Individual approaches will be encouraged in developing the aesthetics of the evolving image from spontaneity to studied expression, from figuration to abstraction. 4.8 of 5 stars. Topics include; the solar system and its origins; the sun; stellar evolution including white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes; galaxies beginning with the structure of the Milky Way; dark matter, dark energy and the Big Bang theory. Medical Device Sales 101: Masterclass + ADDITIONAL CONTENT . With over half of admitted students enrolling, acceptance by Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art is a prized outcome for many students. In this course, we will jointly explore the science of ecology with biological conservation, considering current and local ecologies and issues. One-semester course. Use of the hydraulic press will allow large format works to be produced. We also look at the methods and archives used to reconstruct climate in the past. Spring only. The course incorporates specified instruction and experimentation driven by student independent projects. It does not offer a theory of art or aesthetics, but its proponents do engage in critique of cultural texts and focus frequently on the workings of visual culture. Prerequisites: Graphic Design I and II. One-semester course. This course focuses on the expanded photographic potentials afforded through the use of large format materials, both analog and digital. Towards the end of semester, students will develop individual proposals and complete a final project. 3 credits.. One-semester course. In this hands-on class, students will go from the fundamentals of writing and hand-drawn type to contemporary digital type design. In this course the book will be explored as an interdisciplinary medium, placing emphasis on integrating and experimenting with form, content, structure and ideas. 92nd Street Y is a world-class cultural and community center where people all over the world connect through culture, arts, entertainment and conversation. Required for first year students. Labs and field trips to an observatory augment class discussion. This course will afford students the opportunity to build a coherent body of work in preparation for advanced study. Spring only. Casting Techniques is a process intensive course covering the methods of translating a wax positive into bronze or other non-ferrous metals. Stage Design - A Discussion between Industry Professionals. These two absolute values are fugitive in most moving images, and the range between them can be affected by many factors— technological, phenomenological, historical, any many still to be explored. Lectures, screenings, readings and discussions support the development of individual and collaborative studio work. The aim is to help the undergraduate who is currently teaching or who has interest in teaching in The Saturday Program. One-semester course. 3 credits. This studio course explores making paper from traditional to contemporary approaches. Peter Cooper's dream of providing an education "equal to the best" has since become reality. Focusing on subjects in cult sci-fi and horror films, artist videos, mainstream and “reality” TV, and the news, we will examine larger collective fears and anxieties—both contemporary and historic—given form by these figures. Prerequisite: Graphic Design I. Gasparska/Joel/Key. For many, limited attention is coupled with a nearly constant sense of anxiety and loss. We will concentrate on the relationship between Critical Theory, aesthetic experience and artistic production. The fundamental notion of observation and analysis in drawing is investigated. LSP I Lens/Screen/Print I is the first section of a two-semester trajectory. 2 credits. This course explores techniques and projects in Adobe After Effects. Individual projects will be completed on 16mm film with the option to transfer final work to video, 3 credits. Prerequisite: Photo I. Osinski. One-semester course. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”. 3 credits. Fall only. This course investigates the properties of time and movement and the fundamentals of four-dimensional design. Throughout the semester, our readings, guest visits, discussions, and screenings will examine, break down, and at times, reform the ideologies underpinning those values that define dynamic range. For over 140 years, we have harnessed the power of arts and ideas to enrich, enlighten and change lives, and the power of community to repair the world. The Cooper Union Foundation Building, Cooper Square, NYC. As preparation for work in an advanced level, the course involves further development of drawing skills and techniques, as well as an emphasis on individual aesthetic development. This course explores screen printing as a means of communication with emphasis on the execution of these images. May be repeated once for Art History credit. Although this course is taught from a primarily scientific perspective, it includes discussions of the roles policy and economics play in the current dialogue on global climate change. Cheng/Glauber. This course will focus on the materiality of the photographic print, both analog and digital. Of those applicants who were admitted, 50% enrolled. May be repeated once. 3 credits. One-semester course. This studio class will approach questions around making art with respect to ecological thinking. See works by Summer Art Intensive students and the Summer Art Intensive Artists in Residence, including Kay Healy, Sophia Sobers, Megan... Summer Art Intensive Exhibition 2019 | The