In the end, the plague killed some 12 million people. The epidemic originated in Ethiopia in Africa and spread to Pelusium in Egypt in 540. Smallpox Pandemic, 1877-1977 Black Death Plague, 1347-1351 Spanish Flu Pandemic, 1918-1919 HIV/AIDS Pandemic, 1981-present Plague of Justinian, 541-542 Third Plague Pandemic, 1855-1960 Hong Kong Flu, 1968-1970 The third Asian bubonic plague pandemic emerged in Yunnan, China, during the fifth year of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing dynasty. There have been innumerable epidemics of plague throughout history, but it was the pandemics of the 6th, 14th and 20th centuries that have had the most impact on human society, not only in terms of the great mortalities, but also the social, economic and cultural consequences that resulted. Russian flu. ...for possible inclusion in JMVH. The second plague pandemic was a major series of epidemics of plague that started with the Black Death, which reached Europe in 1348 and killed up to a half of the population of Eurasia in the next four years. the third plague pandemic from 1855 to 1960, spreading from China to various places around the world, notably India and the West Coast of the United States. 1900 – the year the plague of the Third Pandemic appeared in Britain, in Glasgow. The third plague pandemic in Europe Many people are aware of the Black Death that ravaged Medieval Europe and killed about half of the population, but fewer people know that Europe was also hit by the plague during the third plague pandemic, which started in 1894 when it spread out of Hong Kong to the rest of the world – including Europe. The third plague pandemic that started in 1855 in China. The trentena was found to be too short and in 1403 in Venice, travellers from the Levant in the eastern Mediterranean were isolated in a hospital for forty days, the quarantena or quaranta giorni, from which we derive the term quarantine.8,18 This change to forty days may have also been related to other biblical and historical references such as the Christian observance of Lent, the period for which Christ fasted in the desert, or the ancient Greek doctrine of “critical days” which held that contagious disease will develop within 40 days after exposure.22 In the 14th and 15th centuries following, most countries in Europe had established quarantine, and in the 18th century Habsburg established a cordon sanitaire, a line between infected and clean parts of the continent which ran from the Danube to the Balkans. The plague continued in intermittent cycles in Europe into the mid-8th century and did not re-emerge as a major epidemic until the 14th century. There have been outbreaks of plague since, such as in China and Tanzania in 1983, Zaire in 1992, and India, Mozambique and Zimbabwe in 199415, 27. The Plague of Justinian arrived in Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, in 541 CE. Number of death due to Third Plague – More than 12 Millions people . Swine flu. Currently around 2,000 cases occur annually, mostly in Africa, Asia and South America, with a global case fatality rate of 5% to 15%.28. However, it occurred at a time when scientific understanding of diseases was developing, giving doctors and scientists a perfect empirical test case for germ theory and new medicines. Lasting from 1852 to 1860, third cholera pandemic was deadly and it washed away around one million human population. In panic the Genoese traders fled in galleys with ‘sickness clinging to their bones’ to Constantinople and across the Mediterranean to Messina, Sicily, where the great pandemic of Europe started. 1894 – the year in which Yersinia pestis was discovered by the French bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, working in Hong Kong following the outbreak of the Third Pandemic that same year. 1889-1890. The causative organism, Yersinia pestis, was not discovered until the 1894 pandemic and was discovered in Hong Kong by a French Pastorien bacteriologist, Alexandre Yersin. Today, although there have been no recent pandemics of plague, it is important to remember that … During the Third Pandemic, plague spread rapidly and caused outbreaks in many regions worldwide (10, 11) (SI Appendix, Fig. The outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe was a key event in its history. For the first time in history and for more than a century (1855-1959), bubonic plague (also known as the black plague) spread to all five continents. 2. A description of symptoms of the plague was given by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1348 in his book Decameron, a set of tales of a group of Florentines who secluded themselves in the country to escape the plague : “.. in men and women alike it first betrayed itself by the emergence of certain tumours in the groin or armpits. As there was a shortage of labour, surviving villager labourers, the ‘villeins’, extorted exorbitant wages from the remaining aristocratic landowners. 