And, to be honest…it`s fun searching for stupid terms like “alien cemetary” and finding ridiculous sites like You might also … Every bloger wants his blog and post to be seen on Google's first page. If your content’s length is small, let’s say 300 words, you won’t get much space to … Therefore, the remedy lies in concentrating on giving quality content rather than resorting to short cut unethical ways which provide no long term … Keywords play an important factor, but it is not the only factor. If you want to know how to stop it, avoid the keyword spamming. SHARES. Then, it ends with hitting CTRL+F or CMD+F on your browser and typing in the keyword you want the page to rank for within SERPs. If you want to know how to stop it, avoid the keyword spamming. Don’t over optimize your Post title by adding 2-3 times keywords. So, if you want good keyword stuffing, then you must focus on a focus keyword in a single web page or web post. Therefore, it is time to define the … The best way to avoid keyword stuffed posts is to research and know your topic before you write the post. Search engine crawlers will see your … How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing – Follow These Simple … Keyword stuffing is the Lord Voldemort of the SEO world. However, it can also harm a website when not controlled properly. To do this, keywords should be used in a variety of places, such as the page title, meta description, and the actual content. This way, you don’t have to force a keyword in every 20 words or so. Copyright 2012 Yola Inc. All rights reserved. Here are some places where you might be tempted to stuff keywords to rank better but do NOT go for it. To help a webpage rank for a specific keyword, focus on “optimizing” for the keyword instead of “stuffing” in the keyword. Avoiding keyword stuffing. The best way to practice keyword stuffing naturally is by increasing the word count of your content. Before publishing content, you can then run it through several free online keyword density checkers to ensure it’s in the proper range. Keep reading to get up-to-date on keyword stuffing, as well as see some keyword stuffing examples! They may or may not necessarily be synonyms. Now that you understand why we should avoid keyword stuffing, let us now see some ways in which we can do so. Now that its 2020, it is almost impossible to get away after keyword stuffing your content. If you have been to a website that displays a list of words or phrases that have little or no relevance to the content on the website, then it is likely that website is keyword stuffing. That’s why learning what keyword stuffing is, as well as how to avoid keyword stuffing in SEO, is essential. Use plugins like Yoast and consider your work being read by actual people. Write for Real People First Another way to avoid keyword stuffing is to write content with real people in mind first. … Avoid using the same focus keyword for different pages because both pages will try to rank on the same search query and it will lead you towards keyword cannibalization. So make sure you write well researched, thorough and content that is optimized for SEO. This website uses cookies to deliver the best possible user experience. A few tips: Know who you’re writing for. Stick to the TF-IDF recommended score. To avoid keyword stuffing, it is important to use keywords in a way that is natural and fits with your content. After Google’s Florida, Panda and Hummingbird updates, Google started imposing penalties on sites using keyword stuffing aggressively. Browse our SEO services, … If you want to avoid keyword stuffing, the best way to approach your content is to make it more informative. Search engines taking a dim view of the practice and are likely give a lower, not higher, search ranking. At a minimum, your posts should be a least 1500 words long. However, there’s a good ratio of using them. However, it can also harm a website when not controlled properly. If you overuse the keyword, that’s how you get to “keyword stuffing,” as shown above.As crucial as keywords … The other common pronouns are these, those, this, that and such. Not only will you see a huge drop in your already ranking website, there will be an interest rate drop among your readers or visitors as well. This is how you lern real SEO. Latent Semantic Indexed Keywords refer to words or phrases that have a close connection to a keyword. After you do this, go back and check your keyword usage. Do you know what keyword is Stuffing (What is Keyword Stuffing) and how it impacts SEO. Our writers are amongst the most talented group of individuals you can find in one … Similarly, instead of repeating the same focus keyword again and again, you can also utilize synonyms or other forms of the keyword. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The term “keyword stuffing” has been around since the early days of SEO. Make sure your content is Grammar Proof because the audience will show their disapproval by clicking away from your site. Keyword stuffing is one of the oldest practiced forms of black hat SEO tactics. Keyword tips to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. Tips to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. After some time, you start losing your rank. SHARES. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. but as per the SEO perspective, you should also know the impact of Keyword Stuffing on your blog. Professional article writers always have to work with diverse keyword requirements. If a 1000 word article has the focus keyword used 10 times, then the keyword density is 1%. 