Remember I am the one that you were preaching towards.”, This baptism also serves to confirm the message of John. Now is the day of salvation. The main message is that the Apostle Paul is convinced that God, in Jesus, now embraces human beings and not judge them. And in Christ, God, instead of responding in anger and judgment for the rebellion of humankind, welcomes us as beloved. Matthew 3:13-17. Heaven’s declaration of Christ’s identity. This does not mean that all of us will suffer physically. Jesus and John, together will fulfill all righteousness. Why should I baptize You? Jesus came to save the whole world and establish the Kingdom of God. The fullest description of the baptism of Jesus is given in Matthew 3. J. Ligon Duncan on Dave Hall. I wonder if we too easily invoke the name of Jesus to justify our viewpoints and to prove others wrong? C. We must accept Jesus’ righteousness as our own. And My receiving of this baptism, is My sign that I am identifying with you and I will be the sinbearer so the baptism of repentance has efficiacy.”. Sermons; Donate; ONLINE WORSHIP; January 12, 2014 Fulfilling All Righteousness. Should there be questions regarding grammar or theological content, the reader should presume any website error to be with the webmaster/transcriber/editor rather than with the original speaker. So, we find on the pages of the Hebrew Bible a longing for a time when the power of evil would be broken. Today’s sermon was “Fulfilling All Righteousness.” This is the last half, recorded from an iPhone, so crank up your volume. So that is the first thing that His baptism does to fulfill all righteousness. And in Psalm 2, verse 7, and Isaiah chapter 42, we are told that when the one came who would build the city with foundations that the Father would say of Him, this is my Son, today I have begotten Thee. 3:15 John was a wild and wooly evangelist preaching “hell fire and brimstone” to all who would listen. On this Sunday when we remember our own baptism, we can start by remembering his, and the call to fulfill all righteousness be put before us. DOWNLOAD. Which brings us to the Gospel of Matthew. The first step in a believer’s life should be to follow in obedience of baptism. Then he permitted Him. Fulfilling All Righteousness Matthew 3: 13-17, the gospel lesson appointed for the Baptism of Our Lord, is a brief account, but amongst the Synoptic gospels, surprisingly it is the lengthiest account we have of Jesus's baptism It includes a dialogue with John the Baptizer prior to the baptism, which is recorded nowhere else. What can we do to bind up the wounded in this world? The duty of fulfilling all righteousness : explained and enforced in a sermon. iii. He doesn’t just say, it is appropriate for Me to fulfill all righteousness by being baptized. The baptism shows Jesus’ willing acceptance of the Messianic role. Why? 3:14), Jesus said, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Jesus and John will together do all that God has determined to be right for them. Jesus is the One who was promised, He is Emmanuel, God with us and it is He who would save his people from their sins. When a priest reached the age at which he was entering into his public ministry, we are told in Numbers chapter 8, that he was baptized. Apply it to our hearts by the Spirit. Related. And any parent in this room, knows what it is to love that child with all your heart, even if he is rejected by his contemporaries. Submit. Instead of focusing on ourselves, seeking the will of God and doing what we can to be obedient to God, we point fingers to others expecting them to do what we ourselves find hard to do. The baptism is a sign of God’s approval of the Lord Jesus. In my Christian life, I often look back to the time that I was baptized. For more information, please visit us on the web at or search for us on Facebook. - We recommend our friends at SermonAudio! Fulfilling All Righteousness. And as we minister, we must minister dependent upon Him, because we cannot do it alone. By being baptized it was as if Jesus was saying, John I want you to baptize Me, because that will show that your message was true, your ministry was true, and it will link Me, the Messiah, with your ministry, which was to pronounce the coming of the Messiah, and it will link My ministry with your ministry as building upon it. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the account of the baptism itself is recorded. And that is why He enters into the baptism of repentance even though He is sinless. The OT prophets point out what was wrong but they also reminded people of God’s promise that God would intervene and would break the power of evil. Name * * Please enter your name. It is an awesome thing, my friends, to remember that the humanity of Christ, that Christ in His humanity was dependent upon the Holy Spirit in His ministry. This is the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Home » Sermons » Fulfilling All Righteousness. {{Citation | title=The duty of fulfilling all righteousness [electronic resource] : explained and enforced in a sermon / by Benjamin Moore | author1=Moore, Benjamin, 1748-1816 | year=1806 | publisher=Printed by T. & J. Swords | language=English }} We understand that this was a distance of over 50 miles, and was traveled by foot through a wilderness land. We never ever think either in our sanctification, or in our work for God, that we have in and of ourselves the resources that we need in order to minister. Not simply for those who plant churches, and preach the gospel. John was beheaded and Jesus died a violent death on the cross. Amen. All Animals In The Bible Journey Through The Bible (KC) Exposing Lordship Salvation (KC) Local Church Policies And Expectations Stirring Up The Elect Visited By God Words Of Christ. God tells us who the Lord Jesus is in this passage. 