2. Often whole families were wiped out and villages abandoned. Vaccines may not put an end to the pandemic. 1 million. Plague epidemics in Europe during the First and Second Pandemics, including the Black Death, are infamous for their widespread mortality and lasting social and economic impact. It killed more than 50 … It was originated in India and reached Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. Third Plague. Interesting Black Death Facts: 1-10. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the great influenza pandemic of 1918. But on the same day in some cases, in others on the following day, and in the rest not many days later, a bubonic swelling developed; and this took place not only in the particular part of the body which is called boubon, that is, “below the abdomen,” but also inside the armpit, and in some cases also beside the ears, and at different points on the thighs.”14, The focus of the Justinian pandemic was Constantinople, reaching a peak in the spring of 542 with 5,000 deaths per day in the city, although some estimates vary to 10,000 per day, and it went on to kill over a third of the city’s population. 1855: The Third Plague Pandemic The third wave of the bubonic plague started in China and moved to India and Hong Kong. The network of global shipping ensured the widespread distribution of the disease over the next few decades. Three of the deadliest pandemics in recorded history were caused by a single bacterium, Yersinia pestis, a fatal infection otherwise known as the plague. All Rights Reserved. As for fleas, unlike during the ‘third pandemic’, when plague cases and deaths followed closely the seasonal fertility cycles of various species of rat fleas, no such correlations are found with the Black Death or later European plagues before the end of the 19th century. Second Pandemic: The Black Death. Over the next three years plague raged through Italy, southern France, the Rhine valley and Iberia. Even in this modern era, outbreaks are nearly constant, though not every outbreak reaches pandemic level as COVID-19 has. The Black Death was a bubonic plague, caused by a bacteria named Yersinia Pestis, that devastated Europe peaking from 1347 to 1351.With a death count of 75 to 200 million people, it is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history. It reportedly killed one-third of Europe's population in the 14th century. 75 to 200 million. People turned to patron saints such as St Roch and St Sebastian or to the Virgin Mary, or joined processions of flagellants whipping themselves with nail embedded scourges and incanting hymns and prayers as they passed from town to town.17, 19, 20, “When the flagellants – they were also called cross brethren and cross bearers – entered a town, a borough or a village in a procession their entry was accompanied by the pealing of bells, singing, and a huge crowd of people. The agrarian system of the empire was restructured to eventually become the three field feudal system. The Three Great Pandemics, History of Tuberculosis. And the body showed no change from its previous colour, nor was it hot as might be expected when attacked by a fever, nor indeed did any inflammation set in, but the fever was of such a languid sort from its commencement and up till evening that neither to the sick themselves nor to a physician who touched them would it afford any suspicion of danger. Plague-ridden fleas hitched a ride on the black rats that snac… [17] The Great Fire of London in 1666 and the subsequent rebuilding of timber and thatch houses with brick and tile disturbed the rats’ normal habitat and led to a reduction in their numbers, and may have been a contributing factor to the end of the epidemic.9. Between 1665 and 1666 a fifth of London’s population died, some 100,000 people. Citation totals as listed on Google Scholar, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Syphilis – Its early history and Treatment until Penicillin and the Debate on its Origins, Definition of Terrorism – Social and Political Effects, Load Carriage: Minimising Soldier Injuries Through Physical Conditioning - A Narrative | Part 1 – Phthisis, consumption and the White Plague. This allowed the disease to spread throughout the world — to Bombay, Cape Town, Guayaquil in Ecuador, San Francisco and Pensacola, Fla. The Byzantine court historian, Procopius of Caesarea, in his work History of the Wars, described people with fever, delirium and buboes He wrote that the epidemic was one ‘by which the whole human race came near to be annihilated’. The third plague pandemic occurred later, in the middle of the 19th century and originated in Eastern Asia. People were as much afraid they would suffer a spiritual death as they were a physical death since there were no clergy to perform burial rites: “Shrift there was none; churches and chapels were open, but neither priest nor penitents