It ranked second in the business activity dimension, partly thanks to a number 2 spot on the new unicorn companies metric. … However, the control measures that have been undertaken by different regions are different. Global Cities, Inc., a Program of Bloomberg Philanthropies, is a nonprofit dedicated to connecting cities around the world and developing global competence among the next generation through its Global Scholars digital exchange program, which in 2019-20 connected 17,000 students in 53 cities. October 27, 2020 – The Community Action Project is a capstone of the Global Scholars program year, allowing students ages 10-13 to apply new skills and knowledge to helping their cities address a global challenge. New York landed number two globally and number one in the United States … The Pritzker Forum on Global Cities is a platform for a yearlong series of conversations on the most pressing issues facing cities and urban life. Tokyo’s consistently high scores in personal well-being took it up 2 places to number 4, and Abu Dhabi jumped 13 places to number 7, driven by long-term investments in economic performance and diversification. Cities are categorized as Alpha, Beta or Gamma cities based on their connectivity to the rest of the world. Home » Insights » Research Reports » Kearney: 2020 Global Cities Index – New priorities for a new world. However, they have to be carefully considered in the context of broader economic strategies. As the pandemic heads toward its first anniversary, we also identify the major impacts we have observed on global cities so far and outline a series of trends and challenges that decision-makers will have to grapple with in response. For example, during the economic recovery from Europe’s Black Death, cities with better land and “trade potential” were able to become even more productive. The 2019 Global Cities Index shares incredible insight into trends shaping the world. Ten cities took the lead across the GCO’s 13 metrics, but this year new leaders emerged in each dimension, illustrating the sheer effort and determination across the globe and in cities at all stages of development as they attempted to improve their standing (see figure 7). 2020. In cities, human and financial capital are concentrated, infrastructure is readily accessible, and deep specialization is possible, all of which enhance productivity. What’s more, the pandemic has made it abundantly clear that cities will continue to be on the front lines when large-scale disruptions strike, leaving city leaders to drive the local response—often with tight resource constraints and uncertain national support. London 03. And what will be the extent of the economic “scar tissue” left behind? As usual, we present the Global Cities Index (GCI) and Global Cities Outlook (GCO), which together provide a comprehensive analysis of cities’ positions and prospects. As we have seen, the latest pandemic has triggered widespread changes in behavior and accelerated several pre-existing urban trends. Go Beyond! Another Japanese city, Osaka, also has a very large population of almost 20.5 million. But what shape could Community Action Projects take when school buildings closed in March, 2020, and students began learning from their separate homes? While these developments pose significant challenges in their own right, they are by no means the only forces of change facing city leaders, as we will now explore. Two primary types of networks are most valuable for global city leaders. This time, London maintained its top ranking, but from there all bets were off. Europe ranks first with 177 cities, one more than last year. Melbourne 19. New … For example, by removing some of the inequalities exposed by the pandemic through investment in the physical environment, city leaders can help residents and businesses now, while creating jobs and other opportunities for the future. The city is no longer a separate economy, but a body of interest closely linked to the development and management of the surrounding areas and the world. While there are a variety of different networks in terms of primary objectives, they all aim to enable city leaders to coordinate on important topics and drive change in their local contexts. Hong Kong is still the only Chinese city in the top ten, dropping one place to the tenth position with a brand value of US$7.74 trillion. 10/15/2020. Major events and disruptions have a habit of leaving their mark on our physical environment, and cities are no exception: New York City’s Central Park was designed to serve as “urban lungs” after it was ravaged by disease in the early 1800s, while the later introduction of London’s innovative sewage drainage and water purification systems came courtesy of a cholera outbreak. The GCI assesses how globally engaged cities are across five dimensions: business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience, and political engagement. The 2020 Global Cities Report provides a snapshot of where cities stood as they entered the COVID-19 crisis. London's brand value has dropped 8.16% this year, ranking third with a brand value of US$1.85 trillion. A major shift at the top of the rankings, however, was Beijing unseating Hong Kong from its long-held top five position, which could prove to be a sign of further changes to come. To discover this, an analytical report of the Global Top 500 Cities was compiled by Global City Lab and released on Dec. 28, 2020 in New York. Although the land of cities cannot be moved, the talent, capital, and enterprises that make up the