The cochrane was the unit of subspace distortion, named after Zefram Cochrane, the inventor of warp drive on Earth. The Cochrane delta is the name given to the standard asymmetric energy-curve used by Zefram Cochrane to illustrate the energy expenditure in his theory of continuum distortion. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "Fortunate Son", et al. Let history make its own judgments." 29-30), Likewise, in an audio commentary for First Contact available on the film's Blu-ray and 2009 DVD releases, Anthony Pascale supposed that, prior to encountering the Enterprise-E crew, Cochrane "must have read a journal about time travel in Scientific American, maybe before the Third World War, or something.". (Star Trek: First Contact), Numerous schools were named after Cochrane by 2154. I take trains! (ENT: "Broken Bow") Cochrane met Henry's son, Jonathan Archer, the future captain of Enterprise NX-01, while the elder Archer was giving his son a tour of the facility. (Star Trek: First Contact). sale and auction. "Lo and behold, we looked around and found Zefram Cochrane sitting around the same time period," recollected co-writer Ronald D. Moore. (TOS: "Metamorphosis"; ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" library computer file) In a state of tiredness and dying from old age, he chose to die in space. (TOS: "Metamorphosis") A starship bearing his name, the USS Cochrane, was launched in or by 2367. "And I looked at him as just me. John Martin Cochran,1 commonly known as just "Cochran", is the Sole Survivor of Survivor: Caramoan. (VOY: "Homestead"), One of Cochrane's good friends was Lily Sloane, whom he had known since the Third World War. Proposing that the version of events demonstrated in First Contact constitute an alternate timeline, Cromwell went on to say, "Obviously, he does take it up himself, so something was supposed to happen, and in reality he would have made the choice anyway. (The Making of Star Trek: First Contact, p. 16), Having discarded the concept of Cochrane changing by being revived, the writers now dealt with their impulse to have Cochrane undergo a character arc, in the course of the movie, by attempting to imply that he becomes the man whom the Enterprise-E crew expects him to be. Cochrane was thereafter sought by the crew of the Federation starship USS Enterprise-E, who had recently come back in time from the year 2373 to stop the Borg sphere from preventing first contact. [2], The decision to include Zefram Cochrane in the film Star Trek: First Contact was preceded by the movie's writers choosing to set the story at a time when they could also feature Humans and Vulcans making first contact with one another. ", Faced with the quandary of either escaping the Companion and helping Commissioner Hedford to a hospital or risking the death of the Companion, Cochrane reluctantly opted to endanger the entity, despite being exceedingly grateful for its guardianship; this choice led to his being struck down and momentarily rendered unconscious. In the reference book Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years, Cochrane grew up with a love for science, as his parents, Jesse and Hilde Cochrane, were academics. I never met him. At one stage, Rick Berman was noncommittal about continuing to feature Zefram Cochrane's history in Enterprise, addressing such details as his involvement in the Warp 5 project, his association with Henry Archer, and his eventual disappearance. There has been some form of "Star Trek" in our lives since 1966, when "Star Trek" premiered its very first episode on September 8, 54 years ago today. Around 2073, give or take a year, he offered one of his more famous quotes: "Don't try to be a great man ... just be a man. That's his vision. You all look at me as if I'm some kind of... saint, or visionary or something!" (Star Trek: Communicator issue 111, p. 70) Cromwell also characterized the somewhat "maverick" Cromwell as "a throwback to the 1960s" and "actually the guy who starts Star Trek." I love her. He made several sexual advances on her, though these were spurned, Troi drunkenly concluding he was "nuts." The Judas goat? We thought it would be cool if the man who basically ushered in a new era of humanity was motivated by things that were antithetical to Star Trek." ), While teasing American Starfleet officer Charles Tucker III about his nationality in November 2151, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed posited that, if Cochrane had been European rather than from Montana, the Vulcans would have been far less reluctant to help the Humans progress with space travel than they ultimately had been. ), an eccentric genius who became a reluctant hero. "You did. In an attempt to obtain freedom from the Companion he explained that he was lonely, so it decided to bring him other Humans for company. (TOS: "Metamorphosis") His body was never recovered and he was presumed dead. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry"), In 2368, an excited Geordi La Forge voiced an expectation that participating in one of the first tests in soliton wave propulsion would be akin to witnessing Cochrane engage the first warp drive. In the novelization of First Contact, it was suggested that Cochrane's alcoholism was not his only issue. Cochrane launched his warp test vessel Phoenix from an abandoned Titan missile silo in remote Montana and unwittingly sparked first contact for Earth with a passing Vulcan ship on April 5, 2063. (ENT: "Vox Sola"), By 2152, Cochrane's involvement in First Contact was well known among school children and a statue of him had been built in Bozeman. He had a very strong action, which was that it frightened, confused, confounded and disturbed him." (audio commentary, Star Trek: First Contact Special Edition/Blu-ray), The first season South Park episode "Damien" references a line spoken by Cochrane in First Contact: "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man." (TOS: "Metamorphosis"; ENT: "Future Tense", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" library computer file). (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (1st ed., p. 325)), Academy Award-winning actor Tom Hanks was briefly considered to play Cochrane in First Contact (requested by then-Chairwoman of Paramount Pictures Sherry Lansing), but James Cromwell was ultimately confirmed for the role – much to the relief of both he and Rick Berman – after it was determined that the film's production wouldn't fit into Hanks' scheduling. (TOS: "Metamorphosis"), Though Zefram Cochrane (at the time of First Contact) did not have a grand vision of ushering in a new era for mankind or of endowing Earth with the gift of warp technology, these qualities came to be commonly ascribed to him by later generations; as with many of history's icons, the man's legend was less multifaceted than he himself had been. At the same ceremony, the showing of the recording was prefaced by Admiral Forrest giving a speech of his own in which he repeatedly alluded to Cochrane, describing his warp flight as "legendary." 2 Survivor contestants John Cochran and David Wright are apparently writers on one of the upcoming Star Trek series for CBS All Access. Survivor contestant you're most like: I relate most to the guys who don't fit in such as John Cochran (South Pacific, Caramoan)—he's my intellectual equal with slightly larger muscles. It was also this holoprogram that cited Cochrane as having given a whiskey bottle to Henry Archer, a recollection mentioned by the holographic Jonathan Archer. (Star Trek: Communicator issue 108, p. 7) Additionally, Berman said, "Because we had worked with him on a number of occasions, we were delighted when he did, in fact, take the role." An interesting Biography of him appears in the Star Trek novel Federation. Under duress from Kirk, he conceded the facts, such as confessing the actual specifics of his arrival. The cap, featuring more decorative studs around the outer edge, was also illustrated in the sketch of Cochrane wearing a spacesuit. You are, after all, essentially irrational.". (TOS: "Metamorphosis"; ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" library computer file) His place of birth was Montana, North America, Earth. (DS9: "Emissary"; VOY: "Threshold", "Day of Honor", "The Raven"), Zefram Cochrane was so memorable that – when quizzed by Harry Kim, during the Year of Hell version of 2374, about the name of the famous ship that had been involved in making Earth's first contact with Vulcans in Montana – B'Elanna Torres could remember only that it had been Cochrane's vessel. I'm looking forward to seeing whether this is all part of a plan. This illustration was from the FASA RPG module The Federation. 28, No. (audio commentary, Star Trek: First Contact Special Edition/Blu-ray) Cochrane's neck-scarf likewise puzzled Damon Lindelof and Anthony Pascale, though the latter hypothesized that Cochrane wearing it might be an attempt to hide a scar. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 13, pp. He's such a critical part of history. He had no meals during his visit to Paramount and was dismissed from the set at 11:30 a.m. To have a fighting chance at becoming the top-dog on Survivor… Cochrane often indulged in alcohol, cheese perogies, and rock 'n' roll music from the 20th century. As interest in science went down around the country, Cochrane got a job with a military contractor, at one of the last places with an active science lab. 68 & 69), The inclusion of a distinctive-looking hat was at the request of Rick Berman, after Deborah Everton had incorporated the headgear in her original sketch for Cochrane's costume. (Star Trek: First Contact; ENT: "Regeneration") He recanted his own statements regarding first contact and the two warring groups involved in the event a few years after making the claims. Over the last 50-plus years, the stars of the original … He was temporarily considered by the Enterprise crew to have been killed in the Borg attack. The Cochrane deceleration, a well-known battle maneuver in the 23rd century, was also named in his honor. (The Making of Star Trek: First Contact), Even though