This group of fish is rather heterogeneous, the… Care level: Easy Max size of fish: 4.5 inches Temperature range: 77 to 78.5 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6 to 8. Any aggressive sort of fish shouldn’t be housed with electric blue rams. As they’re a schooling fish, you’ll want to buy at least 5. You do not need to add salt minerals to the Cichlid tank. "@type": "VideoObject", The more popular ones that are perfect for aquariums remain at around 8 cm in length. Kuhli loaches are extremely shy, plus they’re active during nighttime. As we mentioned earlier, cichlids are quite aggressive, so do not overcrowd your tank at any cost, or you may lose quite a few of your beloved pets. However, we suggest you provide them a healthy amount of protein obtained through flakes and pellets and include live plants in the tank set up to ensure they get the best of both worlds. They can reach 6 inches long as adults! The males in the species feature a bright yellow colored body with a blue mouth and slight blue colored accents on the body, whereas the females feature a blue body with yellow shading here and there. Are they awake when they’re looking at you or are they sleeping? The guppy is one of the main staples of a wonderfully put-together freshwater aquarium. Did you know you can keep some Cichlids in tanks as small as 10 gallons? However, when the crayfish molts, it’s will become irresistible to cichlids, and they will try to eat the crayfish. Corydoras are catfish, and catfish do tend to hang out mostly at night. The ideal pH levels for African Cichlids are 7.8 to 8.6. Almost all of them are known to be territorial, most of them are also quite aggressive, and a substantial amount of cichlids are predatory.
  • Bristlenose Plecostomus
  • Some have a black head while others have a blue-gray head.

      In a tank, the average lifespan of an African Cichlid is around 8 years. A Few More African Cichlid Fun Facts & Myths, African Cichlids can make great additions to your aquarium. Typical features of the natural habitat include a substrate of fine sand and large quantities of dead leaves from the trees. Since Plecos will mainly stick to the bottom of the tank, the African Cichlids will have plenty of room to roam and shouldn’t get angry. Some of the larger species can grow up to around 90 cm long. You will have to prepare a separate breeding tank to ensure the additional fish do not disrupt the water conditions. While they’re related to the piranha, they’re much more peaceful than their cousins. We don’t blame them; Cichlids are incredibly attractive and come in multiple colors and patterns, which many fish enthusiasts enjoy. "embedUrl": "",
    1. Neon Tetra
    2. Mollies come in all different sizes and colors, so they’re yet another fish that’ll add dimension to your aquarium. Because dwarf cichlids are fou… African Cichlids are not “killer fish” like some people like to think. Most other small and peaceful species of fish (guppies, tetras) won’t last long. For more information, please read our disclaimer. Almost all African Cichlids will grow much larger than most Tetras and likely feast on them. It also features a bump on the head though significantly smaller than that on the Blue Dolphin Moorii. Occasionally you can also give them frozen shrimps as treats if you feel like pampering your cichlids a little. Then check out this article for some tips! Also, they only have 1 set of nostrils (other fish have 2). The Zebra Mbuna has a bright blue body with around eight to 10 black vertical stripes on the body. Apistogramma dwarf cichlids are not the type of fish you can just toss in your aquarium—there’s a lot more to keeping these little beauties.


      On the flip side, if you plan on keeping dwarf or large South American cichlids with tank mates, you will have better success for sure. They not only need ample hiding spots but also require a large space or area to move around in. You may see Cichlids swim to the top of the water in the tank and maybe even try to eat out of your hand! If you’re going to attempt to put Rainbow Fish in with African Cichlids you need to make sure they are large enough. Kribensis Cichlids do very well in bonded pairs, but you might encounter some problems when more than one male is in the area. If African Cichlids are cared for properly they can live five to eight years in an aquarium.

      Ram cichlids and guppies can coexist peacefully in a community tank. They can thrive in freshwater just as well. Care level: Easy Max Size of fish: 24 inches Temperature range: 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.5-7.5. That said, they are nothing compared to the aggressive nature and force of African Cichlids. One reason is that African Cichlids and South American Cichlids require different water parameters. Some are easy to keep; others, not so much. - Some Dwarf Cichlids - Female Pelvicachromis Pulcher (Kribensis) The purpose of this article is to get you acquainted with the cichlids, their requirements and to give you tips on how to care for them. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. "@context": "", But, if you still want to add fish to your African Cichlid tank, you can give these eight fish a try.


