They are schooling fish and would be happier in groups. Females will spawn with any male that gets close to them when they are laying eggs. Instead, the female will lay eggs, and the male will fertilize them. If you want to mate zebra danios, a really easy way to do it is to get a school of about a … Make sure the water conditions remain the same, and you don’t add any new fish. 1 decade ago. Galaxy Rasboras are omnivorous. These zebra danios are laying eggs in a patch of java moss. Once the rainy season ends, they prefer to return to large permanent reservoirs. Zebra danio inhabits in rivers, channels, ponds, rivers. The secret of breeding zebras is to have a small school of them. You can try another option we found below. This is a fairly new tank setup, and I'd like to do a water change, but don't want to disturb the fry too much. They are constantly zooming around their aquarium, and because of this, should be provided with the largest aquarium possible – or at least the largest one that you can fit into your budget. If you are interested in breeding Celestial Pearl Danios, it may be difficult to determine if the fish you purchase are wild caught or captive bred. Dan M. Lv 7. Robert Brand says. The faster you catch even minor swings in these parameters, the less it will stress the fish when you make changes. When females are ready to lay eggs, males will develop bright red or orange bellies as spawning time approaches. I currently have 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and I can't tell if it's 5 or 10 nitrate. Meanwhile, their scavenger nature provides much-needed assistance with cleaning and algae-removal. Your best option will be to use live aquatic plants with plenty of lighting and nutrients. But the greater the volume, the more … They lay their eggs in dark places and guard them until they hatch. Possibly you have currently listened to of discus fish what they are and also where they originate from. They're fun to watch, and so many! They lay eggs. three months ago I noticed my green glo danio was full of eggs and now she still is and I haven't seen any eggs (I know they eat them but I stare at my tank a lot so I'm surprised I haven't seen anything). Use low growing, sprawling plants for them to hide in at the bottom of the tank, as well as taller growing ones that will offer safety if they decide to swim in the mid to upper levels of the tank. Answer Save. When females are ready to lay eggs, males will develop bright red or orange bellies as spawning time approaches. Otherwise, they may eat the eggs. The Cichlid won’t breed if it isn’t 100% comfortable in its surroundings. Goldfish can be decent "community tank" fish. Until that time the parents … she is either carrying loads of eggs, or may have an internal parasite. You really should consider getting a few more. Just make sure that you can control the water chemistry with chemicals because cleaning these filters can be extremely disruptive! Ugg. The eggs would be small, separate from each other and very clear If they are not fertilised they will turn white within a few hours to a few days Danios lay … Please try again later. The eggs must have hatched over a couple of days as some fry are larger (>2mm) than others (<2mm). No I didn't cycle my tank when i first got them but they were originally in a 6.5 gallon tank with more fish (I got it off a friend that no longer wanted the fish) but I quickly moved them to the cycled 20 gallon. The female will lay upwards of 500 eggs at once! Like literally. They eggs will come out regardless. A Short Discussion About Discus Fish . After the rain season … Celestial Pearl Danios are most susceptible to swimbladder disease, body fungus, fin rot, and tail rot. 48 hours to hatch (and they grow fast!) I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 zebra danios (not sure about the sexes- I believe 1 female, 2 males), 1 albino catfish, and 1 female platy. Nov 11, 2016. For breeding purposes ph 6.8, temperature of 80F. No scales are sticking out but she looks very stretched out. It only takes about 24 hours for the eggs to hatch. Since these fish do not tolerate water chemistry changes well, this is one of the few places where I recommend starting off by matching the pH, hardness, and salinity to what you find in the bag they arrive in. This feature is not available right now. Usually, the latter are more tolerant of water chemistry variance and have sufficient behavior modification to permit captive breeding. This time I'm going to talk about breeding the zebra fish. Danios don't actually mate, the female lays the eggs and the male follows along behind her and fertilizes them. danios and guppies and they do fine. Their eyes tend to be much larger proportionally than you would see on other fish. But also for those that do … Danio margaritatus or celestichthys margaritatus, Celestial Pearl Danio (equally common name), Fireworks Rasbora, Spotted Danio, Pearl Danio, Zebra Danio, Harlequin Rasbora. Just bear in mind, however, that it is not advisable to keep more than one male to a tank. If you use driftwood, make sure all the tannins have been leached out. When the female drops her eggs, the male adds his contribution, then both or all of the fish will turn around and eat their eggs. zebrafish are very robust ornamental fish, so they are often started by novice fish keepers. If you see rapid swings, test every 2- 3 days until the tank stabilizes again. danios are egg scatters, so they do not get pregnant. Yes the pink one is very deformed I bought that one because I felt bad for him at the store. Zebra Danios thrive best in freshwater. I don’t recommend using flakes, crushed or otherwise. A single female zebra danio can lay up to 100 eggs per each breeding session. The amount of eggs differs per species. The varied colors and patterns of the various species add a punch of brilliance to planted tanks. reply #3. nyleve. Why Does My Female Betta Eat The Eggs And The Male Will Not Fetch the Eggs? So may hold off for a few more days. Females adhere eggs to the walls of the cave. Leonardo March 3, 2020 at 2:12 pm I’ve got 7 goldfish one is black died this morning by lay down bottom and gasp for breathing swim rare not eat for day do I have change freshwater ASAP or don’t need to Zebra Danio Won't lay eggs HELP PLEASE. Since their mouths are very small, these fish are very prone to choking. The dominant male will chase and attack other males in the tank until he succeeds in killing them.