7 Types of Keyword Stuffing With Examples. Lists of phone numbers without substantial added value, Blocks of text listing cities and states a webpage is trying to rank for. Keyword stuffing is one of the elements that our company is already handling with care. A few tips: Know who you’re writing for. If you follow these tips, you will never face issues with overstuffing. Well, let’s take a look at the five effective ways of avoiding keyword stuffing with proper detail. Scrap that idea right now, and instead remind yourself that you’re writing for human beings. how to avoid keyword stuffing. Avoiding keyword stuffing is actually quite simple. Say for example that your focus keyword is the new ASUS TUF Gaming Laptop, the LSI keywords would be processor, RAM, graphic card, SSD memory, LED display. To do this, keywords should be used in a variety of places, such as the page title, meta description, and the actual content. Tips to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. 44,307 Fans Like. Simply put, the most efficient way to avoid keyword stuffing is to firstly forget that it exists and instead concentrate on creating content that is interesting to the reader. However, it can also harm a website when not controlled properly. Keep reading to get up-to-date on keyword stuffing, as well as see some keyword stuffing examples! Google wants it readers to have the best experiences of the web and it wants the sites with the best content on top. Keyword stuffing occurs when an article or webpage is chock-full of keywords in an attempt to increase a website’s search engine rank. Repeating the same words or phrases so often that it sounds unnatural, for example. Scrap that idea right now, and instead remind yourself that you’re writing for human beings. Keyword stuffing, also called over-optimization of keywords, is a Black Hat SEO which tries to give relevance to a term by using it excessively inside a text. In any search engine optimization package, keyword stuffing is very important. This range is used to inform SEOs of the average and accepted keyword density on a page. 44,307 Fans Like. Nine times out of 10, if you simply write in a way that’s natural and that makes … Advertisement. As a business owner, you don’t want Google to penalize you. Like this Article? January 11, 2021. helprocure says: July 18, 2020 at 5:28 am Thank you very much. You can find out more about it with this list of … The article has truly peaked my interest. Check out this video by Matt Cutts of Google on what should be the optimum keyword density for blog posts. Not only will you see a huge drop in your already ranking website, there will be an interest rate drop among your readers or … Like this Article? So, if you want good keyword stuffing, then you must focus on a focus keyword in a single web page or web post. Google judges each piece of content on 200 factors. Keep Density Under Control Irrelevant keywords "Keyword stuffing" refers to the practice of loading a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in Google search results. The length of the post that you are reading is around 1000 words only. He says that keywords should be naturally placed in the content and should go with flow instead of just putting it around for the sake of it, otherwise it is the experience of the reader that takes a hit. If the topic that you chose to write can be pushed to higher word limits, go for it. Avoid using the same focus keyword for different pages because both pages will try to rank on the same search query and it will lead you towards keyword cannibalization. . Need to Avoid Keyword Stuffing In The Content And Protect Your SEO. Tips To Avoid Keyword Stuffing. One of the most common causes of keyword stuffing is the belief that you’re writing, first and foremost, for search algorithms. So, keyword stuffing is, as mentioned, one of those methods or internal techniques of black hat web positioning that consists of the excessive use of the same keyword within the text, with the purpose of making the search engine believe that the content is more relevant for those who are looking for it. Once you are done, you can always go back through the article and sprinkle a few keywords here and there to ensure they feature around 5% of your total keyword count. Luckily, avoiding keyword stuffing doesn’t need to be complicated. If you write 800 words instead of 500, you can add more keywords in the extra 300 words. Even though they used these tricks, they can not stop Google from indexing that piece of content. Many website owners fail to keep a balance and end up becoming penalized by Google. Keyword stuffing is an outdated tactic that only gained popularity because it was effective at a time when search engines weren’t as strong as they are now. Keyword stuffing can impact quite strongly and negatively on a site ranking, so it is very useful to know in detail what it is and how to avoid it. VIEWS. Although there’s no exact answer to prevent a Google penalty, it is crucial to keep your keyword density at an appropriate level. It works great. Discover what keyword stuffing is and how to avoid it. Keyword stuffing examples. Your email address will not be published. It’s used to describe a shady technique website owners adopt in order to manipulate their site’s search ranking for a particular keyword, or set of keywords. Become a Contributor. The gain is for short term only. Hence you need to use the keywords in the right way that goes with Google’s quality guideline. Try to write within 140 to 160 words in the description and add only 1 main keyword in it. This will be refreshing for the reader as well as for the search engines. However, it can also harm a website when not controlled properly. Use the pronouns often in your writing, by which you can avoid the excess keyword usage naturally. Though you may get away in the short term, it will be good if you think of the long term and avoid keyword stuffing altogether or else you might face some of these issues : With all that being said let us quickly look into some of the techniques using which bloggers can avoid keyword stuffing. Home How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing – Follow These Simple Tips how to avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is one of three forms of black hat or bad SEO. All of these information will be available to you in this article. Let me go back to working on my content. Even if you do, the user experience that you will provide to your audience will be so bad that they will not come back and your traffic will take a hit, hence the best way out is to avoid keyword stuffing altogether. 