the part had been written for him, James Cromwell auditioned for the role. This accolade itself is made up of eight other accolades, which all must be completed to earn Nimbus Survivor… "Instead of playing it with this sort of straitlaced respect, it was played with a wonderful casualness." The prospect of somehow working the phrase "star trek" into the franchise had been a secret fantasy of Rick Berman's for about the past eight years, but had proven challenging to carry out due to the oddness of the phrase. Even with these rejections, he was not disheartened to the extent that he stopped socializing with her – at one point voicing satisfaction to learn Riker was not her husband – and Troi was later among Cochrane's collaborators during the test flight of the Phoenix, as she announced the final countdown before liftoff from outside the craft. (ENT: "Regeneration") In 2073 he was recorded as proclaiming, "Don't try to be a great man; just be a man, and let history make its own judgments." (Star Trek Monthly issue 106, p. 18). (Star Trek: First Contact), In an alternate timeline, the Borg succeeded in stopping Cochrane from breaking the warp barrier. Would I shake?' Cromwell's participation was also valued by Rick Berman, who explained, "He seemed to be the perfect character to play Cochrane because we were looking for somebody who was exactly opposite what people would think [....] Jamie was perfect, and he was available and interested in doing it, and we were lucky from day one." While Cochran is known to be a personal favorite of host and executive producer Jeff Probst, the winner of “Survivor: Caramoan” told The Hollywood Reporter he doesn’t think he could do it … Bring Cochrane into the story," stated Ronald D. Moore. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. ↑ According to "Metamorphosis", Cochrane was eighty-seven years old when he arrived on Gamma Canaris N, 150 years before 2267, suggesting he was born in the year 2030 and disappeared in 2117. ), an eccentric genius who became a reluctant hero. (The Making of Star Trek: First Contact) The actor related, "The character came alive for me. He commonly drank whiskey but was also known to imbibe shots of tequila. An engine that will someday help us to travel a hundred times faster than we can today. Keith hopes that things work out, while Cochran - who is in possession of Ozzy's immunity idol - is excited by the possibility of making one of the biggest moves in the history of the game. ", "You people got some pretty funny ideas about me! (Star Trek: First Contact), Cochrane was also somewhat interested in agriculture. [5] In that episode, Cochrane was once again played by James Cromwell. It's very hard to play a legend, but it's not so hard to play when you have an action. But you did have a vision. (Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages, p. 171) Rick Berman, who worked on the film as producer and story co-writer, concurred, "We realized where our story was going and that we could marry those elements [Cochrane and Humanity's first warp flights] into the story." Cochrane making first contact with a Vulcan, That evening, Cochrane was among many Human spectators who watched the Vulcan ship land in Bozeman, Montana, thereby making first contact with Humans and opening a new era for the whole of mankind. I think it's intriguing." Hearing of his eventual fame panicked him and he bolted, only to be chased and brought back by Riker's team and given a prodding to go on, even with a hangover. 6, p. 21), How to depict Cochrane in the movie was a subject of much debate among the writers, including Ronald D. Moore, who later recalled, "We had very long discussions about who Cochrane was and who he should be in this film. Cochrane admitted that World War III had changed his ideas about nobility, and at the time he only wanted to retire to a Pacific isle and its native women. Name (Age): John Cochran (25) Tribe Designation: Bikal Previous Season: Survivor: South Pacific – 13th castaway voted out/5th Jury Member Current Residence: Washington, D.C. Although his name is never given in this movie, according to "Star Trek" canon, the Vulcan who salutes Zefram Cochran is named Solkar. It's night 27 at Te Tuna, and the remaining seven players return to camp after Tribal Council. (ENT: "Horizon"), Numerous phrases that Cochrane had used in the speech he gave at the dedication ceremony for the Warp Five Complex were repeated by Starfleet for generations to come, such as talk of exploring "strange new worlds," seeking out "new life and new civilizations," and going boldly "where no man has gone before." 6, p. 21) Braga perceived that writing Cochrane as such a flawed character "made for more interesting drama in the film." ("The Legacy of Zefram Cochrane" documentary featurette, Star Trek: First Contact Special Edition/Blu-ray) Cochrane's scene in "Broken Bow" was scheduled to be filmed on 20 June 2001, on Paramount Stage 16, but actually ended up being shot there two days later, on 22 June. 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