive as to whether benign or malignant. Cytopathology studies are generally diagnostic accuracy studies. The 12 males and 5 females had a median age of 45 years (range 17-75 years). We conclude that FNA is safe and effective for determining the malignant potential of liver masses and should be the procedure of choice. Four of these nine case were deferred for a PS diagnosis. Eighty-six patients (76.3%) received radiotherapy alone; 19 received both radiotherapy and chemotherapy; only 7 were exclusively given chemotherapy. New, important data on the tumour microenvironment and the process of carcinogenesis with progression and acquisition of invasive properties shed new lights on the mechanisms, including proliferative properties, alterations of signal transduction pathways, and tissue remodelling by proteolytic enzymes in the metastasizing cells. In the lung and mediastinum, salivary gland type tumors (SGTTs) can occur as either primary tumors or metastases from tumors arising in the major or minor salivary glands. The FDG-PET scan is an important imaging technique and, combined with FNA biopsy, can provide reliable diagnostic results and assist in the guidance of oncologic patient management. A primary tumor site was known for the majority of the cases before the aspiration was performed. Diagnostic utility of p16 immunocytochemistry in metastatic cervical lymph nodes in head and neck cancers. Submissions must have a title, an unstructured abstract and key words. Direct smears were immediately stained with Diff-Quik and Papanicolaou and assessed for specimen adequacy (criteria as followed in this institution). All patients had mid- or upper-cervical lymphadenopathy (14 bilateral, 3 unilateral). Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is uncommon in the younger age range and bile duct brushing cytology can present unique challenges. The occurrence of cholangiocarcinoma in young age group with PSC is uncommon, and the utilization of UroVysion FISH has been rarely described. Several of these markers have considerable diagnostic and clinical interest. ROC curves almost entirely overlapped (P = 0.8937). ScholarOne Manuscripts Patents All FNAs and all available correlating surgical pathology reports were reviewed. One was stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa and the other was centrifuged, embedded in paraffin, and finally stained with hematoxylin-eosin-safran. CA-125 content was highest in endometrial/ovarian carcinoma (39,899 mu/ml) and < 5,000 mu/ml in other tumors and benign FNA in contrast to CEA which showed highest levels in carcinomas of colon, pancreas, and lung (> 280 ng/ml). Three neoplasms were mainly dealt with: mesotheliomas arising locally, ovarian carcinomas developing in close proximity to the serosa, and breast tumours in which the spread came from some distance. The sensitivity (78.6% vs. 72.9%, P = 0.4305), specificity (55.7% vs. 47.1%, P = 0.3103), and diagnostic accuracy (67.1% vs. 60.0%, P =0.2143) were similar between the systems. Generally, Giemsa but not Pap stain is used in FNAC. Satisfactory material was obtained in 118 cases (99%), of which 78 were diagnosed as positive (66%), three suspicious (2%), five atypical (4%), and 32 (27%) as negative for malignancy. Both the 5-tiered and 6-tiered systems show similar diagnostic accuracy in follicular-patterned lesions, further supporting the adoption of a common reporting system for thyroid cytopathology. The sensitivity and specificity for positive cytology in EUS-FNA of the pancreas to identify malignancy and mucinous neoplasms were 90% and 100%, respectively. A specific diagnosis was made in 847/1,258 (67.3%) cases; the other 411 were diagnosed as benign NOS. The FNA diagnoses included 37 malignant, 114 negative, nine atypia/suspicious, and 14 cases that were nondiagnostic. CD-15 was present in 15 of 21 carcinomas, 1 goiter, and 1 adenoma. Aneusomy was found in 14 cases (56%), whereas 11 (44%) had a normal number of chromosome 17 copies. Five cases where LGSIL or HGSIL was found on the ThinPrep slide were negative or atypical on the conventional smear. We reviewed 119 percutaneous, radiologically guided fine-needle aspirations (FNA) from 114 patients with liver masses to evaluate diagnostic effectiveness and complications of this procedure. If you are using Internet Explorer and would like to enable cookies follow these instructions: This ScholarOne Manuscripts™ web site has been optimized for Microsoft© Internet Explorer 8.0 and higher, Firefox 19, Safari 6.0 and Chrome 24. Mitoses were frequent. 2013; © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The clinical and cytologic features of the benign conditions that resulted in false suspicious and positive diagnoses and those features that distinguish them from carcinoma are presented. To avoid contamination of equipment and reduce risks of infection, intraoperative cytology (IOC) is a useful substitute to conventional frozen section in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. There were 378 positive and atypical cases and 497 negative and unsatisfactory cases in the pre-SCNB group (between 1990 and 1996; 7 years); and 225 positive and atypical cases and 468 negative and unsatisfactory cases in the post-SCNB group (between 1997 and 2000; 4 years). In symptomatic women, the use of histologic procedures is still preferable, and cytology cannot be considered a "first option" method. ISBN 9780323547635, 9780323547659 All manuscripts should be submitted … The diagnostic accuracy of cytology for subtyping was found to be 67.5%.  |  CEA plus cytology sensitivity, 97%. While the small sample size precluded testing for statistical significance, HPV 16 and/or HPV 18 DNA was detected in specimens from 21/25 (84%) adolescents compared to 12/17 (71%) adults (odds ratio [OR] = 2.2; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.49-9.74). Scroll to Activing Scripting and select Enable button. The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the cervix is increasing within the US, but this diagnostic category is not typically associated with teenaged patients. The surgical and cytopathology computer database at a large referral medical center was searched for cases that had both cytologic and histologic thyroid accessions from January 2004 to November 2008. Cyto-histologic correlation was performed. Two hundred twenty-one cases (16%) of thyroid FNA had corresponding follow-up thyroidectomies. FNA is increasingly used to complete the triple test in clinically and radiographically negative cases. We conclude that the application of the ISH signal amplification method on alcohol-fixed smears will eliminate the need for fresh material and will provide several advantages, such as improvement of morphological concomitant analysis without the need for a fluorescence microscope; utilization, whenever malignancy is found, without necessity to reaspirate the patient; and adequacy of archival material. HBME-1 monoclonal antibody was reactive in all 21 papillary carcinomas, in 4 of 18 adenomas, and in 5 of 20 goiters. Histologic follow-up was available in 22 of the 37 malignant cases diagnosed by FNA, and the diagnosis was confirmed in 21 cases. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. FNA from swellings was done using 22-gauge needles fitted with 10 or 20 ml disposable plastic syringes. thivolet-bejui or thivolet francoise Claude,, Efficacy of ThinPrep® preparation of cervical smears: A 1,000-case, investigator-sponsored study, Follicular lesions of the thyroid: A retrospective study of 1,348 fine needle aspiration biopsies, The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology: An Experience of 1,382 cases in a community practice setting with the implication for risk of neoplasm and risk of malignancy, Efficacy of fine-needle aspiration and sampling of lymph nodes in 1,484 Chinese patients, Analysis of Routine Cytopathologic Reports in 1,598 Histologically Verified Benign Breast Lesions, Cytopathological variables in parathyroid lesions: A study based on 1,600 cases of hyperparathyroidism, The value of endometrial cytology by scraping in 1,798 cases: screening in asymptomatic women and diagnosis in symptomatic ones, Role of fine-needle aspiration cytology in the management of thyroid nodules: Review of experience with 1,925 cases, Fine-needle aspiration of the breast: A review of 1,995 cases with emphasis on diagnostic pitfalls, Cytological aspiration of intraocular retinoblastoma in an 11-year-old boy, How stereotactic core-needle biopsy affected breast fine-needle aspiration utilization: An 11-year institutional review, Fine-needle aspiration of chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the skull: Report of a case in an 11-year-old girl, Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the retroperitoneum: A series of 111 cases not including specific organs, Lung cancer treated on the basis of cytologic findings: An analysis of 112 patients, Fine-needle aspiration of neurilemoma (Schwannoma). Results: Diagnostic Cytopathology is intended to provide a forum for the exchange of information in the field of cytopathology with special emphasis on the practical clinical aspects of the discipline. A series of 25 cases of aspirates from breast cancer were analyzed with this methodology. There were no known false-positive samples. In the remaining 2 cases the diagnosis of MBC was substantiated after study of cell blocks from the aspirate, which were made in all the cases. The two false-negative cases were missed due to sampling error. Author Guidelines. The study patients were all Detroit residents enrolled in a health maintenance organization (HMO) affiliated with Henry Ford Hospital. The authors studied 112 patients who received definitive radiotherapy/chemotherapy solely on the basis of positive cytologic findings in the appropriate clinical context. In all cases, the aspirates were procured by cytopathologists using 22- or 23-gauge needles. Out of 847 specific FNABs diagnoses, 451 were fibroadenomas, 27 phyllodes tumors, 289 fibrocystic diseases, 4 proliferative fibrocystic diseases, 38 papillomas, 22 fat necrosis, 9 mastitis, 1 pseudolymphoma, 2 lipomas, 2 duct ecstasies, and 2 atheromas. Please also verify the web address entered in your browser's address bar. Detection of microfilariae or adult worm or egg in FNAC is very unusual despite the high incidence of this parasite in endemic zone. This, along with its good correlation with histology, proves that the cytospin method is an effective alternative to conventional direct smears for breast FNA. Cytopathol. The diagnosis was made by FNA biopsy which revealed gram positive filamentous bacilli in background of acute inflammation on smears. We did not find concordance between numerical chromosome abnormalities of chromosome 17 and nuclear grading as well as with the immunoexpression of p53 and c-erbB2 studied in the smears. We describe an unusual case of chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the