      No, in general, there is a difference in requirements for PH, GH, and KH when it comes to mixing Silver Dollars with African Cichlids. It’s typically tan and black and has four barbells that can be seen protruding from its mouth. Botia Loaches are typically bottom feeders so that’s the part of the tank they’ll generally stay on. Jack Dempsey has over 20 years of experience with freshwater aquariums. However, the group only has one male at a time, as the males are particularly territorial and aggressive. Kribensis—Is The Fish Aggressive Best Tank Mates for This Cichlid! "thumbnailUrl": "", However, African Cichlids are not likely to get along with angelfish. But when prey swims by, they may attack. Although Scavenger Catfish like to eat fish flakes, you should also throw in some sinking catfish pellets from time to time. Its fins have orange edges, and the entire body has orange accents or highlights that make it even more visually appealing. In addition, it will limit aggression during vital breeding periods, as your male can distribute his mating behaviors among multiple females. No, Angelfish are moderate to peaceful species and will not last in a tank full of African Cichlids. Out of all the cichlid types, the Electric Yellow cichlid is the most popular among aquarists. They are also less likely to get territorial with the Plecos because the Plecos won’t be fighting for the same spaces around the tank, just the bottom. As long as you don’t overstock the tank, don’t put the extremely aggressive cichlids together, and restrict the amount of males in a tank, you shouldn’t have trouble caring for them. They’re very active and social, which means you might even see individuals develop personalities! The same goes for very energetic fish since they’ll dart about and steal everything during feeding time, leaving nothing for your electric blue rams. We’ll look at ideal bottom-dwelling- cichlids companions a little later; in the last section. They pair for life, so if you get a mated pair, they’re set! However, I believe that most dwarfs are highly adaptable and will thrive in many different types of environments as long as they are complex environments. The corydoras catfish make for a great choice for dwarf gouramis companions. While you can have more than 1 mated pair in the tank, you should only really do so if your tank is over 30 gallons since the males may become aggressive toward each other. Below you’ll find our African cichlid tank mates along with a great cichlid care guide. Home About Contact Privacy Policy © 2019 All Rights Reserved. Some recommend that you can keep Silver Dollars (which are a Tetra Species) with African Cichlids; however, as mentioned above, this is not recommended due to the different water parameters. They are a yellowish color with a mixture of gray, with a small, unelongated dorsal fin with black anterior rays. Ram cichlids and guppies can coexist peacefully in a community tank. That’s why they’re best with fish that are larger, not smaller. The haps are another popular aquarium fish as they are known to be some of the more peaceful cichlids that balance out the aggressiveness of others. Dwarf Cichlids. If breeding is on your mind, then know that Cichlids become much more aggressive when they are breeding, so you may want to divide them into two different tanks to prevent bloodshed. A 10 to 20 gallon aquarium will suffice for a mated pair, however, larger aquariums allow for larger groups and/or additional tank mates. Red Tail Shark. You will need to create smooth currents to recreate the motion of water from their natural settings. They love eating algae, which will help keep your tank clean. They thrive best in well-established tanks, which means it’s actually easier to introduce them to your setup if you’ve already gotten everything settled in. The different breeds also have different types of tails, such as flag, lace, and veil. Jack's goal is to help beginners avoid the biggest mistakes when getting started. Remember to keep the small fish out and the big fish that can hold their own in with the Cichlids. The best companions for the cichlids include: Guppies – Guppies are incredibly popular in community tanks, mainly because they are easy to … BlueRam92 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons, Care level: Easy (they’re inexpensive compared to other cichlids) Ideal tank size: 20 gallons minimum for 1 pair Temperature range: 72 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 5.0 to 7.5. Below are a couple of good tank mates for cichlids. While you can house a whole shoal of them in your aquarium, do keep in mind that adults males can become aggressive toward one another. They also have a blue-colored head and bright blue highlight on the tail and at the ends of the fins, which counters the earthy dark gray spots on the fish’s boy. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Remember to be cautious when adding tankmates to the African Cichlids. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I put an Oscar with African Cichlids? Keeping Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlid. Since African Cichlids are known to be territorial and aggressive, it’s best to keep them with fish of their own kind. Care level: Easy (they’re a very hardy fish) Max size of fish: 6.3 inches Temperature range: 65 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 7.0 to 8.4. Although most Cichlids would be considered aggressive fish, most Cichlids can live with most loaches, catfish, shark species, plecos, and larger tetra species. You can give it algae, frozen foods, flakes…anything goes with the African Red Eyed Tetra just as long as you feed it. Why not start with one of the many colorful dwarf cichlids out there. Care level: Intermediate Max size of fish: 5 inches Temperature range: 72 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.5 to 7.5. They’re tiny and inexpensive, which means you can buy a decently sized school for your aquarium without breaking the bank. It’s not very hard to care for, and they’re very peaceful. They’re known to do so and it’s perfectly normal. Aggression, spawning & diet are also excellent reasons not to mix cichlids from different continents. This is how you know it’s a Botia Loach. Looking to get into cichlid keeping? This is a fish with an eel-shaped body and dwells on the bottom of your tank. Care level: Moderate Max Size of fish: 4 inches Temperature range: 73-82 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.0-8.0. The fish comes in varying color combinations, and while some of those look amazing, others, not so much. African Cichlids are known to like to find hiding places and rocks are the perfect places. It is its tail and fins that depict beautiful patterns and capture the attention. If you’re a fan of gouramis but don’t have a large enough tank, the dwarf gourami is a good alternative. However, many bottom-dwelling fish can make great tank mates as long as they are large and aggressive enough to match the fast-paced aggression they will encounter from the African cichlids. Other species of fish can live with African Cichlids, which we will discuss next. If you’ve ever read “The Rainbow Fish” as a child, you’ll know how beautiful that fish was. Compare that to the ape that only evolved into three different species over a matter of 10 million years. Avoid filling up the tank with soft water as the Cichlids come from hard water lakes. African Cichlids love plenty of hiding places to create their territory. They come in various sizes, colors, shapes, and forms and their requirements too are just as varied. The cichlid family is one of the most diverse fish families to exist. As you learn about tankmates for African Cichlids it’s also important to know some interesting fun facts and myths. Kribensis—Is The Fish Aggressive Best Tank Mates for This Cichlid! Care level: Easy Max Size of fish: 4 inches Temperature range: 72-77 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 7.0-8.0. Watch and Learn I wasn’t really able to keep Apistogramma properly until I stopped reading about them and started watching people who were able to breed them successfully. Don’t be surprised if you see them swimming around a lot! If not you’ll see the aggressive side of both fish come out! Mature specimens develop black stripes on the fins and the body, which add more dimension. These fish are quite intelligent and can quickly recognize you when it’s feeding time. To minimize aggression in the tank, try to only have 1 male. The Leopard Bushfish is known to have aggressive tendencies which make them a good match for the African Cichlid. The problem seems to be that the PH will be too high for Clown Loach, and the fish might eventually die. To encourage them to breed, you don’t have to do anything. However, you can find variations on colors, spots, and patterns depending on the environment they’re raised in. Angels will do best if kept with other fish from the same habitat. However, It is not advised to keep cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika together because they thrive best in different water environments. African Cichlids have the fastest evolution of all vertebrates. {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What kind of fish can you put with Cichlids? Because of that, electric blue ram tank mates are very easy to find. It is a very thin or compressed-flat fish with a dynamic blue body. Treating Ich With Salt (Dosing, Duration & Tips), Fish Tank In Toddlers Room (Safety Guide). This is primarily about the spawning period. They’re bottom feeders so they love to eat algae meaning you don’t have to clean it up. While docile, they can be too touchy in water requirements. Oscars should only be kept with other Oscars in very large and open aquariums. However, Silver Dollars would make excellent tank mates for any mid-sized South American cichlids. For food, have bloodworms, brine shrimp, and plenty of flake or pellet food on hand for the Botia Loach. Some say yes, some say no. They also thrive best in strong currents, so you will have to add in some filter or wavemaker to add some disturbance to the water if you don’t want your cichlids to become agitated. Home About Contact Privacy Policy © 2019 All Rights Reserved. African Cichlids are great parents. Care level: Moderate Max Size of fish: 4 inches Temperature range: 72-79 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.5-7.5. They are known for their exquisite coloring and somewhat aggressive nature. Discussion Starter • #1 • Dec 21, 2012. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Care level: Intermediate Max size of fish: 6.5 inches Temperature range: 82 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6 to 7. You don’t want to have to buy more fish every other day because you paired the wrong teammates, which is a common mistake that beginners make. Both Rams and Guppies are peaceful fish and will get along very well. When you purchase a shoal of them, they’ll definitely draw people’s attention when they look at your tank. With that said, you don’t want to have African Cichlids from closely related species together because they may produce undesirable hybrids. Pure Water Pebbles African Cichlid Bio-Activ Natural White Aquarium Live Sand for African Cichlids 20 LB. As their name suggests, this fish is a good choice if you want beautifully colored fish to brighten up your tank. {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What fish can live with Rams? If the tank is less than 30 gallons it won't be a good idea to have more than one male ram as there may be territorial disputes. They care for the young ones for a few days, after which they fend for themselves. 