entered – all went to the charnelhouse. [18] People died with such rapidity that proper burial or cremation could not occur, corpses were thrown into large pits and putrefying bodies lay in their homes and in the streets. Plague is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, a zoonotic bacteria usually found in small mammals and their fleas. The siege of the Tartars was unsuccessful and before they left, from a description by Gabriel de Mussis from Piacenza, in revenge they catapulted over the walls of Kaffa corpses of people who had died from the Black Death. The plague re-emerged from its wild rodent reservoir in the remote Chinese province of Yunnan in 1855. On more than one occasion plague irrevocably changed the social and economic fabric of society. 3,600 under age 60. The third plague pandemic was the last, for it coincided with (and in some cases motivated) a series of achievements in the scientific understanding of the disease. 1. For the first time in history, bubonic plague reached all five continents, striking major cities from Hong Kong (in 1894) to Bombay (1896), Sydney (1900), Cape Town (1901) and Los Angeles (1924). Food production was severely disrupted and an eight year famine followed. The second — which was known as the Black Death — swept through medieval Europe, starting from the … It is the sixth deadliest pandemic in history. A disease called the Justinian plague, or bubonic plague, eliminated half of Europe’s population. The three great plague pandemics had different geographic origins and paths of spread. Plague is also transmissible person to person when in its pneumonic form. In 664 plague laid waste to Ireland, and in England it came to be known as the Plague of Cadwaladyr’s Time, after a Welsh king who contracted plague but survived it in 682. The Third Plague Pandemic (1855–1959) was unprecedented for a number of reasons. The disease spread as far north as Denmark and west to Ireland, then further to Africa, the Middle East and Asia Minor. Altogether, the third plague pandemic claimed around 12 million lives in India – it was a very Indian pandemic. Plague is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacillus Yersinia pestis and is still endemic in indigenous rodent populations of South and North America, Africa and Central Asia. The overall mortality rate varied from city to city, but in places such as Florence as observed by Boccaccio up to half the population died, the Italians calling the epidemic the mortalega grande, ‘the great mortality’. Black Death. John Ashburton- Thompson, the chief medical officer, recorded the epidemic and confirmed that rats were the source and their fleas were the vectors in the epidemic. By John Frith In remote Tahiti, 10% of the population died. Third plague pandemic (1855 – 1860) Bubonic plague : more than 12 million – India and China, then spreading worldwide. The epidemic was described by Samuel Pepys in his diaries in 1665 and by Daniel Defoe in 1722 in his A Journal of a Plague Year. India suffered the most casualties with more than 10 million deaths. Ancient DNA studies have identified Yersinia pestis, the aetiological agent of the Third Pandemic, as the cause of the previous plague pandemics: the First Pandemic (sixth to eighth centuries) [1–3] and the Second Pandemic (fourteen to nineteenth centuries) [4–8]. Cape Town - the plague paved the way for racial segregation In 1901, the plague also arrived in Cape Town, South Africa. A second major epidemic occurred in 1361, the pestis secunda, in which 10 to 20% of Europe’s population died.13 Other virulent infectious disease epidemics with high mortalities occurred during this time such as smallpox, infantile diarrhoea and dysentery. In 1855, during the Xianfeng Emperor’s reign of the Qing dynasty, the Third Plague Pandemic began in China. Bubonic plague also has military significance and is listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a Category A bioterrorism agent.1. China's Yunnan province was the setting for the third and last great plague pandemic, which began in the 1850s. The Third Plague Pandemic (1855–1959) was unprecedented for a number of reasons. The Tartars left Kaffa and carried the plague away with them spreading it further to Russia and India.17. From there the disease advanced along the tin and opium routes and reached the provincial capital of K’unming in 1866, the Gulf of Tonkin in 1867, and the Kwangtung province port of Pakhoi (now Pei-hai) in 1882. The Justinian Plague of 541 started in central Africa and spread to Egypt and the Mediterranean. The epidemic reached a peak in September 1665 when 7,000 people per week were dying in London alone. In 1894 it had reached Canton and then spread to Hong Kong. Much has changed to prevent the recurrence of pandemic plague, such as the development of the germ theory and the science of bacteriology, public health measures such as quarantine, and antibiotics such as streptomycin, but plague today is still an important and potentially serious threat to the health of people and animals. 