vitality of cities change every day, which makes the competition among cities on a global scale increasingly fierce. Others who gained ground include Chicago, thanks to increased private investments and university-sponsored incubators; Madrid, which jumped 14 places with improved scores in patents and FDI inflows; and Shenzhen, where patents and university-sponsored incubators also saw an uptick. Global City Lab 2020. In turn, house prices have been affected: according to the housing website Zillow, listings in Manhattan have dropped by 4.2 percent compared with 2019, while in San Francisco prices are down 4.9 percent. Beijing's rise suggests "the impact of combining stability and growth with aggressive investment in human capital," the report reads. London has once again been declared the smartest city in the world, according to the seventh edition of the IESE Cities in Motion Index 2020. What will happen in the aftermath of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s exit from government remains to be seen. Overall, cities in North America and Europe have not yet recovered from the impact of the pandemic. San Francisco and Boston, formerly two leading cities on the GCO, both lost ground, going from 3 to 11 and 7 to 15 respectively. Widening the scope across borders this new production will not only include the Dutch fintech scene but highlight developments on a European level as well. Global cities generate unique value thanks to three fundamental attributes. At the core of their power are the benefits that emerge from clustering diverse groups of individuals, organizations, and resources—also known as economies of agglomeration. More than 60% of the cities have brand values below 100 billion dollars. With strategic investment of capital and political will in key areas, progress could be accelerated in a way that has not been seen before, by binding urban planning more closely with economic and social needs, and long-term trends such as climate change. The proposals outlined in this report are intended to help city leaders take the concrete, practical action needed to create what is next for their cities and define what a global city now looks like. This online study abroad program gives insight into the significant ways in which global cities have been imagined, invented, and transformed by globalization. Many cities are predicted to warm by approximately the same as the planet-average-warming by the end of the century—both in the low CO 2 emissions and the moderate CO 2 … Learn more from this report put together by Kearney experts. Finally, we offer our perspective on three vital areas in which leaders must drive innovative progress. The ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) is one such city network. Cities that saw a rise in their outlook performance mainly improved in the areas of innovation and economics, where long-term investments were beginning to show results. Washington, D.C. 11. Cities must also remain accommodating and attractive places to live and work for potential residents from all backgrounds, which means preserving their distinct local character, and giving careful consideration to the physical layout, which we explore further in the next section. People are spending more time online than ever, and remote working looks set to stay. International traveler numbers dropped off to almost zero for a period of time, and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has forecast that this year’s total global passenger numbers will be down 55 percent from 2019. In particular, the top three cities on the Index overall stood out across metrics, with London achieving the highest rating across four, while New York and Paris each landed at the top in three (see figure 4). Even in a year marked by relatively low levels of business activity, New York City’s momentum across all metrics enabled the city to maintain its number 1 position. For global cities, the current crisis and emerging future demand significant adaptive change. The European Virus Archive enabled scientists to quickly identify the coronavirus as one of the SARS family and develop a way to detect it in patient samples. However, their ability to do so is now in jeopardy. In other instances, for example in Tokyo and Dubai, the major boosts expected from global events (the Summer 2020 Olympics and Expo 2020) never materialized. Paris’s consistent performance in information exchange (in which it leads the ranking), cultural experience, and political engagement ensured the city’s solid hold on the number 3 position this year. A striking feature of globalization is the constant concentration of capital and knowledge in brand-cohesive cities. For this reason, our 2020 report is a departure from the norm. Daring Cities 2020 The Global Virtual Forum for Urban Leaders Taking on the Climate Emergency 7-28 October 2020 | Online Browse Recordings Register Daring Cities Report The report on our first virtual gathering – Daring Cities 2020 – is now available for download. The new Global Resilient Cities Network (GRCN) emerges from the 100 Resilient Cities Program with a unique reach, strength and legacy to understand and support the challenges of the ever-growing urban society. While the steep decline of individual cities indicates that no urban center should consider itself immune to these threats, the steady historic increase in urbanization is evidence of their irreplaceable value. It and other networks like it have access to decision-makers at a range of international authorities and organizations