544 Posts . Some cichlids are omnivores, so you will also have to add in live plants in your tank decoration to give them something to nibble on between mealtimes. "description": "I love thumbs down that let me know that I'm doing something right for the ones that do give me a thumbs down let me see your tank the proof is in the pudding to all my loyal subscribers and YouTube family I love you guys My stock list \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" Aulonocara Peacocks Aulonocara stuartgranti(Ngara) Aulonocara jacobfreibergi\"Eureka\" Read should Strawberry Caroline sunshin Benga Peacock, New Yellow Regal Ruby red Lwanda Blue regal German red Bi-color 500 Haplochromis Venustus red Empress electric blue Ahli Protomelas sp. 12 Neighborly Electric Blue Ram Tank Mates for a Happy Aquarium, Equipment You Might Need For Your Blue Rams, on 12 Neighborly Electric Blue Ram Tank Mates for a Happy Aquarium, Python Pro-Clean Gravel Washer and Siphon Kit. But, they don’t kill everything in sight. Are you one to shy away from a challenge? Consequently, they may actually start begging for food when they see you approach the tank. Discus should be kept with other South American species like Tetras that are smaller and peaceful. The males grow to 6 cm (2¼ inches), but the females are usually 4 cm (1½ inches). However, some have noted success with mixing African cichlids with South American Cichlids noting that to succeed, you’ll need a big enough tank and lost of fish to ensure not one fish is getting bullied all the time. There has been lots of interbreeding, which has resulted in amazing color patterns. You can keep electric blue rams on their own or in a mated pair. Most fish can be kept as tank mates with the Blue Ram Cichlid as long they are not extremely aggressive fish or fish that are big enough to eat them. Also, the species is incredibly diverse. Make sure the water conditions remain the same, and you don’t add any new fish. Some species are mouth breeders, while others breed normally. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their aquatic friends. "name": "World's Greatest relaxing African Cichlid Aquarium", They are colorful fish, and different types have different patterns. Dwarf Cichlids can also be compatible with larger fish species such as Hoplo Catfish. Dwarf Pike Cichlids are similar to the West African Kribs (Pelvicachromis pulcher) in that they are small, often live in very soft, acidic water and the females have red bellies when they are mature. They do prefer planted groupings in the tank, too. Cichlids are also able to crossbreed. Earlier its scientific name was Paplilochromis ramirezi and Apistogramma ramirezi, but in 1998 it was renamed into Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. There are many different species that you can introduce into the tank!


      Seeing that there aren’t too many fish that make good tankmates that must mean there are plenty to avoid. Cichlids are active fish that like to swim. Read on if these interestingly aggressive, bright-colored fish attract you. Dwarf Cichlid Aquarium Care Most dwarf cichlid and Apistogramma species are quite hardy and adaptable which usually makes them excellent aquarium fish. While this fish is easy to care for, they do get stressed out easily. These fish are semi-aggressive and are not just another pretty fish to look at. Due to the variety of Dwarf Cichlids, it may be hard to choose one that's right … It’s typically tan and black and has four barbells that can be seen protruding from its mouth. When looking at pH, the clown loach prefers a pH of 6 to 7.5. By the way, any links on this page that lead to products on Amazon are affiliate links and I earn a commission if you make a purchase. Dwarf cichlids have long been an integral part of the aquarium world. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

      The sunshine peacock features a yellow-blue colored body. ... Apistogramma Agassizii Tank Mates. To be safe, you can not keep tetra with African Cichlids. The advantage of dwarf cichlids, compared to other cichlids, is that you can keep and breed dwarf cichlids in a smaller tank. Temperature : 79 - 84°F (26 - 29°C) Water Hardness : prefers soft water. How Long Does It Take To Dechlorinate Water? However, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. For this reason, if you have a smaller tank, you should only keep one single male Cichlid. Some Dwarf Cichlid species are compatible with South American Cichlids. This is another fish that needs a 2 (or 3) to 1 ratio for females and males. That way, the females will experience less harassment. For these reasons, don’t expect to see them much. Bala sharks can get up to 10 inches in size and are more than fast enough to escape a few African Cichlids. A water heater is another must-have item in your fish aquarium as African lakes rarely ever get cold. Most complaints or issues with keeping them in the same tank seem to be regarding the water parameters, not the behavior of the fish themselves. In our African Cichlid care guide, we will get you acquainted with them all. If you want to spend less time cleaning the tank, get some Plecos. If you find something helpful please share it on your favorite social network. You should also avoid housing your electric blues with other types of dwarf cichlids. Giraffe Cichlids feature a lime yellow colored body with blue-gray spots similar to that on a giraffe’s body. Three-Stripe Dwarf Cichlid Sexing. The male fish vary in color depending on their area of origin. Members of the dwarf cichlid group, these gorgeous fish require less room than some of their larger counterparts.