Cooper Union … One-semester course. The goal is to expand methods and visual techniques when designing or expressing an idea/story. One-semester course. We will try to align production and conversation, bringing language to what you already do instinctually, and meanwhile developing the guts and rigor to investigate other work and ideas that you are not already aligned with, or that may seem outside your area. Research and development are given equal weight to finished work. How does an artist find their voice and sustain it over a lifetime? Prerequisite: AV I. Reeves. One-semester course. Villalongo. All aspects of industry video/ broadcast production are introduced and integrated into a design core focused on strong communication. Map. Students will focus on water media—acrylic, transparent watercolor and gouache—through work on canvas and paper. Though the emphasis is on individual meetings and working on one’s own, we will meet together at the beginning of each class for discussion of students’ work, current exhibitions, readings, or for slide/video presentations relevant to students’ current projects. Roman and Italic capitals and small letters will be the focus of first semester students. 2 credits. Individual and group critiques will be supplemented by discussions, readings, presentations, and technical instruction. As a practicum, this course invites students to actively explore the evolving role of the artist engaged in teaching as an art practice. Pre- or corequisite: Typography. Each class will focus on a different scientific discipline such as genetic engineering, cognitive neuroscience, tissue engineering, synthetic biology, and personal genomics. Students learn about the key elements of the universe, including motion, energy, gravity and light. (212) 353-4100 Phone Alongside a historical and theoretical framework, a wide range of practical tools will be introduced, including precinematic image capture, 16mm film and digital cinema production, stop action animation, sound recording, and lighting. Readings, screenings, and class discussion will take off from this shared line of inquiry, but student may work on individually chosen project. May not be repeated. 4 contact hours. Hands-on analog and digital processes, both pre- and post-capture, will be discussed and demonstrated. Living material is dynamic by nature, and so the artwork changes with time, perhaps in unpredictable ways. Legibility, unpredictability and sequencing, as well as the use of grid structures, are investigated. 3 credits per semester. The course is divided into specific weekly topics, including acoustic ecology, circuit-bending, radio transmission, synaesthesia and others. Introductions to artists, art collectives and institutions that hold varied approaches to the notion of community, education, social discourse and positionality will also be essential to the learning environment. Weekly projects reflect a broad range of disciplines within the field of design. Students learn to use a pulp beater, dyes, sizings and a small vacuum table for molding the pulp. From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony. Administrative Offices 3 credits per semester. A basic introduction to the Adobe interface, specifically Photoshop and Illustrator will be provided. Cornejo/Nobles. During the first half of the semester, students will make a number of books, examining sequence, series and text/image relationships, using various book structures. As well as working in depth with film, students are encouraged to explore all possibilities of the moving image from expanded projection techniques to kinetic constructions. 3 credits. Weekly projects explore fundamental concepts in form, composition, and typography. Presentations and readings in graphic design history will complement weekly assignments. Pre- or corequisite: Typography. 3 credits. This course argues that artists working in the moving image have always been concerned with the problems of attention, distraction, and boredom. Directory credits. Why are some animals brightly colored while others are drab? With a particular focus on those “monsters" that resist easy description in language, or are otherwise unknowable, we will explore the powerful, uneasy potential of animate form devoid of rational motivation. 3 credits. The organization, the legacy of Peter Cooper, occupies a special place in the cultural fabric of American life. Accelerationist practices have conversely worked to mimic the rapid-fire commercial imagery that saturate our media landscape. 3 credits. Understanding the fundamentals of ecology is ever more important: ecosystems are regularly degraded and many species are at risk of extinction due to climate change, legal rollbacks of environmental law, and consumptive human practices. 3 credits. They can access their family’s archives. Students learn the fundamentals of “beautiful writing” through the study of historical models and the principles that are the basis of classical and modern letterforms. This course will involve individual directions in etching as well as the development of projects combining print technique and aesthetic goals. 3 credits. New York, NY 10003 Student work will be discussed in relation to contemporary art issues. 3 credits. Pre- or co-requisite: Typography. 3 credits. 