This can be further refined by using the inbreeding, linebreeding, closebreeding, outcrossing, and grading-up subcategories. This production system is defined by the use of ruminant species, principally cattle, where feed is mainly introduced from outside the farm system. There are separate formulas for marbling and maturity which ultimately go into the Quality Grade. In general, the same words are used in different parts of the world but with minor differences in the definitions. remnants of steer scrotum. Decreasing the fiber content of forages has been found to … Cattle have been farmed since stone age times across Africa and most of Eurasia. The Black Angus cattle breed came to … Farm Glossary. This Factsheet is designed to provide the reader with definitions of terms used in nutrition-related articles, feed analysis reports and feed tags. Low-cost operations had significantly larger cowherds than high-cost operations. Cattle production systems have diets that are composed of forage (including grass and legumes), silage, supplements, or complete diets that provide their nutritional requirements. Beet pulp is a good source of highly digestible fiber. These higher energy feed sources greatly reduce the time required to reach market weights. This production system is defined by the use of ruminant species, principally cattle, where feed is mainly introduced from outside the farm system. The lower the numerical value of the USDA yield grade, the higher the expected yield of closely trimmed, boneless retail cuts. Not an offer or solicitation: This is not an offer or solicitation for investment management services, investment advisory services, securities or any other product or service. Overfeeding is wasteful. It can be used as a source of supplemental energy in beef cow diets or as a fiber source in backgrounding and finishing rations. Broilers – a chicken that is six to 13 weeks of age used for meat production Pullet – Female bird under one year of age Hen – Female bird over one year of age Cockerel – Male bird under one year of age Rooster – Male bird over one year of age Popular Products – eggs and chicken. Ruminants are therefore extremely important; more than 60 percent of the world’s farmland is in meadows and pasture. The breed Red and White Holstein cattle originated in the US, and Canada is a dual purpose breed used for both milk and meat production. In beef production there are three main stages: cow-calf operations, backgrounding, and feedlot operations. Bred - Applies to the female definitely safe in calf, or pregnant; also used to refer to the mating process. Dairy Cattle Feeding and Nutrition Management Training manual 1. Within the beef cattle industry in parts of the United States, the older term beef (plural beeves) is still used to refer to an animal of either gender. Overfeeding is wasteful. ... A term used to refer to larger-scale farms. In Australia, the term "Japanese ox" is used for grain fed steers in the weight range of 500 to 650 kg that are destined for the Japanese meat trade. Cream also is dried and powdered, and some is condensed by evaporation and canned. In the event of overlap in the terminology defined here and that used elsewhere, the legal definition should be used. Although any mammal can produce milk, commercial dairy farms are typically one-species enterprises. Often times, commercial cattle or registered composite cattle are bred to have the qualities of two or more breeds. Cutability is defined as the percentage of closely trimmed, boneless, retail cuts from the round, loin, rib and chuck — the four major beef wholesale cuts. The terminology described here contrasts the differences in definition between the United Kingdom and other British influenced parts of world such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the United States. This can also refer to the calves coming from these operators, particularly stockers. It appears to be a term local to parts of North America, mainly central USA and even there does not seem to be in common use. Beef fed solely roughage feeds take longer to reach market weight and condition, and land resources in the U.S. are insufficient for a forage-based beef supply at the current level of consumer demand. Feed requirements also increase for cold weather and especially for cold rains. An unbranded bovine of either sex is called a maverick in the USA and Canada. The role of firm size and its relationship to adoption has been of long-term interest to researchers. Jersey crosses Live Cattle refers to cattle industrially-raised for beef production from the calf stage until they reach between 600 to 800 pounds. Additional comments are included which describe the impact these management practices may have on the production system. At this point, they are considered Feeder Cattle and are taken to feedlots to continue the fattening process. The yield grade is important to producers because it can affect animal value and the overall economic returns from the animal. Though the list of breeds is quite long, some of the more recognized beef cattle breeds are Angus, Hereford, Charolais, Brangus, Maine-Anjou, Simmental and Limousin. Piker bullocks are micky bulls that were caught, castrated and then later lost. It is an estimate of the relative amount of lean, edible meat from a carcass. Each primal cut is further segmented. A castrated male is called a steer in the United States; older steers are often called bullocks in other parts of the world but in North America this term refers to a young bull. Bull is a male bovine used as a sire in cattle breeding, Calf is the offspring of a bovine animal (domestic cattle) in its first year. Young cattle of both sexes are called calves until they are weaned, then weaners until they are a year old in some areas; in other areas, particularly with male beef cattle, they may be known as feeder-calves or simply feeders. In fact, USDA says more farms are classified as beef cattle operations (35%) than any other type.Raising cattle involves numerous farms and operations, each serving a unique role in the process. Ruminants are therefore extremely important; more than 60 percent of the world’s farmland is in meadows and pasture. The most common use for beet pulp is in show cattle diets or in horse feeds. Agriculture: The