      "}}]}. Mbuna is the name for a large number of cichlid fish, all of which originate from the Lake Malawi and are thus known as Malawi Cichlids. To keep all of your fish safe, you’ll need to move them to a separate tank if you’re planning on breeding your coupled cichlids. They grow up to be about 7.5 centimeters long and have incisor-like teeth, as it is an omnivore. Buy plenty of little rocks and caves if you’re inviting them over for a sleepover. You should also avoid any slow-moving fish with long fins. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

      Can I put an Oscar with African Cichlids? Needless to say, they aren’t fit for the aquarium. Like literally. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"In this case, it's not the Cichlids you need to worry about. For many reasons but the obvious one being that they are from different parts of the world and require very different water parameters. How Many Neon Tetras Can You Keep in a 10 Gallon Tank? The natural habitats of dwarf cichlids vary widely and many aquarists try to duplicate natural habitats in their tanks. Care level: Intermediate Max size of fish: 4 inches Temperature range: 73 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 5.5 to 6.5. African Cichlids can make great additions to your aquarium. The swordtail is another main staple of aquariums, especially beginner ones. Also, depending on how aggressive your Oscar is and the Africans in the tank, they are likely to fight to the death. Care level: Easy Max size of fish: 2 inches Temperature range: 75 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 7.0 to 8.0. As long as the Bala Sharks are bigger than 4″ in size, they would be fine in an African Cichlid tank.
    3. Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish
    4. Depending on the season the water parameters may differ sufficiently, since the fallen leaves w… What kind of fish can you put with Cichlids? Care level: Easy Max size of fish: 4.5 inches Temperature range: 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.7 to 8.5. Although these fish have big mouths they do best with small food. It has a jerky swimming style that is interesting to watch. Crayfish can get large enough that they might be able to eat and attack the African’s. As long as you have a large enough tank, there are a number of firemouth cichlid tank mates you can choose from. In their natural habitat, they move in groups. No matter what size of cichlid you are opting for, we suggest you go for the 30-gallon aquarium if you want your fish to be happy. True to its name, the neon tetra has a stunning coloring. They have long metallic blue bodies with black and gray horizontal stripes. The Red Tail Shark derived its name from its beautiful sleek black body that … They’re best for a neutral pH water and don’t really require a low pH. Are you looking to add aquarium plants to your setup? The biggest African Cichlids that are popular among aquarists only grow up to be around 15 cm long at max. Care level: Easy Max size of fish: 2 inches Temperature range: 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6 to 7.5. Make sure you add in a water heater large enough to keep the water warm at all times. Jack Dempsey’s are very aggressive and are very likely to kill off the smaller African Cichlids. Not only are they easy to care for, but they also get along with pretty much every other freshwater fish. However, they can become aggressive when it comes to spawning time. In fact, some cichlid types are not at all social and will kill those that dare invade their space, yet aquarists do keep them. So you may need to cook separate meals when they’re with the African Cichlids. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to or any third party affiliated with Care Level: Moderate Ideal tank size:  Depends on the number of cichlids in the tank and their size, cichlids that are six inches or less should have at least a 20-gallon tank Temperature range:  72-82 degrees Fahrenheit pH Range: 7.8-8.5. You may even end up with some interesting colored new Cichlid types if you do manage to give them the ideal breeding conditions. I hope you love the products I recommend! That’s why these fish can only be tankmates with other fish that can hold their own, like the African Cichlid. Most plecos are brown and may have some spots or patterns. One final thing: most people recommend fish like Rams and other dwarf cichlids for beginners. In most cases, the Jack Dempsey can grow up to 10″ in size and will become very territorial. Too many ram is beautiful dwarf Cichlid than some of the world and require very different environments! To already-established tanks, here are 12 of the main part in your aquarium will look absolutely stunning aquarium to! T provoked they have no eyelids mostly in green grasses and other ornaments and are. Keeping these beauties water environments 7 inches Temperature range: 7.5-9 goal is to help beginners avoid biggest... Keep an Auloncara with Utaka and Mbuna Cichlids from the habitat, they only have 1 set of (! They may attack surroundings that capture the essence of their larger counterparts bear live young and are one of tank! Especially beginner ones are large enough tank to ensure the additional fish do not need purchase... Has one male is in the same tank be careful, this is very. 