3 credits per semester. Semester two of the yearlong AV sequence, this course continues with greater depth and more individualized student projects, the introduction to concepts, production techniques, and histories of artists’ moving image work. Issues central to photography in the digital era will be explored. Through screenings, discussions, and readings, we will consider as many approaches to the problems of attention. Administrative Offices The acceptance rate tends to be around 15 percent which equals about 370 students who were successful in the admission process of the school. How will they affect our lives and the planet? Get Free Cooper Union School Of Art now and use Cooper Union School Of Art immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping. Video artists and film essayists have deconstructed how capital uses sexuality, women’s bodies, violence, and fear as techniques to capture and commercialize our gaze. One-semester course. “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. The primary task at hand for this advanced audiovisual studio course is straightforward: to produce a talk show, collectively, as a class. Prerequisites: Graphic Design I and II. Technical knowledge of the tensions and possibilities found between "digital" and "analog" spaces in relation to critical theory and major philosophical arguments central to lens, screen and print based practices will contribute to student development. Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action. 1/2 credit per semester. Students will choose a theme and develop it with abstract type expression. Sparling. Pre- or corequisite: One advanced studio course. Simple binding and box-building techniques as well as marbling are demonstrated. 3 credits. One-year course. Computer instruction will be provided as it relates to specific projects. 3 credits. Students will read and discuss texts, looking at the work of other artists and making their own work. Students will complete two fully realized independent projects. Since 1859, The Cooper Union has been offering courses to New Yorkers who want to create something new or disrupt something old. Fall only. Burckhardt. A study of the physical, perceptual, art historical and cultural aspects of color. Brown/Hoffman/Masnyj/Robinson. An explanation of the science will be followed by a discussion examining the utopic/ dystopic myths surrounding these technologies, fact vs. hype, and what questions should be raised as we implement them. Creating art is a way of having a conversation with life, there seems to be no end to what you can find out and learn. In November of 2009, then-president of Cooper Union Dr. George Campbell Jr. delivered a speech accepting the Green Building Design Award, which had just been awarded to the institution’s recently completed home at 41 Cooper Square. This course is designed for those who wish to secure admission to top art and design schools. May not be repeated. To be taken during the sophomore, junior or senior year. Options in silver-gelatin printing including toning, bleaching and plating, as well as advanced options in digital printing will broaden students’ understanding of the photographic image. The relationship of sound to image will be explored and sound tracks produced. This studio art course will explore the physical construction of images, relying upon the language and material qualities of photography as their base. 1958. Hewitt. Work Here This class is open to students working in all forms. No advanced post-production skills required. Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art typically accepts and attracts "B+" average high school students. A movie with a sketchy track simply does not look good. Prerequisite: Photo I. Prerequisites: Graphic Design I and II. We will consider how a studio practice in photography develops, this includes considering how traditional wet lab and digital lab processes actually complement and support each other. Students will both apply and experiment with the software relative to projects that they are engaged in or planning. Vondracek. Free elective credit. Through critiques and discussion, the class will explore aesthetics and language to be developed for catastrophic times. Prerequisite: Etching I. In this class we will explore various biomaterials, including organisms such as bioluminescent plankton and plants that respond to touch, fermentations that create color pigments or cellulose mats, and the DNA that controls it all. 3 credits. One-semester course. Lectures, readings and field trips will complement studio critiques. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, established in 1859, is among the nation's oldest and most distinguished institutions of higher learning. Required for first year students. The various areas to be examined include stone graining, crayon and tusche drawing, processing, proofing and edition printing procedures, etc. To gain local context, we will take field trips within the NYC to learn about city ecology and conservation. Exploration of the visual and intellectual aspects of form on the two-dimensional surface, in a variety of media. Work will be discussed in group critiques as well as individual conferences with the instructor. Borrowing its title from a 1956 horror sci-fi film of the same name, this course will examine questions around unknowable, ambivalent threat made material in the form of monsters, natural disasters, and unexpected turns of event. Members of the class are expected to be active partici­pants and will therefore be asked to respond with some intellectual invention to a variety of topics with weekly discussions, readings, and written or oral presentations. Presentations, readings, and trips to local design studios will support group critiques. Can I Have Your Attention, Please? May not be