utilization of biological processes on farms to produce food and other products useful and necessary to man. Breed - A group of animals that have similar external characteristics which are … Backgrounders are cattle operations that take weaned calves and feed them summer grass to add weight before being sent to a feedyard for finishing. Cow-Calf Operation : Definition. Holsteins are best known as dairy cows, but those animals not used for breeding stock or milk production are raised for their value as beef cattle. Both a “way of life” and a “means of life” for the people involved in In all cattle species, a female that is the twin of a bull usually becomes an infertile partial intersex, and is a freemartin. Buying-in systems are also commonly used, in which animals are bought, kept for a time during which they are usually fed to … Improper or late castration on a bull results in it becoming a coarse steer known as a stag in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Cattle were first imported into the New World by the Spanish in 1541. The terms "bull", "cow" and "calf" are also used by extension to denote the gender or age of other large animals, including whales, hippopotamuses, camels, elk and elephants, Peel: High grain price impacts on the cattle industry, Aporreadillo Con Salsa Verde (Shredded Steak & Eggs with Green Salsa), The Gun Barrel Steak & Game House: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Beef Balance Sheet (This Year vs. Next Year). Typically a producer uses either the straightbreeding or crossbreeding system. a management unit that maintains a breeding herd of cows and produces weaned calves for sale: Term. Some … mechanical device that is used to restrain cattle. Climatic and management conditions dictate different calving seasons in different regions. A young female before she has had a calf of her own and is under three years of age is called a heifer. shape and body type of an animal. Definition. In fact, USDA says more farms are classified as beef cattle operations (35%) than any other type.Raising cattle involves numerous farms and operations, each serving a unique role in the process. Term. A USDA approved Process Verified Program requires a company or business entity to implement a Quality Management System, based upon ISO 9000 standards, and to provide products or services which consistently meet specified product requirements. Beef Cattle Systems Several methods are used to organize and classify the types of beef production systems in the United States. inches of REA  = YG = 2.5 + (2.50*.45) + (0.20*2.5) + (0.0038*700) – (0.32*13.2) = 2.914. Typically a producer uses either the straightbreeding or crossbreeding system. Producers tend to use yield grades more than consumers. Because beef farming can be a low input system in terms of costs, labour and time, it is a very useful enterprise to run as a secondary enterprise. A yield grade 1 carcass provides the greatest amount of saleable beef while a yield grade 5 is the lowest-yielding carcass. A young female that has had only one calf is occasionally called a first-calf heifer. All Rights Reserved, Learn the terminology of cattle production, Estimate of the percentage of kidney, pelvic and heart fat. Compared with other dairy animals, cattle present many advantages in terms of ease of milking, udder size and the animal’s ability to store milk, and milk yield. For the maintenance, we need to follow some routines. 1 Agriculture Terms & Definitions Adapted from the USDA Acid Soil: A soil with an acid reaction, a pH less than 7.0. Beef cows kept for the production of feeder calves are usually maintained on pasture and roughages with required amounts of protein supplement and some grain being fed only to first-calf heifers or very heavy milking cows. Other commonly used cattle terms. Homogenization: A process applied to milk that results in fat globules being reduced in size to allow a smooth consistency. Backgrounders/Stockers are terms sometimes used synonymously. This term indicates the male cattle that are castrated when he is still a calf. “Live” in marketing refers to selling cattle by weight, not carcass quality. The word flink is (supposed to be) used for twelve or more cattle in a group. Production takes place almost across South Africa, with different breeds being suited to different climatic conditions and areas. Acre: A parcel of land, containing 4,840 square yards or 43,560 square feet. Introduction Over the last decades an enormous amount of research has been done into the ways in which livestock use feed to maintain life, to grow, to reproduce and to produce all of the animal products which man uses, especially milk. Our primary objective is to list the common terms used when discussing animal feeding. Depending where you are in the world, you may come across the term feeder cattle. This term is used also as a generic reference to cattle. Responsible Use of Antimicrobials in Cattle Production. The cattle is with black and patched white coat, occasionally red and white. The most commonly used systems are cow-calf, backgrounding, and finish-ing operations. Breaks in the Chine: Breaks in the back (curve in the back) Broken over in the knee: They just buckle over in the knee, no one says it, is just an indication of lameness. The results should … Cattle were first imported into the New World by the Spanish in 1541. The physical and economic impact of the procedures were estimated using assumptions based on a typical Ontario herd. The following list of terms is provided for information purposes only. Also, Angus cattle require little maintenance during calving season, are good mothers, and are very feed efficient. Consumers are more familiar with quality grades, which are used to predict meat palatability. Lamb: The meat of sheep. The word flink is (supposed to be) used for twelve or more cattle in a group. USDA Beef Quality and Yield Grades USDA Beef Quality and Yield Grades, If you are new to investing in feeder cattle, start here, If you are a cow-calf operator or backgrounder, we would like to know you, If you produce grain, silage, or other feed, we’d like to hear from you. This carcass would be marketed as a YG2 because the decimals are dropped and not rounded. Cattle of certain breeds bred specifically for milk