13. Why avoid it? All of these information will be available to you in this article. SEO is a damn valuable free marketing tool, but it’s not as easy as one would expect. But for this, he likes to take advantage of You can research SEO best practices (which are always changing) to determine what experts believe to be the ideal keyword density for a page at the current time. To avoid keyword stuffing, you should make use of the keywords in the right way. While 200 factors is a lot, but you can try your best by doing some on-page SEO. For instance, if a keyword appears 10 times in a word count of 1000, its density will be 1%. Subscribe to Our Feed! by FNGR Staff. 0. Another reason to avoid keyword stuffing is that it only does not work anymore. Even if you do, the user experience that you will provide to your audience will be so bad that they will not come back and your traffic will take a hit, hence the best way out is to avoid keyword stuffing altogether. One recurring theme when deciding on your metadata is to include the main keywords (the phrases a user searches for on search engines to find websites that match what they are looking for) you are targeting. But this, we are not only following the Penguin’s algorithm, but is also benefiting by not being penalized by Google. Over time as you gain confidence and experience you can write a more … It’s all about providing a wholesome, informative and rich user experience to the visitors. How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. If Density is less than 3 percent then it’s nothing to worry about, but if it exceeds this limit then it will be considered as keyword stuffing. And, as Google’s quality guidelines explain, “Focus on creating useful, information … Another reason to avoid keyword stuffing is that it only does not work anymore. Matt, you wanna find Google`s bugs yourself…so why ask people to stop doing it? by FNGR Staff. Do you know what keyword is Stuffing (What is Keyword Stuffing) and how it impacts SEO. It is the black hat SEO version of SEO today, but at one point this was the typical way to get a website to rank overtime! Reply. I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information. Keyword stuffing is not a long term permanent solution to rank in the top 10 or 20 positions in SERP. The accepted standard for keyword density is between 3% and 5% to get recognised by the search engines – this limit should always be adhered to, not exceeded. This occurs when you use irrelevant keywords repeatedly to boost visibility on search engine results pages. For example, websites may use white text on white background to hide the copy, alternatively they may hide text through CSS styling or positioning, or keyword stuff the metadata and alt text. A simple way is to calculate the keyword density of your article or blog post. Avoid it at all costs while using your targeted keywords in your content. However, you do not want to increase the word length just for the sake of it and not providing any value to the users. I Hope you knew about Keyword Spamming now. The hidden keywords are still visible to search engines, however they are likely to penalize sites who adopt these methods. Some of the tricks to use the keywords in the right way are: Assigning one primary keyword to every page, Writing a content that is more than about 300 words, Using the right density of the primary keyword in the text, Also making use of the secondary keywords, long-tailed keywords or … However, clearly, it is still necessary to place your targeted keywords within website content, but be smart about it. Although keywords should definitely be featured in your content, they should not be included out of context to the reader. Check out this fantastic resource by Hubspot that tells what a typical blog post length should be. 3 key tips to adding in your site’s metadata, Planning Your Site with Search Engine Optimization in Mind. Keyword stuffing involves the constant repetition of the same terms throughout each sentence or paragraph. Writing superior and quality content as compared to your competitors should be a priority. There’s a large variety of keyword stuffing tactics that we’ll cover in just a bit, but let’s talk search engines first. This way, they could write multiple lines and paragraphs full of stuffed keywords which the visitors obviously could not see. Keyword stuffing obfuscates that information, if it’s even there at all. You have to focus on a single keyword for a single page. Search engine crawlers will see your […] The post How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing – Follow … How can I avoid keyword stuffing? A few tips: Know who you’re writing for. – Add variety to your content. In any search engine optimization package, keyword stuffing is very important. Here are a few tips to avoid keyword stuffing. To get around this, keyword stuffing is often hidden so it is less obvious to website visitors. Now, I am coming to the burning question of this post. That’s why learning what keyword stuffing is, as well as how to avoid keyword stuffing in SEO, is essential. However, it can also harm a … Let us first understand why is keyword stuffing so much frowned. Yes, circa 2010 was about the time that keyword stuffing was a common practice, but in 10 years that has changed! Keyword stuffing is one of the oldest practiced forms of black hat SEO tactics. The main objective of your content should be to fulfil the search intent of the visitor, hence it is also important to understand the queries being asked in search engines and answer them accordingly. This helpful, brief guide offers you everything you need to know about using keywords. Sometimes, when you’re piling the terms into a paragraph, the words just stop making sense. You want to focus on keyword … Scroll down to the Google “Related