repeated. An introduction to concepts, production techniques, and histories of artists moving image work. 2 credits. Lehyt/Mooses. Students will develop research interests and apply their unique skills sets to short turnaround exercises and more expanded self-directed projects for gallery and non-theatrical contexts. Raad/Rub/Waters. From the time of cave paintings, artists have been depicting living organisms. Investimentos - Seu Filho Seguro. Emphasis will be upon developing a personal visual direction. Required for first year students. Class discussions address the full range of conceptual and material processes that generate production. An introduction to etching images on metal plates, through the use of hardground, aquatint softground. Guest artists and their work will be featured along with scientists and ethicists. Please note that students are not required to make work on the subject of attention and may work on any projects they please. Search. – Attention, Distraction, Boredom, and the Moving Image, Visiting Artist John Menick. Students will investigate the origins and evolution of animation, film, video, and sound recording for cinema, with classroom instruction and experimentation in the techniques and production of each. One-semester course. Spring only. 3 credits. However, when the year begins, only about 190 or 50 percent of … Required for first year students. The class proposes to address documentation, not as an inadequate representation nor as a nostalgic marker but as something that operates within a distinct system that can become a vital site of art production. Formal and material choices will be discussed in relation to intention, meaning, context, and contemporary culture. Students are expected to initiate and work on independent projects—individually or in groups and must be willing to show work in class while in the process of making it. A distinction in LSP II is a focus on experimentation, articulation and acumen. Sharpe Publishers February 2003 - October 2014 Random House - Doubleday Broadway 2001 - 2002 Hachette Book … Founded in 1859 by Peter Cooper, industrialist and philanthropist, Cooper Union offers public programs for the civic, cultural and practicable enrichment of New York City. There will be group and individual critiques. Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences. Contemporary artists using these methods will be introduced. Discovered Footage One-year course. Students will create three projects, each presented by a visiting graphic designer. Prerequisite: Interactive Design Concepts. Students will complete projects that demonstrate their skill and understanding of building web sites and basic programming. Finally, we will approach the talk show as a televisual genre, tracing its evolution, with special attention to both its stylistic character and its role in shaping the public sphere. One semester course. The course provides an overview of discoveries in physics over the past two millenia, focusing on the development of modern theories. Poff. 3 credits. Martin. This course is for students who have a strong commitment to graphic design. May not be repeated. How can something complex like flight evolve separately in birds, bats, and insects? The course is centered around individual meetings, with scheduled group critiques for group evaluation and discussion. These “sketches” will prepare students for an extended book project during the second half of the term. Visiting lecturers, readings, and individual meetings with the instructor will complement group critiques. NYART’s 2021 Summer Portfolio Intensive course is great for students–especially high school seniors–who hope to develop their art school portfolio for art school and art college application during summertime. The exploration of the structural and historical uses of Western and Eastern methods including contemporary issues of recycled and alternative fibers will frame an understanding of the potential uses and appearances of handmade paper. question through readings, screenings, discussions, field trips, and guest lectures, setting the stage for individual or group projects to be presented at semester’s end. Students will be encouraged to find existing media that in some way is in dialogue with their experience as sentient beings in the real world today. Students, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”, a sense of social justice that would translate into action, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. An examination of existing work in the field will accompany the development of independent projects, ranging from traditional cartoon animation to fine art-based experimentation. We all, however, operate under a single economic and cultural regime, one that keeps consumers active, entertained, engaged, and all the time free from capitalism’s longtime bugbear: unproductive boredom. Get directions. We do not have data on transfer acceptance rates currently. New York, NY 10003 Other image-making processes to be covered are drypoint and engraving. Through the course students will begin to frame pointed questions, such as: What is art? The format of the class will combine lectures, discussions, hands-on demonstrations, and field trips. 2 credits. The course will cover a broad range of Earth Science topics including understanding rocks and the stories they tell, the vast scale of geological time, dynamic plate tectonic processes, climate change, and what makes the planet habitable for life. Pre- or corequisite: AVI or Motion Graphics. This course explores programming techniques using HTML, CSS, Javascript and other data formats. Small edition printing in multiple colors will be emphasized. Refunds are processed in the order they are received and may take 8-10 business days to be processed. 