15 thoughts on “Fulfilling All Righteousness” Marty says: September 6, 2006 at 1:12 pm Good question. Submit. “ To fulfill all righteousness.” If unrighteousness is sin, then righteousness is no sin. In short, from a historical perspective, I believe the church has too often projected a God who is intolerant and without compassion. Related. Adoniram Judson was born in 1788, and grew up in Massachusetts as the United States was in its infancy. We are always dependent upon the Holy Spirit. Related Videos. John preaches repentance and he baptizes people. This passage is a great passage. (v. 16) The point is that this is the only explanation that the Lord gives for His approaching baptism. He did not need the baptism of repentance. So that is the first thing that His baptism does to fulfill all righteousness. Before we answer that question, we need to examine several points. – Phil. It also serves to relieve John’s doubts. If the Lord is calling us to His service, He calls us to His service in the way of humility. And as I have said, God’s will is not always easy to follow. The Lord Jesus was dependent even in His ministry. What God is requiring of us now is to cooperate by being obedient in righteousness, compassion and tolerance. Abiding in Christ is the secret of securing all that the Father meant the chastisement to bring us." Login or Create an … III. There were a few others who were being baptized with, which indicates that the Spirit of God really moved through my church during this time. And it is your Word for us. Posted on 29 Jan 2020. It is as if Jesus is saying, “Yes, John’s message is right. The third thing I would like to point you to is this, and you will find it in verse 16. He recognizes that there is something that both He and John must do in order to fulfill the plan of God and part of that is going to be done in receiving John’s baptism. Matthew 3:13-17 To Fulfill All Righteousness. And the Father delights in you. He says, “Permit it as this time, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”. Series. Fulfilling All Righteousness. Email * * Please enter a valid email address. Because the love of Christ goes beyond our understanding, it fills us with the fulness of God and it moves us to share this deep and incomprehensible love of God with others! Hope Office6869 Fairview Road, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28210 704.521.1033 The Significance of Christ’s baptism. Fulfilling the Law Matthew 5:17-20. Therefore Jesus has to go through the waters of baptism for our sake. Our Lord and our God, in this passage, we see Your Son. And this is what we want to speak on this morning. In the baptism, the Lord steps down. Bible Text: Matthew 3:13-17 | Preacher: Rev. D. The righteousness of the Law can be fulfilled in us because the Holy Spirit resides within us. MP3 Audio (6.15 MB) × Jesus came to save the whole world and establish the Kingdom of God. As a Pharisee he persecuted Christians, even condoning their killings. No. Was He equipped as the Spirit was sent down visibly? This transcribed message has been lightly edited and formatted for the Web site. Fulfilling All Righteousness Recently I've begin working through Matthew in preparation for a retreat series I am doing for Campus Crusade at Ohio University. [Benjamin Moore] Home. Will you pray that He will do it? He talks about the wrath of God and warns them that there is no benefit in their heritage, being the off-spring of Abraham. Throughout the Gospels, the Lord Jesus Christ goes about saying, I forgive you, and your sins are forgiven, and never once does He intimate that He has sins that need to be forgiven. July 5, 2020 by Mike Fritscher. John is hesitant to baptized Jesus but “then he consented”. The Father’s spiritual provision of the Son. (NASB) Matthew 3:13-15. What it does mean though, is that there will be times when we have to give up on our desires and our preferences if we want to be obedient to God. This is why it is so wrong for us to think that with just a little enthusiasm, and a little bit of money we can do anything. Stream Fulfilling All Righteousness -Matthew 3.14 - 15 by PastorNorwood from desktop or your mobile device This, in and of itself, was symbolic of the fact that God Himself equipped the Lord Jesus in His humanity to be our Redeemer. Let’s look to Him in prayer. Obedience to God is not always easy and when we look at the lives of both John and Jesus, we see that it involved suffering and sometimes even death. Young folks, in your schools, it is very likely that the most popular children will be those who are attractive, filled with personality, somewhat prideful, somewhat able to push themselves forward. Did you notice that John the Baptist, before the baptism of Jesus, had focused on a message of judgment and repentance? There are at least two things that Matthew makes plain about John’s baptism which are relevant for why Jesus would insist on submitting to this baptism.First, Matthew 3:6 says that people were coming to be baptized confessing their sins. In baptism we see the … That is humility and that is our Lord. It was originally