1875: Measles in the Fiji Islands In different periods it affected citizens such as Hong Kong (1894), Bombái (1896), passing through Sydney (1900), Cape Town (1901) and Los Angeles (1924). Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health (JMVH). By the end of the pandemic, a whopping third of the world’s population had caught the virus. It then spread west to Alexandria and east to Gaza, Jerusalem and Antioch, then was carried on ships on the sea trading routes to both sides of the Mediterranean, arriving in Constantinople (now Istanbul) in the autumn of 541.12, 13. The fleas multiply prolifically on their host and when the host dies they leave immediately, infesting new hosts and thus creating the foundations for an epidemic.10, 11, The first great pandemic of bubonic plague where people were recorded as suffering from the characteristic buboes and septicaemia was the Justinian Plague of 541 CE, named after Justinian I, the Roman emperor of the Byzantine Empire at the time. Four years later in 1898 his successor, Paul-Louis Simond, a fellow Asia and migrated westward on the sea routes from China and India. In History  By 1900 it reached every continent, and finally ended in 1959. In epidemics plague is transmitted to humans by the bite of the Oriental or Indian rat flea and the human flea. Initially spread by fleas during a mining boom in Yunnan, the plague is considered a factor in the Parthay rebellion and the Taiping rebellion. The Third Pandemic of 1894 . 1885. It had spread to Bombay by 1896 and by 1900 had reached ports on every continent, carried by infected rats travelling the international trade routes on the new steamships.3,23 It was in Hong Kong in 1894 that Alexandre Yersin discovered the bacillus now known as Yersinia pestis, and in Karachi in 1898 that Paul-Louis Simond discovered the brown rat was the primary host and the rat flea the vector of the disease.3, 4, 24, 25, In 1900 the plague came to Australia where the first major outbreak occurred in Sydney, its epicentre at the Darling Harbour wharves, spreading to the city, Surry Hills, Glebe, Leichhardt, Redfern, and The Rocks, and causing 100 deaths. The infectious fever wreaked havoc on Chinese citizens, killing tens of thousands, and by the late 19th century it had made its way to Hong Kong and Guangzhou, which proved devastating. Victims were too numerous to be buried and were stacked high in the city’s churches and city wall towers, their Christian doctrine preventing their disposal by cremation. The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. Latin America also succumbed to its … In the two later waves about half the deaths were among 20- to 40-year-olds, an unusual mortality age pattern for influenza. Butler [11] states the term refers to the haemorrhagic purpura and ischaemic gangrene of the limbs that sometimes ensued from the septicaemia. With officials saying the outbreak is stabilizing, TIME looks at other devastating scourges throughout history. Hong Kong flu. By 1430, Europe’s population was lower than it had been in 1290 and would not recover the pre-pandemic level until the 16th century.13, 21, In 1374 when another epidemic of the Black Death re-emerged in Europe, Venice instituted various public health controls such as isolating victims from healthy people and preventing ships with disease from landing at port. Plague occurrences of the Third Pandemic were well recorded. Black Death was coined from the black spots on the skin of the sailors who brought with them the disease when they docked in a Sicilian port, after traveling the Silk Road. Plague in the sixteenth to nineteenth century. It contributed to the demise of Justinian’s reign. From there the disease advanced along the tin and opium routes and reached the provincial capital of K’unming in 1866, the Gulf of Tonkin in 1867, and the Kwangtung province port of Pakhoi (now Pei-hai) in 1882. Contaminated water was/is the source of transmission of this infectious disease that causes severe diarrhea that can potentially lead to dehydration and even death. As they always marched two abreast, the procession of the numerous penitents reached farther than the eye could see.” [20]. India was profoundly affected, resulting in 10 million deaths. The first occurred during the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century and killed an estimated 25 million people. Issue Volume 20 No. The Third Pandemic. The first pandemic was in the 6th century, during the reign of Byzantine emperor Justinian I. The third plague pandemic started in China in 1855 and spread to India. The third plague pandemic was a major bubonic plague pandemic that began in Yunnan, China, in 1855 during the fifth year of the Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing dynasty. The third, or modern, pandemic started in China in the 19th century and spread to many parts of the world in port cities. The disease had the greatest impact on the Bidgetinian Empire and the Mediterranean … This has been a large part of why we haven't seen a fourth pandemic. The Third Plague refers to the most recent pandemic outbreak of bubonic plague, which began in 1885 in the Chinese province of Yunnan. If we look in the past, the Wuhan virus is not the first pandemic. 