3 credits. 2 credits. Required for first year students. We will explore this. One-semester course. Computer instruction will be provided as it relates to specific projects. Exposure to selected examples of historical and contemporary imagery will be accomplished through slides, exhibitions and gallery or studio visits. Fall 2020 Alex Katz Chair Amy Sillman. Directory We will read texts by Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Stuart Hall and Judith Butler, among others. Students will explore basic imagemaking processes as well as be instructed in digital production techniques. Villalongo/Asper. The course is designed to explore the phenomena of drawing as basic to the visual language of all disciplines. This is a course about how sound, music, and noise work in art and life, how they affect our emotions and what we see, and how they stimulate and dull our imaginations. An advanced design course in interactive computational media. About Ed Cooper. What social, moral, and ethical questions have inspired artists to use them in their work? An introduction to the physical aspects of working with wood, metal, plaster - and plastics, as well as an introduction to on-campus computer facilities and resources. The course will seek to develop a range of expressive vocabulary including representation and abstraction. These efforts will occasion us to study linguistics and nonverbal communication in granular detail, to better understand the mechanics of speech and the expressive vocabulary of the body. The class will be part lecture, part hands-on experience. The class will explore the specific technical challenges and characteristics inherent in these media including the range from transparency to opacity. Cooper Union Art Students League of New York: Known for: Sculpture: Adolph Alexander Weinman (December 11, 1870 – August 8, 1952) was a German-born American sculptor and architectural sculptor. Asper/Bluestone/Evans. This course is intended to help students clarify and further the growth of their own work through group and individual critiques, classroom presentations and discussions with contemporary guest artists and the instructor. May be repeated with a different instructor Raad. “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. Information structures, navigational issues, design strategies and social implications of interactive experiences using traditional as well as electronic media will be examined. The study of semiotics, emphasizing the philosophy of communication, provides a rich historical and intellectual base for experimental projects combining verbal and pictorial information. One-semester course. The format of the class will integrate slide presentations, readings, group discussion and critique. Free elective credit. One-year course. Topics include advanced digital editing and printing techniques, analog black-and-white production methods, such as shooting with black-and-white film and darkroom printing, advanced medium-format cameras and scanners, as well as introduction to new technologies and modes of display. Problems of structure, materials, meaning, intention and context are the subject of class discussion. We will also consider the shifting conceptions of conversation across eras, with readings ranging from Cicero's On Duties to Jonathan Swift's "Hints towards an Essay on Conversation" to Sherry Turkle on "the power of talk in the digital age." The emphasis is on the technical understanding of the medium. Students, High-Tech Maker Space Opens at The Cooper Union with $2M from IDC Foundation, New York Times Features Amy Sillman, the Fall 2020 Katz Chair in Painting, Virtual TypeLab Draws Huge International Audience, A. Naomi Paik | Bans, Walls, Raids, Sanctuary: U.S. Immigration “Crises” and Abolitionist Futures, Behind the Scenes with Wonder Woman Director Patty Jenkins A'93 and Actor Gal Gadot, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”, a sense of social justice that would translate into action, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. A studio experience with the physical, compositional and conceptual components of pictorial invention and image-making. 4.8. Life. 3 credits. 2 credits. 2 credits. Students will produce work using photographic material(s), camera or any photographic device of their choice. This is a project-based seminar which focuses on photography as a discursive practice. Exercises in ink train the hand kinaesthetically to write letters with graceful movement. One-semester course. There will be formal teaching of advanced photographic processes such as halftone and color separation. In this course, students will examine the interaction between performance and its documentation through practical, historical and theoretical interrogation. We will examine tools used to understand evolution in deep time and take field trips to see the organisms that live around us, while learning about evolution in the city. Prerequisite: Silkscreen I. Nobles. May be repeated once. , articulation and acumen explore the phenomena of drawing as basic to the Adobe interface, specifically and... Perspectives, we will have created their own work regular discussions on ecology, circuit-bending, radio,! Inspire wonder and a small vacuum table for molding the pulp language be. 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