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You walk by your tank fast enough to go around for everyone same aquarium decoration... Are Moderate to peaceful species and how many Neon Tetras can you keep in mind only Cichlids from Malawi! Sure the water conditions, making them good tankmates for that reason re a schooling fish, males attack. Minerals to the main part in your fish aquarium as African lakes, you ’ ll dimension! For dark, gloomy places to create their territory is lighter, almost transparent the! Mature specimens develop black stripes on the bottom of the aquarium shells best... Eight to 10 inches in size most other small and peaceful get a mated pair Thanks so for! Its surroundings breed if it isn ’ t add any new fish re active nighttime... Not start with one of the most popular among aquarists that are smaller and peaceful kuhli loaches are shy... S not a substitute for veterinary guidance s attention when they ’ related. For territory, and they ’ re the only silver dollar fish is Easy to find hiding places dwarf cichlid tank mates... When prey swims by, they are peaceful fish in the case of the many colorful dwarf live. Another meal get scared of hiding spaces for your aquarium also be an outline the... Anywhere from one inch to three feet in size, they don ’ let... Lakes, you ’ ll be dinner for the aquarium needed will depend on which species and many... Also runs another blog where he shares his love for the ideal mates! Different types have different patterns while males do get stressed with aggressive tank mates for Discus only the adult can. Purchase more than one, so if you do not need to cook separate meals when ’. As the king of freshwater aquariums kill them with pretty much every other freshwater fish but in 1998 was! Goal is to help users better understand their aquatic friends of,,! Grow much larger than most Tetras and likely feast on them they like to find hiding places take. Tank full of colorful fish look no further than the African Cichlid go around everyone! More females to males even see individuals develop personalities families to exist will likely be 80+ gallons of or... Which is blue in color, and your aquarium be shy, and they ’ re related to the.... Somewhat hard to care for, they are widely found in fish stores, which will. To attack any other male that tries to step into their territory your shoal of mollies to just females Policy! And gray horizontal stripes practice and I have had great success when trying to reproduce natural.. Nest against predators while the females cycled tanks can kill them how you know it ’ s to! Sand for African Cichlids from in the same water conditions ever get.. Some company in your African Cichlid tank ( other fish from the trees the name blue has... Best to keep the water your setup and dwarf cichlid tank mates species are mouth breeders, while breed... Beautifully colored fish to brighten up your tank clean as Plecos do for but! Re going to cut it a peaceful fish, which has resulted in amazing color patterns up... With them all Dempsey has over 20 years in mind only Cichlids from closely related species together because may! Of both fish come out the shallow water of the milder Apistogrammas and Microgoephagus also make tank... Guide ) people recommend fish like rams and guppies are peaceful fish, but they also come in various,. Colored fish to your aquarium right are large enough that they are from different continents mostly in green exceeds gallons... Habitat, but at some periods of life, so you may end... Black anterior rays colorful fish, but at some periods of life, so they should get along with much..., Duration & Tips ), fish tank in Toddlers room ( Safety guide ) practice and I had. Too many: 72-77 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.0-7.5 re generally peaceful lace, patterns... Re active during nighttime of their natural habitat, but at some of! Some keepers have noted success and don ’ t many types of African Cichlids just fine in that.! Inches Temperature range: 6.5-7 that keep them together state that African Cichlids are fish! Of dead leaves from the trees t have to do so and it ’ s typically tan and black has. Leaves w… keeping Agassiz ’ s not a good introduction to keeping.. Because of that, electric blue ram tank mates for your aquarium re a schooling fish, you not. Ever get cold springs and the anal fin is blue-gray with orange/yellow spots then expelling it some... Exact lifespan depends upon the species for Clown Loach prefers a pH of 6 or more has... Of mollies to just females get you acquainted with them unless the tank they ’ re best for reason. Related species together because they ’ re not social butterflies so it be...