written to Jewish Christians who was very familiar with the stories of old. After all, Jesus was to be baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness. Are you holding Him at bay? We saw Him partaking of the sufferings and humiliation which were part of His being our Mediator and now, consistently with that, and consistently with what we know about our Lord in His later ministry, and finally in His giving Himself in the passion, He enters into a humbling experience. They may be boys who are arrogant, talented, but they are perhaps mean-spirited. The Apostle Paul speaks eloquently about God’s love in Jesus, and for good reasons. Last week we paused at the story of Noah. His life was transformed. Fulfilling All Righteousness. And though in these next weeks, we are going to do our best to give everything we can to God for His cause and the building up of the Kingdom in this world, none of it will matter. Not what we think or what the world teaches, but what God teaches in His Holy revealed Word. In this passage we are told that as Jesus and John came back up from the river, onto the banks of the Jordan, John saw the Holy Spirit in the form of or a vision of a dove, coming down and landing on the Lord Jesus. It becomes clear that there was more involved than just human beings making wrong decisions: There was in fact a force, an evil force that was too strong for humans to resist. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. You need to baptize Me.” It is a strange and a wonderful passage, and I would like to point to four things today about our Lord Jesus Christ’s scene in this passage. But the Lord Jesus said, “No John, I will receive this baptism.” He was following the way of His Father. Well, it means a lot of things, but it means at least this. This is a far cry from “fulfilling all righteousness,” and highlights what Christ himself said about the straight and narrow path: “few there be that find it” (Mt. Email * * Please enter a valid email address. He ends his sermon with fire and judgement. Developing a Heart for God - 1 Samuel 16; Assuring Your Knowledge of God - Hebrews 6; Living By Faith in God - Hebrews 11; Hungering for the Righteousness of God - Matthew 5; Scriptures: Matthew 5:6 Introduction "You are what you eat." Our Lord is humble and so we should be too, II. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do … Or rather, we might say that Jesus’ whole life, his ministry, beginning from his baptism by John in the Jordan until his suffering and death on the cross, is the “baptism” that fulfills all righteousness. Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. We all know the message very well, we grew up with it. - Andrew Murray: Need Sermon Hosting? I think the context helps us understand the bigger point of the account. In this Gospel, righteousness is doing the will of God. So let’s let Matthew guide us in answering the question: Why did Jesus insist on being baptized by John? He is the One who would restore God’s plan for the world. No, the Bible says the proud will be abased. What a great encouragement this must have been to the Lord Jesus later on in the midst in of the trials of His ministry, to be able to look back to that day when the heavens were opened. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Downloads. He will forgive your sins by divine power, but He does not ask forgiveness Himself, He is perfect. He is the beloved Son, and every time we see the world despise Him, we ought to remember that the Father loves Him. How could Christ have repented? For the Lord has never used an arrogant servant. Oh no. There will be times when we have to be the least to be obedient. February 11, 1997. Jesus tells John, “Allow this to happen for the time being, to fulfill all righteousness.” “Trust me on this one,” Jesus says to his cousin John. But Jesus answering said to him, “Permit [it] now, for thus it is fitting to us to fulfill all righteousness,” then he permits Him. I not only warn you, I promise you if that is the case, He will cause you to walk in the way of humility. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” For two thousand years, for two millennia, for twenty centuries from the time of Abraham, we have been waiting to see the unveiling of the one who would be the deliverer of Israel. John himself sensed that it was somehow inappropriate for him to be baptizing the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, the one who was the lamb of God, who would take away the sins of the world. He was consecrated, set apart, showing that God had called him into service and that he was to serve in God’s kingdom and the Lord Jesus Christ is being consecrated to service in this baptism. It goes for all of us in our vocations. And we see it in the words of verse 15. For we ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen. Then John yielded to him. This passage also reminds us that we can’t be apathetic about this Christ. And He did not repent on our behalf. Into the shallow, muddy waters of the Jordan they have come. He is willing to be our Redeemer. The Lord Jesus says, the way of glory is the way of humility. You can’t say, “Well, that is good for you, you be religious and worship the Son, and I will get to God in some other way.” No. MP3 Audio (6.15 MB) Downloads Fulfilling All Righteousness. For some reason though, in His, divine wisdom He chooses to include human beings! For some reason though, in His, divine wisdom He chooses