such as the United Nations, giving cities a voice they would otherwise lack at a global level. While Beijing’s strong economic growth and human capital investments paid off, the political chaos in Hong Kong undoubtedly dampened its performance across all dimensions, with significant drops in business activity, information exchange, and cultural experience. ING Most Talked 2019. Overwhelmingly, the people carrying out “essential services,” who are at greater risk from the virus, are of low-income and minority groups. London, while still in second place, has had a falling score on the Index since 2017. While London maintained its top ranking in 2020, most cities rose or fell fairly dramatically in the Outlook’s rankings. The Sydney Experience; What’s Included? Complementary economic partnerships between cities also deliver mutual advantages that augment traditional ways of generating economic value. To account for this, medical universities are now included under the Human Capital dimension as a measure of how globally connected its healthcare system is. Read The Outlook Plenary Watch the final plenary of Daring Cities 2020 on-demand. First, they are deeply embedded in global networks, the significance of which we address in more detail in the next section. New York 02. The global smart cities market expected to bolster the market growth with 18% CAGR in the forecast period from 2020-2027. San Francisco 14. Sharing data can be even more powerful. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American. The city profiles analyze each of the 48 target cities of the GPCI and illustrate the city’s strengths and weaknesses in reference to … For many of the rising cities, long-term investments in governance and economics have begun to pay off. Courses; APPLY TODAY! Our analysis suggests that to emerge from the current crisis stronger and more resilient, city leaders will need to reimagine what is next for their cities. On the one hand, global cities are more exposed to current conditions because of their dependence on international flows and connections. While each city will necessarily adapt in its own way to cater for variations in geography, demography, and industrial strength—among other factors—we see the need for leaders to drive innovative progress in three vital areas: Cities play a central role in advancing human progress and accelerating economic growth. In particular, they must drive progress in the following three key areas: For each of these areas, we outline specific priorities for action by which city leaders can drive immediate recovery in ways that will enable inclusive, long-term progress. On the other hand, they are in a position to rebound more quickly once international commerce regains momentum. This course will introduce the impact of globalization on London, one of the world's most significant global cities, in comparative context. The United States and China lead with 65 and 39 cities, respectively. The 2020 Global Cities Report provides a snapshot of where cities stood as they entered the COVID-19 crisis. These characteristics now represent a double-edged sword. But if we can be certain of anything, it’s that cities will adapt and evolve, and that they have the potential to come back stronger. The most recent rankings include 151 cities across all continents, compared to 130 in 2019, reflecting the increasing importance of emerging geographies such as the Middle East, China, and Central Asia. If multilateral cooperation continues to deteriorate, the very connections global cities rely on, which are central to economic performance and the ability to respond in times of crisis, will be increasingly threatened. Having determined the year’s global leaders in the GCI, the GCO identifies cities on the rise—those creating the right conditions for future global status (see figure 5). The choices cities make today will shape their trajectories for decades to come—and there’s limited time to deliberate over the right course of action. New York City dropped out of the top 25, Washington D.C. and Houston fell from the top 30, and Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Miami exited the top 50. Though the sharp drop-off in economic activity predicted after the Brexit vote has yet to materialize, so too have any new rules surrounding trade, which will not become clear until at least the end of this year. The GCO, on the other hand, examines those creating the conditions for future status as major global players. To the extent that these benefits outweigh the costs of city living—such as higher rents, congestion, and other inconveniences—cities create value in ways that can’t be recreated elsewhere. Overall, the average brand value of the top 500 cities in 2020 is US$141.22 billion, which is a decrease of 2.35% from the 2019 average of US$144.62 billion. In doing so, leaders have the opportunity to reverse trends that have undermined the stability, equity, and value creation possibilities of cities for decades. Knight Frank 2019. Students will examine London’s changing identity as a world city with a particular emphasis on comparing the city's imperial, postcolonial, and transatlantic connections, and the ways in which past and present, local and global intertwine in the capital. Therefore, an evaluation of a city's brand value will provide a clearer judgment and understanding of the city. Global Residential Cities Index - Q1 2020 The Global Residential Cities Index tracks mainstream residential prices on a city-by-city basis. North America ranks third, with 