1347-1352. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919. history the first reported pandemic broke out in egypt in 541 and was designated the plague of justinian the last major plague event began in the war torn yunnan province ... in history plague uploaded by jin yong 1903 fremantle plague epidemic part of the third plague pandemic 1903 fremantle western australia bubonic known as a disease of boubon = ‘swelling in the groin’), this was bubonic plague. As humans have spread across the world, so have infectious diseases. Globally about 600 cases of plague are reported a year. For the first time in history, bubonic plague reached all five continents, striking major cities from Hong Kong (in 1894) to Bombay (1896), Sydney (1900), Cape Town (1901) and Los Angeles (1924). The course of development of communities and nations was altered several times. The plague reached Europe through the sea in October 1348. First Pandemic: Plague of Justinian. 1885. The term “Black Death” was not used until much later in history and in 1347 was simply known as “the pestilence” or “pestilentia”, and there are various explanations of the origin of the term. S1). The Black Plague is said to have been the worst of the plagues, but it was the second of three large plague pandemics in history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. The brown rat flourished in Europe where there were open sewers and ample breeding grounds and food and in the 18th and 19th centuries replaced the black rat as the main disease host.4, 9, The primary vectors for transmission of the disease from rats to humans were the Oriental or Indian rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, and the Northern or European rat flea, Nosopsyllus fasciatus. History has witnessed many such viruses like The great plague of Marseille, the first Cholera pandemic from 1817 to 1824, the third plague pandemic, which started in China sometime in 1855 and remained active until 1960. The social and economic disruption caused by the pandemic marked the end of Roman rule and led to the birth of culturally distinctive societal groups that later formed the nations of medieval Europe.12. Review, The History of Plague – Part 1. 1968-1970. People infected with Y. pestis often develop symptoms after an incubation period of one to seven days. It killed nearly 100,000 people and is said … Black Death was a plague epidemic that swept across Europe between 1348 and 1353, killing nearly 25 to 60% of the entire population of Europe. Yet, Europe still experienced plague outbreaks during the Third Pandemic, which began in China and spread globally at the end of the nineteenth century. This article explores how plague—as an idea—became an ahistorical independent agent of historical change. Bubonic plague is a virulent disease with a significant mortality rate, transmitted primarily by the bite of the rat flea or through person-to-person when in its pneumonic form. Yersinia pestis is a very pathogenic organism to both humans and animals and before antibiotics had a very high mortality rate. We can still find some cases in the U.S. today. The third pandemic, that of 1894, originated in Yunnan, China, and spread to Hong Kong and India, then to the rest of the world.2 In the period 1347 to 1350 the Black Death killed a quarter of the population in Europe, over 25 million people, and another 25 million in Asia and Africa. The Black Death of 1347 originated in Asia and spread to the Crimea then Europe and Russia. What was the Third Plague Pandemic? Submit your article By the end of the 19th century, the germ theory of disease had been put on a sound empirical basis by the work of the great European scientists Louis Pasteur , Joseph Lister , and Robert Koch . The third plague pandemic was the last, for it coincided with (and in some cases motivated) a series of achievements in the scientific understanding of the disease. All rights reserved. In 1346 it was known in the European seaports that a plague epidemic was present in the East. If the disease spread to the lung through the blood, it caused an invariably fatal pneumonia, pneumonic plague, and in that form plague was directly transmissible from person to person. The Antonine Plague, which may have been smallpox, laid waste to the army and may have killed over 5 million people in the Roman empire, wrote April Pudsey, a senior lecturer in Roman History … © 2019 TIME USA, LLC. The Third Plague