Searches” section at the bottom of the search results page for your Keyword. The keyword density requirement varies from one submission to the other. First Trick is to use different synonyms, for example, you can replace “plagiarism checker” with “plagiarism detector”, “plagiarism software” or “copy paste checker”. Sometimes you might overlook or miss this strategy even after going through a checklist. Create original, share worthy content that captures the eyes of your readers. Keyword stuffing is not a long term permanent solution to rank in the top 10 or 20 positions in SERP. Let’s take a look at the following keyword stuffing example: It works great. It starts with writing rich content that is human-first. How to Avoid Stuffing Keywords Into Your Content. We see to it that the keywords are not stuffed into the site, but rather are scattered in necessary pages. How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing – Follow These Simple Tips. To achieve the keyword density this figure is multiplied by 100 which equates to 5%. The keyword density of a copy is: Keyword Density = (Number of words in copy) / … Keyword density is the percentage of number of times the keyword is used in comparison to the total number of words in the content. Google uses a process called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) that recognizes synonymous terms to deem a page relevant to a search query. Many years ago, keyword stuffing was effective because Google bots were not able to identify content quality too sharply, so the number of keywords used was actually a relevance criteria. Your email address will not be published. The gain is for short term only. Opinions around keyword density vary, but as a rule, try to avoid repetition and only include keywords that are relevant to the subject of your web page. Most search engines don’t … In order for your website to rank for particular keywords, they have to be included in a variety of places such as the Page Title, Meta Description and the actual copy content of the website. Discover what keyword stuffing is and how to avoid it. It also lays great emphasis on quality content that solves the queries that the searchers are looking for and that is no possible if sites do not avoid keyword stuffing. How to deal with keyword Stuffing? Not only will you see a huge drop in your already ranking website, there will be an interest rate drop among your readers or visitors as well. Simply put, the best way to avoid keyword stuffing is to forget it exists, and instead concentrate on creating content that is interesting to the end user and that features your main keyword naturally. The following methods can help you achieve more success in this area. how to avoid keyword stuffing. And, to be honest…it`s fun searching for stupid terms like “alien cemetary” and finding ridiculous sites like What webmasters used to do back then was stuff their content with keywords and change the text color to white. How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing – Follow These Simple Tips. After you publish your page, it is advisable to run a report to check Writing longer blog posts help you include more focus and LSI keywords without increasing the keyword density to unwanted levels. Tips to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. Excessive keyword stuffing is bad, but that doesn’t matter you should avoid keyword stuffing at all. It holds them back, not only in search results, but building an audience, too. Now that you know how to avoid keyword stuffing , let me know any other techniques that you follow for the same. You want to focus on keyword optimization. Not only will you see a huge drop in your already ranking website, there will be an interest rate drop among your readers or visitors as well. Follow Us. That is how to avoid keyword stuffing in the body content. Check out this resource on keyword research that will help you how to go about it. 0. Follow Us. And if your visitors can’t find what they need with just a scan and a couple scrolls, they will leave and click the next result in search. Tips to Avoid Keyword Stuffing. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. It is a technique which surprisingly used to work back in 2005-2010s. Hmmm … white text over white background sounds like a clever idea, but sticking to “forgetting that it exist” seems a much better choice. If you need help with your SEO strategy, consider WebFX. The personal pronouns are he, him, his, her, himself, herself. Keyword stuffing is the main contributor of spam. #2. Advertisement. Not only will you see a huge drop in your already ranking website, … Cheers! In any search engine optimization package, keyword stuffing is very important. Do not overdo the blog post length because if your content is not engaging enough, your bounce rate will considerably increase. Subscribe to Our Feed! Search… By placing the keyword in the right place, you will be avoiding stuffing. In the process of avoiding keyword stuffing, it is very important to know how to analyze your content for keyword stuffing. Home How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing – Follow These Simple Tips how to avoid keyword stuffing. If you start to see more yellow highlighted text than unhighlighted text, it’s time to reign in some of that keyword repetition. S reputation include more focus and LSI keywords without increasing the keyword is! Right way that is human-first give relevant results piece of content stuffing ) and how it impacts.! As many keywords as possible to the reader it that the keywords crucial! Arises that how you can try your best by doing some on-page SEO they play... Rich content that captures the eyes of its visitors most search engines but stuffing keywords into your content not. Hidden so it is almost impossible to get around this, go for it building an audience,.! Even after going through a checklist out more about it on search engine crawlers will see your …! 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