skull in an 11-yr-old girl in whom a preoperative diagnosis was made by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy, followed by histologic confirmation of tissue biopsy and the surgically resected specimen. This study demonstrated, in a systematic fashion, that patients can be reliably and definitively treated for lung cancer on the basis of positive respiratory cytology findings without tissue corroboration. The cytomorphologic features of the aspirated materials were reviewed. Mature lymphocytes were common in the background of lymph node aspirates. Pancreatic lesions in young patients are relatively rare and, to our knowledge, the clinical value of pancreatic fine needle aspiration (FNA) in patients < 35 years of age has not been previously established by any other large retrospective studies. The clinical outcome was marked several months later by metastases in lymph nodes, bone, lung, and adrenal gland as well as a local recurrence. FNA cytology revealed pleomorphic oval cells with prominent nucleoli along with spindle cells, tumor giant cells, and a chondromyxoid background. An unequivocal, benign diagnosis was rendered by FNAC in 80 cases, 67 of which were correctly labelled as neurilemoma in a review of the original cytology reports. Although the cytologic features of metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) are characteristic, other poorly differentiated neoplasms need to be considered. The ThinPrep method was acceptable to participating physicians and ThinPreps were easier and faster to screen than conventional smears. Specific diagnosis was correct on average in 50% of cases, only in FA was its accuracy over 60%; in adequately sampled tumor, the predictive value of FA was 86.2%. Check the Accept cookies from sites checkbox. The molecular fingerprint of the individual tumours may also give guidelines for chemotherapy as well as biologic therapies, including induction of apoptosis. Portal vein tumor thrombosis is an important and consistent prognostic indicator in hepatocellular carcinoma. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) has proven to be an effective tool in management of patients with thyroid nodules. Eight aspirates derived from 4 different patients contained neoplastic cells and, of these, one patient was later found to have a serous cystadenocarcinoma of low malignant potential, while another had a serous cystadenoma. All Rights Reserved. In an attempt to develop a useful adjunctive test, the immunocytochemical reactivity of HBME-1, carcinoma antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), and CD-15 (Leu-M1) was tested on 59 cell block preparations from fine-needle aspirations of the thyroid gland. Here, we applied Pap stain for cytomorphologic differential diagnosis of follicular lymphoma (FL) from reactive follicular hyperplasia (RFH). Submissions … Identification of the parasite, Wuchereria bancrofti, in FNA smears and accurate diagnosis of filaria is important to employ proper treatment. … The cytologic literature on this condition is therefore rare. Therefore, tumor stage classification (TNM) was not modified in any patient. Of the 37 malignant FNA cases, the diagnoses included 18 pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNeT), 11 solid pseudopapillary neoplasms (SPN), five adenocarcinomas and three metastatic neoplasms. One case was suspicious for malignancy. Human papilloma virus (HPV) high-risk type results were negative in this particular case. This study reviewed the cytology cases of SGTTs in the lung and mediastinum diagnosed over a six-year period at our institution. In our study group the cytopathologic diagnosis of benign breast diseases excluding unsatisfactory aspirates was correct in 93%. Cytopathol. By FNA/FC, 44 NHL had sufficient findings to be subtyped; of these, 27 had subsequent histologic examination. As with all immunocytochemical testing, caution must be exercised in the interpretation of results, and correlation made with morphologic and clinical data. The main endometrial cytological patterns are described. For those patients categorized as having malignant disease by verification criteria I-IV, there were no significant disparities between histologic and cytologic diagnoses. The preoperative fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) diagnoses in 116 surgically excised neurilemomas were reviewed and compared with the corresponding histopathologic diagnoses made on surgical specimens and with clinical data. The Papanicolaou-stained slides made following cytocentrifuge or membrane-filter preparation were reviewed blindly by two independent pathologists, and the consensus diagnoses were compiled and correlated with clinical and radiological findings as well as surgical pathology when available. To do so, the cytology of 148 breast FNAs that had been prepared by the cytospin technique and that had histologic correlation, was reviewed. Authors are requested to submit articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission System of respective journal. Be determined as the aspirates consisted of foamy macrophages only: 111 FNA biopsies were retrieved for review 32 biopsies..., particularly, in FNA smears and ThinPrep preparations were compared eggs were seen in the and. Firefox, Safari or Chrome tool is available free of charge for authors to find best! With prominent nucleoli along with spindle cells, tumor stage classification ( )! 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