93 cities on the list. The much more dynamic results of the GCO, in comparison to the GCI, reveal the fierce competition between global cities to advance their future prospects. Beijing 06. A.T. Kearney 2020. Among them, there are five cities in total with a brand value of over 1 trillion dollars, which is one fewer than the number in 2019. The Global Power City Index YEARBOOK 2020 is a full report of the GPCI-2020, providing a detailed account of its methodology and results. Again and again, we redesign our cities when new threats reveal their vulnerabilities. From the perspective of brand value, the average brand value of European and North American cities fell by 6.69% and 5.57%, respectively, which is much higher than that of other continents and the global average of 4.70%. Incorporating the Global Cities Index (GCI) and Global Cities Outlook (GCO), this year’s results reveal intensifying competition for global status and future prospects in an increasingly fragmented and volatile environment. With the fabric of cities having unraveled so decidedly during the crisis, and unlikely to resume its former shape, leaders now have a compelling reason and unique opportunity to transform the urban environment into something more sustainable, more resilient, and more equal. While Tokyo only gained 559,000 people between 2010 and 2020, Delhi gained over 8 million people in the same time frame. Divergent regional trends emerged in this year’s findings: cities in China and the Middle East made a rapid march on those in North America and Europe, even as North America looked poised to overtake Europe on the business activity dimension (see figure 6). As a result, protecting cities’ global connectedness is vital if they are to combat their most significant challenges and create public value in a de-globalizing world. By sharing data and giving one another’s cargo shipments priority between Europe and parts of the US, these major coordination hubs aim to improve supply chain operations and efficiency, and gain further economic advantage. In addition, a spring and summer of urban unrest across the United States has highlighted citizen dissatisfaction with many dimensions of city governance, and pressure on local governments is at an all-time high. To make progress in this area, city leaders should focus on: Becoming more deeply embedded in global city networks is perhaps the most practical and pragmatic way for cities to maintain essential global links. Kearney: 2020 Global Cities Index – New priorities for a new world, Abu Dhabi and Dubai topped the economics metric in infrastructure, the pandemic is “killing the attraction of megacities” and that they are “losing their allure,”, the city can survive as a primary locus of economic and social activity, left it in the early months of the emergency, the population shrank by nearly 20 percent, total global passenger numbers will be down 55 percent, returned to previous population levels within around 200 years, Innovation is also fueled by this proximity, cities with better land and “trade potential”, opportunities to fulfill this vital function, reduces confidence in political institutions, the world has been on a path of “slowbalization,”, established a COVID-19 recovery task force, partnerships based on economic well-being, By sharing data and giving one another’s cargo shipments priority, lack of access to clean water or poor air quality, mixed-use zoning and development has guided the city’s development, research from University of Aarhus in Denmark, Tokens Rising: VISA continues to expand tokenization service, Payments ‘Dream Team’ to enable Klarna’s “buy now, pay later” at AliExpress. One example is the so-called trade and logistics corridor between Atlanta and Amsterdam. By Kearney’s 2020 Global Cities Report - top 20 01. The COVID experience has also highlighted some of the deep-rooted inequalities in urban centers, pointing to how they must change. Munich, Germany. Across the GCI’s 29 metrics, 24 different cities ranked first. However, not only do the tools for tackling this new environment exist, but the pandemic and its aftermath have also created a rare openness to doing things differently. Coming in third place in Monocle’s survey and fourth in Mercer’s ranking, Munich … Among the top ten countries, there are five European countries. When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. Incorporating the Global Cities Index (GCI) and Global Cities Outlook (GCO), this year’s results reveal intensifying competition for global status and future prospects in an increasingly fragmented and volatile environment. Hong Kong 07. Global City Lab is the world's first professional organization engaged in city brand value evaluation. The most striking change in the GCI was Beijing’s rise to displace Hong Kong among the top five global cities, suggesting the impact of combining stability and growth with aggressive investments in human capital (see figure 1). Tokyo continued its slow but steady improvement on the Index, demonstrating strong year-on-year performance in the business activity dimension. Seizing this opportunity won’t be easy, or a short-term affair. The two countries accounted for 20% of the cities on the list. Taking into account the cumulative effects of the pandemic and other influencing factors, we see the major topics of concern for city leaders now falling into five categories, all of which have added urgency and complexity to the task of formulating an effective response. 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