to include human beings! And while focusing on casting judgment and blame, the church herself has often lacked compassion and tolerance. The humility of Christ. LISTEN. He is publicly showing and claiming that He is the Messiah who comes to take away the sins of the world. A time when God’s creation would be restored and people and all creatures would live in harmony, enjoying the beauty, goodness and abundance of the earth. He was equipped before then. He was dependent upon the Holy Spirit as He ministered. We remember the words of Hebrews 12, “That for the prospect of what lay ahead, for the glory that lay ahead, He despised the shame.” Our Lord Jesus endured what He did for us, despising the shame, because He knew what was ahead. But it is good. What does it mean though? It is also a sign that the Lord Jesus is the Messiah. This video is unavailable. We read in verse 16 that after being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water and behold, the heavens were open and He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and resting on Him. He dresses and speaks like and OT prophet. A sign that God has chosen the Lord Jesus to be Messiah on the part of His people. On that same day of the month, Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people chose Him with the waving of palm branches and shouts of “Hosanna!”  The Passover lamb was slaughtered on the 14th day of the month. “All Righteousness Fulfilled” is a mini-series on Sharper Iron that digs into the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Dudley Rose. Share. To view recordings of our entire services, visit our Facebook page. Hear God’s holy and inspired word. And then we see, finally, my friends, in verse 17, not only the Father’s spiritual provision for the Son, but the Father’s identification of the Son. Jesus said to John, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” In doing this Jesus was fulfilling the Father’s righteous plan to save sinners by trading places with us–the holy for the unholy. Sermons > > Articles Media > > Contact Us Fulfilling All Righteousness. Do you know that we have not even begun to minister to one another until we minister beyond our own personal capacities, beyond our own talents, beyond our own personalities. Instead of showing compassion and sharing God’s grace, we prefer to make it hard for people to accept that they too are embraced by God. And He says to His disciples, that all those who follow after Him, the great servants, must themselves, learn to humble themselves and serve. Baptism of Jesus. As often happens on such occasions, looking at pictures reminded us of stories. We don’t have to be reminded that a sly voice of temptation is constantly enticing us to be on the wrong side of God’s vision for the creation. John, I am not being baptized because I need repentance. We don’t always appreciate this transformation. Series: Lectionary. Yet “righteousness” in this text is richer still. A quick turn through the pages of the Bible, reveals that humans did not learn from their past mistakes. Rose | Series: Lectionary. This is a sermon from Cornerstone Church in Bethalto, IL. “Fulfilling All Righteousness: Jesus’ Example of Baptism” (Matt. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount shows us what we need to do to be obedient to God. We don’t even minister in strict accord with our character. To embrace us more firmly and to welcome us warmly.In short, God surprising response to our wickedness and evil is to pour more love on us in Jesus. He will receive the baptism of repentance, though He is without sin, though He is the one who knows no sin, He will take upon Himself, the baptism of repentance. Did you know that every single act of real ministry is beyond our resources. At the same time, we are familiar with how quickly a beautiful, good and harmonious oasis can turn into a cold and harsh desert. As people of the book, the Bible, we find God’s will for our lives in the Bible. They do all that they know to make Jesus’ tomb secure, yet nothing will stop the one true God from fulfilling His promise of resurrection for sinners on the third day. None of it, unless God Himself determines to bring revival. We know from John 1:31, that John himself had been unsure about the identity of the Messiah up until this time. And so we would desire not only to understand it, but to become obedient to it. That He was to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness? But my friends, let me say this, if you are in Christ, if you have embraced the Lord Jesus Christ, the heavenly Father delights in you, just like He delights in His Son. 3:13-17 sermon) Posted on 2017/03/06 by Shawn Thomas. Service Type: Sunday Morning. The second thing I would point you to is the baptism itself as it is described in verse 15. Last week we saw all Judea was going out to hear John preach and to participate in the Baptism of repentance. God has a plan in mind, and this is part of it.” So John is obedient, and baptizes Jesus, and righteousness is … It reminds us that the main reason Jesus became one of us, was because of God’s immense love of us. Story of Noah, a blameless, righteous sermon on fulfilling all righteousness with a great pedigree them, and therefore for us Facebook! 0 Comments ; Play Video Play Video ;... you have become brothers sisters! I have said, ah, this is the secret of securing all that the waiting is over week as... 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