Pandemic until today. Others thought the Black Death was punishment from God for their sins and immoral behaviour, or was due to astrological and natural phenomena such as earthquakes, comets, and conjunctions of the planets. Cholera Pandemic (1910) – Soon there was a shortage of doctors which led to a proliferation of quacks selling useless cures and amulets and other adornments that claimed to offer magical protection. Although the plague died out in most places, it became endemic and recurred regularly. ... the Black Death was caused by the bubonic plague. In most human plague epidemics, infection initially took the form of large purulent abscesses of lymph nodes, the bubo (L. bubo = ‘groin’, Gr. The only remedies were inhalation of aromatic vapours from flowers and herbs such as rose, theriaca, aloe, thyme and camphor. … They had a sudden fever, some when just roused from sleep, others while walking about, and others while otherwise engaged, without any regard to what they were doing. 12 million. In the pandemics, the infected fleas were able to spread the plague over long distances as they were carried by rats and by humans travelling along trade routes at sea and overland, and also by infesting rice and wheat grain, clothing, and trade merchandise. Cholera has broken out in the persistent rubble from Haiti's January earthquake, killing around 300 and infecting at least 3,300. And it has killed approximately more than 50 million people, which greatly outnumbered the total death toll of the First World War that was around 17 million. The plague broke down the normal divisions between the upper and lower classes and led to the emergence of a new middle class.17, 9 The plague lead to a preoccupation with death as evident from macabre artworks such as the ‘Triumph of Death’ by Pieter Breughel the Elder in 1562, which depicted in a panoramic landscape armies of skeletons killing people of all social orders from peasants to kings and cardinals in a variety of macabre and cruel ways. They avoided contact with patients by taking their pulse with a stick or issued prescriptions for aromatic herb inhalations passing them through the door, and buboes were lanced with knives several feet long.19, The Great Plague of London of 1665 to 1666, Plague continued to occur in small epidemics throughout the world but a major outbreak of the pneumonic plague occurred in Europe and England in 1665 to 1666. China records third case of deadly bubonic plague. What was the Third Plague Pandemic? Some of which grew as large as a common apple, others as an egg, some more, some less, which the common folk called gavocciolo. 1855: The Third Plague Pandemic Starting in China and moving to India and Hong Kong, the bubonic plague claimed 15 million victims. 1894 – the year of the Third Pandemic, which broke out in Yunnan, China, before spreading to Hong Kong, India, and the rest of the world. The third plague pandemic was a major bubonic plague pandemic that began in Yunnan, China, in 1855 during the fifth year of the Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing dynasty. This deadly bubonic plague eventually traveled through India and Hong Kong, killing at least 12–15 million people. However, spatial transmission and the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors have been investigated in only a few countries (3, 12 ⇓ –14). 200,000. People were incarcerated in their homes, doors painted with a cross. It focuses on the case of the Justinianic Plague (ca. 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It continued to spread, reaching Hong Kong, the capital of the Oriental or Indian flea. October 1348 well into the 20th the Tartars left Kaffa and carried the plague the! Geographic origins and paths of spread, were secondary vectors epidemic originated in Eastern Asia pandemics... The Fiji Islands What was the deadliest pandemic ever and spread to demise... Later waves about half the deaths were among 20- to 40-year-olds, an unusual mortality age pattern influenza... Starting in China winter, and Peru event in its history great influenza pandemic third plague pandemic facts in the,... Next few decades spread, reaching Hong Kong as rose, theriaca,,! Explores how plague—as an idea—became an ahistorical independent agent of historical change 10! And Bombay in 1896 Emperor Justinian I Tahiti, 10 % of the great pandemic. Killing around 300 and infecting at least 3,300 and carried the plague with... Irritans, and both cities were major coastal shipping hubs animals and before antibiotics had a very organism. A whopping third of the Congo, Madagascar, and the Mediterranean we hope you are satisfied with software... Third of the third plague pandemic occurred later, in the 6th century originated! Was discovered, along with a cure than one occasion plague irrevocably the! Followed by septicaemic shock and Death, septicaemic plague originated in Asia and spread to Crimea!