production are called milking or dairy cattle; a cow kept to provide milk for one family may be called a house cow or milker. Common Terms Used in ANIMAL FEEDING AND NUTRITION . Wedder: This term indicates a castrated sheep is called wedder. According to USDA, 99% of dairy farms in the U.S. are family-owned and operated. When they are ready for slaughter they are finished cattle. They are known for having the highest milk production of all of the breeds of dairy cattle. Cleaning a cow. In South Africa the most common beef production systems are weaner-, long yearling (tolly)- and two-year old (ox) systems. first milk-like substance produced by the female after parturition, which is thick, yellow, and high in protein and antibodies. The shed should be well-ventilated and roofed so that animals are protected from rain, heat, and cold. By feeding cattle in feedlots, finished cattle weighing 1,200 to 1,500 pounds can be marketed at 16 to 22 months of age. inferior genetics. UGA Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1367 • Common Terms Used in Animal Feeding and Nutrition 3 The largest operating cost in a livestock production enterprise is the feed bill. Cattle Terminology:  Bulls, Springers, Freemartins. There are an estimated 1.6 billion domesticated cattle in the world. The extreme example of soil pugging is obvious, but the effect of cattle simply treading on the plants and soil is often not appreciated. All cattle farmers must be totally committed to producing safe food. Cattle fattened in feedlots are fed small amounts of hay or straw supplemented with grains, silages, or other ingredients in order to increase the energy density of the diet. In developed countries, dairy farms typically consist of high producing dairy cows.Other species used in commercial dairy farming include goats, sheeps, and camels.In Italy, donkey dairies are growing in popularity to produce an alternative milk source for human infants. All cattle farmers must be totally committed to producing safe food. Ritter does not conduct underwriting activities; provide research or analyst reports; solicit or carry accounts; or offer, recommend or sell securities products. In the case of cattle, they are almost exclusively found in eastern Europe and the CIS and in a few OECD member … Low-cost operations had significantly larger cowherds than high-cost operations. The adjective applying to cattle in general is usually bovine. Fat Thickness, inches)+(0.20*%Kidney, Pelvic and Heart)+(0.0038*Hot Carcass Wt., pounds)-(0.32*Ribeye Area, square inches). Calves are sold at weaning (typically 205 days of age) or are retained for an additional forage production season as stockers. Conformation. Stocker cattle are normally marketed or transported to feedlots at the end of the grazing season when nutritional quality of the forage begins to decline. Feedlots/feedyards are facilities designed to meet the feed, water and care requirements of large numbers of cattle. This term is used also as a generic reference to cattle. Common types. The production cycle of the animals start at cow-calf operations; this operation is designed specifically to breed cows … This term also refers to animals that require more growth/fattening before slaughter. Neat (horned oxen, from which neatsfoot oil is derived), beef (young ox) and beefing (young animal fit for slaughtering) are obsolete terms, although poll, pollard or polled cattle are still terms in use for naturally hornless animals, or in some areas also for those that have been disbudded. Animals and their sheds need to be cleaned at a regular interval. Ruminant (cud-chewing) animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats convert large quantities of pasture forage, harvested roughage, or by-product feeds, as well as nonprotein nitrogen such as urea, into meat, milk, and wool. Where cattle are kept for production, beef farming can be a primary or a secondary enterprise. weaned cattle that are run on grass or fed high roughage diets: Term. Preconditioning refers to the process of having calves receive vaccinations and being introduced to processed feeds after weaning, Premium is the price increase per pound paid by a packer for cattle carcasses that achieve certain hurdles. One reason the breed is so popular is their carcass characteristics, which are marketed as yielding well-marbled, flavorful beef. Prolificacy: This is an ability to produce large number of off springs. To keep this cost low, one must sup-ply the right amount of feed to the animals. Common Terms Used in ANIMAL FEEDING AND NUTRITION . Seedstock are marketed as bulls and replacement females to other seedstock producers or to cow-calf producers. Beef: The meat of cattle/buffalo. Definition. A springer is a cow or heifer close to calving. Think of it as your hotel room cost. Pregnant cows in the last third of pregnancy require more nutrients than dry cows. In North America, draft cattle under four years old are called working steers. I. The role of firm size and its relationship to adoption has been of long-term interest to researchers. Chevon: The meat of goat. The following list of terms is provided for information purposes only. This listing will also be helpful when reading articles on animal feeding and nutrition, feed analysis reports or tags associated with feeds sold in the market. Use of early maturing crop varieties; efficient scheduling of the sequence of land preparation, planting, and harvesting; use of seedbeds and transplanting operations for intensive land use through multiple cropping; efficient use of irrigation and commercial fertilizer; and selection of chemicals to control insects, diseases, and weeds—all of these are possible measures for increasing production and … Cattle Business in Mississippi – September 2012 “Beef Production Strategies” article Beef Cattle Acronyms Cheat Sheet Jane Parish – Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Mississippi State University Many acronyms are used in the beef cattle industry. Dried and powdered, and are bred to have the qualities of two or more breeds term. ( or two, depending on their age and stage of production have developed through intervention! Are bought and then finished heifers ( young females ) and bulls applying. 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